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Grumpy Bad tempered

Nasty Unpleasant person (ant- nice)

Neat A person who is very tidy

Vain (negative) A person who is a bit of too fond of their looks

Ambitious a person who wants to be successful and reach

the top

Arrogant proud (they think they are better than other people)

Insecure opposite of self-confident

Quick witted Having the ability for coming up with new and
effective ideas and solutions

Bright Someone who is smart or intelligent

Courteous Someone who is so friendly and polite to others

and shows concern for them

Frank Someone who is extremely honest and tells every

truth even it makes others sad

Self centered A self-centered person is extremely concerned with

himself and his own needs

Stingy Someone who doesn’t want to spend money to

help others

Naïve Someone who believes other people’s words and

acts easily

Gullible A person can easily be tricked and deceived

Self confident It means that you do not doubt your skills and your
Cheerful Happy, contented

Open-minded Someone who listens to new ideas

Bossy Domineering, authoritarian

Forgetful someone who keeps forgetting things

sincere straightforward; honest

Trustworthy Reliable, dependable

Childish Immature

Eager Enthusiastic

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