Ann Tutorial

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Priyanrr V. Mourya o 2023TRIS | eiol Neural Nehwone Tutorial i its bovie Campormets * > Define dificil Neural Network and explain its bose compo joral Model inspired AutRciot Neural Nelwosk CANN) is O or ae eer sin by the way biolagical neural networks in ey wones’. Ty avMfaddd 1A Machine’ iebubing, am eeidaae: imleitigence tases auch a> palleen recognition , classi , gration ancl — clustesing. ‘S Neurons (Nodes) :- Neurons are the fundamental units of a Neural networ . PrOCensen Activation Fach neuron receius on os more inputs , them wing a Weighled sum and applies an function’ fo produce an oubpul © Waleighls - Weights are agsosiated with the connections betwen Neurons. These weights Are adjusted to minimize He difference ects ane reals eae ce tee ee autpub a pctivat ion = An activation fanchion is applied to the | Mighledl “sum of jopuls ina neuron to intreduce Non ~Kineority inko netwerx. Common aelivolion Punctions include sigmoid, Hhanh and rectified lineaw unit CRetu). “ Layers - Neurcns ina Neural nehworr are layers | There are Yhree types of layers o Input layes 5 Hidden layer cy Oukpul layer, 2 Bian Each neuron NYpicaly hos an associated bias term, The Bice attews’ neuron to Adjust Hein Oulpus indopendintly Poet the inputs. . plain the skuclure of 0 Single layer perceptvon and haut i) roves Jain a discussion an Hhe activation function. ; decision. Include CSuPd is the simples) Form of a neural A Bingle“loyer Perception? odes y woithouk ly loyer of outpul nodes wai any ee cs a problems O- SER are sel for binary Cloosific (oe pay J learn to classify inpwh padterns cay es vir Reature- ‘ organized into percephron - un “ayer” coruisls 2> Ineights - Each inpub Features is ausspiote uaith if wegh the a] Weights represent the shength of the infuance cf each poing input Peake on Ihe output. During brining We pescepinn, a dusts these weights based on the inp data to learn wy the optimal decision boundary. “7 38 Summation function - “The weighted Sum of inpubs is to caculated by multiplying each inpub fealue by its weig eyo weighh and summing them up of 4 iaD- “The weighted gum is then Posed * Lee eee AD Gttivation Function. ‘The purpase af the atlivaiin of mois is ta: inlroduce! ash- Mneavity foto the medel, ‘the anes st Qelivation function iss crucial ao j} determines ft tt SOPs Saint PeACePton, Common aciivation fun étions Used in Valu owas co gisy MMe Skep funclion, whieh produces binary OLte ths owpus nie vind {fhe sigmoid function, which squahed 7 Abe Ott probabilitie, and 1. attowing the perceptron to iy Davie 3) Describe the bacepropagatian algosithrs wed foo training ANNs ee How cloep it minimize the enor in predictions? : S20 Bacrpropagalion is supesvised Neaining algesithr wed For k Hie, Waining artificial neural nehwooes CANNs) Lt minimice peed _ Yhe ester in predictions by adjusting He weights and bices yp af the netutesk posed om the difference betuscen the prdicied— Output and the aciual outpul C ground tulh). Here's how the OMA x Be eahion algovithrn wons: Quant} p : Predict, Rpt ata ts fed Ruworcl th Pe ay ate npul 0 te produce the predicted output. ‘. “Meuron, the cusighted sum of inpuls is. calculates s hy ain activation function to produce ie ‘ if SEP awolyeer Tl type Comme, qu ——K;;;-—E——_—~—=—~E~<_—=—E{_—E=—I—Eo fh The ears grodients are calculated wing Whe chain rubs of calculuo, Pols: 7 7Gntebaueeneibabialderiiom ‘te leeneute thas bmneattal each Fer, Meuvon’s eutput an the overall exror. pS aay ‘ . “ The gradients calewated luring Yhe bacrusesd poss are Uoed to update the weights ind “biaoe of the network: The ae Ond’ biases are adjusted in the Opposite direction, e @ laa Qradient Aiming to eae the error. [alin | 5 oes ts hyperparometer, is ured to control the size whe 8 les ees Guiting Hy Weights and bios updates. i ane. kgarithrs From overshecting the eptimal ie * aaa a Sleps are repeated fos a predefined Dumber of k — fe the error eomerge to a salisfactory level. Binves, Ee ee Me Nelwose refines j45 weighls and ion “4 Minimizing the emor im predictions. % aus the significance of a Joss function in Ann haining. ws ee ip ut Commonly used toss functions > ed ony 43a critical component in boinin oy fos Significay Nieo i PACOUIING how wel the mewn ic Cormeen Meo In true ube Har and ‘eble me oss ~Enbsopy toss? ae Poe CIP ETT. ocual Ci JS K hog Cy-predicked Ci,i9\ 25 Disey ce is wed for multiclass clossification problems. It Caleula, — Fegu the toss Fox each class and sums them up. U1 ¢ W Winge Loss CUM Loss) ' | Formula + Hinge toss = ClJn) Emax Coys “4 adtual ¥ Y predi ced) perl Hinge toss is aflen wed in Suppost Lectar machines CSV) moe and is suitable Fer binary clossification bases. “Ii encourdg, — SUb Cowecl claasiReations to have a margin: ef at least! , 2 Ee ©) Exploin the wole of activation functions in ANNs. Provide oud examples of Cornmon activation functions and their Fey conti, Characteristics Sal’ 4 Activation function play a crucial vole in artificial neural Prve! Peiearke CANN) by introducing non-linearity into the Res Nelwovie . “This Mon -lineasity ablows ANN to learn Compler Ada i, i the lata and make predictions For awide magni erste ene Hip let tas Classification, regression and Squay MN. Withot activation Functions, ANNs ; i i a0) : Se pee ike ae linear medely regardless a? the Dep Cane iddler, layers. Tendering Her Unable to trainir CeCe Patton tr, the dlata . Feat omenon Activation “Function :- eacall : snclia * re oF day a * Batch BNIB Opal belweer, © and I’. maxing i} Uwe fut Nosrmad zi binary Classification problems where the ow pul Overfith NS probabilities. * Early Apply during the y, ean jon functions are mainly wed in regrension - outpub , ia a continuous value. —— ~~ _ qi Rec 6) Discuss stwategies le ‘choy, Ie) uy, he lide ural Ve plex wide and aI 1) Cross Validation- Split J indludin. to prevent opexfiNinaihio ON Tean es 3 ‘regularization techniques the’ dataset into rmuliiple subsels Fos validdation helps asseas the model's ensuring thal the Across VOvioUd training and testing. Cross - perfomance on diffeent data splits model's generalization is consistent Subsets of the data. 2) Eady Stopping : Monitor the models performance on a validation dataset during training. “Ef the validation performance starts to degrade while the training pes fosmonce a continues to improve, Stop he fraining process easly. This Prevents the pnedlel From. ovefiting fe training data ® Requlevization ~Techaiques’ ey and LO Ragulovization ( Weight Decay) : Penalty teem to the loss function based on the Magnitudes of Hy weights CLI Sr al 2 fe Squared Value, a Se nee * Dropout + Dropout candmly deactivates a fraction of heurons during haining . Foscing the network 40 learn more robust Features. Ty prevents ‘reliance on specific neurons and Encourages Hy» network to learn Multiple sepresental io oF data. ae ‘ * Batch Normalization : Nosmmodizing, We input of each ayes can mitigate Overfitting by reducing internal covariate shifls * Early Dropout | Apply dropout to the input layer and possibly hidden layer dusing the early epochs cf teaining. This helps prevent Hhe network Fromm memorizing the training data toe © arly in the learping — process. Dix how ANN can be applied to image secognition bases “jneluding a brief overview ot the steps for image proce’sing. "9 iT sI2e s SEBS: yo “neural network have been Highly succeasfil in image # 2 ron faves, datmonsbaling state oF the art performana 0 : domain. ip f - f OF—ANN'S im Tmage Recognition | - a) Tre 7 ainualulional Neural Neturnz (CNN) Suitat CNW Ore speciabized type of eural Netwose designed Fey ot pi image melated f0ske) They Consisks of Corvolutional layers 53 Mo 4 Automatically learn hiesaxchica! Dproertations of dlataset atures in an image ® Mod 2) rm ing: on i * Normalization : Scale pixel values to a standard range to 2) Testi ensure Numerical Stability during haining. measur aS * Standardize’ image sizes for Consistency ir) the eel heerlen, 5 Apply transformations to ONifitially inerease Applicat; € diversih : ViSiog 2 Convoulistal yp eo a © Bw he MAEeelAYers Use Ritere to. conebe, avye. the inpul image, CNN Captusing loca) Patterns and Feahires for pr A) Activation Funeti i Non linear adlivation functions introduce Archite, Non = lineavity to the model, allowing if te learn complex learn Beeesbips in tu data ena DT ntahion ; wohl eS Hadiey Dwr con be Used fer image segmuntedion which ino, 2 in divi N99 an image into Meaning segmunts os regions. texture) ©) Irn ; % Active Ceenevative models lice Genevalive Adversasieal Netwour and ae Fats) “Rutdermdess “Can gerutake realistic images fae Dv ition : ’ Deep Neuat rutwesK are Widaly Used Fox Face recognition tax BWlewing Eysterm to idintify individuals im phetos and video. iM image processing fox recognition bats: "| ge _Acauisi Oblain image From Vatiers sourcess such o> Acquisition : 5 “ cessing t J the fase, Image ray be conited to graysct Color infesmation. 9} Explain the shuclure and Unique propertie af RNNS. How do they Oiffe) difte from boditiona) Feedfiwword neural netoors ? 3s S219 RNNS Ore o Hype of neural Networx deignad to hondle Sequential aoe dato by introducing Connections beluxen neurons thal Form tack ivecked cycles: Unlixe | traditional Feedfesword neural networrs 2) Por RNNS have Feedfiacr oops, allowing them to maintain a hidden uaigh Stale ov memory of i “The booie s 1 on y cf previous inpwls. The pi¢ shucture of or Facit| RNN includes Tra Se Y Recurrent Connections i eval a 3 Han Niurons “in an RNN have ‘connections. thal sloop baer on Foo ha Hemseives , allowing peal information to persict across difixent 4) flees Vasyin ® Nidden Slate CMemowy) : saan RNAs maintain a hiddin stale thab evolue with each inpul : And the previo hiddin stale ad Sanh Oulput and Hidden layers : ioe Rulon. 10 feedfowward nehorics, RNAs, Coruist, ‘of inp) , > Teng Culp and hidden layers Framey Fropestien of = RIN Apex OTe ve Neurat RNINS “are well-suited) for tases where Hu osdes and > Pyto timing of inputs matter. ‘The abilily fo maintain a hidden feamen State allows ther to Capture temposad dependencies in marine Sequential dato. Mating them elfective fos tases Vive time = Bea get. Nahirad language processing, and speech eee 3 4S Keron Same set of ghks and biaves are applied at each time run or ay OMowing the netwosr to learn and generalize paticins different positions in the sequerce. le input Sequinces of variable | fo dynamic and changing data. architect ure, including one toane Me and mony to “4 Difference from traditional Feedfosword | > Memen RNNs have memosy clue to . mn to ig ee about previous inputs » allowing iar Process Sequential data. Troditional, Feedfesward netwost Or Yack this explicit mernory. didde, » Farametes Sharing over dime : In an RNN, the same eet of oa Se SO hig applied ad each lime step, ealieteg We Mchating) are leavses porns Garcue the 2 Handling Sequential, Data: RNWs are deigned specifically eo} ie handling sequential clata and capturing temporal dependence. 5 * io Input length: Riis ‘cam Wandte inputs of 6 Vasying 1 : : $ ae Seauines oan Hum adaptable to task involving hey W ; Jenghts: 4 > Provide exarnple ot Popalas neural network simulators and a te Fey Features and applications. 4 8 saree tctics learning Ree ame tiered by Google.

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