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• Write a 150-word paragrah about the city where you live.

Describe the places you

can visit and your favorite one. Write as many details as you can. Use grammar
and vocabulary from the unit.

I live in Quito. It is a city in the Ecuadorian mountains also known as the Capital of Ecuador. It
has magnificent colonial infrastructures. There are many tourist sites where you can relax and
spend a moment with family and friends.
I love Quito because there are many other things to do besides the colonial places. If you like
sports, hiking, you can do better-known sites such as the cable car where you can enjoy hiking,
wildlife. Even for greater safety you should request a tour guide.

If you like animals you can also visit the zoo where you can see a variety of animals that were
rescued from captivity, among them you can see lions, a special place for butterflies.
One of my favorite places in the capital to visit are the gastronomic places, each town has some
gastronomic specialty that attracts tourists and its residents. In Guayllabamba they make
“Locro”, which they serve with local avocado; In Pomasqui they make a delicious guinea pig
and in Nanegalito, excelente fried foods.

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