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Wood’s lamp

Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine


Robert Williams Wood: pioneer of invisible light

Shruti Sharma1 & Amit Sharma2

1 Department of Conflicts of interest:

None declared.
University of
Cambridge, UK. 2 The Wood’s lamp aids in the diagnosis of multiple infectious,
Department of Dermatology, inflammatory and neoplastic dermatologic conditions. Although
Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, the Wood’s lamp has many applications, which have improved
both the diagnosis and management of disease, the man credited
for its invention is relatively unknown in medicine. Robert
Key words:
Medical Diagnosis; Ultraviolet
Williams Wood, a prominent physicist of the early 20th century,
Light; Wood’s Lamp is credited for the invention of the Wood’s lamp. Wood was the
father of infrared and ultraviolet photography and made
significant contributions to other areas in optics and
Correspondence: spectroscopy. Wood’s work encompassed the formative years of
Amit Sharma, M.D., American Physics; he published over 200 original papers over
Department of Dermatology, his lifetime. A few years after the invention of the Wood’s lamp
Mayo Clinic, 13400 East Shea
for ultraviolet photography, physicians in Europe adopted the
Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ, USA.
Tel: +480-301-6169
Wood’s lamp for dermatologic applications. Wood’s lamp
Fax: +480-301-9272 e-mail: remains popular in clinics globally, given its ease of use and ability to improve diagnostic precision.

Accepted for publication: Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2016; 32: 60–65

28 December 2015
The Wood’s lamp is an asset in diagnostic 400 nm with a peak at 365 nm. When the filtered
medicine. From identifying superficial fungal light from Wood’s lamp is absorbed by tissue,
infections to helping categorize pigmentation radiation of longer wavelength, usually in the
disorders, the many applications of Wood’s lamp visible spectrum, is emitted, by the process of
have helped improve the diagnosis of and fluorescence. Normal skin has a blue fluorescent
selection of treatment for multiple appearance under Wood’s lamp examination,
dermatological conditions. Robert Williams while diseased skin creates specific fluorescence
Wood, a physicist of the 20th century, is credited patterns.
for the invention of Wood’s lamp.


When the skin absorbs in the UV spectrum,
The ultraviolet (UV) radiation produced by the amino acids, such as tryptophan, that have a
Wood’s lamp is generated by Wood’s filter, which delocalized system of P orbitals produce
consists of a high-pressure mercury arc filtered fluorescence (2). Fluorescence is
through a compound composed of barium silicate
with 9% nickel oxide (1). ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons
The Wood’s filter is selective for wavelengths in Ltd doi:10.1111/phpp.12235
the UV part of the spectrum between 320 nm and
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2016; 32: 60–65 60ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
the emission of electromagnetic radiation, state. This phenomenon is referred to
especially in the visible part of the spectrum, phosphorescence. Thus, if when the exciting
from a molecule stimulated by the absorption of radiation is stopped and the luminescence ceases,
incident radiation of a shorter wave length (3). the phenomenon is termed fluorescence; if,
Fluorescence is a photophysical process that however, the luminescence persists longer than
occurs rapidly, on the magnitude of nanoseconds, 108 s, it is termed phosphorescence (5).
without producing a chemical change. APPLICATION OF WOOD’S LAMP
Absorption of UV radiation by a molecule
excites electrons from a vibrational level in the In using Wood’s lamp, the clinician aims Wood’s
ground state to one of the many vibrational levels light at the subject in a completely darkened
in the electronic excited state. The energy in an room. Upon absorbing the UV light, the subject’s
excited state can be dissipated via molecular skin may reflect the UV as well as emitting a
collision, partitioned into other modes of visible fluorescence. For photography, a UV-
vibration and rotation and transformed into the absorbing filter stops UV from entering the lens,
production of a photon, the last being and fast color film records the visible
fluorescence. fluorescence (3). The use of Wood’s lamp
The optics of skin is governed by the requires minimal training; yet, the time needed to
processes of absorption and scattering (3). execute its proper use can be lost in today’s busy
Absorption is the loss of a photon when its clinics. To effectively use Wood’s lamp, the
energy is invested in some transition within an following procedures should be followed (6):
atom or molecule. Absorption of light in the UV The lamp should be allowed to warm up for at
and visible spectrum leads to transitions of
electrons to different energy levels. The energy least 20 s.
required for excitation is determined by the The examination should be in a dark room,
energy of the photon, which, by Planck’s law, is
preferably windowless or with black occlusive
inversely related to wavelength. Therefore,
fluorescence can only be excited in a material by shades. The examiner should become dark
radiation of specific wavelength, and the adapted in order to see the contrasts clearly.
resulting fluorescence will be at a specific
The light source should be 4–5 inches from the
wavelength. Materials with inherent fluorescence
capabilities are said to exhibit primary area of interest.
fluorescence or autofluorescence. Further, for any
Washing the area should be avoided as this may
excited-state molecule, the transition to either the
singlet or triplet state depends on the molecular yield faint results secondary to dilution of the
structure of the chromophore and the availability pigment.
of other molecules with which to interact (4).
Topical medications, lint, and soap residue
Fluorescence is dependent on the emission of
a photon from an excited singlet state of should be removed as they produce fluorescence
electrons. In the excited singlet state, the that can interfere with the results.
electrons have opposite magnetic spin numbers Each molecule has unique absorption,
(i.e., ½ and ½) (3). This state does not last too emission, and scattering properties; this is the
long, usually on the order of nanoseconds, as the crux by which Wood’s light can be applied to
excited electron is able to return to its original diagnostic dermatology. While both epidermal
vibrational state without having to change its and dermal melanins absorb in Wood’s light
spin. Some excited states, on the other hand, such
waveband (340–400 nm), collagen in the dermis
as the triplet excited state exist relatively longer.
fluoresces at longer visible wavelengths mainly
In the triplet excited state, the electrons in the
in the blue range (7). Of note, Wood’s light
excited state have the same spin. Hence, for the
examination is unreliable in Fitzpatrick skin type
electron to return to its original ground state, one
VI individuals as one needs low baseline levels
electron must change its spin value. A photon
of endogenous melanin to detect the subtle
emitted from the triplet state usually has a longer
wavelength than one emitted from the singlet
Wood’s lamp
pigmentary contrasts enhanced by Wood’s light- undergraduate studies. As a student at Harvard,
induced fluorescence. Wood was bored by the core courses in
Wood’s lamp has had a multitude of languages and mathematics; he, however, made
applications. Briefly, it has been helpful in up for the poor marks in the required subjects by
diagnosing vitiligo, tuberous sclerosis, melisma, his dedication to fields that interested him, such
erythrasma, dermatophytoses, and porphyria as geology, astronomy, and psychology (9).
(Table 1 (7)). For further details into the Wood also had a particular curiosity for
fluorescent characteristics that each of these as understanding hallucination. For the thesis of one
well as other conditions have, we recommend of his psychology courses, Wood secured a
Asawanonda and Taylor’s review of Wood’s light quantity of hashish, swallowed it, and recorded in
in dermatology (7). Although Wood’s lamp has minute detail the visions and hallucinations he
many usages, which have improved both experienced.
diagnosis and management of disease, the man Graduating from Harvard in 1891, Wood left
credited for its invention is relatively unknown in for Johns Hopkins University to further his
medicine. What follows is a brief biography of studies in Chemistry. The following year, Wood
Robert Williams Wood. married Gertrude Ames, who also came from a
Sharma & Sharma

Table 1. Dermotoses and their respective fluorescent color under Wood’s lamp examination (7)
Disease Color of fluorescence

Microsporum audouinii
canis Blue–green
ferrugineum Blue–green
distortum Blue–green Blue–green
gypseum (some variants) Dull yellow
Trichophyton schoenleinii Dull blue
Tinea versicolor Yellowish-white or Copper-orange
Bacterial infection
Pseudomonas Green
Corynebacterium minutissimum (Erythrasma) Propionibacterium Coral-red
acnes Orange-red
Porphyria cutanea tarda Red–pink
Erythropoietic porphyria Red–pink
Erythropoietic protoporphyria Red–pink
Variegate porphyria Red–pink

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY New England family (9). Wood became

interested in the work performed at Henry
Robert Williams Wood (Fig. 1) was born on May Rowland’s laboratory in the Johns Hopkins
2, 1868, in Concord, Massachusetts. His father,
University’s Department of Physics. Dr.
also named Robert Williams Wood, was born in
Rowland, who served as the first president of the
Massachusetts in 1803, grew up in New
American Physical Society, was known for his
England, and was a physician in Maine until
contribution to the design of diffraction grating
1838. He went to the Hawaiian Islands, where he
or solar spectrum. In the later part of 1892, Wood
stayed until 1866 as physician and pioneer in the
went to the University of Chicago to begin his
sugar industry, after which he returned to New
doctoral work in chemistry. There, Wood was
England (8). Wood often credited his father for
displeased with the department and traveled to
fostering and promoting his interest in
Germany in 1894 for further studies. At the
understanding natural phenomenon.
University of Berlin, he was attracted to the
Wood’s curiosity in the sciences led him to
research performed in the physics department,
enroll in Harvard University for his
causing him to switch fields permanently. After 2
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2016; 32: 60–65 62ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
years in Europe, Wood returned to the United Fig. 1. Professor Robert William Wood (May 2, 1886–August
States, obtaining initial positions at the 11, 1955).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at the

endeavors, publishing over 200 original papers
University of Wisconsin.
over his lifetime; during his six most active
During the 4 years he spent at Wisconsin,
years, he averaged a scientific paper a month.
Wood rose to prominence and became known as
‘The profuseness of these papers attests [Wood’s]
‘ of the most promising young physicists
energy; the attention they received marked their
(8)’. When his former mentor Henry Rowland
worth (10)’. Wood’s work advanced the fields of
died in 1901, Wood, only 33 years old, was
optics; atomic and molecular spectroscopy,
appointed his successor at Johns Hopkins
especially fluorescent spectra and Raman spectra;
University as full Professor of Experimental
physical and biological effects of high frequency
Physics. Wood remained at Johns Hopkins for the
sound waves; and of diffraction gratings (9).
rest of his life, holding the position of Professor
of Experimental Physics until his retirement in
1938, after which he was appointed research WOOD’S LAMP AND ITS APPLICATION TO
professor, a position he held until his death. The DERMATOLOGY
enthusiasm that Wood brought to the department
was not unrecognized as ‘... the talent that Wood Considered the father of both infrared and UV
photography, Wood holds the distinction of being
devoted to his involvement in physics included
the sharp observational faculty of a Sherlock the first to intentionally produce photographs
Holmes, the physical institution of a Faraday, a with both these ‘invisible’ types of radiation and
flair for showmanship not seconded to Barnum’s, also for being the first to photograph the UV
and a prodigious facility with wax and string fluorescence phenomenon.
(10)’. In February, 1903, Wood described the
Together with other prominent physicists of invention of a filter selective for transmitting
the early 20th century such as Robert A. Millikan only UV radiation. The first prototype was made
and George E. Hale, Wood’s work encompassed with nitroso-dimethyl-aniline, which had
the formative years of limitations as it allowed for passage of shorter
American Physics. Wood was fruitful in his wavelengths in the blue section of the visible
scientific spectrum. By adding a small amount of uranine
dye, this limitation was overcome, creating a
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2016; 32: 60–65 ª filter exclusively for UV radiation (8). With his
2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
new filter, Wood went to work, photographing
landscapes and lunar surfaces (11).
Wood was interested in finding applications
for his new filter. He tested his filter on the stages
of Ziegfeld’s popular New York shows. Ziegfeld,
Wood’s neighbor on Long Island, was receptive
to many of Wood’s ideas on lighting tricks with
UV light (8). In a paper presented to the French
Society of Physics in April 1919, Wood
described how his filter, now made with barium–
sodium–silicate glass incorporating 9% oxidized
nickel (later to become universally known as the
Wood’s filter), had been used for covert signaling
during the war such as communication between
aircraft and airfields (12).
In 1919, Wood published three UV
photographs of the different parts of the human
body, which was the first time this had been
done. The first photograph showed a face with
teeth fluorescing brightly. The other two were
Wood’s lamp
photographs of the hands, noting that there were still common practice for today’s dermatologist.
several patches on the skin that had a marked They found that ‘... ringworm produced greenish
phosphorescent appearance (9). Wood, known for phosphorescence, significantly different from the
humor, would often give live demonstrations, bluish tint of normal skin (13)’. The physicians
calling his audience’s attention to how brightly also looked at infection in different body
teeth fluoresce in UV light. Everyone would open locations, finding ‘... groin ringworm have no
their mouths for a demonstration until Wood fluorescence, but on normal skin have a simple
remarked casually, ‘and you notice that all the change in color (yellowish patches more or less
false teeth remain black’; suddenly, the mouths dark) (13)’. Finally, the pair looked at gingivitis
would snap shut again (8). By 1920, there were and oral ulcers, seeing that ‘... these infections
established techniques of UV photography and formed an orange surface (13)’.
UV fluorescence photography, making Wood the It was not long before the work being done in
true founder of invisible radiation photography. It France was recognized by contemporary
was not many years before these techniques were clinicians. John Kinnear, an Assistant Physician
applied to medicine. for Diseases of the Skin at Dundee Royal
In June of 1925, two French physicians, J. Infirmary, published the first accounts of using
Margot and P. Deveze, published the original Wood’s lamp in diagnosing tinea infection in the
paper on the application of Wood’s lamp to English literature (14). Dr. Kinnear was also the
dermatology (13). In their article, the first to recognize the use of Wood’s lamp in
introductory paragraphs reference Wood’s measuring disease progression, stating ‘...the
publication of photographs of the hand and teeth, diagnosis and estimation of cure of... ringworm is
stating, ‘... the fluorescence of the human skin has easy and certain by this means (14)’. Moreover,
been seen by Wood ... he noted the brilliant he paid close attention to the fluorescent
fluorescence of the nails and skin from the inside properties of the various species of Trichophyton
of the hand (13)’. Analyzing the photograph that and Microsporium. Yet, Kinnear did find a
Wood had taken of the back of his hand, the
limitation in using Wood’s lamp in diagnosing
French physicians found that ‘...the well-defined
other dermatological diseases. He pointed out
spots, which have radiance equal to that of the
that ‘...almost any scaly condition of the skin will
nails, are invisible to ordinary light ... they could
give fluorescence... I have not been able to arrive
be due to a partial lack of pigment (mild form of
at any useful conclusion in the differentiation of
leukoderma) or a difference in composition of the
other dermatoses by [Wood’s lamp] (14)’.
skin. This may be the scars of old burns
Regardless, Wood’s lamp became popular in
clinics globally, given its ease of use and ability
Margot and Deveze studied the effect of
to improve diagnostic precision. Even today, a
Wood’s light on normal tegument. First, they
dermatologist relies on using Wood’s lamp in his
found that the skin with normal keratinization
or her day-today practice.
has a fluorescent blue appearance under Wood’s
lamp examination. Analyzing the characteristics
of normal skin, the team then went on to study LATER YEARS
various dermatoses. They found that psoriatic
During his tenure at Hopkins, Wood became a
skin, which had active parakeratosis, ‘... showed a member of the National Academy of Sciences
more discrete yellowish-white fluorescent tint, and received the Henry Draper Medal for his
which contrasted with the blue of the preceding contribution to Astrophysics. Wood was also a
lesions (13)’. They looked at xeroderma member of the Royal Society, an honorary
pigmentosum and found that it ‘... gave member of the Royal Institution and of the
Sharma & Sharma London Optical Society, and an honorary fellow
of the London Physical Society. Early in his
beautiful black spots and very bright points (13)’. career, he received the Royal Society of Arts
Purpura and ecchymotic lesions also ‘... appeared Medal for his invention of the diffraction color
like black spots or very brown (13)’. processing in photography. In 1938, Wood won
Margot and Deveze also used Wood’s lamp to the Rumford Gold Medal of the Royal Society
study various tinea infections, with techniques for his achievements in physical optics. For his
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2016; 32: 60–65 64ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
groundbreaking work in optics and contemporary had been retrieved from Tutankhamen’s tomb.
physics, Wood was awarded honorary degrees The gold had a mystical purple hue, which some
from the University of Birmingham, Oxford thought to be purposely produced by the ancient
University, and the University of Edinburgh (8). Egyptian goldsmiths. Wood was allowed to take
Wood’s work was certainly not confined to the a few specimens with him to analyze further in
academia. Many who never heard of Wood the his laboratory in Baltimore. He found that the
physicist may know him as the author of How To purple color was due to a thin superficial film of
Tell the Birds from the Flowers (15). This iron and arsenic. The films were produced
timeless work of art, which underwent 20 purposely either by mixing the necessary
editions, illustrates, with Wood’s own cutouts, ingredients or using natural gold from a locality
imitation in nature. Wood sent a copy of this where iron and arsenic were present as
children’s book to President Theodore Roosevelt, impurities.
to which the President requested more of Wood’s On August 11, 1955, at the age of 87, Robert
writings. Wood also invented the Electric Thaw, a Williams Wood died of natural causes; he passed
machine that used electrical current to produce away during his sleep without any severe illness.
heat to defrost pipes. He introduced this device to He was survived by his wife and three children;
practice by opening the frozen water pipes in the Wood was, however, by no means forgotten. He
home of Senator Vilas, Chairman of the Board of impacted an entire generation of scientists and
Regents of the University of Wisconsin, during revolutionized multiple fields. Even today, the
the great storm of 1899 (8). Wood’s lamp is being applied to clinical
In his spare time, Wood, known for his medicine like it had nearly a century ago. With
integrity and creative thinking, helped solve digital photography and novel computational
murder mysteries for the Baltimore police (John techniques, the ability to quantify and correlate
Strong). His creativity also led him to discover images taken with UV photography may open
the secret of the ‘purple’ gold found in King Tut’s new doors in the diagnosis and management of
tomb (9). In 1931, Wood and his wife took a trip disease. The coming years hold much promise in
to Egypt, where he saw the gold ornaments that applying Wood’s lamp in ways one might not
have thought possible.

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2016; 32: 60–65 ª 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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