3rd ESO: Welcome Back Packet

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NAME: Jaime González-Haba

3 words that describe me perfectly are:

1. Optimistic

2. Heavy sleeper

3. Basketball

2 Things that I hope happen this year are:

1. I get better grades

2. I make new friends
1 Thing I want my English teacher to know about me is:


Question 1: What is your favorite thing about English class? And what is one thing
that you just hate about English class?

1. I love: That it is esey

2. I hate: The grammar

Question 2: What animal best represents you? Why?

Question 3: My favorite hobby is:

Doing sports


Reading Activity: ALEX’S BIG DAY

Read the following story. Then, complete the
activities that follow.

Alex couldn't believe it was finally here - his first

day of high school. He had spent the entire
summer anticipating this moment, and now it was
upon him. The night before, he had meticulously
organized his backpack, chosen the perfect outfit,
and mentally prepared himself for the big day. As
he stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie, he
couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and

The morning sun was just beginning to rise as

Alex grabbed his backpack and headed
downstairs. His mom had prepared a special
breakfast for him - his favorite pancakes with a side of fresh fruit. As he ate, his parents
encouraged him and reminded him that he was ready for this new adventure.

After finishing his meal, Alex gathered his things and made his way to the bus stop. He could
see some of his friends from middle school waiting there as well. They exchanged excited
greetings and shared their hopes and fears about the upcoming high school experience. The
bus arrived, and they all climbed aboard.

As they arrived at the high school, Alex was struck by its sheer size and grandeur. It was a
sprawling campus with multiple buildings, a football field, and a track. The school buzzed
with activity as students moved from one class to another. Alex followed the crowd and
found his first classroom, English 101.
Inside the classroom, Alex nervously took a seat in the middle row. The teacher, Mrs.
Johnson, introduced herself and welcomed the students to the first day of high school. She
then asked each student to share something interesting about themselves. Alex talked about
his love for playing the guitar and how he had been in a band with his friends in middle

After English class, it was time for Math. Alex had always been good with numbers, so he
felt a bit more confident. His math teacher, Mr. Davis, was friendly and made the subject
interesting. During the break, Alex struck up a conversation with a classmate named Sarah,
who shared his passion for mathematics.

As the day went on, Alex attended various classes, met new people, and tried to navigate
the maze of hallways. He realized that high school was quite different from middle school.
The workload was more challenging, and there were more opportunities for extracurricular
activities. During lunch, he joined his friends from the bus at the cafeteria, and they chatted
about their experiences so far.

In the afternoon, Alex had his first science class. The

teacher, Mr. Roberts, was known for his passion for science
and had an impressive collection of fossils and minerals on
display in the classroom. Alex found himself captivated by
the subject and looked forward to the experiments they
would conduct in the coming weeks.

After the last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day,
Alex headed back to the bus stop. He couldn't wait to share
his experiences with his parents and friends. As he stepped
onto the bus, he realized that his first day of high school had been a success. He had
navigated the new environment, made new friends, and discovered a passion for science.

Back at home, Alex recounted his day to his parents, who listened with smiles of pride. They
assured him that he was on the right track and encouraged him to continue exploring his

Alex's parents listened with smiles of pride and encouraged him to continue exploring his
interests when he shared his experiences with them.

That night, as Alex lay in bed, he couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. He
realized that high school was a new chapter in his life, full of opportunities and challenges.
He felt a renewed sense of determination to make the most of this journey and pursue his

The first day of high school had been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences, but Alex
knew it was just the beginning of a remarkable journey. With the support of his family and
newfound friends, he was ready to face the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.
ACTIVITY 1: Comprehension Questions
Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1) Who is the main character of the story, and what is he preparing for?

Alex an he is preparing for his first day of high school

2) How does Alex feel about his first day of high school?

Excitement and nervousness

3) What did Alex have for breakfast on his first day of high school?

Pancakes and fresh fruit

4) Who did Alex meet at the bus stop, and what did they talk about?

His friends Exciting greetings

5) How did Alex feel when he arrived at the high school?

Struck by its sheer size

6) What did Alex share with his classmates in English class?

His love for playing the guitar

7) How did Alex feel during his Math class, and who did he meet during the break?
Confident and he met Sarah

8) What were some differences that Alex noticed between high school and middle
The workload was more challenging, and there were
more opportunities for extracurricular activities
9) What subject did Alex have in the afternoon, and how did he feel about it?

Science and he felt captivated

10) How did Alex feel at the end of his first day of high school, and what had he
It was a success and discovered a passion for science

11) How did Alex's parents react when he shared his experiences with them?

They listened with smiles of pride and

encouraged him to continue exploring his

12) How did Alex feel as he lay in bed that night, and what was his determination for the
future? He realized that high school was a new chapter in his life,full of
opportunities and challenges. He felt a renewed sense of
determination to make the most of this journey
ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary
Write a list of at least 3 new words you learned from this story.

1. ___________________________

Extracurricular activities
2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________
ACTIVITY 3: Similarities and Differences
Was your first day of school similar or different to Alex’s first day of school? Make a
list of 2 similarities and 2 differences between your experience and Alex’s.

1. I was nervous

2. I ate pancakes

1. I didn’t go on bus

2. I didn’t discover a pasión for science

ACTIVITY 4:Personal Survey

Answer the following questions honestly. Your answers will help your teacher.

1. How difficult was this story for you to read on a scale of 1 (very very easy) to 5
(very very difficult)?

2. What was the most difficult part of reading this story for you? (The grammar,
the vocabulary, the length?)

The vocabulary

Writing Activity: Giving Your Opinion

Imagine that, on the first day of school, the coordinators of

3rd of ESO ask you if it would be a good idea to eliminate the
recreo and have longer classes. (Don’t worry, this is not
going to happen!)

On a separate piece of paper, write (by hand!) a two hundred

word piece of writing giving your opinion in favor of or
against this change.


Bonus Activity:

If you finish these activities early, you may illustrate a scene from the reading activity.
You can choose to convert the story into a comic book, or simply draw something that
happened in the story. Be as creative as possible in how you illustrate the story. You
may do this activity on your iPad or on paper.

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