Lesson Plan - Reading Project

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BEGINNERS - (Bruna e Helo)

4 students - Age: 14-18 years old

Lesson: to read the comic book and talk about the stories, to identify personality traits based on
context, to describe the characters in the story.


Activity on Kahoot about characters, focusing on vocabulary of physical attributes and personality

+ the last ones are going to be characters from Monica’s gang.

+ to focus on the lesson goals.


Read the comic books, analyzing their physical characteristics and personalities.

Highlight the unknown words and research their meaning.

Sites to research: the saurus, the cambridge dictionary e bab.la

+ try to ask friends about these unknown words.

+ jimmy five changes the r’s to w’s

Do exercise number one about interpretation


Do exercise two about personality traits based on context of the comic book.

+ a few words might help them with the next activity.

Each student will take a piece of paper with a character.

They are going to write down, in three sentences, their physical characteristics and personalities,
without saying their names.

The other classmates are going to guess which character it is.


Describe your favorite character, using the words learned and send it on WhatsApp

+ it can be from books, movies or series.

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