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Chris Markham, based on a fan-created Runebound Cover image © by Dean Spencer and used with permission.
expansion by Thomas King Formatting of cover by Giri Raman “Archellus” and Roy Altman
Interior art © by Dean Spencer and used with permission.
Additional art is from the Godbound Art Collection and used
EDITING with permission. Weapons and armor images are from
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin
Games. Other art licensed under Creative Commons license 2020
Chris Markham and Wendy Markham and by identified various artists under each image.
Some art also © 2020 Stéphane "Wootha" Richard,
Chris Markham and Wendy Markham
GRAPHIC DESIGN Heidi Friedemann, Wendy Markham, Fran Mason, Randall
Mason, and Daniel Nicholson, as well as various anonymous
Fantasy Flight Games Genesys Foundry, playtesters who also have my gratitude.
and Chris Markham.

And thanks to Giri Raman “Archellus” and Scott ART DIRECTION

Zumwalt for additional design elements
Chris Markham
Mennara and Shenzhou Map by Roy Altman

Gazrok Games via Genesys Foundry

Many real-world cultures are already echoed in Mennara. Lorimor is clearly patterned after ancient Rome, Isheim

reflects the Vikings, Al-Kalim the Middle East, and so on. In many fantasy worlds, the culture of the Far East is

included where players can choose Ninjas or Samurai warriors and wield katanas instead of longswords. The sub-setting

of Shenzhou brings this to Mennara! Special thanks to Thomas King for his permission to bring this sub-setting to Genesys.

As always, special thanks to my wife and daughter for putting up with me spending so much time doing these products,

and for their support of these works and my passion, and another shout-out to my daughter for her artistic help!

This product was created under license. GENESYS and its logo, and GENESYS FOUNDRY and its logo are

trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games characters

and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games.

This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors. Such material is used

with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry. All other original material in this

work is copyright 2020 by Chris Markham and published under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry.


This product is a supplement for the R EALMS OF TERRINOTH CONTENTS
setting. Though the supplement is set in the world of
Mennara, it can be converted for use in your own fantasy HISTORY………………..…………………………4
world. The GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK (CRB) and REALMS OF GEOGRAPHY……………..…………….………….5
TERRINOTH (RoT), and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys RELIGION. MAGIC & CULTURE..………………..11
Dice App are required to use this product. The EXPANDED CHARACTER CREATION………..……….....…….12
PLAYER’S GUIDE (EPG) is also highly recommended for use ARCHETYPES…………………………………..12
with this product. Monkey Man………………….12
Far to the east of Terrinoth, the Shenzhou Empire has existed Kensai…………………………14
for centuries. While it is rumored there was ancient contact Mystic…………………………14
between the two nations in the past, only recently has it Ninja……………………..……15
become more commonplace. Trade now exists between the Samurai/Ronin………………..15
two, though items from one to the other can be quite Shugenja………………………16
expensive. Wu-Jen………....………...……16
However, many in the baronies still have very little idea of HONOR, GLORY, & STATUS………..……………17
the actual culture of Shenzhou. It is a very different world SKILLS……………...……………...……...………18
through the steppes and over the mountains separating the TALENTS………………...………...………...……19
two regions. EQUIPMENT…………….……..…...…....……….22
SHENZHOU JUNK SHIP …………....……………27
The canon setting of Mennara (including Terrinoth) has a MAGIC ITEMS………….……..…...………..……29
variety of real-world cultures echoed in the cultures of the ADVERSARIES………….….….…...………...……32
game. Lorimor embodies ancient Rome, the Torue-Albes Ancient Spirit…………………32
ancient Greece, and Isheim is patterned after the Norse. Al- Elemental Demon…….….……32
Kalim reflects the Middle East, while Zanaga is a Elemental Serpent……….……33
combination of the rainforests of South America and the Chimei………………………...33
jungles of Africa. Many different European cultures are Forest Oni….……………….…34
evident in different baronies. While other cultures exist Jiangshi………………….……34
which are not reflected in the realm, the culture of the far Jiufeng…….…………….…….35
east often exists in fantasy RPGs, with Ninja assassins Kappa…………………………35
and ancient martial arts masters. The sub-setting of Kirin…………………..………36
Shenzhou brings this to Mennara. Like the REALMS OF Monkey Men (Feral)…………36
TERRINOTH sourcebook, this work is not intended to Osanshouo…….……...………36
stereotype these adaptations but instead to merely provide Ruishi……….……………...…37
these differences as examples of how different people of Xing Tian…….….………….....37
Mennara can be. Each culture covered is with the deepest Yaoguai…….………………....38
reverence and respect for those cultures and elements. Zhenniao….….…………….…38


BEINGS OF NOTE……...…………………....……43
In all of my works, I strive to use material from pre-existing INTRODUCING SHENZHOU……………….……52
games taking place in the world of Terrinoth. This work is APPENDIX: TALENT PYRAMIDS…………………53
no different, but like the SANDS OF THE PAST supplement, this SHENZHOU MAP (Large)……………......………60
work is based primarily on a fan-created work. In this case,
the DYNASTY OF SHENZHOU was previously created as an
expansion for the RUNEBOUND boardgame set in Mennara
and is used here with the kind permission of its creator,
Thomas King.


Prior to the dynasties, settlements in the region were
The Ages of Darkness experienced by the baronies in the scattered in villages with no central ruler. Different
REALMS OF TERRINOTH setting took place largely in Terrinoth. calendars in use at the time make exact dates iffy, but the
By distance and geography, Shenzhou has been protected Imperial Scholars believe that around 1000 years ago, the
from these and isolated from much of the world for most of first dynasty Shenyung was established by a powerful
its development and history. This separation is important to warlord. This dynasty built the Jade Temple and most of
understand when looking at the history of the region and the larger cities around this time. The Shenyung dynasty
the dynasties. is where the coinage gets its name, though few are aware
of this. The Yung dynasty (as it is referred to by the
DYNASTIES scholars) lasted for 53 years.

In the realms, time is often segmented according to the First,

Second, or Third Darkness, the time of the Elder Kings, and
other major events. In Shenzhou, these ages are segmented
by the family or dynasty in rule, and when that rule
changes. When such a change occurs, even the very name
of the region changes to reflect this. The current ruling
dynasty is thus the Shenzhou line and the era is defined as
the Dynasty of Shenzhou. It has been the ruling power for
the past 643 years, and the Emperor is not keen on
discussion about previous dynasties (and nobody is around
who remembers them).

Foreigner knowledge of the region has only existed for
about the past 36 years. The first foreign visitors to
Shenzhou were powerful Mages. A few intrepid merchants
arrived soon after, no doubt informed by such wizards of
new trade items and routes. True trade between Shenzhou
and the rest of Mennara has only existed for about 14 years. Art by © Dean Spencer

KNOWLEDGE OF OTHERS The next dynasty was the Shenying or Ying dynasty. After
the death of the last Yung Emperor, war ensued until
While Shenzhou has remained hidden for many centuries, another family assumed the throne. The elemental-based
there is ample evidence of those in Shenzhou being aware faith and codification of the present-day language
of the goings on and events elsewhere in Mennara. Many (appearing and sounding much as real world Chinese)
ancient scrolls depict knowledge of the Uthuk swarm, the occurred during this reign. This dynasty lasted for 121
Dragon Wars, and even the deeds of Waiqar (though like years.
their counterparts in Al-Kalim, Shenzhou scholars are
unaware of the transformation to Waiqar the Undying). The dynasty which preceded the current one was the
Shenzen or Zen dynasty. Cities and roads grew during
The most likely reasons for this knowledge are the personal this time, and the Mystic monks first appeared during
histories of the famed wizard Timmorran. From his their reign, at least as established monasteries. Before this
writings, it is clear he traveled to Shenzhou and studied with age, such Mystics were scattered hermits and old masters.
both the Mystics (psychic Monks) and Wu-Jen (Shenzhou This dynasty was extremely bloody, as war and rebellion
wizards). It seems obvious then that the awareness of the occurred often, but the dynasty held power for the next
outside world was imparted during his travels there. This 183 years.
allowed the rulers of Shenzhou to spy and observe the other
nations without them learning about Shenzhou. The current Shenzhou dynasty arose from the ashes of the
Zen. While there have been many different Emperors
BEFORE THE DYNASTY OF throughout its 643-year reign, the current Emperor has
appeared much the same for the past 48 years, which
SHENZHOU only serves to reinforce the idea of his divinity to the
peasantry and the Emperor has plans to keep it this way.
Only the Emperor’s personal scholars are well-versed in the
times before the beginning of the current dynasty over 600
years ago. Despite the Emperor’s misgivings about others
knowing the details of the previous dynasties, he himself is
very meticulous in preserving the knowledge for those of
his line.




The Empire of Shenzhou is situated in a large valley CLAW WOOD

between different mountain ranges, hundreds of miles (and
kilometers) far to the east of the more commonly known The Claw Wood lies between the Sa Feng Lake and the
lands of Mennara (this is shown on the first of the preceding Guyro Mountains. The west section of the Dragon’s Tail
maps). The Ru Steppes and large mountains keep Shenzhou River runs along the southern border of the wood. The
isolated from the rest of the realms. The name Shenzhou forest is often extremely foggy, and many predators use
translates to “Divine Land” for those in Terrinoth, a fitting the concealment of the fog to stalk their prey. The forest
description of this fertile valley in the midst of otherwise is largely untouched as it isn’t near any large cities.
harsh terrain.
In size, Shenzhou about a third as large as the baronies.
Unlike the baronies though, there are no other political
divisions. All of Shenzhou is the empire and beholden to the The Fang Wood lies between the Sa Feng Lake and the
Emperor. Regional governors and lords do wield some Kirin Mountains. The east section of the Dragon’s Tail
power and influence, but all can be easily replaced by the River runs along the southwestern border of the wood.
whim of the Emperor. Unlike the Claw Wood, the Fang Wood is near the city of
Fenghaung and extensive logging takes place in the
northern part of the forest.
As a land-locked nation, surrounded by mountains, getting
into Shenzhou is not that easy. A few of the wealthiest Hell Wood derives its name from the Forest Oni (see the
merchants have magical airships capable of making the trip Adversaries section) which dwell within the forest. Many
(and flying high above the Uthuk and the Ru Steppes). It is commoners view the horned creatures as demons from
rumored there are established magical portals between the hellish realm of the Ynfernael. It runs along the
Shenzhou and the Baronies, but if true, they are closely western side of the Celestial River. The Oni aren’t the only
guarded secrets. fell beasts within the wood as many dark creatures call it
home. Most wise travelers avoid the forest, and few have
The non-magical route (from the Baronies) is to travel down reason to go there as it lies at the westernmost end of the
the Morshan River and then cross the Broken Lands south empire.
of the Ru Steppes. Travelers must cross two mountain
ranges to reach the valley (so not an easy route, though KUNLAN FOREST
there are paths through the mountains). While some Orc
tribes can be less than hospitable, the Broken Lands route
avoids the Uthuk in the Ru Steppes. The Kunlan Forest is the largest forest in the empire. It lies
on both sides of the Dragon Gate River at the easternmost
tip of the Kunlan Mountains. The forest is the homeland
of the Monkey Men and is really more jungle than forest.
FORESTS Though claimed by the Emperor, there are no garrisons
or fortifications here and the claim appears to be in name

The Celestial Forest is one of the largest woodlands in The city of Xinyu lies on the southern edge of the Sachi
Shenzhou. It runs along the eastern side of the Celestial Wood and its citizens’ extensive logging efforts have
River. It is most known for its population of Elves, a rarity largely made this forest one of the safest in the empire.
in the empire. Many of the tallest trees in this wood rival Most larger predators have been driven out and smaller
those in Aymhelin. As many in Shenzhou are unaware of game is plentiful.
civilizations beyond its border, most believe the Elves to be
touched by the Divine (giving the forest its name). They are
almost never seen in cities or villages and largely keep to SPIRIT FOREST
themselves and dwell in deep within the forest. Though it is
unclear if the Elves view the Emperor as their ruler, the The wood is bordered by the Spirit Road River to the north
position of the court is that all are subjects of the empire. and east. The Sachi Fields are on the eastern border with
the Sa Feng Lake to the south. The Spirit Forest is named
The Celestial Forest is named for an ancient star which fell for the large number of undead which dwell within it.
from the heavens before the dynasties. A strange, magical Most sightings are ghostlier in nature, but the traditional
bluish-black stone is found throughout the forest (the undead encountered in the Mistlands can also be found
remnants of that impact), and it is often used by magic within the woods.
practitioners to create magical items. Of course, the largest
concentration of this stone are found deeper in the forest
and jealously guarded by the Elves.



The outlaying region of the forest is often used for camping The Guyro Mountains rise out of the Ru Steppes and form
by travelers along the trade road from Fenghaung to the western border of the empire. Perhaps the most
Weifeng. The deeper parts of the forest are largely important landmark here is the Temple of Wind nestled
unexplored, but many bandits are rumored to be based in high in the snowy peaks of the mountains. The west tail
the forest. Many creatures which are nearly extinct of the Dragon’s Tail River flows down from these
elsewhere in Shenzhou are found in greater numbers here mountains and into the Sa Feng Lake.
deep within the Tao Wood.

LAKES The Kirin Mountains are named for the population of

these creatures (see the Adversaries section) seen in the
region. This range forms the southern border of the
empire and has some of the highest peaks in the empire.
KAPPA LAKE These mountains are extremely dangerous due to
roaming giants and other threats.
As one may suspect, this lake derives its name from the
population of Kappas (see the Adversaries section) who KUNLAN MOUNTAINS
dwell here. Despite the threat of the turtle-like creatures,
the lake offers the best fishing in the empire, and many
small fishing villages dot the edges of the lake. Unlike the The Kunlan Mountains form the new northern border of
other lakes of Shenzhou, Kappa Lake is a spring-fed lake. Shenzhou. No major settlements are this far from the
Many underground waterways lead away from the lake and other cities, but a sprinkling of villages lie along the
into the Celestial Forest and the Sachi Fields. Dragon Gate River below.


The Sa Ding Lake is fed by the Celestial River from the north The Taishi Mountains contain a few active volcanoes and
and the Dragon Pass River to the southeast. The extremely join the Kunlan range with the Dragonspire range. The
deep waters of the lake allow it to support some very large most notable landmark in the mountains is the Temple of
creatures that can often prove fatal to boats who brave the Fire. Built between lava flows out of obsidian, the temple
lake. Still, many fishermen take the risk to get to the rises from the mountainside of a simmering volcano.
excellent fishing in the Dragon Pass River to the east.


The Sa Feng Lake is fed by both tails of the Dragon’s Tail
River. The lake is shallow compared to the other lakes in the SACHI FIELDS
empire, but it is plentiful with fish and supports two major
settlements and many small villages. Boat traffic on the lake
is busy and many small fishing boats are often on the lake. The Sachi Fields are a fertile plain which lies in the main
valley of Shenzhou between the Sachi Wood and the Spirit
Forest. Numerous small rice farming villages call the
fields home. In drier parts of the plains, other crops are
MOUNTAINS grown. The fields are responsible for most of the
agriculture in the empire.

Dragons have not been seen in Shenzhou for many
centuries. However, when they did appear in the skies of
previous dynasties, they left quite an impression on the CELESTIAL RIVER
people of Shenzhou. Dragons are often depicted in art,
songs, and stories, and serve as the inspiration for naming
many geographical features. The Dragonspire Mountains The Celestial River flows south from the Dragonspire
are so named as being the last known place a dragon was Mountains between the Celestial Forest and the Hell
sighted. During previous dynasties, this range was the Wood into the Sa Ding Lake. The cities of Tianjin and
northern border for the empire. Gauyu lie along the river. It is the most navigable and
deepest river in the empire and heavily trafficked. It is
important to note Shenzhou is land-locked, so its only
ships are boats to travel the rivers and lakes found in the



The Dragon Gate River is the longest river in the empire but Settlements in Shenzhou range from numerous small
is typically only used by the small villages which dot its villages to major cities. Only the major cities and largest
banks. It runs east through the Kunlun Mountains and the villages are indicated on the map. Most homes are made
Dragonspire Mountains and through the Kunlun Forest. from dried mud, rough stones, and/or wood. They are
square, rectangular, or oval in shape depending on the
size of the extended family dwelling within and have
DRAGON PASS RIVER thatched roofs of straw or reed bundles, supported by
wooden support poles. Homes are built to face south due
The Dragon Pass River flows down from the Kirin to Feng shui practices of directing energy flows according
Mountains, carving a pass through them to join the Sa Ding to Shenzhou beliefs.
Lake. The river is known for its rapids and its abundance of
many varieties of fish which use the river as a spawning Important structures such as temples, halls, gardens and
ground. Traditional fishing boats are unable to navigate the official buildings are often made of wood and/or stone.
rapids, so smaller boats are often dispatched from larger These buildings have the traditional resting hill (or Xie
boats waiting in the lake. Shan, two curving sides) and tiled roofs most identify
with Far Eastern architecture. These structures can often
DRAGON’S TAIL RIVER be multiple stories in height.

The Dragon’s Tail River is really two rivers (known as the FENGHAUNG
east and west tails) but it is officially the same named river.
Sailing up the West Tail is the traditional way to arrive at
the Jade Temple, the seat of power for the empire, but there The city of Fenghaung lies at the northernmost tip of the
is also a less-traversed path through the Claw Wood. The Fang Wood along the shore of the Sa Feng Lake. It is one
East Tail is a much more treacherous river with intermittent of the largest cities in Shenzhou and the start of the main
rapids but excellent fishing. trade road which leads east to the city of Weifang. It is a
wealthy city, due to many resources such as timber from
the Fang Wood, ample fishing from the Sa Feng Lake, and
SPIRIT ROAD RIVER precious metals mined in the foothills of the Kirin
Mountain range. It is a bustling city, on par with any of
The Spirit Road River gets its name from an ancient ritual in the free cities in Terrinoth such as Tamalir or Greyhaven.
Shenzhou’s past. The Temple of Fire was one of the first
Mystic Monasteries before its conversion, and prospects GAUYU
would be tasked with swimming up the river, against the
current, to be admitted into the monastery. The river itself
was the road to spiritual enlightenment for it meant the The large village of Gauyu sits on the riverbank of the
prospect would learn the ways of the Mystics. Of course, Celestial River just outside the Hell Wood. The village
many believe the deadly ritual is responsible for the number benefits from the heavy river traffic and provides a good
of spirits and undead in the Spirit Wood. The river flows midway point for trade between the cities of Tianjin and
from a large waterfall up in the Taishi Mountains down Weifang. The village has a history of being the starting
through the Spirit Forest and into the Sa Feng Lake. point of past rebellions, so the Emperor has a large
garrison here in a large fortification in the center of the
village. The village is also well-known for its fine chefs,
many of whom go on to larger cities or even the Jade
Temple to serve wealthy lords and the Emperor.


The city of Longmen is at the foothills of the Taishi

Mountains between the Spirit Forest and the Sachi Fields.
While not a large city, a lot of trade flows through its gates
and roads connect it to many other settlements in the
empire. Its position near the Sachi Fields makes
agriculture its primary export. The city also has a small
timber industry, but only along the outskirts of the Spirit
Forest. The city has a small cluster of Tengu-owned homes
and businesses along the foothills of the mountains.

Art by Kristina Stipetic


The city of Luoyang sits on the shore of the Sa Feng Lake at
the southern end of the Spirit Forest. It is a rich city, from Temples are run by the Shugenja or priests in Shenzhou.
the ores mined in the foothills of the Guyro Mountains and However, many Mystics and Monks can also be found in
rich lumber from the outskirts of the Spirit Forest. The city the temples. While all subjects of Shenzhou follow a faith
also benefits from lake traffic from the Jade Temple, Temple revolving around the elements, the priests dedicate
of Wind, and the city of Fenghaung. themselves to one specific element which they most
identify with and strive to emulate the strengths of that
Unknown to many, the city is the actual home of the energy. Mystics and Monks on the other hand, travel
resistance movement, and many key members of the Jade from temple to temple to broaden their faith, training,
Dragons call it home. A lakefront inn named The White and abilities in deference to focusing on a single element
Lotus serves as the secret headquarters for the resistance. (though some do choose such a focus). Each temple is in
a locale where its devoted element manifests.
The one exception is the Jade Temple. This temple
embodies all four elements and is the seat of power for the
The large village of Tianjin lies near the base of the empire.
Dragontooth Falls, a massive waterfall from the
Dragonspire Mountains flowing into the Celestial River. It
is mostly a fishing village but does benefit from small silver JADE TEMPLE
mines in the foothills of the mountains and from the trade
road leading to Longmen to the east. A large contingent of
Dwarves call the village home and their families have lived The Jade Temple is the imperial palace and home of the
through many dynasties. imperial family. It also serves as the seat of power for the
empire. Built during the Yung dynasty, it is centuries old
WEIFENG and used many techniques now lost to time. The temple is
filled with jade inlaid doors and relief sculptures along
with priceless works of arts from previous dynasties.
Originally founded as a small mining town, Weifeng has
since grown into one of the largest cities in the empire. The Despite its beauty, the palace is also an impressive
mines in the foothills of the Kirin Mountains are rich in both fortification. Its high thick walls, multiple defenses and
precious metals and gemstones. A large population of Orcs cascading towers, and mountain perch location make it
dwell in the city, most of whom work in the many mines difficult for an attacking force to penetrate. The
outside the walls. The walls are necessary due to periodic Emperor’s elite guard and the large number of soldiers
raids by various humanoids (even Giants on occasion), add to this defense and would give pause to even the most
though these have largely ceased since the walls went up. fearsome army.
The city has a large troop presence to safeguard the valuable
mines. Numerous secret passages offer ample opportunities for
intrigue and commonfolk can only guess at the mysteries
XINYU kept from them in secret vaults by the emperors over the
The city of Xinyu benefits from the extensive logging of the
Sachi Wood. In addition, the soil around the forest is rich TEMPLE OF EARTH
and known for various fruit orchards and other rich
agriculture. However, the city is also known for being The Temple of Earth is built from the strange bluish-black
extremely human-centric. The local lord, known only as stones found only in the Celestial Forest. When the
Lord Hikoto, has many edicts which make living in the city ancient star fell into the forest, a large piece of it ended
troublesome for non-humans (so most go elsewhere in the up near the foundation of the temple. The priests control
empire). the majority of Starstone (the same stones) available in the
empire. The place emanates power and many powerful
ZIJIN CHENG rituals have taken place here in the past.

The large village of Zijin Cheng started out as a subsidiary TEMPLE OF FIRE
of Longmen. It simply provided a closer base of operations
for more northern rice fields. It has sense grown an identity The Temple of Fire is situated on the rim of a slightly
of its own and is fully independent of Longmen though it active volcano in the Taishi Mountains. The priests
still has close political affiliation with its sister settlement. A channel the fire energy of the volcano to work powerful
curiosity in the empire, there is no local lord here, but the magics. Those without magical means of surviving the
village is ruled by a Council of Elders who are largely the heat find it nearly impossible to stay in the temple for
field owners. long. Smithing is a key industry of the priests, and many
are also blacksmiths and weaponsmiths.



The Temple of Water is positioned at the top of a large The Temple of Wind sits atop one of the peaks of the
waterfall which flows into the Dragon Gate River. The Guyro Mountains and harvests the power of the strong
temple uses the powerful energy of the falls to channel its winds blowing down from the mountains to channel
water magic. It is probably the most isolated location in the wind magic for the temple. Many ships which traverse
empire, so it is largely self-sufficient. The fields between the the Sa Feng Lake have a Wind Shugenja aboard and the
base of the mountains and the Kunlun Forest are very fertile temple benefits financially from such assignments.
and yield bountiful crops. The river provides fish and other
game for those in the temple, and they have boats to While the high peaks of the mountains often serve as a
transport lumber from the forest. Many believe the water barrier for dust storms originating from the Ru Steppes,
from the waterfall is inherently magical and it is highly especially powerful storms often require a large number
sought after as a base ingredient for alchemical concoctions of Wind priests to protect the valley from these larger
(using such water adds to the Alchemy skill check). storms.

Art © Ryan Sumo, 2016, used with permission, all rights reserved.



Peoples of other nations of Mennara revere many different
deities, but the residents of Shenzhou mostly honor the
elements of Wind, Fire, Earth and Water. While there are
also recognized unique and powerful supernatural beings
in Shenzhou, they are not worshipped, but rather placated
or avoided. Conversely, the Emperor himself is revered as
the embodiment of the four elements and is believed to be
akin to divine, much as the Caliph is revered in Al-Kalim.
His apparent long life span has only reinforced this belief.

The people of Shenzhou value family very highly and

believe their ancestral family spirits watch over them (for ill
or good). For this reason, the elderly of Shenzhou are treated
far better than in most regions of Mennara (lest they
become upset and angry as ancestral spirits).

In Shenzhou, practitioners have a different idea about the
nature of magic as well as different terminology.
Mechanically, magic functions just as it does elsewhere,
they simply have a different understanding of it. The
Shenzhou believe magic is a force all around them and
within them. They do not differentiate between Divine or
Arcane magic (or other skills) as they do in the west.
Instead, all magic (and psychic ability) is defined as this
magical force which they call “ki”. For whatever reason,
those with magical ability are far rarer than in many other
regions of the world. When a child manifests such ability,
they are often quickly assessed as to which discipline to
channel this ability. Some are sent to temples, other to hedge
wizards or court advisors. Foreign adventurers are warned
that an abundance of magic will often be a target for others,
out of either greed of those who covet it or out of malice
from those who fear it.

NOTE: Mind and Move spells were first introduced in Scott

Art © Dean Spencer
Zumwalt’s ZYNNYTHRYX’S GUIDE TO MAGIC supplement, and
are also found in my TIMMORRAN’S TOME supplement. Mask
spells are found in the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE, as well as

For defining the culture of Shenzhou, a suggestion for GMs
is to draw from real world examples of far east cultures
such as Japan, China, and others. Indeed, this is not to state
these cultures are similar to each other. Each is unique and
has a rich, varied and different history, but both cultures
are familiar to most and offer a variety of visual examples
for your players. The appearance and sound of the
languages, the architecture, art, and even food of these
regions should serve as familiar examples for players to
identify with this sub-setting. The clothing, music,
sculpture and other cultural elements can all be described
in these real-world contexts to help your players truly feel
as if their characters are in a foreign land.


The new archetypes are presented in much the same
Many of the standard archetypes and careers from the format as those in the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook.
REALMS OF TERRINOTH setting can be found in Shenzhou, Careers are presented as they are in the TRADES OF
either as natives or travelers (though Elves and Dwarves are TERRINOTH supplement, along with talent pyramids for
rare). Those of faiths different than the faith in Shenzhou suggested guides for advancement (in the Appendix).
would be travelers to the empire, but most other archetypes
would fit the sub-setting. That said, there are new, New skills and talents are also presented as character
additional options available in Shenzhou for characters. options to reflect those used in the setting. As always,
Two new species and six new careers present new options players should consult with their GM for what options
for players looking for a character to fit the setting. they allow or disallow.

Many of the same humanoid archetypes found in the rest
of Mennara call Shenzhou home. Humans are certainly the
most dominant, but over the centuries many Elves,
Dwarves, and Gnomes have also ended up here. Orcs are The Monkey Men of Shenzhou are a curious adaptation.
not unheard of, though many Orcs in Shenzhou find roles Many scholars in Greyhaven’s University assume their
serving in the military and in labor jobs due to their small evolution occurred in a similar manner as the Catfolk
numbers and brawny builds. However, there are two evolved in Zanaga. The wrench in the idea is that while one
additional sentient humanoid archetypes (and character branch of Monkey Men are just as sentient as other species,
options) new to those in Terrinoth though familiar to the another branch of (visually) the same species is much more
denizens of Shenzhou…the Monkey Men and the Tengu. brutal and animalistic. The native home for both variants is
the Spirit Forest.

Appearance: To the trained observer, the difference

between the two is extremely easy to see. Sentient Monkey
Men walk taller and straighter and are often dressed just as
any other humanoid. Wild Monkey Men wear very little
clothing (if any at all) and are typically only seen once
beginning an attack!

Society: Both wild and civilized Monkey Men live in tribes

and often reside in forested areas. Civilized Monkey Men
revere a king who is the recognized leader of their people.
Civilized Monkey Men are still relatively new to the people
of Shenzhou (about 38 years), so the stigma of their wilder
cousins often means others look down on them and often
underestimate their capabilities.

Culture: Wild Monkey Men are illiterate and incapable of

learning languages. They are not recommended as player
characters. Civilized Monkey Men who become
adventurers often leave their tribe and try to live among
other citizens of Shenzhou, adopting their ways and


Art © Jeshields


• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn • Limited Flyer: A Tengu can use the feathery
membranes under their arms to Glide (meaning
• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower they can only travel from a higher height to a
lower height [unless there are strong winds] to use
• Starting Experience: 90 XP this travel mode). See the Flying sidebar on page
• Starting Skills: Monkey Men are used to living in
the wild and living off the land. Monkey Men begin • Mimicry: A Tengu has the uncanny ability to
with one rank in Survival. You still cannot train mimic any voice or sound it has heard with nearly
their Survival above rank 2 during character flawless accuracy. To mimic a specific voice, it is
creation. an Average ( ) Deception skill check.

• Arboreal: A Monkey Man never treats forest,

jungle or treetops as difficult terrain and can travel
through the treetops at their normal movement
rate (or any environment similar to this, such as
the rigging of a ship).

• Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Monkey

Men remove up to 󲊸󲊸 imposed due to darkness.

The Tengu is a somewhat winged avian humanoid native to

Appearance: They appear like small humanoid crows and

are between 3 and 4 feet tall (91-122 cm).

Society: Tengu are native to the mountains of Shenzhou and

rarely interact with the mostly human population.
However, lone warriors are encountered often enough as to
raise little interest in most larger settlements. They primarily
gather in clans and many become Mystics or Ninjas.

Culture: Even those Tengu who leave their clans are still
considered family. To invite the wrath of one Tengu is to call
down the wrath of their entire clan. Such clans often keep
to themselves, but younger Tengu often go through a period
of wanderlust and want to see the empire around them.


Art by Jacob E. Blackmon

• Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90 XP

• Starting Skills: Tengu have a natural tendency to

deceive others and begin with one rank in
Deception. You still cannot train their Deception
above rank 2 during character creation


The Kensai counts the following skills as career skills:
The vast majority of the careers from the REALMS OF Athletics, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Melee
TERRINOTH sourcebook and the TRADES OF TERRINOTH (Light) or Melee (Heavy), Resilience, Stealth and Vigilance.
supplement can also be found in Shenzhou. The notable Before spending any experience during character creation,
exceptions are Runes users as the destruction of the Orb a Kensai may choose four of their career skills and gain one
largely occurred over Terrinoth and few shards exist rank in each of them.
outside the region. Indeed, few outside of the Emperor’s
own scholars are even aware of the existence of Runebound Starting Gear: Players with a Kensai character may choose
Shards. to start with the following gear instead of spending
currency during Step 7 of character creation:
Of course, Shenzhou has its rogues, warriors, priests and
others, but the culture has imparted certain differences to • A light or heavy melee weapon
many of the existing careers with different skillsets and
abilities. Characters starting off in Shenzhou or native to the
• 2 healing elixirs
region should feel free to choose from the standard careers
in Terrinoth or choose those in this section.
• Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, a
bedroll, a rope, flint and steel, 3 torches, and a
BUSHI waterskin
The Bushi are often described as peasant warriors. These are
often farmers or other laborers who take up arms to defend • 1d100 silver coins
incursions into their lands. They use whatever weapons
they have fashioned, scrounged, or saved for and wear Special Ability: (Optional). Ki Weapon: Kensai can spend 2
differing amounts and types of armor (if any at all). While strain and then spend 󲊴 on successful melee attack rolls
not of the nobility, these warriors adhere to the same to trigger a chosen Quality ability with their current
Bushido code as the Samurai. Essentially, this code values weapon as found in the GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK.
justice, courage, mercy, politeness, honesty, honor, loyalty, Triggering an effect costs the corresponding 󲊴 for each
and character and are known as the 8 virtues of the code. It effect. This ability can only be used once per Encounter. A
is a Warrior career type. talent pyramid for this career is in the appendix.

The Bushi counts the following skills as career skills: MYSTIC

Knowledge (Geography), Melee (Light) or Melee (Heavy),
Perception, Resilience, Survival, and Vigilance. Before The Monks of Terrinoth have the ability to heal. They are
spending any experience during character creation, a Bushi Monks of the faith in Shenzhou. They can channel magic
may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in or ki ability, but in a different way. Instead of a casting
each of them. skill, the Mystic’s Greater Calling ability allows them to
cast Heal, Mind and Move spells using their ranks in
Starting Gear: Players with a Bushi character may choose to Discipline. It is a Scout career type.
start with the following gear instead of spending currency
during Step 7 of character creation (as mentioned in the The Mystic counts the following skills as career skills:
REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook): Athletics, Brawl, Coercion, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore),
Stealth, Survival, and Resilience. Before spending any
• A light or heavy melee weapon experience during character creation, a Mystic may
choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each
• Leather armor or 2 healing elixirs
of them. If a player wants to get more information on
• Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, bedroll, a expanded rules for martial arts, I would highly
rope, flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin recommend Keith Kappel’s READY…FIGHT supplement.
• 1d100 silver coins
Starting Gear: Players with a Mystic character may choose
Special Ability (Optional): Hero of the People. A Bushi to start with the following gear instead of spending
character adds 󲊳 to any social skill rolls when dealing with currency during Step 7 of character creation:
commoners and working-class folk. A talent pyramid for
this career is in the appendix. • Heavy robes

KENSAI • 2 healing elixirs

The Kensai is similar to the Steelcaster from the TRADES OF
TERRINOTH supplement. The Kensai spends their life training
• Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, a
and meditating in the use of a single weapon, and bedroll, a rope, flint and steel, 3 torches, and a
channeling arcane power through it. They do not wear waterskin
armor and do not use a shield. It is a Warrior career type.
• 1d100 silver coins


Special Ability: (Optional). Greater Calling: Unlike other Special Ability (Optional): Shadow Ki: Unlike other Scouts,
Scouts, the Mystic can cast Heal, Mind and Move type spells the Ninja can cast Mask type spells (using their Knowledge
(using their Knowledge (Lore) as the casting skill. However, (Lore) as the casting skill. However, this splitting of
this splitting of discipline comes at a cost. The Mystic can discipline comes at a cost. The Ninja can never have more
never have more than 4 ranks in any skill (other than than 4 ranks in any skill (other than combat skills) and
Brawl) and never more than 4 ranks in Knowledge (Lore) never more than 4 ranks in Knowledge (Lore) skill. They
skill. They are simply too spread out in their knowledge to are simply too spread out in their knowledge to apply such
apply such focus. focus. A talent pyramid for this career is in the appendix.

The Ninja is many things: professional scout, spy, saboteur, Samurai are professional warriors of the noble class and
assassin and more. Organized by secret clans, these elite loyal to the Emperor and any local lords. They adhere to a
characters are often employed by the nobility to perform code known as Bushido. Female samurai are uncommon
covert missions against their enemies. In this regard, many but are known by a different name: Onna-Bugeisha. While
clans are more like mercenaries. They use stealth, special known for fighting with their signature katanas and
equipment, and a form of ki using shadowy magic to wakizashis (collectively known as daisho), a Samurai can
perform their duties. It is a Scout career type. choose any weapons. Often, these are ancestral weapons
handed down from generation to generation. It is a
Warrior career type.

Ronin are Samurai who are not loyal to a local lord (either
through the death of the lord, or his/her disfavor).

The Samurai counts the following skills as career skills:

Knowledge (Geography), Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy),
Perception, Resilience, Survival, and Vigilance. Before
spending any experience during character creation, a
Samurai may choose four of their career skills and gain one
rank in each of them.

Art © Dean Spencer

The Ninja counts the following skills as career skills:

Alchemy, Athletics, Brawl, Knowledge (Lore), Melee (Light)
or (Heavy), Ranged, Skulduggery, and Stealth. Before
spending any experience during character creation, a Ninja
may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in
each of them.
Art © Dean Spencer
Starting Gear: Players with a Ninja character may choose to
start with the following gear instead of spending currency Starting Gear: Players with a Samurai character may
during Step 7 of character creation (as mentioned in the choose to start with the following gear instead of spending
REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook): currency during Step 7 of character creation (as
mentioned in the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook):
• A light or heavy melee weapon
• A hankyu (shortbow) or hand crossbow or 6 • A katana, a wakizashi (daisho), and tanto
shurikens • Samurai armor
• Shinobi and Tabi Boots • Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, bedroll,
• 1d100 silver coins a rope, flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin
• 1d100 silver coins


Special Ability (Optional): Dual Strike: The Samurai has the Starting Gear: Players with a Wu-Jen character may
Dual Wielder talent (see page 76 of the GENESYS CORE choose to start with the following gear instead of spending
RULEBOOK.) The tradeoff for this ability is the Samurai must currency during Step 7 of character creation (as
choose one specific weapon type (particular kind of swords, mentioned in the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook):
axes, etc.) for each hand. Once chosen, any other types of
melee weapons are treated as if the Samurai is 2 ranks lower • A magic staff or magic wand
in the Melee skill (to a minimum of 1 rank). Any talents can • 1 stamina elixir or healing herbs
be chosen from the TERRINOTH TALENTS supplement
• Heavy robes
requiring Dual Strike. A talent pyramid for this career is in
the appendix. • 1d100 silver coins

Special Ability (Optional): Interdisciplinary: Unlike other

SHUGENJA Arcana casters, the Wu-Jen can cast Heal type spells.
However, this splitting of discipline comes at a slightly
The Shugenja are priests who control and direct elemental
different cost than with the Lorekeeper. When casting a
forces. After their initial training in a monastery, they
Heal spell, the difficulty is always increased by one. In
choose a focus element (Wind, Earth, Fire, or Water) and
addition, this spell action costs 3 strain instead of 2. A
report to the appropriate temple. The initial training often
talent pyramid for this career is in the appendix.
includes meditation and self-defense. In addition, these are
the priests of Shenzhou who perform marriages and other
social ceremonies for the people. It is a Healer career type.

The Shugenja counts the following skills as career skills:

Alchemy, Brawl, Charm, Divine, Knowledge (Forbidden),
Knowledge (Lore), Negotiation, and Survival. Before
spending any experience during character creation, a
Shugenja may choose four of their career skills and gain one
rank in each of them.

Starting Gear: Players with a Shugenja character may

choose to start with the following gear instead of spending
currency during Step 7 of character creation (as mentioned
in the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook):

• A magic staff or magic wand (which also serves as

their holy icon)
• 1 stamina elixir
• Heavy robes
• 1d100 silver coins

Special Ability (Optional): Elemental Focus. This is similar

to the special ability of the Elementalist in the TRADES OF
TERRINOTH supplement. A Shugenja must focus further on
either earth, wind (air), fire or water, and can add to
any skill rolls for a spell using the chosen element. Any
talents can be chosen from the TERRINOTH TALENTS
supplement requiring Elemental Focus. A talent pyramid for
this career is in the appendix.

The Wu-Jen is the Shenzhou near equivalent of the
Lorekeeper career from the TRADES OF TERRINOTH
supplement and serves much the same role. They are often
advisors, healers, sages and historians all in one. It is a Mage
career type.

The Wu-Jen counts the following skills as career skills:

Alchemy, Arcana, Charm, Knowledge (Adventuring),
Knowledge (Forbidden), Knowledge (Geography),
Knowledge (Lore), Mechanics, and Medicine. Before
spending any experience during character creation, a Wu-
Jen may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank Art © Dean Spencer
in each of them.



A character’s reputation is always important. In Shenzhou, SHUJENJA and MYSTIC
this is even more important. Because of this difference, there A Shujenja or Mystic begins with a rating of 3 in honor.
is an (optional) system for rating the honor, glory, and
status of a character as they are perceived by Shenzhou GLORY
society in general. As with most characteristics, they are
rated from one to five. Most native characters begin play Glory in Shenzhou represents society’s view of the
with a rating of 2 in each of these characteristics. character’s success in their role.
Characters not native to Shenzhou (and commoners) start
at 1 in each of them. Some careers are an exception and SAMURAI
begin with a higher or lower starting value in some of these A Samurai begins with a rating of 2 in glory just as other
characteristics. characters do. A Ronin (or samurai without a lord) begins
with a rating of 1 in glory.
These characteristics’ values are not purchased with
experience points. Instead, they are increased or decreased
by the GM based on character actions over time during the STATUS
Status in Shenzhou represents a character’s social
standing. This standing is based on many factors including
USING IN PLAY the character’s wealth, political sway, and general social
In a given Social skill roll, the GM should determine the
characteristic most admired by the NPC involved in the roll.
Comparing the NPC characteristic versus the character’s SAMURAI
value in that characteristic can tell the GM if the roll should A Samurai begins with a rating of 3 in status. A Ronin (or
have modifiers. samurai without a lord) begins with a rating of 2 in status
just as other characters do.
For example: if the NPC values honor above glory and
status, and the player’s character has a higher honor value
than the NPC, the character should gain to add to the roll
for each point the character exceeds the NPC’s value. If the
NPC’s value in the characteristic exceeds the player
character’s, 󲊸 should be added to the roll for each point the
NPC exceeds the player character’s value.

Of course, there are plenty of narrative uses for these values.

GMs are encouraged to always be mindful of the
importance of these characteristics to most in Shenzhou

Honor in Shenzhou represents a character’s measure of
living up to the common ideals of Shenzhou society and
faith. This amount can rise and fall with play.

A Ninja begins with a rating of 1 in honor. Being sneaky
and stealthy are frowned upon by most of Shenzhou

A Samurai begins with a rating of 3 in honor. A Ronin (or
samurai without a lord) begins with a rating of 1 in honor. Art © Dean Spencer
Other than starting honor, glory, and status, a Ronin is not
much different than a Samurai. The only other difference
is the Ronin is not bound by the orders of a lord at present.


The skills in Shenzhou are the same as those found in the COORDINATION
REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook (page 82) and that section An important part of entertaining, hospitality, and
should be used for character creation in Shenzhou. negotiations in Shenzhou is the Tea Ceremony. This
However, there are some cultural differences to be aware of ceremony represents harmony, respect, purity, and
between characters native to Shenzhou and those native to tranquility to achieve the main purpose of the ceremony
the rest of Mennara. whether a treaty negotiation, engagement, etc. Every
process from the tea equipment preparation until the tea
ALCHEMY is drunk has a distinctive technique. Even for one trained
to do so, performing a tea ceremony flawlessly is a Hard
Alchemy is the skill used to make many of the Ninjas’ special ( ) Coordination skill check (though there is a talent
gear items. These items are listed in the gear section along which makes this easier).
with all the information needed to apply the Alchemy rules
from the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook.
ARCANA, DIVINE & PSYCHIC The weaponsmiths of Shenzhou are far more advanced
than their counterparts in the Baronies. Shenzhou smiths
These three skills are believed by those in Shenzhou to be have a method of folding steel for thin, flexible, and sharp
the three key ways to use and channel ki (magic) power. blades yet they are as strong as any greatsword. This same
Verse and Rune magic are all but unknown to those native skill applies to the armor they make, but unlike the other
to Shenzhou. It is believed that Arcana taps into the ki that realms, steel armor is only worn by the Samurai. Leather,
is all around us. The priests believe Divine taps into the ki chainmail, and padded are not uncommon for other
generated by the elements. However, the mystics believe warriors, but it is rare to see anyone other than a Samurai
Psychic taps into a person’s own ki from within. in steel.
Mechanically, these all work the same, but it is important to
know the native beliefs about magic. In all ways however, Shenzhou craftsmen use the same
crafting rules starting on page 112 of the REALMS OF
CHARM TERRINOTH sourcebook. Smiths permitted to make the
weapons of the samurai often produce blades which have
Many Shenzhou bards entertain through the art of Kabuki the Superior weapon quality, though not always.
Theater. Doing so is a Charm skill check against a difficulty
set by the GM depending on the goal of the performance.

Art © Dean Spencer


New career options bring new talents. While not required, HIDDEN DRAGON
if using the talent pyramids for each career, it is important Tier: 5
to note some talents mentioned are from the TERRINOTH Activation: Active (Action)
TALENTS sourcebook. Other new talents are presented in this Ranked: No
section. The character directs ki energy (suffers 2 strain) to
essentially make a magic attack with the following
BLINDSIGHT (element is chosen when taking the talent). If other
elemental talents are possessed, this talent must be of the
Tier: 2 same element. (Discipline [instead of Ranged]; Damage 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) x Discipline ranks; Critical 3; Range [Short]; other effects
Ranked: No depend on element). Like other magic attacks, your
The character may suffer 2 strain to remove any 󲊸 or character can spend dice for additional damage and
difficulty increases due to blindness or darkness for an effects.
encounter. The character uses hearing instead of sight to • Earth = Add the Destructive effect
detect the enemy and surroundings.
• Air = Add the Impact effect
• Fire = Add the Fire effect
• Water = Add the Ice effect
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Upon making a successful Brawl attack, the character can
do a crane kick and add +1 to damage and spend 󲊴󲊴 to
activate the Knockdown quality (plus one 󲊴 additional per
silhouette of the target beyond 1).

Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
The character may, while at short range, perform a move
maneuver to engage a target as an incidental. This is similar
to a big cat’s Pounce ability.

DRUNKEN MONKEY Art by Emily Vitori Designs

Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
This style is utilized by mimicking the movements of a
monkey. The character may suffer 1 strain and add +1 to Tier: 2
soak (as they roll more with hits) and add +1 to melee Activation: Active (Action)
defense for the encounter. Ranked: No
The character directs ki energy (suffers 2 strain) to
essentially make a magic elemental attack depending on
their chosen element. Your character must choose which
GHOST STEP ability to take when this talent is chosen. If other
elemental talents are possessed, this talent must be of the
Tier: 2 same element. (Discipline [instead of Ranged]; Damage is
Activation: Active (Incidental) equal to Discipline ranks; Critical 3; Range [Short]; other
Ranked: No effects depend on element). Like other magic attacks, your
On a successful Stealth skill check, the character can spend character can spend dice for additional damage and
󲊴󲊴 or 󲊳 to step so softly they do not leave tracks (even in effects.
snow, mud, dust, etc.). The character can also spend 󲊵 to
leave no scent to follow. • Earth = Add the Destructive effect
• Air = Add the Impact effect
• Fire = Add the Fire effect
• Water = Add the Ice effect


Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
The character directs ki energy (suffers 2 strain) to activate The character adds +1 to Brawl damage and can spend
their chosen elemental ability. The ability lasts for the 󲊴󲊴 to trigger the Stun or Stun Damage quality to
encounter. Your character must choose which ability to Brawl attacks.
take when this talent is chosen. If other elemental talents are
possessed, this talent must be of the same element.
• Earth = Halve any melee damage before applying
soak (this ability only lasts for one turn) SEE THE UNSEEN
• Air = Gain the Flying ability for the encounter Tier: 2
(see page 100 of the GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
• Fire = Halve any fire damage before applying Ranked: No
soak The character may suffer 2 strain to remove any 󲊸 or
• Water = Can breathe underwater and swim well difficulty increases due to not being able to see an
invisible opponent for the encounter. This also enables
the character to denote a dim aura around the target to
track where it goes and direct others.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Action) SNATCH/DEFLECT ARROWS
Ranked: Yes
The character directs ki energy to essentially make a magic Tier: 1
sonic attack with the following: Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
After a successful Ranged attack upon the character, the
character may suffer 2 strain to make a Hard ( )
MASTER OF DISGUISE Brawl skill check. If successful, the character can deflect
Tier: 1 one arrow/missile projectile per rank of this talent. The
Activation: Passive character can also spend 󲊴󲊴 or 󲊵 to catch the projectile
Ranked: No instead of deflecting it. If the check fails, the character is
The character adds to Deception skill checks made to hit by the projectile as normal.
pretend to be someone else.

Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Whenever your character performs the Shenzhou tea
When the character makes a successful Brawl attack, they ceremony, it is treated as an Average ( ) Coordination
can spend 󲊴󲊴 to trigger the Concussive quality with a skill check instead of Hard. In addition, a successful check
rating equal to the character’s ranks in this talent. grants a bonus to any social skill checks made during
the Encounter. Any allies or those on your side of any
bargaining add to their own social skill checks during
the Encounter. When your character first takes this talent,
PRESSURE POINTS gain 1 Status.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When the character makes a successful Brawl attack, they
can spend 󲊴󲊴 to forego the damage and cause the target Tier: 1
to be Immobilized instead. The target must make a Activation: Active (Incidental)
successful Hard ( ) Resilience check to avoid being Ranked: No
Immobilized for a number of rounds equal to half the The character can use a one-handed Melee (Light)
character’s Brawn score (round down). weapon with two hands and add +1 to the weapon’s



Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
The character can (as an incidental) cause (or take The character can move across vertical surfaces as easily
advantage of) some kind of minor (or major) distraction to as horizontal surfaces. In addition, when your character
get the target/s to look away for just a moment, and as long attempts to reduce the damage taken from falling, reduce
as complete cover or concealment is within Short range, the the difficulty of the Athletics or Coordination check by
character can seem to simply vanish. An Average ( ) one.
Skulduggery skill check is needed to successfully
accomplish this.


Allows one to use hearing instead
Blindsight 2 Active (Maneuver) No
of sight
Add damage and Knockdown to
Crane Kick 1 Active (Incidental) No
Brawl attack
Crouching Tiger 1 Active (Incidental) No Pounce ability similar to cats
Drunken Monkey 3 Active (Maneuver) No Add 1 to soak and Melee defense
Ghost Step 2 Active (Incidental) No Soft steps to avoid leaving tracks
Hidden Dragon 5 Actve (Action) No Energy attack ability
Ki Elemental Blast 2 Active (Action) No Energy attack ability
Ki Elemental Ability 4 Active (Action) No Unique elemental abilities
Ki Shout 1 Active (Action) Yes Sonic attack ability
Master of Disguise 1 Passive No Bonus to Deception checks
Paralyzing Strike 1 Active (Incidental) Yes Add Concussive to Brawl attack
Ability to Immobilize from a Brawl
Pressure Points 3 Active (Incidental) No
Add Stun or Stun Damage to Brawl
Stunning Fist 2 Active (Incidental) Yes
Allows one to see Invisible
See the Unseen 2 Active (Maneuver) No
Snatch/Deflect Arrows 1 Active (Incidental) Yes Ability to negate Ranged attack
Tea Ceremony 1 Active (Action) No Bonus to social checks
Two-Hand Strike 1 Active (Incidental) No Add damage to Melee attack
Vanish 4 Active (Incidental) No Move while being unseen
Wall Climber 2 Passive No Ability to climb vertical surfaces

Art © Ryan Sumo, 2016, used with permission, all rights reserved.


The greater version is made of telescoping sections of
Shenzhou developed independently from the realms. Because bamboo and is as long as a person is tall. Greater
of this, the arms and armor used here have many differences. (Ranged; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Pierce 1,
Many of the weapons in Shenzhou were previously detailed in Prepare 2) 200 sp. Simple (Ranged; Damage 3; Critical 4;
the GRIZELDA’S GEAR supplement. They are included here Range [Short]; Prepare 1) 40
along with new gear for characters in Shenzhou. Prices are
given in yung, the octagonal silver coin with a square hole in
the center widely used in the empire. It is equivalent to the CHAKRAM
common silver stag used in the Baronies, or silver piece. This
is equivalent to the pricing used in both the REALMS OF This metal throwing ring has a sharpened outer rim.
TERRINOTH sourcebook and the GRIZELDA’S GEAR supplement. (Ranged; Damage +3; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Inaccurate
1, Limited Ammo 1, Vicious 1. 150


This weapon has a short handle and a curved blade, almost
like a small scythe. (Melee (Light); Damage +3; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1). 200

This armor is the Shenzhou equivalent of Plate armor. It is a
combination of padding, interlocked metal plates and
Brigandine armor in some places. It has a Defense of 1, adds
+2 to Soak, with an Encumbrance of 3, and 2 Hard Points.
Price and Rarity is in Shenzhou. In the baronies, double the
price and add 3 to Rarity. 1200 (Rarity of 6)

Tanto, Wakizashi, and the Katana

The standard sword of the Samurai career in Shenzhou,
A hollowed-out bamboo pipe is used to blow a (typically the Katana is made by master craftsmen for the Emperor’s
poisoned) dart out at a target. The simple version (40 sp) is elite warriors. The Katana is often made as part of a set
about as big as one’s arm. along with the matching Wakizashi and Tanto. (Melee
(Light); Damage +4; Critical 2; Range [Engaged];
Defensive 1; Pierce 2; Unwieldy 1; Vicious 1). 1000


A Kama with a chain and weighted ball forms this weapon. This short, blunt knife has two prongs for catching an
(Melee (Heavy); Damage 4; Critical 3; Range [Short]; enemy’s sword. (Melee (Light); Damage +2; Critical 3;
Cumbersome 3, Linked 1; Unwieldy 2). 200 Range [Engaged]; Accurate 1, Defensive 2). 100

This weapon is two short, hard wooden sticks bound be a
center chain. (Melee (Light); Damage +3; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Cumbersome 1; Linked 1, Unwieldy 2). 100

These small thrown weapons have numerous sharp points.
DAIKYU They don’t do a lot of damage but do distract an enemy.
(Ranged; Damage +2; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Disorient
2). 50
This large bow is the Shenzhou-equivalent of the longbow.
(Ranged; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Unwieldy 3,
Pierce 1). 600

HANKYU The tanto is the basic knife carried by the Samurai. (Melee
(Light); Damage +2; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Accurate
1). 60
This bow is the Shenzhou-equivalent of the shortbow.
(Ranged; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Unwieldy 3,
Pierce 1). 350 TESSEN (WAR FAN)
This eastern fold-out fan has metal vanes with sharp points
which can be used to slash at an opponent. (Melee (Light);
Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1). 60


The Wakizashi is the standard short sword of the Samurai. A These sharp multi-pronged obstacles are dropped in an
shorter version of the Katana, it is made by the same kind of effort to deter pursuit. Characters traveling through an
process. (Melee (Light); Damage +3; Critical 2; Range area where caltrops are present must treat it as difficult
[Engaged]; Defensive 1; Pierce 1). 300 terrain or suffer 1 damage. These items are also available
in the baronies. 10

Instead of forks and spoons, most Shenzhou meals are
made to be eaten with small sticks. These chopsticks can be
made of a variety of materials and are available in bamboo
(1), wood (5), and jade (20) most often.
This simple spear is the common type used in Shenzhou.
(Melee (Light); Damage +2; Critical +2; Range [Engaged]; This item is simply a display stand for a samurai’s main 3
Accurate 1, Defensive 1). 100 weapons and has a spot for each when not worn. It is
typically made of wood and painted black, though more
ornate versions are available. 10


Dice games are a favorite pastime in Shenzhou. Dice are
Additional gear is also available in Shenzhou. Some of these often made of ivory and contained in a leather cup. These
items are also available in the baronies and this is noted when are also available in the baronies. 5
it applies.
A personal seal is a small tool to emboss a wax seal on
When this device is used, everyone within Short range must correspondence or documents. The price includes a wax
make a Hard ( ) Resilience check or be Blinded (can no stick to make the seals. This is also available in the
longer see, upgrade the difficulty of all checks twice, and baronies. Letters with a personal seal impart a perceived
upgrade the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks +1 to the Status and Honor of the sender (for purposes of
three times) for their next turn. 500 - For those with the receiving the letter only). 10
Alchemy skill, it takes 9 hours to make from materials costing
250 with a rarity of 4. SHINOBI (NINJA SUIT)

This bodysuit is typically black, though other colors and
patterns may be used to blend into an area. This includes a
hood and mask for the face. Assuming the shinobi chosen
This rice wine is a staple in Shenzhou communities. It is often is black or fits the surroundings, wearing one adds to
more potent than common wines in the baronies. It typically Stealth skill checks. Wearing armor or other clothing over
is stored in glass bottles (10) or in ceramic bottles (15 ) for this shinobi negates this bonus. 10
This device is often used by ninjas to fill an area with smoke
Letters are a common means for communication in Shenzhou (see Table on page 110 of the GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK for
and are delivered by couriers on horseback. Penmanship goes the effects of smoke in an area). The smokebomb has a
a long way to how a message is received in Shenzhou. A proper rating of 3 and affects all within Short range for 1 turn (it
calligraphy set (versus improvised brushes or quills) adds quickly dissipates). The bombs consist of a blown-out egg
to the Coordination skill check made to compose a proper shell filled with an alchemical compound and black
letter in Shenzhou. 20 powder then sealed with a dot of wax. 25 - For those with
the Alchemy skill, it takes 5 hours to make from materials
costing 10 with a rarity of 2.



These black two-toed boots are typically only worn by monks, ITEM ENCUM PRICE RARITY
mystics, and ninjas. Of course, they can also be found in other
colors to match a shinobi (or ninja suit). These boots add to Blinding Bomb 0 500 8
Stealth skill checks and add to an Athletics skill check
made to walk a tightrope. 5 Bottle of Sake 1 10-15 1

TEA SET Calligraphy Set 1 20 3

Caltrops 0 10 4
A proper Shenzhou tea ceremony tea set is made . Using it in
a tea ceremony adds to the skill check. 20 Chopsticks 0 1-20 1

UMBRELLA Daisho Stand 2 10 4

Dice and Cup 0 5 1

This curious item is made from bamboo and painted paper or
fabric to be waterproof. A bamboo collar supports bamboo Personal Seal 1 10 3
struts with stretch the paper or fabric into a small covering to
keep one dry. The collar is fixed in place with a wooden peg Shinobi 0 10 5
on a string from the collar. Many umbrellas are true works of
art. Common umbrellas are 10, while more ornate umbrellas Smokebomb 0 25 4
are 50.
Tabi Boots 0 5 5
Tea Set 2 20 3

A water reed is simply a hollow piece of bamboo used as a Umbrella 2 50 3

snorkel in case one needs to hide underwater but does not
want to drown. The reed is similar enough to most water Water Reed 1 1 1
plants as to not arouse suspicion unless the searchers know to
look for it. The cost for this item is only 1 though it can also
commonly be found.



Blowgun (Greater) Ranged 5 3 Medium 2 1 200 5 Pierce 1, Prepare 2

Blowgun (Simple) Ranged 3 4 Short 1 0 40 3 Prepare 1

Inaccurate 1,
Chakram Ranged +3 2 Short 1 1 150 6 Limited Ammo 1,
Vicious 1

Unwieldy 3, Pierce
Daikyu (Longbow) Ranged 8 3 Long 3 2 600 6

Unwieldy 3, Pierce
Hankyu (Shortbow) Ranged 7 3 Medium 2 1 350 6

Kama (Sickle) Melee (L) +3 2 Engaged 2 1 200 6 Vicious 1

Defensive 1, Pierce
Katana Melee (L) +4 2 Engaged 1 1 1000 8 2, Unwieldy 1,
Vicious 1

Cumbersome 3,
Kusari-gama (Ball &
Melee (H) +4 3 Short 3 2 200 6 Linked 1,
Unwieldy 2



Cumbersome 1,
Nunchaku Melee (L) +3 4 Engaged 2 1 100 7 Linked 1,
Unwieldy 2

Accurate 1,
Sai Melee (L) +2 3 Engaged 1 1 100 7
Defensive 2

Shuriken Ranged +2 3 Short 0 0 50 7 Disorient 2

Tanto (Dagger) Melee (L) +2 3 Engaged 1 1 60 6 Accurate 1

Tessen (War Fan) Melee (L) +1 3 Engaged 1 0 60 7 Defensive 1

Wakizashi Defensive 1, Pierce

Melee (L) +3 2 Engaged 1 1 300 8
(Shortsword) 1

Accurate 1,
Yari (Light Spear) Melee (L) +2 3 Engaged 2 1 100 5
Defensive 1

Art © Ryan Sumo, 2016, used with permission, all rights reserved.



TRANSPORTS for ships in Terrinoth and is similar to vehicle
The ships of Shenzhou are primarily made to navigate the entries in the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE. The Junk ship has
rivers and lakes of the empire. Because of this, they have a a keel length of 150’ (45m) and a beam width of 35’
wide, flattened hull, and serve a variety of functions as they (10m) and is powered by three main lateen-rigged sails.
sail the waterways. This information for this ship follows Smaller ships look similar but have the same stats as the
the format previously used in TARIANOR’S Cog from that title.


CREW DECK (Aft Castle & Forecastle are darker)



None standard. Military variants often None standard, though the ship is Most junks are used to carry cargo up and
include: 4 light ballistae: (2 FA Starboard extremely versatile to serve many roles. down the rivers of the empire. Military
and 2 FA Port; Dmg 1; Crit 2; Range [L]; Most of the same ship enhancements from versions often carry troops.
Inaccurate 1). Shenzhou does not Terrinoth are available in Shenzhou.
currently have black powder weapons
such as canons in its arsenal.

The Shenzhou Junk ship is far outnumbered by smaller DECK PLANS

fishing craft and cog-like vessels on the waterways of the
empire. However, they are still plentiful. The ship type has
been used for centuries and many of them are decades old. This ship is laid out with a Main Deck, then has a 2-
stepped aft-castle, and a forecastle. Beneath the Main
Most such ships are owned by powerful lords, successful Deck is the Crew Deck primarily for crew, passengers,
merchants, or well-heeled fishermen. While piracy is rare and cargo (and troops if a naval ship). Below this (not
on the empire’s waterways, it is not unheard of. Of course, mapped) is a Bilge Deck (rocks for ballast, extra cargo,
such a ship would be widely hunted so survivors of such etc., and it is only about a foot deep until the top of the
encounters are rare. rocks).

Control Skill: Operating

Complement: 30 crew
Passenger Capacity: 10
Price/Rarity: 120,000/7 1. Ship’s Wheel: Steers the rudder, typically has a rope
Consumables: 2 weeks loop to keep the ship on course
Encumbrance Capacity: 60 (300 Tons) 2. Mizzenmast: Rear mast
Tonnage: 300 Tons 3. Mainmast: Center mast
Vehicle Hard Points (VHP): 50 4. Foremast: Front mast
5. Ship’s Rudder: Controlled by the ship’s wheel
6. Companionway Hatches Down: Down to the Crew

1. Mess and Galley: Food prep and eating area
2. Stateroom: Passenger/crew quarters
3. Captain’s Quarters: Private room of the captain
4. Storage Closet: Captain’s personal storage
5. Companionway Hatch Down: Down to Bilge Deck
6. Storage Room: Extra supplies or cargo
7. Stateroom: Passenger/crew quarters
8. Rope and Sails Storage: Extra, in case of wind damage
Shenzhou Junk


The magic practitioners of Shenzhou have created items • Encumbrance: 0
never before seen in the baronies or the rest of Mennara. • Price: 6,000 retail (2,000 to make in materials).
This represents the expense to the caster of
Just as in the TERRINOTH TREASURES series, information is
purchasing (versus finding) the needed
given for each item including the (optional) information to
materials. The gold setting for the claw (300),
make these items. Of course, for full rules regarding the
powdered Starstone (700), the claw from a
making of magical items, please refer to the TERRINOTH
hatchling dragon (700), and a few drops of
TREASURES: VOLUME I supplement. As in Terrinoth, Shenzhou
Vampire blood (300).
magicians make use of powdered Starstone (a bluish-black
stone from an ancient meteorite) to create magical items. In • Rarity: 7 (5 Experience Cost)
Terrinoth, this is found only in the Starfall Forest, but in • Enchantment Time: 8 days
Shenzhou, this substance can be found in the Celestial • Skill Check Difficulty: Daunting ( )
Forest as well.

Unless otherwise stated, activating a magic item costs a

Maneuver. These items are all adapted to GENESYS from
those appearing in the DYNASTY OF SHENZHOU RUNEBOUND
expansion. Weapon attachments require 1 hard point. Appearance: Hira shurikens appear much the same as
normal ones, though they are always of Superior quality.
DRAGON CROWN Regardless of which metal is used to forge them, they are
always red in color as a result of the ritual to enchant
Appearance: This golden crown is inset with small, dragon
hatchling teeth facing upward around the front of the Benefit: This shuriken can automatically return to its
crown, with larger teeth towards the middle. It is often owner’s hand after a Ranged attack. This Quality
embedded with gems. (Returning) is incidental and does not require a
Maneuver to activate or catch it upon return (but does
Benefit: Once per session, recover up to 3 wounds. require spending 󲊴󲊴 to trigger the Quality). It is simply
ready to be thrown again on the character’s next Action.
Enchantment Process:
• Skill needed to enchant: Arcana or Divine. One Enchantment Process:
needs to be trained in one of these skills to attempt • Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to be
this enchantment. trained in this skill to attempt this enchantment.
• Encumbrance: • Encumbrance:
• Price: 4,000 retail (1,300 to make in materials). • Price: 600 retail (200 to make in materials). This
This represents the expense to the caster of represents the expense to the caster of
purchasing (versus finding) the needed materials. purchasing (versus finding) the needed
The crown itself (100), powdered Starstone (600), materials. The shuriken itself (40), powdered
teeth from a hatchling dragon (540), and a few Starstone (60), and a vial of blood from a
drops of Ogre blood (60). creature (not a normal animal) with the Flying
• Rarity: 6 (no Experience Cost) ability (100).
• Enchantment Time: 7 days • Rarity: 6 (no Experience Cost)
• Skill Check Difficulty: Hard ( ) • Enchantment Time: 7 days
• Skill Check Difficulty: Hard ( )

Appearance: This trinket is made from a real dragon
hatchling claw and is often worn as a necklace though it “Few sorcerers know the secret of giving life to jade.
can also be carried to receive the benefit. Some believe jade is the only material that can be given
life.” - Flavor text from Runebound card
Benefit: Once per encounter, spend 2 strain to recover 2
wounds while a chosen enemy suffers 2 wounds. Activation Appearance: A jade bear begins as a small, fist-sized jade
of this item requires an Action versus a Manuever. statuette in a stylized bear shape. Precious gems are
often used for the eyes.
Enchantment Process:
• Skill needed to enchant: Arcana or Divine. One Benefit: This small jade statuette can (once per session)
needs to be trained in one of these skills to attempt transform into an actual Bear, loyal to the character as if
this enchantment. they had the Animal Companion talent.


• Encumbrance: As sword type.

Enchantment Process: • Price: 3,000 retail (1,000 to make in materials).
• Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to be This represents the expense to the caster of
trained in this skill to attempt this enchantment. purchasing (versus finding) the needed
• Encumbrance: 1 materials. The sword itself (not factored in),
• Price: 6,000 retail (2,000 to make in materials). powdered Starstone (800), and the essence from
This represents the expense to the caster of a Wraith (200).
purchasing (versus finding) the needed materials. • Rarity: 8 (5 Experience Cost)
The jade statuette itself (1,200), powdered • Enchantment Time: 9 days
Starstone (700), and a vial of blood from an • Skill Check Difficulty: Formidable ( )
undead creature (100).
• Rarity: 7 (5 Experience Cost)
• Enchantment Time: 8 days KAIYUAN BOW
• Skill Check Difficulty: Daunting ( )
Appearance: A Kaiyuan Bow can be any base type of bow
Statistics for a Bear (pg. 86, EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE) and is always of Superior quality. Most such bows are
indeed works of art with exquisite reliefs and precious
JADE STATUE gems. This is a weapon attachment.

Benefit: Once per encounter, your character can activate

Appearance: Jade statues are small, fist-sized statuettes. this weapon to add to the Ranged skill roll and add +2
They can be of nearly anything but are often of mystical to damage.
creatures or heroes of legend. Precious gems are often used
for the eyes. Enchantment Process:
• Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to be
Benefit: Once per session, your character may make a Hard trained in this skill to attempt this enchantment.
( ) Knowledge (Lore) skill check (as an out-of-turn • Encumbrance:
incidental). If it succeeds, you can negate an enemy’s next • Price: 1,000 retail (300 to make in materials).
attack. This represents the expense to the caster of
purchasing (versus finding) the needed
Enchantment Process: materials. The Superior bow itself (not factored
• Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to be in), powdered Starstone (70), and a few drops of
trained in this skill to attempt this enchantment. blood from a creature (not a normal animal)
• Encumbrance: with the Flying ability (230).
• Price: 9,000 retail (3,000 to make in materials). • Rarity: 7 (5 Experience Cost)
This represents the expense to the caster of • Enchantment Time: 8 days
purchasing (versus finding) the needed materials. • Skill Check Difficulty: Daunting ( )
The jade statuette itself (1,200), powdered
Starstone (1,600), and powdered stone from a
golem (200).
• Rarity: 8 (5 Experience Cost) MASK OF WUSHU
• Enchantment Time: 9 days
• Skill Check Difficulty: Formidable ( ) Appearance: Masks of Wushu can be made from many
different rare materials and often depict a stylized Oni
(see Adversaries section). They are similar to the Kabuki
JIAN SWORD masks used in some Shenzhou theater performances.

Benefit: Once per encounter, your character can activate

Appearance: A Jian Sword can be any base type of sword, the mask to add +2 damage to a Magic attack. It must be
though often only katanas and wakizashis are so enchanted. worn to function.
They are always of Superior quality. Most such swords are
indeed works of art with exquisite reliefs and precious Enchantment Process:
gems. This item is a sword attachment. • Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to
be trained in this skill to attempt this
Benefit: Once per session, your character can activate this enchantment.
weapon to make another Melee attack action. The weapon • Encumbrance:
also has the (Spectral) Quality, meaning it can attack • Price: 6,000 retail (2,000 to make in materials).
spectral creatures normally (creatures which halve the This represents the expense to the caster of
damage before applying soak). Your character must spend purchasing (versus finding) the needed
󲊴󲊴 as normal to trigger the Quality. materials. The mask itself (1,100), powdered
Starstone (700), and a vial of blood from a
Enchantment Process: magical creature (200).
• Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to be • Rarity: 7 (5 Experience Cost)
trained in this skill to attempt this enchantment.


• Enchantment Time: 8 days Enchantment Process:

• Skill Check Difficulty: Daunting ( ) • Skill needed to enchant: Arcana. One needs to
be trained in this skill to attempt this
• Encumbrance:
TENGU MASK • Price: 3,000 retail (1,000 to make in materials).
This represents the expense to the caster of
Appearance: A Tengu Mask can be made from many purchasing (versus finding) the needed
different materials and depict a stylized Tengu (new Player materials. The mask itself (300), powdered
Species introduced in this book). They are similar to the Starstone (600), and a vial of blood from a Tengu
Kabuki masks used in some Shenzhou theater (100).
performances. • Rarity: 6 (no Experience Cost)
• Enchantment Time: 7 days
Benefit: Once per encounter, your character can activate • Skill Check Difficulty: Hard ( )
the mask to add 󲊳 to a Deception skill check. The mask
must be worn to function.



Recover up to 3
Dragon Crown - - - - 0 4,000 6

spend 2 strain to
recover 2 wounds
Dragon’s Claw - - - Short 0 6,000 7 while a chosen
enemy suffers 2

Disorient 2,
Hira Shuriken Ranged +2 3 Short 0 600 6 Superior,

Can (once per

Jade Bear - - - - 1 6,000 7 session) transform
into an actual Bear

Hard ( )
Knowledge (Lore)
Jade Statue - - Long 1 9,000 8 skill check to
negate an enemy’s
next attack.

Spectral, Activate
for an extra Melee
attack, -1
As As
Jian Sword Melee (L) As Type As Type 3,000 8 encumbrance, +1
Type Type
to Defensive and
Pierce (or gain it
at 1)

Activate to add
As As to the Ranged skill
Kaijuan Bow Ranged As Type As Type 900 7
Type Type roll and add +2 to

Activate the mask

Mask of Wushu Magic +1 - - 1 6,000 7 to add +2 damage
to a Magic attack

Activate the mask

to add 󲊳 to a
Tengu Mask Deception - - - 0 3,000 6
Deception skill


magical source such as a spell, magical weapon, or blessed
Shenzhou has many of the creatures common to the weapon.
REALMS OF TERRINOTH setting. However, there are many
unique creatures to this region of Mennara. Some are Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all of its opponents
similar but have minor differences than their counterparts must make a Hard ( ) fear check as an out-of-turn
in the realms. Other creatures are completely unlike any incidental, as per page 243 of the GENESYS CORE
ever seen in other parts of the world. Outsiders traveling in RULEBOOK.
Shenzhou should be wary of all these strange, new
adversaries. Undead: Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink, and can
survive underwater; immune to poisons and toxins.
Equipment: Spectral Claws (Brawl; Damage 2; Critical 1;
Ancient spirits are the long dead ancestors of the living. Range [Engaged]; Stun Damage).
While they often appear to counsel or assist their ancestors,
they can also appear to defend them or seek revenge if their
ancestors were responsible for their fate. Ancient spirits are CHIMEI (NEMESIS)
similar to the Wraiths of Terrinoth but with some “The people know that when they walk the hills, rivers,
differences (and not as large or powerful). and forests to not meet with injurious, monstrous, and evil
things. These mountain demons are not to be taken
lightly.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.

Art by Jayaraj Paul, Purple Duck Games

Art by Gary Dupuis, Purple Duck Games

Skills: Brawl 4 , Cool 1 , Melee (Heavy) 3

, Resilience 3
Talents: Silhouette 2
Abilities: Sweep Attack: May spend 󲊵 on a successful
Skills: Brawl 3 , Cool 2 , Discipline 2 melee combat check to inflict one hit dealing the
Talents: None weapon’s base damage on everyone engaged with the
Abilities: Ghostly: May move over or through terrain target.
without penalty. Halve the damage dealt to the spirit Ynfernael Native: A demon is completely immune to
before applying soak, unless the attack came from a damage from fire, unless it also has the Holy quality or is

Blessed by the Divine (such as the Flames of Kellos talent), • Water: Stun damage
and immune to poison and toxins.

Equipment: Massive Cudgel (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 9;

Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Breach 1, Knockdown). ELEMENTAL SERPENT (RIVAL)
Massive Fists (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range “The serpents of wind, fire, earth and water wreak havoc
[Engaged]; Knockdown). Tusks (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical everywhere they go.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.
3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Vicious 2), Thick Hide (+2
soak). Like the Elemental Demons, Elemental Serpents also
inhabit areas akin to their particular element. They are
ELEMENTAL DEMON (RIVAL) most often found close to the related elemental temple due
to the concentration of elemental magic in these areas.
These minor demons are tied to the elemental planes instead
of the Ynfernael. They are most often found in areas similar
to their nature: water demons in bodies of water, wind
demons in areas with high winds, and the like.

Art by Hopsy Graphic Art

Art by Claudio Casini

Skills: Athletics 2 , Brawl 2 , Stealth 2 ,

Vigilance 3
Talents: None
Abilities: Inconspicuous: An elemental serpent in its
Skills: Brawl 3 , Stealth 2 , Vigilance 2 favored element appears indistinguishable from an
Talents: None ordinary example of its element; a character can make a
Abilities: Amorphous: As an incidental, it may increase or Hard ( ) Perception or Vigilance check to identify an
decrease its silhouette by 1. elemental demon.
Inconspicuous: An elemental demon in its favored element Slithering: The serpent doesn’t suffer the normal penalties
appears indistinguishable from an ordinary example of its for moving through difficult terrain.
element; a character can make a Hard ( ) Perception Equipment: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 2; Range
or Vigilance check to identify an elemental demon. [Engaged] and has qualities depending on their element:
Equipment: While they can use weapons (such as the one below).
pictured), they usually attack with formed fists. Fists (Brawl; • Wind: Knockdown
Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Engaged] and have qualities • Fire: Burn 2
depending on their element: below).
• Earth: Ensnare 2
• Wind: Knockdown
• Water: Stun damage
• Fire: Burn 2
• Earth: Ensnare 2


FOREST ONI (RIVAL) The physical differences between the vampires of

Shenzhou and those found in the Mistlands are minor.
“The Oni is a common horned demon that often wields an Shenzhou vampires have a forked tongue and yellow eyes.
iron club.” – Flavor text from Runebound card. Often For this reason, they are unable to pass for human upon
encountered only near or around the Hell Wood, these closer inspection. Other than this, they aren’t too much
creatures are widely feared. Though they are typically different than vampires in other lands. However, the
considered a lesser demon, they are still more than a match Jiangshi are much more likely to be involved in the
for a lone warrior. societies of man, often as a shadow power behind some
other figurehead.

Art © Dean Spencer

Art © Dean Spencer

Skills: Arcana 3 , Brawl 2 , Charm 3

, Cool 2 , Discipline 2 ,
Knowledge (Forbidden) 4 , Negotiation 2
, Vigilance 2
Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character once.
Dark Insight: Use Knowledge (Forbidden) to determine
Skills: Athletics 3 , Brawl 3 , Perception spell effects.
2 , Vigilance 2 Abilities: Blood Call: when a Jiangshi damages a target
Talents: None using their fangs, they heal wounds equal to the wounds
Abilities: Regeneration: at the beginning of its turn, this inflicted.
creature automatically heals 1 wound. Sunlight Sensitivity: While exposed to sunlight, a Jiangshi
Ynfernael Native: A demon is completely immune to reduces all of their characteristics by 2 and halves their
damage from fire, unless it also has the Holy quality or is Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold.
Blessed by the Divine (such as the Flames of Kellos talent), Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all of its opponents
and immune to poison and toxins. must make a Daunting ( ) fear check as an out-of-
Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range turn incidental, as per page 243 of the GENESYS CORE
[Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 2). RULEBOOK.
Undead: Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink (except
blood), and can survive underwater; immune to poisons
JIANGSHI (NEMESIS) and toxins.
Vampiric Magic: A Jiangshi reduces the difficulty of all
“These undead creatures stalk in the night looking to suck magic skill checks one step.
the life from anyone they come upon. In other lands, they Spells: A Jiangshi can choose any magic action allowed for
are called vampires.” – Flavor text from Runebound card. the Arcana skill, and may select additional spell effects, as


Equipment: Fangs (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range Immolate: The Jiufeng can assume a fiery form, and it does
[Engaged]; Ensnare 1, Vicious 2). this if in combat. It only takes a maneuver for it to be
surrounded in flames. In this form, it is immune from any
kind of fire attacks.
JIUFENG (RIVAL) Equipment: Fiery Touch (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]; Burn 3).
“This nine-headed bird was once worshipped long ago, but
when the current dynasty took over Shenzhou, the creature
was demonized and hunted.” – Flavor text from Runebound KAPPA (MINION)
“The Kappa sometimes pulls harmless pranks on travelers.
These birds are now primarily found only in the Celestial Other times, it has been known to drown people or kidnap
Forest or the most remote regions of other forests. Some very them.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.
wealthy nobles and lords keep one caged as a status symbol.
They are also called the 9-headed phoenix. While the Kappa range all throughout the waterways of
the empire, the largest congregation of them is found in
the aptly-named Kappa Lake. Well-travelled areas of the
lake are often safe from their antics, but remote sections of
the lake invite trouble from the creatures.

Creative Commons Art

Creative Commons Art

Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Negotiation,

Talents: None
Abilities: Silhouette 0.
Amphibious: Kappas never suffer movement penalties for
moving through water.
Water Magic Immunity: Kappas are immune to any spells
using the element of water.
Peculiar Vulnerability: If one is able to empty the water out
Skills: Athletics 2 , Brawl 1 , Coordination 2 of the bowl-like recess in a kappa’s head, the kappa is
, Perception 3 , Vigilance 2 Incapacitated and will soon die if it is not refilled with
Talents: None water from the kappa’s home lake or river.
Abilities: Flyer: Can fly; see page 100 of the GENESYS CORE Equipment: Talons (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range
RULEBOOK. [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Vicious 2).


KIRIN (RIVAL) melee weapons (and even then, only after another drops
one). They mostly punch or bite their foes.
“Only the most wicked or the most foolish of souls dares to
face the Kirin.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.

Also called the Qilin, the Shenzhou unicorn differs greatly

from its counterpart in the western realm. Its single horn
resembles an antler, it has scales as well as hair, and cloven
hooves. The creatures are very rare and most believe they
don’t even exist.

Creative Commons Art

Creative Commons Art

Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Melee (Light),

Talents: None
Abilities: Arboreal: A Monkey Man never treats forest,
Skills: Athletics 3 , Brawl 2 , Discipline 4 jungle or treetops as difficult terrain and can travel
, Knowledge (Lore) 4 through the treetops at their normal movement rate (or
Talents: Silhouette 2. any environment similar to this, such as the rigging of a
Abilities: Flyer: Can fly; see page 100 of the GENESYS CORE ship).
RULEBOOK (through magic, not wings). Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Monkey Men
Mind Reader: The kirin’s ability functions the same as the remove up to 󲊸󲊸 imposed due to darkness.
ability of the same name on page 183 of the GENESYS CORE Equipment: Fists (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 5; Range
RULEBOOK. It allows the kirin to know the target’s current [Engaged]), Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;l Range
thoughts and emotional state. [Engaged]; Vicious 1)
Equipment: Hooves (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Knockdown). Horn (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical
3; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1). OSANSHOUO (MINION)
“Shenzhou’s native giant salamander is slowly becoming
MONKEY MEN (FERAL)(MINION) extinct. The dynasty and farmers have taken over most of
its natural habitat.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.
Different than their sapient cousins, feral Monkey Men
defer to their more upright counterparts when they are Sometimes these are called “big pepper lizards”, due to the
encountered. However, other beings are seen as sticky, white mucus they secret which smells like peppers.
opportunistic targets if the feral Monkey Men outnumber It is a normal animal (so available under the Transform
them. The feral variant walks with a much more simian gait spell action) but noted here due to its poisonous qualities.
and does not wear clothing or use weapons other than


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Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Survival, Vigilance

Talents: None
Abilities: Poisonous Mucus: Anyone engaging with the
salamander must make an Average ( ) Resilience check
or their eyes start stinging and watering, resulting in Skills: Athletics 3 , Brawl 3 , Cool 3 ,
adding 󲊸󲊸 to any skill checks for the rest of the Coordination 2 , Perception 2 , Stealth 2
Equipment: Bite (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range Talents: Swift: This creature does not suffer penalties for
[Engaged]; Vicious 1). moving through difficult terrain.
Abilities: Ambush Predator: When attacking a target that
Their mucus is often dried and powdered to use as an eye- has not yet acted during the current encounter, this
irritant component of ninja alchemical mixtures. creature adds to its combat checks.
Pounce: Once per turn, while at short range this creature
RUISHI (RIVAL) may perform a move maneuver to engage a target as an
Ruishi are also known as “foo dogs” (though they are Stone Form: As an out-of-turn incidental, the fu dog can
actually lion variants). How they came to be in the valley is revert to stone form. While it cannot move in this form,
still a bit of a mystery, though many believe a past emperor its soak value increases to 10 and it becomes immune to
kept them as pets and they eventually got loose centuries fire-based attacks.
ago. Statues of these creatures are often used to denote Equipment: Claws and fangs (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical
important structures or homes of the wealthy. 2; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 3).
This adversary entry covers a supernatural variant often
encountered in Shenzhou. This variant often hibernates in XIANG TIAN (NEMESIS)
stone form, and only animates under conditions specified by “The headless giant, it has a face in its chest since its head
its masters (this is typically to protect the building from was lost long ago.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.
intruders). Actual lions are listed under the Big Cat entry on
page 86 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE. These strange giants are oddly also found in Lorimor
(where they are known as Blemmyes). Scholars are still
mystified as to their origins, but many believe them to be
the result of an ancient curse. Legends state they originated
from a woodland titan who challenged the gods and was
beheaded in battle. However, his will was too great for
death. It isn’t known whether they appeared first in
Lorimor or Shenshou, as the two did not have contact at
that time in history (or how this legend led to a species of
such beings). Luckily, they are extremely rare.


Art by Joseph Pegg Creative Commons Art

Skills: Athletics 3 , Brawl 4 , Skills: Athletics 4 , Brawl 3 , Perception

Melee 3 , 2 , Resilience 3
Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character once. checks targeting this character once.
Abilities: Giant Stomp!: Brawl attacks that giants make Abilities: Silhouette 2.
have a Critical rating of 3, and if they inflict Critical Ynfernael Native: A demon is completely immune to
Injuries, +40 is added to the resulting Critical Injury damage from fire, unless it also has the Holy quality or is
result. Blessed by the Divine (such as the Flames of Kellos talent),
Silhouette 3 and immune to poison and toxins.
Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all of its opponents Equipment: Claws and Bite (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 3;
must make a Daunting ( ) fear check as an out-of- Range [Engaged]; Concussive 1; Knockdown, Vicious 2).
turn incidental, as per page 243 of the GENESYS CORE
Equipment: Huge Axe (Melee; Damage 13; Critical 2;
Range [Short]; Inaccurate 1, Knockdown).
These large, poisonous birds are sometimes called Zhen or
Poisonfeather Birds. They have purple abdomens and
YAOGUAI (RIVAL) green-tipped feathers with long necks and scarlet beaks.
The birds are typically as large as peacocks (which are also
These strange, bear-like, monstrous creatures rarely come found all over Shenzhou). Its poison is referred to as
down from the mountains. Imperial scholars believe them Zhendu or Zhen poison. While not a contact poison, it is
to be a lesser demon from the Ynfernael realm. They tend to extremely deadly if ingested. For this reason, it has few
eat larger predators in their domain and are active mostly actual predators.
at night.


Skills: Athletics 2 , Brawl 2 , Perception 3

, Vigilance 3
Talents: None
Abilities: Flyer: Can fly; see page 100 of the GENESYS
Equipment: Talons and Beak (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical
3; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1). Poisonous: Any creature
ingesting the feathers of the creature must make a
Daunting ( ) Resilience check; upon failure, the
Creative Commons Art target suffers 6 wounds, plus 1 strain per 󲊱; 󲊲 means
the target must make another Resilience check at the
same difficulty at the start of their next turn or suffer the
same effects. The poison made from the feathers is nearly
as potent, but only requires a Hard ( ) Resilience

Copyright © 2020 Stéphane "Wootha" Richard,



Art by Tan Ho Sim, from the Godbound Art Collection


flight. He was not alone, many dragons opted out of the

The Imperial family is the heart and center of the Imperial Dragon Wars, and still others left to avoid the punishment
Court. The rule of Emperor Suyoung has been absolute for meted out by the Dragon Queen. He was initially content
nearly half a century. Those who disagree with the Emperor to simply hide and observe the mostly human populace of
too much and publicly tend to go missing. the interesting valley he had come across. After a few
decades however, he then decided to assume human form
The general statistics for various roles are given in the and interact with them more directly. It was during this
EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE, so they are provided and not re- time when he felt the thrill of having power. His human
listed here due to Foundry guidelines. However, certain identities gained more and more power, but he was never
NPCs who do not fit these categories are given specific stat- content and eventually coveted the throne itself. While the
block information in their entries. details of the takeover are known only to the dragon, any
who even start to get close to the truth are never seen

Aryzath’s stats don’t change in his human form (except for

his silhouette of course) which he is in most of the time. He
does often seek to get away for a bit and resume his true
form at least once a fortnight.

Symbol of the Empire


Skills: Arcana 5 , Brawl 4 , Charm
3 , Coercion 4 , Cool 3 ,
Discipline 4 , Knowledge (Lore) 5 ,
Perception 3 , Ranged 4 , Resilience 4
, Runes 3 , Vigilance 3
Talents: Adversary 2
Swift: A dragon does not spend additional maneuvers to
move through difficult terrain.
Abilities: Claw Sweep:
Crush: When flying or jumping, Aryzath can land on foes
as an attack, using its whole body to crush them. Crush
attacks are only effective against foes of Silhouette 1 or 0.
The attack affects any foes in the area (as determined by
the GM). Foes can attempt a Hard ( ) Athletics check
to avoid being crushed and Immobilized. Those who fail
suffer wounds equal to twice Aryzath’s silhouette (so 8
damage), and they are Immobilized until the end of the
dragon’s next turn.
Tail Slap: In place of a claw attack, Aryzath may do a tail
slap. It is still a Brawl attack with the same damage and
range as the claw attack, but instead of the Vicious quality,
it has the Knockdown quality. In addition, the dragon can
spend 󲊴 to hit an additional engaged opponent that would
Emperor Suyoung with the Red Mistress be no more difficult to attack than the original target,
dealing the same damage (+1 damage per 󲊳).
The Emperor is not what he seems. In reality, the true Wing Buffet: In place of a claw attack, Aryzath may do a
Emperor Suyoung is dead. The man currently sitting on the wing buffet. It is still a Brawl attack with the same damage
throne of Shenzhou is no man at all, but a shape-shifting and range as the claw attack but affects all within short
Golden Dragon named Aryzath plotted his takeover for range of the dragon. Instead of the Vicious quality, the
years and assumed his shape about a decade ago. While he attack has the Knockdown quality for each target.
learned enough during his observations to effectively fool Swallow: May make an opposed Brawl check to swallow a
most, those closest to the Emperor feel as if something target within short range. If the check is successful,
changed in him those years ago (and of course they are swallowed characters are Immobilized and suffer 6
right…and many more were killed or imprisoned). damage at the start of each round but can escape if the
dragon is killed, or by making a successful Hard ( )
During the second darkness, Aryzath fled east from the Athletics check.
Molten Heath and declined to join the other dragons in their


Flyer: Can fly; see page 100 of the GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK.
Silhouette 4
Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all of its opponents (Pictured previously with the Emperor)
must make a Daunting ( ) fear check as an out-of-
turn incidental, as per page 243 of the GENESYS CORE Though her name is Kimiko, since the Emperor’s wife
RULEBOOK. passed (during Aryzath’s takeover), her constant presence
Spells: While Aryzath knows the spells common to most at the Emperor’s side (and her fondness for wearing red)
dragons (as found on page 195 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH earned her the nickname of the Red Mistress. Surprisingly,
sourcebook), he also favors the draconic spells found in the Kimiko simply embraced the name, and in doing so gained
DANGEROUS DRAGONS supplement. He can cast any magic more acceptance in the court. The Emperor respects her
actions allowed for the Arcana and Runes skill and may mind and though many suspect a romantic relationship,
select additional effects as normal. the dragon has no interest in such with a human. While
Equipment: Fiery Breath (Ranged; Damage 16; Critical 3; she doesn’t know the Emperor’s true secret, she does
Range [Medium]; Blast 16; Burn 3, Prepare 1). Claws suspect he’s hiding something big, especially the origins of
(Brawl; Damage 17; Critical 2; range [Engaged]; the incredible magical knowledge he often teaches her.
Knockdown, Sunder, Vicious 5), Bite (Brawl; Damage 17; GMs should use the Greyhaven Wizard entry from page
Critical 2; Range [Short], Sunder, Vicious 5) and can 153 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook for her stats
Swallow (see ability). or similar.

Lin is the young son of the Emperor. While just a teenager,
he has been a vocal supporter of the commonfolk. If he General Sun is often regarded as the most skilled Samurai
wasn’t the heir to the throne, he’d have been imprisoned or in the empire. He is extremely loyal to the Emperor and
worse by now. Many believe it may yet be his fate. While he sees his role as an honored position worthy of his
is constantly trained to be a warrior, his aptitude lies more ancestors. He’s a lithe and agile adversary. GMs should use
with his scholarly pursuits. In his studies, he’s seen the the General entry from page 92 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S
mistakes of past emperors and wants to right the perceived GUIDE for his stats or similar.
wrongs of his father’s empire. GMs should use the Attacker
entry from page 91 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for his
stats or similar.

Kirino is the Emperor’s daughter. While she often appears
as a Lady of the court, she is also an accomplished Shugenja
and Sister of Water. She is extremely loyal to her father and
the Empire and often helps to smooth over any differences
between the Emperor and the Shugenja. GMs should use the
Healer entry from page 89 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE
for her stats or similar.

Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions


While Commander Zhao is considered to be loyal to the
throne, it is no secret he craves more power. In secret, he
whispers concerns the Emperor has been corrupted by
dark magic, perhaps from the Red Mistress, to any who
Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions

will listen. While he abhors the rebellious element in the Feng Meng is the most-famed archer in the Emperor’s
empire, he does believe he can eventually use it to his forces. As a child, he was seen hunting in the Claw Wood.
advantage…especially if the Emperor were to perish in such His accuracy amazed the warriors who witnessed the shots
a coup attempt. GMs should use the Defender entry from and he was quickly recruited into the Imperial Army. GMs
page 92 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for her stats or should use the Attacker entry from page 91 of the
similar. EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for her stats or similar (but
change Melee 2 to Ranged 5 and Agility to 4). He also has
a Kaiyuan Bow (see Magic Items) and often carries many
FENG MENG (RIVAL) potions, poisons, and elixirs.

“Though an accomplished archer who learned from the

greatest marksman, it is believed that Feng Meng murdered
his master.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.

The Imperial family is indeed important. However, there
are many other persons and creatures of note in Shenzhou.
Many of these individuals are members of the Jade Dragons,
a resistance group looking to end dynasty rule in the
empire. Others are not taking sides but could still be
important to different characters. The general statistics for
various roles are given in the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE, so
they are provided and not re-listed here due to Foundry
guidelines. However, certain NPCs who do not fit these
categories are given specific stat-block information in their
entries. Skills: Brawl 4 , Charm 3 , Coercion
4 , Cool 3 , Discipline 4 ,
Divine 5 , Knowledge (Religion) 5 ,
FEI (NEMESIS) Perception 3 , Ranged 4 , Resilience 4
Fei is the leader of the Jade Dragons resistance movement. , Vigilance 3
While he appears as a middle-aged man, he is in fact a Talents: Adversary 2
shape-changed Jade Dragon (like the Emperor, he is a Swift: A dragon does not spend additional maneuvers to
unique dragon so is not listed in the Adversaries section). move through difficult terrain.
Abilities: Claw Sweep:
Crush: When flying or jumping, Fei can land on foes as an
attack, using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks
are only effective against foes of Silhouette 1 or 0. The
attack affects any foes in the area (as determined by the
GM). Foes can attempt a Hard ( ) Athletics check to
avoid being crushed and Immobilized. Those who fail
suffer wounds equal to twice Fei’s silhouette (so 6
damage), and they are Immobilized until the end of the
dragon’s next turn.
Tail Slap: In place of a claw attack, Fei may do a tail slap. It
is still a Brawl attack with the same damage and range as
the claw attack, but instead of the Vicious quality, it has
the Knockdown quality. In addition, the dragon can spend
󲊴 to hit an additional engaged opponent that would be no
more difficult to attack than the original target, dealing the
same damage (+1 damage per 󲊳).
Swallow: May make an opposed Brawl check to swallow a
target within short range. If the check is successful,
swallowed characters are Immobilized and suffer 6
damage at the start of each round but can escape if the
Art by EOF Game Resources dragon is killed, or by making a successful Hard ( )
Athletics check.
Though a formidable foe himself, Fei knows he cannot take Flyer: Can fly; see page 100 of the GENESYS CORE
the Emperor one-on-one, so he has spent a decade trying to RULEBOOK.
sow the seeds of rebellion. When the time is right, and the Silhouette 3 (smaller than most ancient dragons)
rebellion has truly begun, he will gather his allies, resume Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all of its opponents
his true form, and confront the Emperor. must make a Hard ( ) fear check as an out-of-

turn incidental, as per page 243 of the GENESYS CORE , Perception 3 , Resilience 3 ,
RULEBOOK. Survival 2 , and Vigilance 4
Spells: While Fei knows the spells common to most dragons Talents: Adversary 2.
(as found on page 195 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH Mystic Talents: Master Guyoun has a completed Talent
sourcebook), he also favors the draconic spells found in the Pyramid for the Mystic as listed in the back of this tome.
DANGEROUS DRAGONS supplement. He can cast any magic Abilities: Dual Strike: this is similar to the Dual Wielder
actions allowed for the Divine skill (and uses this skill to cast talent on page 76 of the GENESYS CORE RULEBOOK.
common draconic spells) and may select additional effects Greater Calling: He can cast Heal spells (using his
as normal. Jade Dragons are tied to the element of Earth. Knowledge [Lore] skill).
Equipment: Lightning Breath (Ranged; Damage 15; Critical Equipment: Katana (Melee [Light]; Damage 12; Critical 2;
3; Range [Long]; Stun 4, Prepare 1, this also effects everyone Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Unwieldy 1,
in a line all the up to long range). Claws (Brawl; Damage Vicious 1). Wakizashi (Melee [Light]; Damage 11; Critical
14; Critical 2; range [Engaged]; Knockdown, Sunder, 2; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Pierce 1). Punches and
Vicious 5), Bite (Brawl; Damage 14; Critical 2; Range Kicks (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Engaged];
[Short], Sunder, Vicious 4) and can Swallow (see ability). Knockdown, Concussive 2).


“Mind over matter is no trick, but mastering it can be A member of the Jade Dragons, Houji is a Bushi warrior.
difficult.” – Flavor text from Runebound card. She is adored by the people and known for defending the
innocent and the helpless. GMs should use the Defender
Guyoun Lao is a former Samurai, current old master, and entry from page 92 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for her
the leader of the monastery of the Mystic order. While not stats or similar.
formally a member of the Imperial Court, he is a loyalist and
often provides counsel to the Emperor.

Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions

Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions
“It is said that Kanghui destroyed an entire mountain in a
fit of rage” – Flavor text from Runebound card.

This giant is a known menace in Shenzhou and the

Emperor has placed a hefty bounty on his head. He has all
the normal statistics of a Giant as found on page 226 of the
REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook. While the tales of his
rampages are exaggerated, he is known to have destroyed
villages between Longmen and Zijin Cheng in the past. If
any reliable information reaches the court concerning his
Skills: Athletics 4 , Brawl 4 , Discipline whereabouts, the Emperor himself plans to deal with him
3, , Knowledge (Lore) 4 , Melee (Light) 4 (in his true form).


KAZUKO (RIVAL) Burn 3 or Ensnare 3 due to his Fist of Ice or Fist of Fire
magical items).
“Drinking helps me fight. It also helps me drink.” – Flavor
text from Runebound card. KUA FU (LEGENDARY)
Kazuko is an actual Monk (not Mystic) from the TRADES OF “Kua Fu is a club-wielding giant who appears to be chasing
TERRINOTH supplement, and master of the Drunken Monkey the sun.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.
style of martial arts. A long-time member of the Jade Legendary beings are akin to gods. For this reason, statistics
Dragons, Kazuko is often near Fei. A serious man, he speaks are not given as GMs are encouraged to use such beings
little, but strongly supports the resistance. only in a narrative sense. Player characters would rarely
have the power to truly engage such beings in combat. The
legend of Kua Fu may provide GMs with a useful tool to
end a conflict, block an escape, or some other plot twist
where such a powerful being’s presence would surely
complicate matters.

Lo Qin is a Wu-Jen in the service of the Jade Dragons.
Originally from the Ru Steppes, he was brought to
Shenzhou when he was just a child. The was many years
ago, as he was taken in by an aging Wu-Jen hermit and
showed an aptitude for magic right away. His foreign
appearance and features only add to the mystery
surrounding him for most of the populace. He is most
known for his magical ability to take the form of animals,
and it is said one never knows when that bird in a tree or
the rat scurrying along the wall is Lo Qin in disguise.

Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions

Skills: Athletics 4 , Brawl 4 ,

Coordination 2 , Discipline 4 ,
Knowledge (Lore) 3 , Stealth 2 , Survival 1
, Resilience 3
Talents: Knockout Punch: He adds the Stun 4 quality to his
Brawl attacks (TERRINOTH TALENTS).
Tavern Brawler: As found on page 87 of the REALMS OF Art by Bob Greyvenstein, Grimm Press
TERRINOTH sourcebook.
Grapple: As found on page 88 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH
Open Handed: When defeating an adversary with a Brawl
attack, can suffer 2 strain and perform an additional
attack on any target within engaged range. This also adds
the Pierce 4 ability (TERRINOTH TALENTS).
Abilities: Greater Calling: He can cast Heal spells using the
Knowledge (Lore) skill.
Equipment: Punches and Kicks (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical
4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 4, Stun 4, and he can add either


Skills: Alchemy 3 , Arcana 5 , Charm

3 , Knowledge (Lore) 4 , Mechanics 2
, Medicine 2 , Melee (Heavy) 2

Talents: Adversary 1.
Abilities: Sorcery 2: Lo Qin can lower the difficulty of any
spell he casts by 2; to a minimum of Easy ( ).
Spells: Lo Qin can perform any spell action allowed for by
the Arcana skill (and Transform spells, see below).
Equipment: Ring of Transformation (allows for use of the
Transform spell action into any natural animal from
silhouette 0 to silhouette 2 in size, once per encounter). Skills: Alchemy 2 , Athletics 4 , Deception 3
Magic Staff: , Knowledge (Lore) 2 , Melee (Light) 3
, Ranged 4 , Skulduggery 2 ,
Stealth 3
MASTER MUSHI (NEMESIS) Talents: Master of Disguise: See page 20.
Tumble: Once per round, Mei Yin can suffer 2 strain to
Master Mushi is a Wu-Jen in the service of the Emperor. He disengage from all targets.
is timid and often considered weak but is often of service Dirty Tricks: After inflicting a Critical Injury on an
when the Emperor chooses not to display his own magical adversary, she may upgrade the difficulty of their next
ability. GMs should use the Greyhaven Wizard entry from check.
page 153 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook for his Wall Climber: She suffers no penalties moving along
stats or similar. vertical surfaces and treats them as normal terrain.
MEI YIN (NEMESIS) Lightning Draw: See the Shadow Walkers ability on pg. 50.
Precision Strikes: See the ability on pg. 50.
“Speed and accuracy will always have an advantage over Backstab: See the Shadow Walkers ability on page 50.
brute force.” – Flavor text from Runebound card. Spells: Mei Yin can cast the Mask spell action mentioned
in the (using her Knowledge [Lore] skill).
Mei Yin is an accomplished Ninja. A Footpad with the Equipment: (4) Hira Shurikens (Ranged; Damage 6;
Shadow Walkers, she has recently decided to support the Critical 3; Range [Short]; Disorient 2, Returning), Katana
rebellion (in secret). While she is not the only informant (Melee [Light]; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Engaged];
within the order’s ranks, she has so far managed to stay Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Unwieldy 1, Vicious 1), Punches and
above suspicion. Kicks (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Engaged];
Knockdown, Concussive 2). It should be noted Mei Yin
often poisons her shurikens and her katana blade. Her
most commonly used poison is that of the Zhennaio bird
(on page 39). She keeps one as a pet strictly for this

Shennong is a former Samurai (now Ronin) who feels
betrayed by the Emperor. He joined the Jade Dragons and
never looked back. GMs should use the General entry from
page 92 of the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for his stats or

Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions

Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions


TANZO (RIVAL) utilize these peaches in their campaign, as even tastes of

said peaches may grant extended years or other abilities.
“Everyone looks down on us, but our Monkey King is the
greatest of rulers.” – Flavor text from Runebound card. XIANSHA (RIVAL)
Tanzo is a Monkey Man Bushi warrior. While most of his “This land will be torn apart. Whoever wins, we all lose.”
kind aren’t taken seriously, Tanzo has slowly been changing – Flavor text from Runebound card.
that mindset with his skill and demeanor in the heat of
battle. He is well-respected by the populace and he is known Xiansha is a Kensai warrior and her loyalties lie only with
all over Shenzhou. gold. Currently, that gold is paid by the Jade Dragons, but
Fei is aware her loyalty will only hold as long as the coin
holds. GMs should use the Attacker entry from page 91 of
the EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for her stats or similar.

Skills: Charm 3 , Melee (Light) 3 , Perception

3, Resilience 2 , Survival 2 , and
Vigilance 3 .
Talents: A Living Legend: Tanzo earns Valor Points for
defeating a foe. Any time he receives at least one wound, he
can spend Valor Points to reduce the wounds suffered (on a
one-to-one basis) (TERRINOTH TALENTS).
Glory of Battle: When Tanzo defeats an enemy, any allies
within short range of him gain a Valor Point to add +1 to
their Melee Defense value until the end of their next turns
Inspiring Cry: Once per encounter, Tanzo can use this Art by Matt Bulahao, Thunderegg Productions
ability to allow allies within Medium range to reroll any
number of when they make a check until the end of the
following round. (TERRINOTH TALENTS).
Abilities: Arboreal: Tanzo never treats forest, jungle or YOZORA (RIVAL)
treetops as difficult terrain and can travel through treetops “I shall bend this land to my will.” – Flavor text from
at his normal movement rate (or for any environment Runebound card.
similar to this, such as the rigging of a ship).
Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Tanzo removes up Yozora is a beautiful and ambitious Wu-Jen out to make a
to 󲊸󲊸 imposed due to darkness. name for herself. She has traveled to the west and has
Hero of the People: Tanzo adds 󲊳 to any social skill checks become fascinated by the different studies of magic there,
when dealing with commoners and working-class folk. including Runes, Verse, and even Necromancy. While not
Equipment: a practitioner of such arts, she has learned their value and
advantages. GMs should use the Greyhaven Wizard entry
THE MONKEY KING (NEMESIS) from page 153 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook for
his stats or similar.
The leader of the Monkey Men, the Monkey King is keeping
his people firmly out of the conflict and not taking either
side. GMs should use the Leader entry from page 90 of the
EXPANDED PLAYER’S GUIDE for his stats or similar (but with
the Monkey Man species’ abilities).

“Many people recount the stories of Xi Wangmu, the Queen
Mother of the West, who holds her own court in Paradise.
Peaches are served every 3,000 years that are said to grant
immortality.” – Flavor text from Runebound card.

It is rumored there is a path to Paradise in the Kunlan

Mountains and that her court lies here. An obvious
supernatural being of immense power, it is useless to
provide statistics for this being. It is up to GMs whether to Art by Michael Koal


Mechanics for factions were introduced in Keith Ryan TABLE 5: JADE DRAGONS
kind enough to give his permission for the FANTASTIC RANK ABILITY
FACTIONS supplement for the REALMS OF TERRINOTH setting
and inclusion in this sub-setting. Like that supplement, this Saw the Sign: The character knows the
section presents the various factions within Shenzhou, 1. Liaison current secret hand signals and
along with the ranks and abilities within those factions. For safehouse markers of the organization.
more information on using factions in your campaign,
please refer to Keith’s FACTIONS 1: A FACTION TALENT Tattoo (Object): The character gets a
SUPPLEMENT. This section is optional but presented for those magical tattoo of a normal object (not a
weapon) which can (once per session)
making use of these mechanics in this sub-setting. 2. Agent be pulled into reality from the tattoo,
lasting for the encounter. The object
The empire itself is on the brink of a revolution. GMs should can be up to an encumbrance of 3 but
consider if their group is more likely to side with the law it has no encumbrance in tattoo form.
and order of the Emperor or join the oppressed peasants in
an uprising. It isn’t as black and white as it may seem Tattoo (Weapon): The character gets a
however. The Emperor is not evil. He simply enjoys the magical tattoo of a weapon which can
façade of ruling the “lesser beings” as he calls them. (once per session) be pulled into reality
Meanwhile, the resistance is yet the pawn of another dragon 3. Revolutionary from the tattoo, lasting for the
who believes he is being altruistic but may lead the encounter. The weapon can be up to an
peasantry to their doom. Clever GMs may even wish to start encumbrance of 3 but it has no
encumbrance in tattoo form.
the PCs on one side of the conflict while letting them learn
things which may cause them to later switch sides.
Tattoo (Animal): The character gets a
magical tattoo of a normal animal
which can (once per session) be pulled
JADE DRAGONS 4. Leader into reality from the tattoo, lasting for
the encounter. The animal can be up to
a silhouette of 2 and functions as an
Animal Companion.
The Jade Dragons are a resistance movement which seeks to
end the dynastic rule in Shenzhou and move to a system Tattoo (Spell): The character gets a
similar to those in the west. The group wants to see free and magical tattoo which can be activated
open trade with Terrinoth and others in the west, something (as a maneuver) to trigger a set spell
5. Jade Council
the Emperor does not seem keen on exploring. action (decided when the tattoo is
received). The character uses their
The other point of contention is the strict caste system which Discipline skill for any needed check.
exists in the empire. It is nearly impossible for commonfolk
to rise in status and the lower castes of society are firmly
• Liaisons: Liaisons are informed how to find and
kept in place. The Emperor is wise enough to ensure all are
identify fellow resistance members and
fed and kept safe, but when these conditions wane, it
establishments. Their role is more as a contact for
provides more motivation for resistance elements.
information and meetups.
However, the Jade Dragons know they have to be careful.
Vocal opponents of the Emperor tend to go missing or end • Agent: Agents are active members of the
up as the victims of “accidents”. Within the resistance resistance and undergo missions on its behalf.
movement, cells of opposition have developed special Typically, this involves retrieving intel, gathering
handshakes, gestures, and symbols to identify sympathetic evidence, or sabotage efforts.
homes and sanctuaries. The resistance is taking its time and
building support slowly. They are careful not to cause huge • Revolutionaries: Revolutionaries function much
disruptions as the Emperor tends to take any such threats as agents but are trusted with more vital
very seriously and responds with overwhelming force. assignments.

RANKS • Leaders: Leaders decide local policy and are

generally the highest-ranking resistance
members in a given locale or city.
Ranks within the Jade Dragons are based on how useful and
supportive the member has been to the cause of the
• Jade Council: Members of the Jade Council are in
Fei’s inner circle. These high-ranking leaders of
the resistance know of Fei’s true identity.


CLERGY • Initiate: People new to the clergy are expected to

spend time studying the scriptures and doing
menial tasks for the temple.
The priests and priestesses of Shenzhou consider themselves
independent of the Emperor, though publicly support him. • Son/Daughter: These clerics are able to perform
They view the Jade Dragons movement as just another limited official duties such as weddings, funerals,
uprising that is doomed to failure. In all things, the clergy and other civic responsibilities of the faith.
acts to preserve the church first. Historically, this has meant
always supporting the Emperor. • Brother/Sister: Brothers and Sisters often have
more responsibilities within the temple and often
oversee the initiates.
• Father/Mother: These leaders typically perform
Ranks within the clergy are titled according to the element ceremonies for the well-healed or for the masses
of the particular temple the priest is affiliated with. For and often are the leaders of small, local temples.
example, a first rank priest of the Temple of the Wind would
be an Initiate of the Wind. • Master: Masters are typically the leadership
council members of the main temple of the faith
TABLE 6: CLERGY for each element. The highest-ranking member is
known as the Grand High Master.

Blessing: The acolyte can suffer one

Strain and bless another character or
item. The blessing on a character
allows them to add to their next Loyalists are simply those loyal to the Emperor’s rule. The
skill check. If blessing an item, it vast majority of Shenzhou’s citizenry are among this
confers the same bonus on said item faction (though most are without rank in it).
1. Initiate of
(when used to make the next check
using that item), or if a small amount RANKS
of water is blessed, it becomes Holy
Water (treat as acid against undead
or demons with a rating of 4 [see acid Ranks within the loyalists are informal and are more
rules on page 111 of the CRB]). unofficial descriptors than set ranks. However, this faction
can be used for advancement just as any other.
Prayer: The character can suffer one
Strain and pray for themselves or
2. Son / Daughter
another target. The target character TABLE 7: LOYALISTS
adds 󲊳󲊱 to any combat checks
made for the encounter. RANK ABILITY

Atonement: the character can suffer One of Us: Add when making a
two Strain and remove any lingering 1. Shang social skill check against another
Curse (from items, spells, etc.) within loyalist.
3. Brother / Sister
reason (as determined by the GM).
The character makes an Average
( ) Divine skill check to determine Haughty Demeanor: Other characters
the exact results 2. Gong add 󲊱 to social skill checks targeting
your character.
Commune: The priest may suffer 2
strain to ask their element a single Laugh it Off: When your character is
question. The priest makes a Hard targeted by a social check, they may
4. Father /
( ) Divine skill check. The GM spend 󲊱󲊱󲊱 or 󲊲 to reduce any strain
Mother of 3. Nong the check inflicts by a number equal to
should consider the aims of the deity
(and the check results) in answering their ranks in Charm. If they do, the
the priest’s question. character who targeted them suffers the
amount of strain reduced.
Miracle: The priest can spend a Story
Point and ask for a Miracle. The Stunned Silence: When your character
priest makes a Hard ( ) Divine makes a social skill check to inflict strain
skill check. The ultimate form of the 4. Shi during a social encounter, they may
miracle is up to the GM (and the spend 󲊴󲊴󲊴 or 󲊵 to stagger the target
check results) but should be a result for one round.
5. Master of
worthy of a Tier 5 talent. Suggestions
include (but are not limited to): I Win: When your character inflicts a
Restoring a deceased character to life, critical remark in a social encounter,
5. Lord / Lady
a bridge collapses, a body of water they may force the target to capitulate
splits to reveal a dry passageway are (see page 122 of the CRB).
but some examples.


• Shang: Not all of the commonfolk feel oppressed by • Master: Masters often devote their time to
the Emperor. Many are happy to trade freedoms contemplation and exploration of new and potent
for the safety, security, and peace the region has powers and abilities to share with the rest of the
seen under his reign. Mystics.

• Gong: The Gong are mostly small artisans and

merchants who are prospering under the current SHADOW WALKERS
The Shadow Walkers are a secret society of assassins
• Nong: The Nong are often more prosperous working all over Mennara. In Shenzhou, these assassins
merchants at the pinnacle of success in their are often career Ninjas. The Shadow Walkers believe
locales or lesser, local nobles. themselves to be independent of the Emperor, though
many of their contracts come from his lords and nobles. Of
• Shi: The Shi are mostly city and village leaders who course, there are some Shadow Walkers who support the
fully support the Emperor. resistance and even some among the Jade Dragons.

• Lord/Lady: Lords and ladies are wealthy nobles RANKS

who owe their rich lifestyles to the policies of the
Ranks within the Shadow Walkers are based on ability and
high-profile hits and jobs. As assassins move upwards in
MYSTICS the faction, they are assigned bigger and better jobs by the
society and their clients. The Shadow Walkers of Shenzhou
feel assassination is an honorable public service. Though
Publicly, the Mystics fully support the Emperor. Secretly such an idea may shock the average citizen, the society
however, they are sympathetic to the plight of the Jade believes it to be an essential and valuable service for the
Dragons. Many within the order support their efforts as collective public good.
they can, without revealing the order’s involvement.
Ranks within the Mystics are largely based on skill and years
of experience. However, some mystics have been elevated in Lightning draw: The assassin may
position as possible candidates from ancient prophecies and draw or sheathe a dagger or similar
portents. 1. Novice small weapon as an incidental; there
is no limit to how many weapons an
assassin can ready this way per turn.
Precision strikes: The assassin may
RANK ABILITY 2. Initiate use Cunning in place of Brawn for
Brawl and Melee (Light) checks.
1. Liaison Ki Shout: See page 19
Backstab: The assassin may target an
2. Agent Ki Elemental Blast: See page 20 unaware target with a combat check
using a Melee (Light) weapon and
3. Footpad the Skulduggery skill instead of the
3. Revolutionary Pressure Points: See page 20 Melee (Light) skill. If successful, the
attack deals +2 damage per 󲊳,
4. Leader Ki Elemental Ability: See page 19 instead of +1.

5. Master Hidden Dragon: See page 19 Vanish: After performing any skill
check, the character may spend 󲊴󲊴
4. Disciple
or 󲊵 to hide from all other
• Apprentice: Apprentices are just learning and are characters in the encounter
often responsible for doing the menial labor tasks
of a monastery. Poisoner: Once per scene, an assassin
can spend a Story Point and (as an
• Honorable One: Honorable Ones are often tasked incidental) apply poison to all
with training the apprentices. wielded weapons. A character with
this ability is always assumed to have
this poison equipped. A character
• Blessed One: Blessed Ones are often traveling 5. Master Assassin
wounded by a poisoned weapon must
Mystics searching for possible apprentices across make a Hard ( ) Resilience
Shenzhou. check as an out-of-turn incidental or
suffer 4 additional wounds and must
• Exalted One: Exalted Ones are often the leaders of check again on their next turn if the
check generates 󲊲.
various monasteries throughout Shenzhou.


• Novice: Novices are constantly training with • Disciple: These leaders are often only used for
Initiates and Footpads to learn the basics of the high-profile contracts and generally concern
organization. themselves with the business side of the
• Initiate: Initiates are responsible for training
novices and the first rank to get official contracts. • Master Assassin: These masters are rarely
involved with the organization, having earned
• Footpad: Footpads are the workhorses of the order more of an honorary status. However, for truly
and perform most of the contracts for the unique contract needs, they are sometimes tapped
organization. to do the impossible.


Introducing characters to Shenzhou can be handled in a ADVENTURE SEEDS
number of different ways. The simplest way is to create
• An overland caravan is hiring guards. The
characters who are native to Shenzhou. However, it is
merchant company is paying a substantial wage
assumed that many GMs and players may already have an
for the job, but it’s a long trek, taking nearly 4
existing Terrinoth campaign and are instead looking for
months there and 4 months back.
ways to bring their characters here to the far east.

The most common method for Terrinoth characters to visit • An NPC close to the characters is dying. The only
Shenzhou is via a magical airship. While normally relegated known cure is a rare plant known to grow only
to cargo transit, most such ships would easily take on in the Shenzhou valley. It is called Yao Grass.
passengers for the right compensation. Two types of it are known to exist, one rumored
to create a love potion and one rumored to clear
Joining an overland trade caravan traveling down the the mind. The cure requires both types, and a
Morshan River then across the Broken Plains is another merchant airship is set to leave for Shenzhou just
option. The characters could be hired on as caravan guards days from now.
or just as paying passengers in wagons or carriages.
• While in a lost temple, a hidden room contains a
Of course, with all of the magic in Terrinoth, a magical series of archways. One of them seems to be
portal or teleportation by a powerful wizard is another primitive stone depictions of creatures seen in
option. Whether a long-forgotten portal in a lost temple, or Zanaga. Another is framed by ionic columns.
a magical swirling vortex depositing those who enter in The last archway is of red and gold with
random spots all over the world, this form of instantaneous calligraphic symbols of the Shenzhou alphabet.
travel may make more sense for more experienced It is the only one that doesn’t appear to be
characters. damaged or crumbling to pieces. A faint reddish
light is radiating out from this portal.



These Talent Pyramids are presented as a guide only.

They represent some of the more typical talents an experienced person in that Career might have.
Players (and GMs) should feel free to make any changes they wish, as these are provided only for assistance.
Some talents referenced are from the TERRINOTH TALENTS supplement. If you do not have that product,
feel free to substitute same tier talents from the core books.



NOTE: Mystics who are joining the Mystic faction (if this optional system is used) should note some of these talents
are also available as Faction Abilities, so these characters should substitute other talents for Ki abilities.








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