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Class: Advance

Teacher: Halima
Timing: Second
Question 1: Precise the following passage and suggest a suitable title.
The lives of most of us are always sympathetic. Exciting, dangerous, or adventurous never
happens to us. Through books, children can live in a very interesting, dangerous, and brave
world. Books like “Treasure Island” provide a child with an interesting and dangerous world in
which anything can and does happen. Later, detective stories and actual accounts of wars and
battles provide all the escape that is often required from everyday life. These are safety valves.
They provide a shop and are an antidote to anger. Everyone from presidents to lower citizens
needs it. Children who study extensively and deeply are less likely to go around throwing stones
at buses, smashing buildings, and smashing public property. They are thrilled by the books and
do not look for them in the dark streets and spite of the senseless and foolish persecution of
stabbing and killing.
Question 2: Write a composition with the given words
Perspicacious, irascible, perpetuate, impudent, taint, abhor, bigot, prelude, cumulative, demur,
Juxtapose, susceptible
Question 3: choose the correct option
1. The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don’t know how many _______________.
a. Cats does she have
b. Does she has cats
c. She has cats
d. Cats she has
e. Cats has she
2. Do you know ____________ from the earth? I have no idea.
a. How far the moon is
b. How far is the moon
c. How the moon is far
d. If how far the moon is
e. Whether how is the moon far
3. Your brother is playing his music too loud. I can’t hear what ____________ .
a. Is saying your brother
b. That your brother is saying
c. Is saying your brother
d. Your brother is saying
e. Your brother says
4. Which sentence is correct?
a. What does the student who left his lunch on the desk look like?
b. What does the student look like who left his lunch on the desk?
c. What does the student what left his lunch on the desk look like?
5. Which sentence is correct?
a. The police officer caught the thief who’s car crashed.
b. The police officer caught the thief his car crashed.
c. The police officer caught the thief whose car crashed.
6. Which sentence is correct?
a. The woman she sold me the computer gave me the mouse for free.
b. The woman who sold me the computer gave me the mouse for free.
c. The woman sold me the computer who gave me the mouse for free.
7. The 2007 event was the first Bay to Breakers race to track the times of individual racers
______. (The racer’s shoes were equipped with timing chips.) chip = device
a. who their shoes were equipped with a timing chip
b. whose their shoes were equipped with a timing chip
c. shoes of whose were equipped with a timing chip
d. whose shoes were equipped with a timing chip
e. their shoes were equipped with a timing chip
Part (B) : Underline and name the type of clause used in the following sentences.
1. How they escaped from the prison is still a mystery.
2. I left for home as soon as I received the message.
3. Though she was the most deserving applicant, she didn’t get the job.
4. I don’t know whether I will be able to come.
5. If you are feeling cold, I will put the heating on.
6. The train had departed before I reached the station.
Question 4: Reading comprehension
Question 5: listening

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