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Test Chemistry 12thClass, Chapter 7

Q1; Select the Correct Answer.

1. Urea Is Found In; (A) Water (B) Oils (C) Urine (D) Petroleum
2. Natural Gas Is; (A) CH4 (B) C2H6 (C) C3H8 (D) C4H10
3. Which One of the Following Is Not Heterocyclic Compound; (A) Pyrrole (B) Anthracene (C) Furan
(D) Thiophene
4. Process Used To Improve Quality of Gasoline Is Called; (A) Thermal Cracking (B) Reforming (C)
Steam Cracking (D) Combustion
5. Mostly Mixture of Silica and --------- Is Used As Catalyst in Catalytic Cracking; (A) V 2O5 (B) Iron (C)
Lime (D) Alumina
6. Which Set Of Hybrid Orbitals Has Planar Triangular Shape? (A) Sp3 (B) Sp2 (C) Sp (D) dsp2
7. Ethers Show The Phenomenon Of; (A) Position Isomerism(B) Functional Group Isomerism (C)
Metamerism (D) Cis-Trans Isomerism
8. Number of Isomers of C4H10 Is; (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
9. Hybridization of carbon atom in ‘’HCHO’’ Is; (A) Sp (B) Sp2(C) Sp3 (D) dsp
10. -C≡N Is A Functional Group; (A) Amide (B) Cyano (C) Nitro (D) Amine
11. The State of Hybridization Of Carbon Atom In Methane Is; (A) Sp3 (B) Sp2 (C) Sp (D) dsp2
12. The Chemist Who Synthesized Urea from Ammonium Cyanate Was; (A) Berzelius (B) Kolbe (C)
Wohler (D) Lavoisier
13. Select from the Following Which One Is Alcohol; (A) CH3-CH2-OH (B) CH3-O-CH3 (C) CH3COOH
(D) CH3-CH2-Br
Q2; Write the Answers of the Following Short Questions. (Any 12)
1. What Is Vital Force Theory? Who Rejected It?
2. Write Three Uses Of Organic Chemistry/0rganic Compounds In Daily Life.
3. Write Flow Sheet Diagram Of Change Of Wood Into Anthracite.
4. What Is Natural Gas? Write Its Two Uses.
5. Define Fractional Distillation Of Petroleum And Write The Names Of Main Fractions Of Petroleum.
6. What Is Asphalt Or Petroleum Coke?
7. What Is Reforming? Give One Method Of Reforming.
8. What Is Difference between Knocking and Octane Number?
9. What Is Difference Between Homocyclic And Heterocyclic Compounds?
10. What Is Difference Between Alicyclic And Aromatic Compounds?
11. Define Functional Group And Give Two Examples Of Functional Group Containing Oxygen.
12. Define Cis-Trans/Geometric Isomerism With One Example.
13. Define Isomerism and Write The Structural Formulas Of The Two Possible Isomers Of C 4H10.
14. What Is Difference Between Metamerism And Tautomerism?
15. Explain The Type Of Bonds And Shapes Of Formaldehyde And Methyl Chloride.
Long Questions (any 2)
Q3; Define Sp2 and Sp Hybridization and Give One Example of Each.
Q4; What Is Cracking Of Petroleum? Write The Types And Uses Of Cracking.
Q5; Write Some Important Features of Organic Compounds.

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