Bite Your Tongue.

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Unit 5 - Performance - Lesson 49

Bite your tongue

Talk about changes in the company

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that
survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”!
- Charles Darwin
Read the following study case about the changes made at Dell.

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 49

What were the main changes implemented by Dell

What were the driving forces behind these changes?

What were the positive outcomes of the changes? Were

there any negative consequences?

What strategies could Dell Technologies have used to

address employee concerns during the transition?

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 49

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is a way of conveying what someone else has said
without quoting their exact words. Let's take an example:

Direct Speech: She said, "I had been studying for hours”.
Reported Speech (using past perfect continuous): She said that she had been studying for hours.

Here are the key changes you need to make when converting direct speech to reported speech:

1. Pronouns: change the pronouns to match the new context.

"We were planning our vacation," she said. She said that they were planning their vacation.
"They had been waiting for hours," he said. He said that they had been waiting for hours.
"I have been reading this book," they said. They said that they had been reading that book.

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 47

2. Time expressions: Adjust time expressions according to the context of reporting.

"We have been rehearsing for weeks," she said. She said that they had been rehearsing for weeks.
"They had been traveling since last month," he said. He said that they had been traveling since the
previous month.
"I've been working here for years," they said. They said that they had been working there for

3. Verb Changes: Change the past perfect continuous verb form ("had been studying") to its
reported form.

"We were preparing the report," she said. She said that they had been preparing the report.
"They are renovating the office," he said. He said that they were renovating the office.
"I will be finishing the project soon," they said. They said that they would be finishing the project soon.

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 47

Reporting in the Present Tense:
"I am working on a project," she says. She says that she was working on a project.
"They are attending the seminar," he says. He says that they were attending the seminar.
“He’s on vacation”, she says. She says that he was on vacation.

Reporting in the Future Tense:

"I will complete the assignment," she will say. She will say that she would complete the assignment.
"They will start the presentation," he will say. He will say that they would start the presentation.
"We will discuss the proposal," they will say. They will say that they would discuss the proposal.

4. Reporting as a General Truth: The verb tense shifts one step into the past

"The sun rises in the east," they say. They say that the sun rose in the east.
"He runs marathons," she says. She says that he ran marathons.
"We eat dinner at 7 PM," he says. He says that they ate dinner at 7 PM.

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 47

Open a box, read the sentence aloud, and change the sentences from
direct speech into reported speech. Use either Past Perfect Continuous
or Simple Past, whichever is more suitable.

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 47

Watch the video below in order to answer the questions on the following
What are the 5 steps in the change management process mentioned on
the video?

What has to be done in order to keep employees from backsliding into

the old ways of doing things?

Why is it important to reviewing processes and analyzing results after

the change is already made?

After watching the video and reading about the changes implemented
at Dell Technologies in the last decades, what steps were taken by Dell
and which ones were missed?

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 47

Do the exercise on the link, then
share a screenshot of the outcomes
to your teacher.

B1 - Intermediate - Unit 5 - Lesson 47

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