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Question Paper


Third Semester
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10*2=20marks)

PART A (10*2=20marks)

1.What is feed forward system? give an example

2.List the basic element of rotational mechanical system.

3.Define Damped frequency and Natural frequency of oscillations.

4.What are the dynamic error coefficients.

5.Define gain margin and phase margin.

6.What is the necessity of PID controller?

7.Define BIBO and asymptotic stability.

8.What is the value of gain K at any given point on root locus?

9.List the main properties of a state transition matrix.

10.Draw the sampler and hold circuits.

PART B (5*13=65)

11.a) Write the differential equation governing the mechanical rotational system shown in fig
and draw the electrical equivalent analogy circuits(current and voltage).(13)

b) Reduce the block diagram shown in fig .find C/R(13)

12.a) Draw the block diagram of 2nd order system. Classify it .Derive the time response of under
damped system for unit step input(13)


b) Derive the expression for dynamic error coefficients.

13.a) A unity feedback control has G(S)=K/S(S+4)(S+10)draw the bode plot.


b) Write down the procedure for designing lead compensator using bode plot(13)

14.a) Sketch the root locus plot for G(S) H(S)=K/S(S+4)(S2+4S+20)

Find the gain K at the point when the locus crosses the imaginary axis.


b) Draw the nyquist plot for G(S) H(S) =K/S(S+2)(S+10).

Determine the range of K for which closed loop system is stable

15.a) Check the controllability &observability of the system by any one method whose state
space representation is given as

[ ][ ]
0 1 1 0
x= 0 0 1 X + 5 u;
−1 −5 −1 −24

y= [ 1 0 0 ] x+ [ 0 ] u;


b) What are sampled data control systems with an aid of a block diagram show basic elements of
a sampled data control system and given functioning of these elements.

PART C (1*15=15)

16.a)Using Mason’s gain formula,obtain the transfer functionof the gien signal flow graph.


b) Determine the range of K for stability for the system as shown in figure

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