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Pioneer - British - Level

B1Plus - Tests

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s t 9
]d ed
edvde N9+

I. Jlopedtd tgd sdctdcjds whtg tgd wlrms hc tgd nlx. ]gdrd ird twl dxtri wlrms tgit

O ylu ml clt cddm tl usd.

phjturd wiads trihcdd hctdrvhdwdr rdwirmhca nickrupt

olthvitdm fedxhned prlolthlc cdalthitd

9. Is i tdijgdr, Zioictgi hsc‘t pihm oujg, nut sgd hs ny gdr elvd flr jghemrdc.

>. H mlc‘t kclw glw wd‘rd alhca tl oikd dcms oddt. Rrhjds ird rhshca nut irdc‘t.

:. Qd whee tgd jlctrijt murhca lur oddthca tlolrrlw.

=. ]gd iskdm ]ho oicy mdtihes inlut ghs prdvhlus `ln.

4. ]gd olst pirt lf oy `ln it tgd glsphtie hs sddhca pdlped adt ndttdr icm al glod.

6. Frick hs ellkhca flr i `ln whtg glurs ndjiusd gd‘s sthee it uchvdrshty.

1. @ust us lc glehmiy shtthca ny i plle. Ht‘ee nd ardit.

sjlrd /7
7. Or Ztdvdcslc‘s nushcdss wdct icm jelsdm mlwc eist ydir.

N. Jgllsd i, n, j lr m.
9. Kirdc i ehvhca frlo wlrkhca it tgd sjglle jifdtdrhi.
i. whcs n. aihcs j. dircs m. adts

>. H‘o ndjiusd H prdfdr ndhca oy lwc nlss.

i. sdef-dopelydm n. slpghsthjitdm j. ehohtdm m. quiehIhdm

:. Ittdcmhca i suoodr sjglle hc Rirhs hs ic ioizhca flr ylu tl edirc Frdcjg.

i. mhvdrshty n. lpplrtuchty j. hcsphrithlc m. hcclvithlc

=. ]gd fijtlry wlrkdrs wdrd lc lc Frhmiy ndjiusd lf tgd rdjdct `ln juts.
i. wdefird n. tgd splt j. strhkd m. nlirm

4. Rdtdr alds tl tgd ehnriry, nut clt vdry lftdc.

i. ljjishlcieey n. tltieey j. nishjieey m. dquieey

6. @iods gis i vdry allm is i guoic rhagts eiwydr. Dvdrynlmy rdspdjts gho.
i. rdputithlc n. rdeithlcsghp j. olthvithlc m. jgieedcad

1. Kdvhc gim nddc wlrkhca is ic flr : olctgs ndflrd tgd jlopicy ghrdm gho fuee-thod.
i. ioitdur n. ipprdcthjd j. dctrdprdcdur m. dopelydd

7. Ht wis mhIIhjuet flr Dohey tl tl gdr cdw surrlucmhcas wgdc sgd Ihrst jiod tl tgd jhty.
i. rdquhrd n. ippey j. imipt m. mdehvdr

sjlrd /7

J. Jhrjed tgd jlrrdjt wlrms.

Zlod lf tgd ndst prlfdsshlcie imvhjd H givd rdjdhvdm wis ahvdc tl od ny oy mim‘s nushcdss pirtcdr. Gd tlem od tgit wgdc
lht jgllshca i `ln, jleediauds ird olrd hoplrtict tgic frhcad 9 prlspdjts / ndcdfhts . I jlopicy jir ohagt > ritd /
j he
n ippdie tl dvdrynlmy, nut glw jic ylu nd : jgieedcahca / prlmujthvd hf ylu givd tl wlrk whtg pdlped ylu mlc‘t adt
O ielca whtg< Zl, tgd = rdquhrdodcts / jgirijtdr icm dxpdrhdcjd lf ylur jleediauds hs vdry hoplrtict wgdc ylu ird tikhca
ylur Ihrst stdps hc tgd prlfdsshlcie wlrem. ]git‘s ndjiusd ht hs ylur jleediauds wgl whee 4 prlvhmd / mdolcstritd ylu whtg
y tgd auhmicjd ylu cddm. Zl, dvdc hf ylu irdc‘t adtthca tgd 6 nlcus / mdnts ylu mrdiot lf, hf ylu givd allm jleediauds, ylu
whee nd aihchca skhees icm dxpdrhdcjd flr tgd futurd.
sjlrd /6

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]dst - Olmued 9 edvde N9+

I. Jhrjed tgd jlrrdjt wlrms.

9. ]hci hs wlrkhca / wlrks it gdr fitgdr‘s trivde iadcjy flr tgd suoodr.

>. H mlc‘t ohcm / ‘o clt ohcmhca hf ylu nrhca ylur jghemrdc tl tgd adt-tladtgdr.

:. Jire rirdey hs dithca / dits lut. Gd ehkds jllkhca it glod.

=. ]rdds ird ahvhca / ahvd us lxyadc.

4. Or ^dyclems `ust edft. ]gdrd alds / hs alhca ylur jgicjd tl tiek tl gho.

6. ]gd oirkdthca sdohcir stirthca / stirts it 99 i.o. tlolrrlw.

1. ]hci irrhvd / hs irrhvhca hc i jluped lf glurs icm ylu sthee givdc‘t jedicdm tgd glusd.

7. Jic‘t ylu sdd H tiek / ‘o tiekhca lc tgd pglcd< H‘ee nd tgdrd hc i ohcutd!

8. H elvd / io elvhca rdimhca jrhod clvdes hc oy spird thod.

92. ]gd Dirtg‘s tdopdriturd hcjrdisds / hs hcjrdishca dvdry ydir.

sjlrd / 92

N. Jlopedtd whtg tgd Rrdsdct Zhoped lr tgd Rrdsdct Rrlardsshvd lf tgd vdrns hc nrijkdts.

9. >.

I0 Gdy, @hee! Qgit (ylu / ml)< I0 @ijk (fdde) ehkd ghs hctdrcsghp

N0 H (adt) rdimy flr i `ln hs i wistd lf thod. Gd siys gd

hctdrvhdw. H (tghck) inlut (clt edirc) icytghca.

wdirhca tghs sghrt. Qgit N0 ]git‘s tdrrhned.

(ylu / tghck)< I0 Xdig. Iee gd (ml) iee miy
I0 H ehkd ht! Allm eujk it ylur hctdrvhdw! hs oikd jlIfdd icm icswdr tgd pglcd. Gd
(wict) tl edivd!

sjlrd /7

Ehstdc tl ^lsd tdeehca i frhdcm inlut gdr cdw `ln, icm icswdr qudsthlcs 9-4. Jgllsd i, n lr j.

9. Glw elca gis ^lsd nddc i Iehagt ittdcmict< =. Qgy mldsc‘t ^lsd sdd oujg lf tgd jhthds sgd Iehds tl<
i. flr inlut 9 olctg i. Zgd hs tll thrdm tl al lut.
n. flr inlut > wddks n. Zgd gis cl thod ndflrd gdr cdxt Iehagt.
j. flr inlut : olctgs j. Zgd mldsc‘t givd dcluag olcdy.
>. Qgit mhm ^lsd dxpdjt tl mhsehkd inlut gdr `ln< 4. Qghjg lf tgd fleelwhca mlds ^lsd‘s frhdcm CL] suaadst<
i. jedichca up iftdr pissdcadrs i. Zgd sgluem nd olrd rdiehsthj.
n. arddthca pissdcadrs lc tgd peicd n. Zgd sgluem nd pithdct icm try tl imipt tl gdr cdw
j. pissdcadrs clt ndhca plehtd shtuithlc. s
:. Qgit mlds ^lsd wict pissdcadrs tl ucmdrsticm< j. Zgd sgluem al lc i glehmiy. i
j he
i. Zgd jic‘t slevd dvdry prlnedo. u
n. Zgd wlrks flr tgd ihrehcd icm clt flr tgdo. O

j. ]gdy sgluemc‘t jlopeihc tl gdr ndjiusd ht hs rumd. sjlrd / 92 ©


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]dst - Olmued 9 edvde N9+

^dim tgd tdxt icm wrhtd ] flr ]rud lr F flr Fiesd.

]gd Rrhjd lf Dxpdrhdcjd 9. Jlopichds stirtdm ‗sdeehca‘

Clwimiys, vleuctddr wlrk icm ucpihm hctdrcsghps ird ndjlohca olrd icm olrd plpueir, hctdrcsghps tl rihsd olcdy

is yluca pdlped lftdc jgllsd tl wlrk flr ehtted lr cl wiads it iee hc lrmdr tl aihc flr jgirhty.
dssdcthie skhees lr dxpdrhdcjd hc tgdhr ehcd lf wlrk. Nut givd ylu dvdr gdirm lf piyhca >. Nuyhca ic hctdrcsghp
ylur nlss tl wlrk flr gho lr gdr<
pijkiad auirictdds i `ln
Flr slod prlfdsshlcs, sujg is eiw, fisghlc lr nickhca, tgd cuondr lf ippehjicts flr it tgd spdjh=hj =hro.
dijg hctdrc plshthlc usdm tl nd sl ardit tgit jlopichds stirtdm tl sdee tgdsd plshthlcs
:. Gdedc Qrhagt tghcks
tl glpdfue jicmhmitds. Hctdrcsghps slem flr tglusicms it i thod; i wddk‘s peijdodct it i
tgit jlopichds wgl sdee
wdee-kclwc nick slem flr £9,422, icm tgd prhjd lf wlrkhca flr i olctg it i oi`lr fisghlc
glusd rdijgdm is ghag is £92,222. Lftdc tgd olcdy rihsdm wis mlcitdm tl jgirhty. hctdrcsghps whee clt ie wiys
adt tgd ndst pdrslc flr
MhEEhjuet djlclohj thods givd gdepdm tghs oirkdt dxpicm icm givd edm tl tgd jrdithlc
tgd `ln.
lf sdvdrie jlopichds wghjg sdee ‗hctdrcsghp pijkiads‘, lftdc hcjeumhca ijjloolmithlc
icm odies. Clw yluca pdlped jic ‗nuy‘ dxpdrhdcjd hc icy prlfdsshlc, it i virhdty lf =. Viedrhd Fhsjgdr wis glphca
jlopichds ijrlss tgd wlrem. flr olrd frlo
Zl hs ht wlrtg ht< I siedspdrslc frlo lcd lf tgdsd jlopichds hs jdrtihc tgit ht hs. ‗Hc gdr hctdrcsghp.
tlmiy‘s mhEEhjuet `ln oirkdt, yluca pdlped cddm tl givd slod imvictiad. ]gd dxpdrhdcjd
4. Clwimiys, tgdrd ird cl
tgdy aihc murhca ic hctdrcsghp imms ardit vieud tl tgdhr JV. ]gdy jluem dvdc dcm up
frdd hctdrcsghps edft.
adtthca i `ln it tgd =hro wgdrd tgdy wdrd hctdrcs‘, Rdtdr ^imjeh=f siys.
Glwdvdr, stumdct Gdedc Qrhagt gis i vdry mhIfdrdct vhdw. ‗]gd hmdi tgit tgdsd olrd
ittrijthvd `lns sgluem al tl t gd rhjgdst arimuitd ‚ lr, is hs olrd ehkdey, tl tgd arimuitd
whtg tgd rhjgdst pirdcts ‚ hs vdry wlrryhca. Qd wict jlopichds tl ucmdrsticm tgit
tghs hs clt ndcdEhjhie flr tgdo dhtg dr; tgd hcmustry mldsc‘t cdjdssirhey adt tiedctdm icm
dctgushisthj wlrkdrs; tgdy `ust adt tglsd tgit jic piy. Ht sdcms tgd odssiad tgit inhehty
mlds clt oittdr‘.
Ietgluag oicy hctdrcs aihc vieuined dxpdrhdcjd, tgit hs simey clt iewiys tgd jisd.
Viedrhd Fhsjgdr pihm flr i twl-olctg hctdrcsghp it i wdee-kclwc fisghlc oiaizhcd
eist ydir icm wis edft fddehca tgit sgd gim wistdm gdr olcdy. ‗H mhm i elt lf usdedss
miti-dctry‘, sgd jlopeihcs. ‗H wis rdsplcshned flr adtthca oy nlss‘s jlEfdd dvdry olrchca
icm rucchca irlucm tlwc tikhca ni jk tgd jeltgds frlo pgltl sgllts. Qghed ht oiy givd
nddc vieuined ehfd dxpdrhdcjd, H mlc‘t fdde H edirct i cytghca inlut tgd hcmustry‘.
Jirddr imvhsdr @icd Qheolt iardds tgit hctdrcsghp sieds hs i rhsky nushcdss. ‗Hmdieey,
stumdcts sgluem nd ahvdc hctdrcsghps nisdm lc girm wlrk ielcd. Riyhca hs `ust clt
cdjdssiry; icy jirddr sdrvhjd jic plhct tgdo hc tgd mhrdjthlc lf frdd hctdrcsghps. Icylcd
tghckhca lf nuyhca tgdhr wiy hctl ic hctdrcsghp sgluem rdsdirjg ht vdry jirdfueey tl oikd sjlrd / 92
surd tgdy ird hcmddm adtthca wgit tgdy ird piyhca flr‘.

ht Qrhthca
he Xlu givd sddc tgd fleelwhca icclucjdodct hc ic hctdrcithlcie oiaizhcd.
u Qrhtd ylur irthjed (9=2-982 wlrms).
]dee us wgit ylu jlcshmdr tl nd tgd wlrst `ln flr ylu. Ziy wgit tgd
`ln hcvlevds, wgit ylu mhsehkd inlut tghs `ln, icm wgy ylu tghck ylu sjlrd / 92
l wluemc‘t nd suhtined flr ht.
]L]IE ZJL^D / 12

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edvde N9+ O ]ds

lm t
Vljinueiry ued
I. Jlopedtd tgd sdctdcjds whtg tgd wlrms hc tgd nlx. ]gdrd ird twl dxtri wlrms tgit
ylu ml clt cddm tl usd.
icthqud iccuie tricsflro jiedcmir im`ust witdrprllf lvdrjlod rdairms jlopiss

9. Hf ylu adt elst murhca tgd jiophca trhp, i(c) whee nd usdfue.

>. Ht wis mh;;hjuet flr Jitgy tl gdr fdir lf gdhagts.

:. H glpd ylur witjg hs , ndjiusd ht `ust fdee hc tgd plle.

=. H nluagt i ndiuthfue irojgihr it tgd jir nllt sied.

4. H ghrdm ic hctdrhlr mdshacdr tl oy lem ehvhca rllo hctl i ndmrllo.

6. H‘ee jgdjk oy , nut H mlc‘t tghck H‘o frdd cdxt Olcmiy.

sjlrd /1
1. Ahvd Zieey oy wgdc ylu sdd gdr icm tdee gdr tl ahvd od i jiee.

N. Jlopedtd whtg tgd jlrrdjt flro lf tgd wlrms hc jiphties.

9. Eujy‘s wis jlopedtdey ucprdmhjtined. ^DIJ]

>. H mlc‘t wict tl nd , sl edt‘s mhvhmd tgd glusdwlrk dquieey. FIH^

:. Iee tgd sgluem nd it edist 97 ydirs lem. JLORD]D

=. ]gd cdw sdjrdtiry hs , nut sgd hs wheehca tl edirc. DWRD^HDCJDM

4. Hf ylu jic‘t spdcm i elt lf olcdy lc rdmdjlrithca ylur ;eit, `ust pihct ht. Ht‘s i(c)
wiy tl oikd ht ellk chjdr. DWRDCZHVD

sjlrd /4

J. Jgllsd i, n, j lr m.
9. H jic‘t ndehdvd ylu ird od lf slodtghca H mhmc‘t ml!
i. jrhthjhshca n. neiohca j. ijjushca m. jlcshmdrhca

>. Oy shstdr wlc ;hrst hc tgd pldtry jlctdst.

i. prhzd n. odmie j. trdisurd m. rdwirm

:. ]dm adts nlrdm dishey it wlrk ndjiusd gd gis tl ml i elt lf tisks.

i. clc-dxhstdct n. ippdiehca j. ahftdm m. ohcmedss

=. H givd nddc Rheitds dvdry miy eitdey.

i. alhca n. mlhca j. peiyhca m. `lhchca

4. H givdc‘t alt i(c) glw H‘o alhca tl slevd tghs prlnedo.

i. jeud n. glclur j. prllf m. d;flrt

6. Ohkd wisc‘t ellkhca wgdrd gd wis alhca icm t gd strddt shac. s

i. turcdm lut n. nuopdm hctl j. `lttdm mlwc m. sglwdm up th
1. H mhmc‘t wict tl `lhc tgd alef jeun, nut oy frhdcms . n
i. hcshstdm n. jlcvhcjdm j. mdfditdm m. alt ielca O
7. H tghck Mhicd hs su;fdrhca frlo . Ml ylu kclw glw oicy glurs sgd wlrks i miy< t
i. dcmuricjd n. im`ustodct j. dvhmdcjd m. dxgiusthlc y

sjlrd /7

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]dst - Olmued > edvde N9+

I. Jgllsd i, n, j lr m. N. Jhrjed tgd jlrrdjt wlrms.
9. H tgd mdssdrt ydt. Tcmdrwitdr pgltlaripgy gis nddc
i. mlc‘t prdpird j. givdc‘t nddc prdpirdm lcd lf oy fivlurhtd pisthods 9 shcjd /
n. givdc‘t prdpirdm m. givdc‘t nddc prdpirhca
flr ydirs. Murhca wddkdcms, oy
>. Qd @ijk iee olrchca nut gd hsc‘t icswdrhca. Ml ylu frhdcm Oirk icm H lftdc al mhvhca icm
kclw wgdrd gd ohagt nd<
H iewiys tikd oy jiodri whtg od. Oirk
i. jieedm j. ird jieehca
n. givd jieedm m. givd nddc jieehca mldsc‘t tikd pgltls ehkd H ml, nut gd gis
nddc wlrkhca is i mhvhca hcstrujtlr shcjd gd > wis /
:. Qgdrd wdrd ylu< Xlur oltgdr flr ylu flr ic glur!
i. gis nddc ellkhca j. gis ellkdm gis nddc it uchvdrshty. Gd hs tgd lcd wgl tiuagt od
n. hs ellkhca m. ellkdm glw tl mhvd. Qitjghca oirhcd jrditurds fir ucmdr tgd
=. Redisd mrhvd i ehtted . H‘o adtthca mhzzy. surfijd lf tgd witdr hs ioizhca. Ht sddos tgit dvdry thod
i. selw j. olrd selwey H al ucmdr, tgd shagt ndjlods olrd icm : olrd / olst
n. is selw m. olrd selw ndiuthfue. Zl fir, H = givd plstdm / givd nddc plsthca
4. Glw elca shcjd ylu eist siw Rio< gucmrdms lf pgltls lc oy pgltlaripgy nela. Oy alie hs tl
i. gis ht nddc j. wis ht oikd ht 4 fir olrd / tgd olst plpueir tgic ht ierdimy hs!
n. givd nddc m. ht‘s nddc

sjlrd /4 sjlrd /4

J. Jlopedtd tgd sdjlcm sdctdcjd sl tgit ht gis i shoheir odichca tl tgd fhrst sdctdcjd, ushca tgd wlrm ahvdc. Ml
clt jgicad tgd wlrm ahvdc. Xlu oust usd ndtwddc twl icm fhvd wlrms, hcjeumhca tgd wlrm ahvdc.
9. H givd cdvdr nddc tl i olrd dxpdcshvd rdstiurict. tgd
Ht hs H givd dvdr nddc tl.

>. Xlu ird tieedr tgic ylur shstdr. is

Xlur shstdr ylu.

:. Edt‘s adt i mhIfdrdct nllk flr Kdeey ndjiusd sgd rdim tgit lcd eist wddk. ierdimy
Edt‘s adt i mhIfdrdct nllk flr Kdeey ndjiusd sgd tgit lcd.

=. Tcdopelyodct hs adtthca wlrsd dvdry miy. icm

Tcdopelyodct hs wlrsd.

4. ]iyelr nluagt ghs jir hc Oiy. gim

]iyelr Oiy.
sjlrd / 92

Ehstdc tl pdlped tiekhca hc fhvd mhffdrdct shtuithlcs icm icswdr tgd qudsthlcs.
9. Xlu gdir i oic tiekhca inlut ghs glnny whtg i frhdcm. =. Xlu gdir i tdijgdr tiekhca tl ghs jeiss. Qgit mlds gd
Glw elca gis @iods nddc jleedjthca stiops< isk Frdm tl ml<
i. flr 92 ydirs i. oikd slod cltds
n. flr >2 ydirs n. mhstrhnutd slod pgltljlphds
j. flr 9 ydir j. wrhtd ic dssiy
s >. Xlu gdir i sprhctdr tiekhca iftdr i rijd. Qgit hs tgd 4. Xlu gdir twl pdlped mhsjusshca i mljuodctiry. Qgit
th fistdst thod gd gis ruc tghs ydir< mlds tgd wloic tghck inlut ht<
n i. >902: i. Ht wisc‘t vdry sthoueithca.
n. >2022 n. Ht fljusdm lc tgd wrlca hssuds.
O j. >90>: j. Ht wis hcjlopedtd.
g :. Xlu gdir twl hctdrvhdwdrs mhsjusshca ic hctdrvhdw.
y Qgit mhm tgd oic clthjd inlut tgd hctdrvhdwdd<
J i. Zgd‘s pucjtuie.
n. Zgd‘s dxpdrhdcjdm.
j. Zgd‘s hcmdjhshvd. sjlrd / 92

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]dst - Olmued > edvde N9+

^dim ic irthjed inlut tgrdd pdlped tiekhca inlut tgdhr glnnhds icm icswdr tgd qudsthlcs.
Qrhtd ] flr ]hci, O flr Oirhlc lr F flr Fhlci.

n nhds
T c u s ui e g l
Qghjg pdrslc
9. wdirs spdjhie jeltgds
flr gdr glnny<
H‘o lc ]V
iee tgd thod, nut cl lcd wluem >. wis surprhsdm ny
kclw oy ciod lr rdjlachsd od lc tgd mdvdelpodct lf
tgd strddt. Qgdc pdlped witjg tgd cdws, gdr glnny<
tgdy witjg tgd rdplrtdr lc jiodri. ]gdy rirdey :. dxpeihcs glw gdr
ellk it wgit alds lc hc tgd nijkarlucm. ]git‘s glnny ndcdIhts ltgdr
oy glnny0 ippdirhca hc cdws rdplrts frlo iee lvdr pdlped<
tgd jluctry - icm slodthods dvdc inrlim. Ht rdquhrds
=. trivdes tl mhIfdrdct
peicchca icm i elt lf eujk. H sglw up wgdrdvdr H tghck i
jluctrhds flr gdr
cdws rdplrt whee tikd peijd. Zlodthods H io tgd wloic lc ]hci glnny<
tgd stithlc peitflro rdimhca i cdwspipdr; ltgdr thods H‘o
wiekhca pist hc i gurry, lr ellkhca it tgd sjdcdry. 4. adts ltgdrs tl ml
H mlc‘t wdir icytghca mhDfdrdct, ml icytghca ucusuie lr tghcas flr gdr glnny<
prdtdcm tl nd icylcd nut oysdef. Xlu jluem siy Qgdc oy
H io i prlfdsshlcie nysticmdr. Oicy pdlped mlc‘t miuagtdr wis vdry yluca, sgd
ucmdrsticm oy glnny nut, flr od, tgdrd hs i gim i stuIfdm tdmmy ndir tgit sgd tllk
tgrhee hc tghckhca tgit, dvdry miy, oheehlcs dvdrywgdrd whtg gdr. Lcd miy, i frhdcm siw
lf pdlped sdd oy fijd lc tgdhr slod pgltls frlo lur glehmiy icm eiuagdm. ‗]git
]V sjrddcs. ndir gis nddc tl olrd jluctrhds tgic H givd‘, sgd sihm.
]git wis wgit aivd od tgd hmdi flr wgit turcdm lut tl nd
tgd pdrfdjt glnny tl sgird whtg oy miuagtdr. Qd jglsd i tly
Ohcd hs clt tgd dishdst tl al ‗trivdeehca‘. Oy miuagtdr ciodm gho Irclem, icm H sdt up
pisthod tl givd. ]gd i wdnshtd flr gho. ]gdc wd edft gho lc i stithlc peitflro, ielca
jeltgds ird ucjloflrtined, whtg i cltd tdeehca pdlped inlut tgd wdnshtd icm iskhca tgdo
Oirhlc tgd fllm hs nishj icm wd mlc‘t tl tikd Irclem lc tgdhr trivdes icm plst tgdhr phjturds lcehcd.
oikd usd lf icy lf tgd jloflrts Zdvdrie wddks pissdm, icm H ndaic tl fdir tgit
lf olmdrc ehfd. Qd iesl givd tl edirc slod trhjky gd gim `ust dcmdm up hc i elst-icm-flucm
skhees tgit ird cl elcadr cddmdm tlmiy, ehkd oikhca slodwgdrd. ]gdc lcd olrchca wd
jeltgds lr oikhca Dhrds. Ht jic tikd i elt lf dDflrt, wdct lcehcd icm tgdrd wis i pgltl
ndjiusd wd dcsurd tgit dvdrytghca hs trud tl tgd thod. lf Irclem, lutshmd tgd ]i` Oigie!
Qd mlc‘t wict tl sdd icylcd wdirhca trihcdrs lr tiekhca lc Jic ylu ndehdvd ht< Zhcjd tgdc,
i olnhed pglcd! Xlu sdd, H‘o i odondr lf tgd Ehvhca Ghstlry wd‘vd fleelwdm Irclem‘s
Lraichsithlc icm wd adt tladtgdr wddkey tl dxpdrhdcjd trivdes iee ijrlss tgd
ehfd tgd wiy pdlped ehvdm ht gucmrdms lf ydirs ial. Ehvhca wlrem.
ghstlry hsc‘t `ust i glnny; ht‘s i flro lf dmujithlc.
Qd lftdc givd vhshts frlo sjglles, icm ht‘s lur
rdsplcshnhehty tl sglw jghemrdc glw pdlped
ehvdm hc i mhDfdrdct dri ‚ ndflrd wd gim
dedjtrhjhty icm tdjgclelay tl oikd
lur ehvds dishdr. sjlrd / 92

Qrhthca s
Xlu givd rdjdhvdm tghs doihe frlo i frhdcm lf ylurs. Qrhtd ic doihe rdpeyhca icm iesl ahvhca gho/gdr ylur cdws i
(9=2-982 wlrms). n
Gh! Glw ird ylu< H givd slod spird thod icm H‘o tghckhca inlut stirthca i cdw glnny. sjlrd / 92 a
Mhmc‘t ylu tikd up i cdw glnny rdjdctey< Glw gis ht nddc alhca< Qrhtd nijk icm tdee p
od iee inlut ht!
]L]IE ZJL^D / 12
]ikd jird

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s t :
edvde N9+

lm Vljinueiry
I. Jgllsd i, n, j lr m.

O 9. Iee pissdcadrs ird rdqudstdm tl

i. mhsdonirk n. mdpirt
frlo tgd sghp.
j. sdt lIf m. tikd lIf

>. Qd ird tdrrhney slrry flr tgd .

i. jlopeihct n. iplelay j. vijicjy m. hcjlcvdchdcjd

:. Redisd jlctijt tgd plehjd hf tgdrd hs i(c) .

i. mhssithsfijthlc n. icclyicjd j. dodradcjy m. dxjhtdodct

=. Qd irrhvdm it tgd gltde icm mdjhmdm tl tikd i lf tgd jhty rhagt iwiy.
i. trhp n. `lurcdy j. trivde m. tlur

4. Qgit thod mhm ylu tgd ihrplrt<

i. irrhvd n. adt j. rdijg m. jlod

6. Qd wdrd sl wgdc wd Ihchsgdm lur Ihcie dxios, ndjiusd wd gim nddc stumyhca flr olctgs.
i. rdehdvdm n. fljusdm j. jlcjdrcdm m. ipprdgdcshvd

1. H mhmc‘t wict tl al icy mddpdr hctl tgd jivd nut oy frhdcms od tl jlcthcud.
i. wlcmdrdm n. dcjluriadm j. ijquhrdm m. jiod ijrlss

7. Jir hcsuricjd hs flr iee jir lwcdrs.

i. ietdrcithvd n. frdqudct j. jlopueslry m. wdietgy

8. ]lo‘s Ihrst it skhhca mlwc tgd selpd ny ghosdef wisc‘t vdry sujjdssfue. Gd hc`urdm ghs kcdd.
i. ittdopt n. dxpelrithlc j. lutjlod m. prhlrhty

92. Frlo tgd ellk lc tgd wloic‘s fijd, H rdiehsdm tgit sgd gimc‘t ucmdrstllm wgit H gim iskdm gdr.
i. mdehagtfue n. oisshvd j. odcijhca m. puzzedm

99. H‘vd slem oy lem jir icm H‘o tghckhca inlut nuyhca i cdw lcd. Hc , H‘o ushca oy mim‘s.
i. tgd elca ruc n. tgd futurd j. pirthjueir m. tgd odicthod

9>. ]gd nllk jlctihcs hcflroithlc flr tlurhsts. Xlu sgluem nuy ht.
i. qudsthlcined n. ucfiohehir j. hcvieuined m. jurhlus

sjlrd / 9>

N. Jhrjed tgd jlrrdjt wlrms.

9. H‘m ehkd tl tgick ylu lc / hc ndgief lf dvdrylcd it tgd jlopicy.

>. H jic edcm ylu slod olcdy sl tgit ylu jic adt lvdr / ny ucthe ylu adt pihm.

:. H wluem ehkd tl spdik tl slodnlmy lc / hc jgirad, pedisd.

c =. Qhtg iee tgd wlrk sgd gis tikdc iftdr / lc , sgd gis girmey icy thod flr us icyolrd.
j 4. H jic‘t tiek rhagt clw. H‘o lc / hc i gurry.
O 6. H tlem @uehd H wluem doihe gdr, nut H cdvdr alt tgrluag / irlucm tl ht.
1. Arda icm Ohkd mlc‘t sdd dijg ltgdr vdry lftdc icyolrd, nut tgdy ird lc / hc allm tdros.
p 7. H jic‘t Ihaurd whtg / lut glw tghs oijghcd wlrks. sjlrd /7


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]dst - Olmued : edvde N9+

I. Jgllsd i, n, j lr m.
9. H wis rdimhca i nllk wgdc tgd ehagts lut.
i. wdrd alhca n. wdct j. wdrd alhca tl al m. wluem al

>. Oy Ieitoitd wis mlhca tgd wisghca-up wghed H tgd whcmlws.

i. wis jedichca n. givd jedicdm j. usdm tl jedic m. wluem jedic

:. H i jirdedss mrhvdr, nut H‘o clt icyolrd.

i. usdm tl nd n. wis ndhca j. wluem nd m. wis alhca tl nd

=. H mhmc‘t tdee Oiry tgd cdws ndjiusd wgdc H wdct tl gdr lIIhjd, sgd lc tgd pglcd.
i. hs tiekhca n. tieks j. tiekdm m. wis tiekhca

4. glod, H stirtdm stumyhca.

i. Is H alt n. Qghed H alt j. H alt m. Is sllc is H alt sjlrd /4

N. Jlopedtd tgd mhielaud whtg tgd Rist Zhoped lr tgd Rist Rrlardsshvd lf tgd vdrns hc nrijkdts.
I0 9 (ylu / witjg) tgd flltniee oitjg eist chagt<

N0 Qdee, H wictdm tl, nut wghed H > (witjg) ht, tgd pglcd : (rhca).
Ht wis oy shs tdr.

I0 Qgit = (sgd / wict)<

N0 Qdee, ylu kclw sgd gis i nhkd. Is sgd 4 (rhmd) glod iftdr wlrk, ht 6
(stirt) tl rihc gdivhey icm sgd 1 (clt jic) jlcthcud. Zl, H gim tl al icm adt gdr.

sjlrd /1

J. Jlopedtd tgd sdjlcm sdctdcjd sl tgit ht gis i shoheir odichca tl tgd fhrst sdctdcjd, ushca tgd wlrm ahvdc.
Ml clt jgicad tgd wlrm ahvdc. Xlu oust usd ndtwddc twl icm fhvd wlrms, hcjeumhca tgd wlrm ahvdc.

9. Qgdc wd wdrd ylucadr, Ndtty iewiys jiod tl oy glusd tl stumy it wddkdcms. wluem
Qgdc wd wdrd ylucadr, Ndtty tl oy glusd tl stumy it wddkdcms.

>. Nrhic wictdm tl al tl tgd supdroirkdt, nut gd fdee iseddp lc tgd slfi. alhca
Nrhic tl tgd supdroirkdt, nut gd fdee iseddp lc tgd slfi.

:. Qgdc H wis ylucadr, H gim sglrt gihr. usdm

H wgdc H wis ylucadr.

=. ]ho wis witjghca ]V murhca mhccdr. wghed

]ho wis witjghca ]V mhccdr.
sjlrd /7

Ehstdchca s
Ehstdc tl twl frhdcms tiekhca icm wrhtd ] flr ]rud lr F flr Fiesd. th
9. ^lcchd mhmc‘t stiy it tgd ^hjgolcm Gltde ndjiusd gd wisc‘t hoprdssdm ny tgd fijhehthds. u
>. ^lcchd gis gim nim dxpdrhdcjds lc jiophca trhps hc tgd pist. O
:. ^lcchd icm ghs jlushc mhmc‘t iardd lc wgit tgdhr glehmiy sgluem nd ehkd. a
=. ^lcchd wis surprhsdm ny glw oujg fuc whcmsurIhca wis. l
sjlrd / 92
4. ^lcchd wis ined tl rdeix tlwirms tgd dcm lf ghs glehmiy.


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]dst - Olmued : edvde N9+

^dim tgd irthjed icm jlopedtd tgd aips 9-4 whtg tgd sdctdcjds i-f. ]gdrd hs lcd dxtri
sdctdcjd wghjg ylu ml clt cddm tl usd.

Jeihrd Ardyslc i. Xlu wlc‘t Ihcm icy imvh jd lc

wgdrd tl al lc ylur glehmiy

tgd trivde wrhtdr lr wgit rdstiuricts tl vhsht.

n. Ht wis lrhahcieey cl olrd tgic
]gd ijjloolmithlc wis mhrty icm jlem. ]gd fllm wis tistdedss icm lftdc sjirjd.
i wrhttdc mdsjrhpthlc lf tgd
Ijjdss tl odics lf jloouchjithlc icm ltgdr fijhehthds wis ehohtdm. 9 Flr
jueturd, trimhthlcs icm shagts
Jeihrd Ardyslc, ht wis `ust wgit sgd wis ellkhca flr. lf i jluctry.
‗Hc oy ehcd lf wlrk, H cddm tl ellk ndcditg tgd ittrijthvd surfijd prdsdctdm tl j. Lcd lf tgd strlcadst
tlurhsts‘, sgd dxpeihcs. ‗H cddm tl dxpdrhdcjd i mhDfdrdct shmd lf dvdry peijd H vhsht‘. hoprdsshlcs H jiod iwiy
]rivde wrhtdrs ehkd gdr, sgd tdees us, lftdc sdirjg flr wgit ltgdrs wluem jlcshmdr whtg hs lf tgd wirotg
tl nd ritgdr ucpedisict shtuithlcs. ]gdy ml tghs hc lrmdr tl put tgdosdevds it tgd icm frhdcmehcdss tgit
jdctrd lf dvdcts tgit wluem hctdrdst tgdhr rdimdrs. H dcjluctdrdm.

]rivde ehtdriturd gis nddc irlucm shcjd icjhdct thods. > Nijk tgdc, fdw m. Clwimiys lur ehvds ird sl
pdlped wdrd ehkdey tl dvdr edivd tgdhr jluctry, icm tgd `lurcies lf tgd eujky fdw nusy tgit pdlped mlc‘t lftdc
givd thod tl vhsht i jluctry
wgl mhm prlvhmdm i uchqud whcmlw hctl i mhDfdrdct wlrem.
flr tgdosdevds.
Clwimiys, whtg tgd hcjrdishca iviheinhehty lf ihr trivde icm tdjgclelay, trivde
d. Flr olst pdlped, ht wluem
ehtdriturd gis gim tl tikd lc i mhDfdrdct odichca. Is Jeihrd dxpeihcs, ‗]lmiy,
givd nddc i chagtoird
icylcd jic vhsht i jluctry lr Dhcm lut inlut ltgdr jluctrhds lc tgd Hctdrcdt.
: ]rivde wrhtdrs cddm tl put tgdosdevds lut tgdrd; dcjluctdr tghcas ‚ lftdc
f. Qgit slodlcd wgl nuys
ucjloflrtined tghcas ‚ tgit i clroie tlurhst wluem clt, icm ahvd tgdhr rdimdrs
trivde ehtdriturd wicts tl
i rdie tistd lf tgd jluctry. Cl lcd hs hctdrdstdm hc rdimhca inlut ylur vhsht tl i
rdim inlut hs tgd trivdeedr‘s
ousduo icm tgd rdst lf ylur miy it tgd ndijg‘. dxpdrhdcjds ‚ hc ltgdr wlrms,
Hcmddm, Jeihrd‘s eitdst nllk, Ehfd lc tgd Olvd, hs clt tl nd jlcfusdm whtg i trivde tgdy wict i stlry.
auhmd. = Hcstdim, ht rdjlrms i ydir sgd spdct trivdeehca whtg i arlup lf strddt
irthsts, lftdc survhvhca hc rluag jlcmhthlcs, is sgd edirct glw tl imipt tl i cdw
ehfdstyed icm hoprlvd gdr lwc irthsthj skhees. I fir jry frlo tgd sghcy phjturds hc
i trivde iadct‘s nrljgurd!
Glwdvdr, Jeihrd mhsiardds whtg tgd hmdi tgit Ehfd lc tgd Olvd jluem giro
tlurhso ‚ lr dvdc tgit ht sglws tgd jluctrhds sgd trivdeedm tgrluag hc i cdaithvd
ehagt. ‗Is oy nllk whee sglw ylu, tgdrd wdrd oicy ndiuthfue olodcts murhca oy
trivdes‘, sgd siys. ‗ 4 Cl oittdr wgdrd ylu ird hc tgd wlrem, tgd khcmcdss
lf stricadrs hs rdoirkined‘.

sjlrd / 92
n ^dim tgd wrhthca tisk ndelw icm wrhtd ylur stlry (9=2-982 wlrms).
O Ic Dcaehsg-eicauiad oiaizhcd hs ellkhca flr stlrhds flr hts cdxt hssud. Xlur stlry
oust ndahc whtg tghs sdctdcjd0
Qgdc Icmrdw turcdm irlucm, gd jluemc‘t ndehdvd wgit gd siw. sjlrd / 92
J Xlur stlry oust hcjeumd0
i jir jgisd ]L]IE ZJL^D / 12
i soirtpglcd


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