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Actividad 6

Manuel Nicolas Arroyo



- Good morning, thank you for coming in today. Let's start by discussing your
previous work experience. Can you tell me about a project you worked on
that you're particularly proud of?
- Certainly. In my previous role, I spearheaded a marketing campaign that
resulted in a 30% increase in sales within three months. I conducted market
research, collaborated with the design team, and implemented targeted
strategies across various platforms.
- Impressive! It sounds like you're adept at both strategic planning and
execution. How do you handle challenges and setbacks in the workplace?
- Thank you. I believe in maintaining a positive attitude and staying adaptable.
When faced with challenges, I assess the situation, identify potential
solutions, and work collaboratively with my team to overcome obstacles.
- Collaboration is certainly key in any work environment. Lastly, what
attracted you to our company and why do you think you'd be a good fit
- I've been following your company's innovative projects and dedication to
sustainability, which aligns with my values. I'm eager to contribute my skills
and expertise to a team that values creativity and making a positive impact
in the world.
- Thank you for sharing that. We appreciate your interest in joining our team.
We'll be in touch soon regarding the next steps in the hiring process.
- Before we conclude, I'd like to touch on your professional development. How
do you stay updated with industry trends and new technologies relevant to
your field?
- Continuous learning is important to me. I regularly attend industry
conferences, participate in online courses, and network with professionals in
my field. Additionally, I enjoy reading industry publications and staying
engaged with relevant online communities.
- That's great to hear. It's clear you're proactive about staying informed and
enhancing your skills. Thank you for sharing your insights with us today.
We'll be in touch soon.


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