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Universidad de Monterrey

Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior

Academia de Psicología


NAME: Camila Padrón Sánchez ID: 634690 CLASSROOM: 11102

I. Answer the questionnaire on usage of technology.

1.- Do you spend more time than you think you should be connected to the Internet for yes
purposes other than work?
2.- Is it hard for you to stay without the Internet for several days in a row? no
3.- Have your relatives complained about the hours you spend on the Internet? yes
4.- Do you have problems controlling the urge to connect to the Internet or have you tried no
unsuccessfully to reduce the time you spend on it?
5.- Do you use your cellphone more often or for longer than you should? yes
6.- Have people around you (family or friends) ever told you that you use your cellphone a lot no
to talk or send messages?
7.- If one day you don't have a cellphone, do you feel uncomfortable or as if something very no
important is missing?
8.- Have you tried to reduce cellphone use without succeeding? yes
9.- Do you spend more time than you think you should playing console or computer or no
cellphone games?
10.- Does your family complain that you spend too much time playing with the console, yes
computer or cellphone?
11.- Is it hard for you to spend several days without the console, the computer or the no
12.- Have you tried unsuccessfully to reduce the time you spend playing with the console, yes
computer or cellphone?
13.- Do you spend more time than you think you should chatting on WhatsApp (or another no
similar program) through your cell phone?
14.- Have your family or friends told you that you spend too much time chatting on WhatsApp no
(or another similar program)?
15.- Is it hard for you to spend time without consulting WhatsApp (or another similar program) no
to check if you have new messages?
16.- Have you ever tried unsuccessfully to reduce the time you spend on WhatsApp (or another yes
similar program)?
17.- Do you spend more time than you think you should to participate in social networks, such yes
as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok or similar?
18.- Have your family or friends told you that you spend too much time on Facebook (or yes
Twitter, or Instagram, or TikTok or similar)?
19.- Is it hard for you to spend time without consulting Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram, or yes
TikTok or similar) to see the news?
20.- Have you ever tried unsuccessfully to reduce the time you spend on Facebook (or Twitter, yes
or Instagram, or TikTok or similar)?
Universidad de Monterrey
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Psicología

II. Evaluate your results by adding a point for each affirmative answer in each area and
know your digital habits.


Internet: questions 1 to 4 2
Cellphone: questions 5 to 8 2
Video games: questions 9 to 12 2
Instant Messaging: questions 13 to 16 1
Social networks: questions 17 to 20 4

Results and interpretation:

• 3 or 4 points: Your use is problematic: This activity invades and dominates times and spaces of
your day to day, interfering in your daily life. Your use of this activity is problematic or abusive.
Maybe you could consider taking action.

• 2 points: Your use is risky. In that case you are halfway between an unproblematic use and an
abusive one. This activity begins to interfere in your day-to-day life, to fill spaces and occupy your
time, perhaps without realizing it, or perhaps without knowing how to change the trend.

• 0 or 1 point: Your use is not problematic: your use does not pose any problem to you, nor does it
interfere with your day-to-day activity; you can disconnect when you want, control the time you
spend in that activity, why or what you do it for.

III. Reflect on your results and answer the following questions.

a) Describe two scenarios where you tend to lose control of the usage of technology in the
most problematic digital areas.
1. When I do HW I get distracted by social networks like TikTok.
2. When I’m in class and I can’t use my phone, I get distracted by wanting to
use it.

b) Mention 2 strategies that you can implement to reduce problematic or risky usage of
these instances.
1. Put timer to the apps I use the most.
2. Put timer one hour before I need to go to bed, so I can sleep better.

c) Write 2 commitments that you want to make to have better digital habits.
1. Have hobbies, so I can entertain myself in other things.
2. Have people surround me, so I can talk to them instead of talking by the
Universidad de Monterrey
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Psicología

CRITERIA 1 point 0.5 points 0 points
Answer the Answer the Only answer part of Does not answer
questionnaire. questionnaire the questionnaire. the questionnaire.

Evaluate the Evaluate all of the Partially evaluate Does not evaluate
results. quiz results. the results. the results.
Describe the Describe (2) Describe (1) Describe (0)
scenarios. scenarios about scenarios about scenarios about
problematic usage problematic usage problematic usage
of technology. of technology. of technology.
Mention the List (2) strategies to List (1) strategies to List (0) strategies to
strategies. reduce problematic reduce problematic reduce problematic
usage of usage of usage of
technology. technology. technology.
Write down the Write (2) Write (1) Write (0)
commitments. commitments to commitments to commitments to
have healthy digital have healthy digital have healthy digital
habits. habits. habits.

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