ELEE28706D AlgorithmAnalysis S3

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Algorithm Analysis


Algorithm analysis is a
field of classical study
and research involving
scientific data and
complex Mathematics.
Offered as a separate
Algorithm Analysis


- An algorithm is a sequence of computational steps that transform

the input into the desired output
- An algorithm is a tool for solving a well –specified computational

 An algorithm is said to be correct if, for every input instance, it

halts with the correct output
 An incorrect algorithm might not halt at all on some input
instance, or it might halt with other than the desired output.
Algorithm Analysis

- A program is the expression of an algorithm in a programming
- A set of instructions which the computer will follow to solve a
- Description of input-output relationship
Data Structure:
- An organized method of storing and retrieving data
What we need to do:
- Given a problem, design a correct and robust algorithm that solves it
- To design a good algorithm, find a amenable data structure
Algorithm Analysis

A Problem and its Solution:

Problem: Input is a sequence of integers stored in an array and output
the minimum.
Algorithm Analysis

Analyzing Algorithm:
- Correctness
 Does the input/output relation match algorithm requirement?
- Complexity
 Basic operations involved
- Space Used
 Memory used
- Simplicity
 Verification and implementation
 Is it possible to do better?
Algorithm Analysis

Analysis of Algorithms:


- How long will my program take?

- Why does my program run out of memory?

- Computer being used
- Data being processed
- Algorithm being used
- ……..
Algorithm Analysis

Analysis of Algorithms:

Scientific method:

- Observe: feature of the nature with precise measurements

- Hypothesize (supposition): a model consistent with observation
- Predict: events using hypothesis
- Verify: predictions by further observations
- Validate: repeat until hypothesis and observations agree

Experiments must be
Algorithm Analysis

Analysis of Algorithms:

How long will my

program take
(Running Time)?

Algorithm Analysis

Observation: Example 3-Sum

Problem (3-Sum):
Given N distinct integers, how many triples sum to exactly zero?
Algorithm Analysis

3-Sum: brute-force algorithm:

Algorithm Analysis

Measuring the running time:

Algorithm Analysis

Standard plot: Plot running time T(N) vs. input size N.

Algorithm Analysis

Log-log plot: Plot running time T(N) vs. input size N using log-log scale.
Algorithm Analysis

Prediction and validation:

Algorithm Analysis

Mathematical models for running time:

Total running time: Time for each operation x frequency for all

- Need to analyze program to determine set of operations

- Cost depends on machine, compiler
- Frequency depends on algorithm, input data
Algorithm Analysis

Cost of basic operations: How to estimate constants

Algorithm Analysis

Observation: Most primitive operations take constant time

Algorithm Analysis

Example: 1- Sum
Algorithm Analysis

Example: 2 – Sum
Algorithm Analysis
Example: 3- Sum
Algorithm Analysis

Simplification 1: tilde (asymptotic approximation) notation:

Algorithm Analysis

Mathematical models for running time:

We use: T(N) ~ c N3
Algorithm Analysis

Order-of-growth classifications:
The order of growth of the running time of this code is N 3
Algorithm Analysis

Common order-of-growth classifications:

Algorithm Analysis

Order-of-growth classifications:
The set of functions
Algorithm Analysis

Asymptotic Performance:
- How does the algorithm behaves as the problem size
gets very large?
 Running time
 Memory storage requirements
 Bandwidth/power/logic gates etc.,
Algorithm Analysis

Asymptotic Analysis:
- Worst case
 Provides an upper bound on running time
 An absolute guarantee
- Average case
 Provides the expected running time
 Very useful, but with care: what is “average”?
 Random inputs
 Rea-life inputs
- Best case
Algorithm Analysis

Memory: Basics
Algorithm Analysis

Typical memory usage:

Algorithm Analysis

Typical memory usage for objects in java:

Algorithm Analysis

Typical memory usage summary:

Algorithm Analysis


1. Dr. Abul Kashem Mia@buet

2. Algs4.cs@princeton

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