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Individual Hadiths

Q2 a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied, from the passages set for
special study, about the responsibilities of individual Muslims. [10]


Q2 a) From the set Hadiths you have studied outline the Prophet’s teachings on the individual
conduct of Muslims. [10]


Q2 a) From the set Hadiths outline the Prophet’s teachings about the conduct of the individual in
the community. [10]



Teachings and Reference:

 Modesty
 Islam as a simple religion
 Dignity of labour/lawful income
 Huqooq ul Ibaad
 Brotherhood and Equality

FOCUS: Refer to Hadiths from both the

themes; individual conduct and life in the

Hadith is an important source on how to live your life according to Islamic principles. Hadith is the
backbone of Islamic Society. It is divine in nature and & an expansion of Quran. There are many
Hadith guiding to how one should act in the community.

Prophet (SAW) focused on the training of on individual Muslim regarding "Modesty" so that he can
live a purposeful and successful life. Once. Prophet (SAW) said, "Modesty produces nothing, but
good." According to this Hadith, the Muslims must not only purify their thoughts but also the way
they interact with others, the way they dress and the life style they adapt. The men and woman
must not mingle freely together as it can lead to bad acts such as adultery, rape & Sexual
harassment etc. For e.g., prophet never touched the hand of a lady, even to take oath. He used to
either hold a cloth or rope or He used to dip His hand in water. A Muslim must wear decent cloths
and not reveal features of body. Prophet said, "Allah dislikes the one who talks foul and indulges in
Vulgarity." Thus, the Muslims must show purity of thoughts and acts when they interact with others.

Moreover, prophet (SAW) said, "A man asked me, 'Do you think that if I perform prayers, fast in
Ramanan, treat lawful as lawful and treat forbidden that is forbidden and do nothing else, shall I
enter Paradise?' He Said, 'Yes'." From this Hadith we learn that Islam to a very easy and simple
religion to follow where much effort is not required to succeed. When one does that which is lawful
and avoid that is forbidden, the entire community also benefits. As social uses like, drinking,
gambling, adultery, dancing etc. will be removed from society, hence creating harmony. Acts like the
five obligatory prayers and fasting keep people of all ethics and backgrounds humble. It shows an
individual that he is a Servant of Allah and equal to all the other servants in his community. The
Quran says, "Verily, As Salat prevents from Al-Fahsha"" Thus, a Muslim must perform all prayers
with devotion, because it helps us to prevent unlawful and evil acts.

Furthermore, The Ahadith also stress upon fair dealings and lawful earnings. Though the ‘Rizq’ of the
people has been destined beforehand, the test lies in whether it is earned through lawful or
unlawful means. Laborious efforts by oneself to earn a living are encouraged Prophet said, "No one
eats better food than that which he eats out of his hand." This shows us the Dignity of labour and
Lawful means of income. One must avoid bribery, gambling, interest and Sale of illegal goods to
make money. Like the Prophet, we must be honest in our work and not for e.g., lie about the quality
of our service or price of goods. This eliminates corruption from the community and helps to uplift
the poor. Prophet (SAW) said, "A body which is nourished by unlawful earning shall not enter
paradise." Thus, it is important for us that we ensure that the thigs we are using are earned by
lawful ways.

Subsequently, when talking about the rights of poor and needy and our individual responsibility
towards them, Prophet says, "One who manages the affairs of widows or needy is like who exerts
himself in the way of Allah whole night or fast all day." Islam takes care of all individuals. The
individuals who take care of needy and widow will be greatly rewarded. This Hadith also teaches us
to treat the needy kindly and not be boastful for what we have, as it is Allah who has given it to us
and it is our responsibility to give to those who have requirement. Allah loves those who give as He
says in the Quran, "To spend of your sustenance out of Love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for
needy". Then, it is our responsibility that we spend in the way of Allah to the poor people and
widows, just to get reward from Allah and make our hereafter brighter.

Adding on, regarding equality and brotherhood, the prophet said, "None of you believe until he
wants for his brother what he wants for himself." According to this Hadith, Holy Prophet is trying to
teach in that all Muslims are brothers and each brother must hold to his heart, compassion and
empathy for his fellow brothers. If our brother faces calamity, we should support him whether it can
be financially, physically or emotionally. If he faces Success, we must congratulate him and not hide
anything in our hearts. We must treat them as we wish to be treated. As the Prophet said, “Every
Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he should neither harm him, nor should he leave him alone
when others treat him unjustly, whoever will fulfil the need of a fellow rather Allah will fulfil his

Communal Hadiths
Q2 a) Giving references from the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the Prophet's teachings
about care in the community. [10]


Q2 a) Outline the main teachings of the set Hadiths about the conduct of Muslims in communal
life. [10]

Q2 a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the importance of Muslim
communal life. [10]


Q2 a) According to the teachings of the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the ways in which
Muslims should treat one another. [10]


Intro [main teachings]

Teachings and Reference:

 Brotherhood
 Rights of neighbours
 Charity
 Countering injustice and evil
 Rights of orphans

FOCUS: detailing of the communal

teachings (one para for each). Quote hadith
and add ref.

The Ahadith of the Holy Prophet guide Muslims for individual as well as
communal conduct and matters of the Muslims. As the Holy Prophet is the perfect role
model, he told and taught us the concept of brotherhood, rights of vulnerable, equality etc. These
teachings are highlighted a lot Ahadith.

In a hadith the Prophet taught us about "Brotherhood" in the community, that emphasises the spirit
of equality. The hadith states" None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants
for himself". This hadith teaches that a true Islamic community is when a Muslim wishes the same
for other Muslims, what he wants for himself. And that every member of community has love for its
members, and everyone cooperates with each other. It is essential that a person desires the same
for himself and his fellow Muslim. As if a person with wants the best for himself in the Hereafter,
then he should guide other people to the correct path. Another hadith teaches us the same. It is
stated by the Prophet: "That desire for others what you desire for yourself and do mot desire for
other what you do not desire for yourself."

In another hadith the Holy Prophet taught and stressed about the "rights of neighbours and guests",
it is stated that "Let him who believes in Allah and the last day either speak good or keep silent,
and let him who believes in Allah and the last Day be generous to his neighbour and let him who
believes in Allah and the Last day be generous to his guest." This hadith teaches us that we should
refrain from backbiting. and idle talk. This hadith also tells us to give an honest and genuine advice if
people ask for our help. It also teaches us that we should be kind, polite and generous to our
neighbours and guests. We can do this by providing them food, entertainment, help etc. Another
Hadith teaches the same on it is stated: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not
harm his neighbours".
In Another Hadith the Holy Prophet said regarding "charity": "Every person's every joint must
perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act between two people is a charity; to help a
man with his mount, lifting him onto it or his belongings onto it is a is a charity; every step you
take to prayers is a charity; every kind word is a charity and removing a harmful thing form the
road is a charity." From this Hadith we can easily learn to assist people in our community, as saying
even a good word is considered a charity. Thus, we should strive in the way of Allah, by
helping/assisting the people of our community, whether we entertain our neighbours or removing
rocks from the road. These little acts are counted as charity which also benefits the community. The
Holy Prophet said: "Save yourself from Hell fire even by giving half a date-fruit is charity".

The Holy Prophet was mindful of other important aspects of the communal conduct. He was aware
of the human weakness of falling victim to the devices and strategies of Satan whose mission is to
entice humans towards disobedience of Divine commands and to commit sins and spread evils and
indecency. So, he alerted his followers to be ready to take timely and appropriate action in that
regard. To counter injustice & evil with in the community the H. Prophet said: "Whosoever of you
sees an evil action let him change it with his hand and if he is not able to do so then with his
tongue and if he is not able to do so then with his heart and that is the weakest of faith". Thus, it is
our responsibility take action against crime, evil and injustice in our community. For example, if we
see someone stealing, we should stop him, if not we should the call the police. Or if we see someone
fighting, we should step up to stop the fight. As the Holy Prophet said: "let there be among you a
community who enjoin good & forbid evil."

Similarly, the Messenger of God always wished to create and develop a society where every member
would emerge as a strong support for those in need. Through his teachings, instructions and actions
he emphasized the importance of taking care of the less privileged people, like the orphan, widows
and the poor the Holy Prophet stressed on the rights of orphans by stating " 'I and the man who
brings up an orphan will be in Paradise like this'. And he pointed with his two fingers, the index
finger and the middle finger". This teaches us to always take care of the rights of orphans, and then
it is our duty to help the orphans and the homeless. We must treat them with kindness and should
provide them with basic living needs, such as food, shelter and clothing. As the Prophet himself was
an orphan, he emphasised on this by saying: "The best home of the Muslim is in which an orphan is
treated well!"

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