Day 4

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_3.~~ sq,.~~~-~§,~!

SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
[Class-04(Day-04) (Idioms and Phrasal Verb)]

S. No. Idiom Image

1. Chill out = To calm down ~ ~

SG Key: -Chill = cR,T, out = ~

2. Strike while/when the iron is hot =To act at the right time/make use of an opRortlmitM
immediately/ grab a favourable opportunity promptly~ cITT (Yf['l-l xlclT-TT

SG Key: -Strike = W ~ , while/when = "isfel", iron = ~ ' hot = TfB

3. On good terms =Friendly~

SG Key:-Good = ~ , terms = ~t:T

4. Do a good turn= Render a service/ Do an act of kindness--~ cITT~ ~

SG Key: -Do=~, good=~

5. Lion's share = Larger part/ A major share .

SG Key:-Lion = "!!R, Share =

6. Too many irons in the fir activities ~ W2:f ~ ~ cFl<l ~

SG Key: -Too many= IT, in= B, fire= 3WT


8. On thin ice= Precariously close to getting into trouble, difficulty, or danger. / In a

precarious or risky situation ~ <11' ~ B~ ~
SG Key: - On= '3""Qx, thin= "Qcfcif, ice= <fQi'

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ 54.~~~-~!&!sURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
9. Cock and Bull story= Unbelievable story/improbable story/ An implausible story used
as an explanation or excuse I Absurd story ~ ~
SG Key:- Cock= :fTT, Bull = ~

10. At large= A criminal escaped or not yet captured/ not caught ( ~ <F) ~ "fl" EJTITT"
SG Key: -At= -q;z-, large=~

11. Button your lip = Stop talking/ Calm ~

SG Key:-Button = ~ , lips= ifo

12. Leave out in cold= To be i g n o r e d ~ ~ ~ ~

SG Key: -Leave=~' out= EJTITT", in= it, cold= cicI;

13. Keep under wraps = Secret~ ~

SG Key:-Keep = ~ , Wrap=~

14. Cut to the chase= To start talking about the important asHeets of something / Come to the
point/ Talking about the important point anlt eaving out he detail ~ w; ~ 31T-TT
SG Key: - cut = cflc, chase = 1frm ~

15. Within a stone's throw= V

SG Key:- Stone= -q-cf!R,

16. High and migh .

SGKey:- =dlcf>tM\(


18. A bad patch= A period of difficulty cf> tee; Ill cf> 3lc!fu"
SGKey: -A=~, bad=~,patch=-q-'q

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ 54.~~~-~§,~!suRE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
19. Between the devil and the deep blue sea= Between two equal evils ca ~ cB" ~
SG Key:-Between = ~ -i'i', Devil = ~ ' Deep blue sea = ~ ~

20. Run into rough weather = To face difficulties / Encounter difficulties cbfd11pi'1
~ ~

SG Key :-Run=~, Rough=~, Weather= -.fRr,

21. Lay our heads together = Work in consultation 3=rf"lRf l1' ~ ~

SG Key:- Lay=~, our=~, heads= ~, together= ~ "-TTQ:f

22. Down in the mouth = Very depressed~ / ~~

SG Key:-Down = ~ , mouth = ~

23. Make my mouth water= Very tasty and appetizing vfl"

SG Key: -Make= cr.--JT-TT, my= i:'R, mouth=~, water= "cffef:I:

24. The twinkling of an eye= Very quickly~

SG Key:-Twinkling = Rl--lfb-1111, Eye= V

25. Under one's nose= Right in fro

SG Key: -Under=~' one' s=

26. Blow one's top=Be ve "fl" ~ ~

SG Key: - · , Qlle s = , top = top


28. Know something inside out=To know everything about something ffl "1Hcbl~ ~
SG Key:- Know= ~ , something = cg'c9, inside= ~ ' out= cTTITT"

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~~ sq,.~~~-~§§§suRE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
29. To have a green thumb = To have a natural interest in gardening/to have talent in
gardening ~ ffl cpl" 3TTTil':TRUT TT
5G Key:-Green = ~, Thumb= ~

30. At the eleventh hour = At the last moment/At a last stage/ At the last possible moment
~ aTUT "CR
5G Key :-Eleventh = 11cfT, hour = 'cfUcT

31. Live from hand to mouth= To have enough money to live on and nothing extra,/
Consuming daily what little is earned/ Miserably~~ x=t ::fi'R-~ ~
5G Key: -Live=~, from= x=t, hand= "ITT2:f, to= c'TT, mouth=~

32. On and on = Regularly~ ~ "fl"

5G Key:-On = ~ On=~

33. Gnash your teeth=Express rage /To lash out in anger./ to grind or
teeth. :);ffi if ~ ~
5G Key: -G = :Jffif, nash = -;::i-m, teeth = ~

34. Achilles' heel= Weak point a weakness or ,ulnerabl

spite of overall strength.~ ~
5G Key:-Achi = ~ ' le= ~, heel= ~

35. Out of print= No longer being pri y a publisher / A book no longer

available from the publishe fcp-m ~ if 3l~&TTTT
5G Key: - Out= ~ , o ·c:

36. Let something sr mgers =To waste an opportunity to achieve

somethin ~ m~
5G =-T== .--i1, through= x=t, one's fingers=~~

37. ous / Unanimously f1clx-P+-Ja

38. Turn a blind eye = Pretend not to notice/To ignore something that you know is wrong
S7::[Fl -.--i-m t.--iT / ~ ~
5G Key: -Tum=~' blind= ilsrr, eye=~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~~g~§suRE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
39. Be worlds apart= Be very different~ ir-TT
5G Key: -Be = ir-TT, worlds = "fRITT", apart= 31"(Y[Tf

40. With open arms= To welcome someone happily/ warmly~-~ "fcfTlTTl ~

5G Key:-open = ~ ' arms=~

41. Give up = Abandon ~ ~

5G Key:-Give = ~ ' Up = BJCR

42. Give in= Yield/ Surrender 3lTc'+, ~ ~

5G Key: - Give = ~ ' in = li

43. Give away= Distribute/ To reveal a secret~ ~ / ~ "9:aT WFli:

5G Key:-Give=~, Away=~

44. Give Off=Emit '3ct-Jftia ir-TT

5G Key: - Give = ~ ' Up = BJCR

45. Give way=Collapse ~ \ifPfT

5G Key: - Give = ~ ' way= xffdT

46. Given to= Accustomed to ir-TT

5G Key: - Given =

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul

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