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Musculoskeletal pain and exercise— Box 1 Summary—Pain Science 2018

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098983 on 20 June 2018. Downloaded from on May 6, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
in a nutshell.
challenging existing paradigms and Traditional pain models that describe
introducing new tissue pathology as a source of
nocioceptive input directly linked with
pain expression are insufficient for
Benjamin E Smith,‍ ‍ 1,2 Paul Hendrick,3 Marcus Bateman,‍ ‍ 1 assessing and treating musculoskeletal
Sinead Holden,4,5 Chris Littlewood,‍ ‍ 6 Toby O Smith,7 Pip Logan2 pain.75 Other models reconceptualise
pain and put forward concepts that are
based on the premise that pain does
not always provide a measure of the
Introduction significant, benefit over pain-free exercises state of tissue pathology. Instead, pain
Chronic musculoskeletal pain remains in the short-term.4 The improvements is modulated by many factors, and the
a huge challenge for clinicians and in patient-reported pain were achieved relationship between pain and tissue
researchers. Exercise interventions are the with a range of contextual factors, such becomes less predictable the longer pain
cornerstone of management for musculo- as varying degrees of pain experienced persists.30 Altered central processing
skeletal pain conditions,1 with the benefits (ranging from pain being allowed to of pain has been shown to be present
being well-established.1 2 Exact mecha- advised, with/without recommended pain in many pain conditions,76-83 with the
nisms underpinning this effect on muscu- scale) and recovery time (ranging from immune system playing a role in the
loskeletal pain are currently unclear.3 pain subsiding immediately to within development and maintenance of pain
Little is known on the optimal dose and 24 hours). Specifically, we define painful sensitisation.18–20 Furthermore, unhelpful
type of exercise, with therapists’ and exercises when: exercises are prescribed thoughts of patients and clinicians
patients’ behaviour and beliefs around with instructions for patients to experi- towards pain, including belief that pain
pain during exercise often overlooked ence pain or where patients are told that it will not get better and that movement
in exercise prescription. Exercise-based is acceptable and safe to experience pain. will cause further tissue damage and
treatments may be promising, but effect Understanding the potential mecha- worsening of the pain, are also important
sizes remain small to modest with large nisms behind the effects of therapeutic issues to remain mindful of.22 23
variability in exercise prescriptions. exercise, in the context of factors associ-
The need for pain to be avoided or ated with chronic musculoskeletal pain,
alleviated as much as possible has been is key to optimising current exercise
(CNS) to normal input. With central sensi-
challenged, with a paradigm shift from prescriptions for managing musculoskel-
tisation, there are changes in the proper-
traditional biomedical models of pain etal pain. The aim of the review is to
ties and function of neurons in the CNS,
towards a biopsychosocial model of provide an understanding on the potential
with an increase in pain response relative
pain, which is particularly relevant in the mechanisms behind exercise and to build
to the presence and intensity of noxious
context of performing therapeutic exer- on this into discussing the additional theo-
peripheral stimuli.9 10
cise.4 Indeed, a recent systematic review retical mechanisms of painful exercises.
In humans and clinical studies, we can
and meta-analysis of painful exercises This narrative review provides an over-
measure surrogates which are thought to
versus pain free exercises for chronic view of the current understanding of:
be reflective of central sensitisation and
musculoskeletal pain that included seven ►► Musculoskeletal pain in relation to
cover many different underpinning mech-
randomised controlled trials found central and peripheral pain mech-
anisms.9 Central sensitisation can be seen
that protocols allowing painful exer- anisms, the immune system and
as an umbrella term,9 the main character-
cises offered a small, but statistically affective aspects of pain, see box 1
istics of which are:
for summary. This review focuses
►► hyperalgesia;
Physiotherapy Department (Level 3), Derby Hospitals on these three mechanisms as these
►► allodynia;
NHS Foundation Trust, London Road Community systems may respond differently to
Hospital, Derby, UK ►► temporal summation of pain (TSP) and
painful stimulus, compared with a
Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing, School of ►► diffuse noxious inhibitory control
non-painful stimulus5–8;
Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK (DNIC).9–12
Division of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, ►► Then, the proposed mechanisms
Hyperalgesia is an increased pain response
School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, behind the potentially additional
Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham, UK to normally painful stimuli and may be as
beneficial effect of allowing painful
Research Unit for General Practice in Aalborg, a result of increased peripheral or central
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, exercises over pain free exercises for pain sensitivity.13 If someone were to
Aalborg, Denmark individuals with chronic musculoskel- experience a pin prick to their knee, they
SMI, Department of Health Science and Technology, etal pain. may score the pain one out of 10, for
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre, Research example. However, if they were suffering
Institute for Primary Care & Health Sciences and Keele Brief background into our with chronic knee pain, with hyperalgesia,
Clinical Trials Unit, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK current understanding of the same pin prick stimuli would result in
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology chronic pain a more painful response and a higher pain
and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford,
Oxford, UK
Mechanisms of central and peripheral score being reported.
sensitisation Allodynia, by contrast, is a pain
Correspondence to Benjamin E Smith, Physiotherapy
Central sensitisation typically describes response to a stimulus that is not normally
Department (Level 3), London Road Community
Hospital, Derby DE1 2QY, UK; an increased responsiveness of nocicep- painful.10 14 An example of allodynia is the
​benjamin.​smith3@​nhs.​net tive neurons in the central nervous system person who is suffering from chronic low

Smith BE, et al. Br J Sports Med July 2019 Vol 53 No 14    907

Education reviews
back pain who complains of pain when A process by which the immune system over activity, as a facilitator of chronic

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098983 on 20 June 2018. Downloaded from on May 6, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
they are hugged. may influence hyperalgesia and allodynia pain and central sensitisation.40–42
TSP is a progressive increase in pain is through alterations of glial cells from a
perception in the response to repeated normal immune function to being capable How might allowing painful
stimuli of the same intensity and thought of acting on dorsal horn neurons as a noci-
exercise mitigate pain? Three
to represent central pain facilitation ceptor.9 Some studies report increased
mechanisms that arise from
occurring at the dorsal horn neurons when glial activity with individuals with chronic
recent neuroscience discoveries
integrating the incoming nociception.11 pain.18 The mechanisms by which glial cell
Traditional explanations by which exercise
A variety of stimuli can be used to assess activation leads to synaptic plasticity are
improves pain and disability in chronic
temporal summation in humans, including not fully understood, but this patholog-
musculoskeletal pain rely on its effect on
heat, cold, pressure and electrical. For ical pain state is thought to correlate with
biomechanics and corresponding changes
example, a patient with chronic knee pain central sensitisation, with a large overlap
in loading of the musculoskeletal system.2
performing knee exercises may complain of contributing mechanisms.18
This model of clinical reasoning, whereby
of increasing levels of pain the more repe- pain improves as a result of biomechanics,
titions of the same exercise they perform, fails to take into account the full biopsy-
which could be attributed to TSP. Affective aspects of pain
chosocial spectrum of factors. This may be
Another commonly assessed pain mech- Identification of pain-related fear and
the reason why there is a lack of evidence
anism in musculoskeletal pain research negative emotional states, such as kinesi-
supporting any specific exercise interven-
is the DNIC paradigm.12 It describes a ophobia, catastrophising, low self-efficacy,
tion. It may be that factors common to
descending endogenous pain modulation anxiety and depression, are becoming
all exercises have the greatest mediating
system encompassing an array of over- increasingly recognised in some musculo-
effect on pain and disability. The following
lapping mechanisms from the CNS that skeletal disorders.22 23 Research has shown
section will discuss the mechanisms asso-
may modulate and inhibit pain.15 The that these psychological factors might
ciated with exercise and central pain
two main mechanisms are the activa- affect the function and quality of life in
processes, the immune system and affec-
tion of descending nociceptive inhibitory patients with pain and can modulate the
tive aspects of pain, including a theoret-
individuals’ pain experience and therefore
mechanisms16 and the release of endog- ical rationale for the potential additional
may play a role in the development and/
enous opioids.17 DNIC can be assessed benefit of allowing painful therapeutic
or maintenance of chronic pain states.24–30
in humans through the conditioned pain exercise, over and above pain free exer-
A systematic review of self-management
modulation (CPM) response (also known cises alone.
interventions for chronic musculoskeletal
as ‘pain inhibits pain’). During CPM, the
pain (16 studies; n=4047) found self-ef-
descending pain inhibitory responses are
ficacy and depression were the strongest Affective aspects of pain—
challenged during a painful conditioning
prognostic factors (irrespective of the reconceptualisation of pain-related fear
stimulus. This is used as a proxy of the
intervention).31 Reducing pain catastroph- Some patients report fear of doing further
overall effectiveness of the endogenous
ising and increasing physical activity were tissue damage if an activity or exercise is
analgesic system, likely occurring through
the strongest mediating factors, that is, painful.43–45 A major consideration of the
both the opioid and non-opioid pathways.
factors which may explain how different beneficial effects of painful exercise is the
An example of CPM in action is when
treatments may work.31 potential associated learning involved.
one might report lower pain scores for a Pain can negatively affect physical Painful exercises have the potential to
primary complaint, say low back pain, in activity and mental thought processes help reconceptualise pain-related fear,
the presence of a secondary painful stim- and requires cognitive resources.32 33 It that is, patients may be challenged to think
ulus, for instance placing the hand in ice has been proposed that pain-related fear differently about pain and tissue damage,
cold water. amplifies the experience of pain; indeed and allowing painful exercises offers an
there is strong evidence that pain is expe- opportunity for patients to reintroduce
rienced more strongly when there is a movement that were previously perceived
The role of the immune system greater focus of attention on it.34–38 A as a threat. The amygdala is often referred
It is thought the immune system plays person with pain-related fear may have to as the fear centre of the brain5 and plays
an important role in chronic pain states, a greater amount of attention bias, by a key role in shaping our response to fear,
including the development of long-term which it means they pay the pain greater particularly our response to pain-related
hyperalgesia and allodynia.18–20 attention, with greater emotional meaning memories and fear.5 The cingulate cortex
The innate immune response of inflam- attached to it.25 The mechanisms by which also plays a role in our response,42 with
mation is activated by various processes, pain-related fear is thought to influence both areas of the brain communicating
including exposure to microbial cell wall central sensitisation are: (1) increasing directly via the descending nocicep-
fragments, toxins, irritant chemicals and nociceptive transmission via spinal gate tive inhibitory system.24 46 47 In chronic
autoimmune reactions.21 Typically, these mechanism39; (2) via modulation of the pain states, the brain acquires long-term
are detected by a family of pattern-recog- descending pathways39 and (3) temporal maladaptive pain memories that associate
nition receptors called toll-like receptors summation, where increasing magnitude tissue stress and load with danger and
(TLRs) that regulate the CNS’s innate of spinal dorsal horn neurons activa- threat,48 for example, bending forwards in
immune response.19 TLRs are predomi- tion increases glutamine sensitivity, thus individuals with low back pain, raising the
nantly made up of glial cells and sense the producing a pain response dispropor- arm or lifting objects with shoulder pain
presence of damage or danger originating tionate to the stimulus experienced.9 25 or squatting type movements with individ-
both endogenously and exogenously, Indeed, evidence from neuroimaging has uals with knee pain.
translating this into central immune signals demonstrated the role of the amygdala Contemporary thinking in relation to
that can be interpreted by the CNS.18 20 and pain-related fear, and its potential movement adaptation and pain argue that

908 Smith BE, et al. Br J Sports Med July 2019 Vol 53 No 14

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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098983 on 20 June 2018. Downloaded from on May 6, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 The role of exercises in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Therapeutic exercise challenges the threat response to pain.
Central pain processes, the immune system and affective aspects of pain may respond differently when pain is conceptualised as non-threatening.
Adapted from Physiotherapy, 84(1), Gifford, Louis., ‘Pain, the tissues and the nervous system: a conceptual model’, 27–36, Copyright (1998), with
permission from Elsevier.

activity avoidance precedes the devel- this concept has come from animal to a patient who is fearful of lifting a
opment of pain, with pain causing the studies53 54 that have reported involvement painful shoulder they have been resting
behavioural changes.49 However, research of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) for long periods.
has demonstrated that even mental prepa- in the learning of new inhibitory associ- Self-efficacy, one’s ability to cope,
ration for such movements and activities ations, which has direct projections onto another psychosocial factor associated
can trigger the fear-memory centre of the the amygdala.52 For instance, the mPFC with pain-related fear, may also be used
brain, thought to be an overactive threat might have a role in the storing of long- to explain fear reduction. As previously
protective mechanism, triggering pain, term extinction memories that block and discussed, self-efficacy is a key prognostic
even in the clear absence of nociception.50 suppress the amygdala. Human studies factor for success of self-management
This is an important finding, as it links on military personnel with and without a interventions for musculoskeletal pain.31
with other work that has demonstrated clinical diagnosis of posttraumatic stress The potential mechanisms behind the
that an individuals’ beliefs and attitude to disorder (PTSD) have confirmed this effect of painful exercises are thought
pain, and what constitutes ‘threatening’ inverse relation between activity in the to be that painful exercises may alter
pain or not, leads to altered movement mPFC and amygdala.55 Patients with PTSD both the response-outcome and efficacy
behaviour in those that perceive a stimulus had decreased activation of the mPFC, expectation, both components of self-ef-
as threatening.51 with correlated increased activation of the ficacy.57 Within the context of the theory
By allowing painful exercises, with amygdala.55 Clinically, this is an important presented, the hierarchy construction of
appropriate ‘safety-cues’, new inhibitory point, since it highlights that despite a painful exercises, from easier to more
associations may be made; these new positive response to therapy, pain-related difficult/higher load, could improve one’s
inhibitory associations theoretically may fear may never truly been eliminated. It response-outcome expectation, where
compete with the original conditioned may, given certain conditions, for example the patient begins to expect that they can
response, so that it becomes suppressed.52 during an acute flare up, resurface. tolerate harder exercises, without trig-
Safety-cues may include statements such It is thought that allowing painful ther- gering the previous experience of pain-re-
as: ‘your shoulder is painful because it apeutic exercises could reduce the threat lated fear and pain flare-ups.58
has become deconditioned and not used perception, and thus the activity of the
to movement. We need to exercise your amygdala and somatosensory cortex,56
shoulder, so it will become strong and with positive modulation of the nocicep- Central pain processes
conditioned to enable you to do what tive inhibitory systems. An example of this It has been recognised that an acute bout
you need to do’. Research supporting in practice would be providing safety-cues of exercise can result in analgesia and this

Smith BE, et al. Br J Sports Med July 2019 Vol 53 No 14 909

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Table 1 How to reconceptualise pain-related fear through exercise—practical solutions

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098983 on 20 June 2018. Downloaded from on May 6, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Treatment goal Example
Understand what the patient understands Why do you think you have pain?
Challenge unhelpful beliefs Is it safe for you to exercise? Why? Discuss with the patient. Prescribe exercises or movements that were previously avoided/or
painful. New inhibitory associations may be made with painful exercises.
Enhance self-efficacy Are you confident of completing this exercise? What do you think will happen? Discuss with the patient. The hierarchy construction
of painful exercises, from easier to more difficult may improve self-efficacy.
Provide safety-cues Your knee is painful because it has become deconditioned and not used to movement. Pain is not a sign of tissue damage. We need
to exercise your knee, so it will become strong and conditioned to enable you to do what you need to do.
Provide advice on suitable levels of pain If you’re coping with the level of pain, then continue with the exercise. If the pain is more than you find acceptable or flares up
longer than 24 hours after the exercise, then decrease the amount of exercise until you’re coping with it again.
Provide advice on exercise modification It is important to adjust the exercises dependent on your symptoms. This may mean increasing the number of repetitions that you
do or the amount of resistance that you use as it becomes easier; or decreasing if it gets too painful. Try not to avoid doing the
exercises altogether as complete rest is unlikely to solve the problem. Instead reduce the exercises to a level that is acceptable.

phenomenon is termed exercise-induced lower activation of the DNIC and higher of reducing fear-avoidance, with recon-
hypoalgesia (EIH) and is one form of pain ratings.6 The network of subcortical ceptualisation of pain-related fear, could
endogenous pain modulatory processes.59 and cortical structures associated with reduce the threat perception and thus the
It is thought that EIH is dependent on DNIC and CPM include the amygdala.66 activity of the amygdala and somatosen-
multiple analgesic mechanisms that Painful exercises could provide the painful sory cortex. The result of which could be
contribute to changes in pain sensitivity.60 conditioning stimulus needed to trigger positive modulation of the sympathetic
Evidence for the analgesic effect of exer- the CPM response, within the context of nervous system over and above the usual
cise comes from experimental studies that reducing pain-related fear (as discussed in effect of physical activity, and a greater
attenuate pain sensitivity, as measured by the previous section) and activity of the reduction in the cascade of the physiolog-
pressure pain thresholds and temporal amygdala, which may provide a mecha- ical immune response and the inflamma-
summation.11 60 61 A number of different nistic rationale for improvements in pain tory system.
exercise interventions have been inves- and function. Evidence for this comes from studies
tigated, including cardiovascular exer- looking at the sympathetic nervous
cise (running and cycling) and resistance system’s response to pain-related fear
exercise, including isometric and dynamic The immune function and pain-related and movement or exercise. For example,
resistance.59 It is thought the endogenous fear during painful movements, patients with
opioid system is triggered by exercise-in- As discussed previously, the immune persistent pain showed more activation
duced activation of arterial barorecep- system may play a role in chronic pain of the right insular cortex, thought to
tors following increases in heart rate and states, and the development of long-term have direct interactions with the sympa-
blood pressure, with an associated dose hyperalgesia and allodynia.18–20 This thetic nervous system, than pain-free
response.3 62 63 Exercise can trigger the section now returns to this topic, in rela- controls.73 74 Similarly patients with
release of β-endorphins from the pitu- tion to exercise and, specifically, ques- chronic arm pain demonstrated increased
itary and hypothalamus, in turn acti- tioning the belief that exercises must be swelling, in response to motor imagery,
vating µ-opioid receptors peripherally and pain-free. without any actual movements, which
centrally, triggering the endogenous opioid It is well understood that regular general was related to fear of pain and cata-
system.64 The hypothalamus projects onto exercise reduces the risk of developing strophising,74 demonstrating that these
the periaqueductal grey (PAG) resulting age-related illnesses, such as heart disease psychosocial factors may modulate the
in further endogenous analgesic effects and type 2 diabetes.67 However, regular relationship between the motor and
via the descending nociceptive inhibitory general exercise also reduces susceptibility sympathetic system.74
mechanisms.3 A recent systematic review to viral and bacterial infections, suggesting
concluded that painful exercises typically that there are mechanisms at play that
have higher loads and dose of exercise4 improves the overall immune function.68 69
This narrative, non-systematic, review has
and a theoretical reason painful exercises Looking specifically at allowing painful
described concepts supported by prelim-
may have a greater affect than pain free exercises, it is known that the amygdala
inary data. Many of the mechanisms are
exercises could be a greater EIH. projects onto areas of the brain that play
similar for both painful and pain free
Another theoretical reason painful key roles in the sympathetic response to
exercises and current evidence shows only
exercises may work to reduce pain is threat, such as the locus coeruleus and
modest difference in efficacy.4
through the CPM response. As previously pons,70 with inflammation being directly
explained, during CPM the descending activated by the sympathetic nervous
pain inhibitory responses are challenged system response.71 72 For example, two Summary
during a painful conditioning stimulus.65 functional MRI studies looking at brain Central pain processes, the immune
Several studies have demonstrated that and immune function during experimental system and affective aspects of pain appear
pain-related fear negatively disrupts the periods of induced psychological stress to respond to exercise in a positive way.
endogenous pain inhibitory systems via reported increased activity of the amyg- There might be some additional advan-
the process of CPM, for example, higher dala, with subsequent increases of inflam- tages when the exercise is painful, over
levels of catastrophising during experi- matory markers.7 8 Therefore, allowing and above pain-free. These overlapping
mental studies was strongly associated with painful exercises, set within a framework mechanisms may mitigate and moderate

910 Smith BE, et al. Br J Sports Med July 2019 Vol 53 No 14

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