Day 3

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_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!

~JSURE6o Gurukul
3l1R 3ll11" ~ 'tf1" cft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffl" 3lfiif ~ ~1-3.-i~I~ etft :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" 5G Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
[Class-03(Day-03) (Idioms and Phrasal Verb)]

S. No. Idiom Image

1. A fish out of water = Uncomfortable, uncomfortable and restless/ In unfamiliar

circumstances / An uncomfortable position ~
SG Key:-fish = ~,out = ~ . water = "CfAT

2. Call off the dogs= To stop criticizing or attacking someone f.'iGT ~ ~ cp"x

SG Key: - Call = cl'>TR, off= ~. dogs = ~

3. A baker's dozen = Thirteen~

SG Key:-A = ~ ' Dozen = ~ (12)

4. Broken reed = An unreliable or undependable Persen. d:IRl:!ql'ffl cZffcln

SG Key: - Broken = ~ ~- Reed = m

5. Cheek by jowl= Very near~ ~

SG Key:-Cheek = "l"J"T"R, jow = ~ "

6. Go to the dog in very bad situation/be ruined ~ "ITT \ifAT

SG Key: -\ o = m, Dogs = ~

11ti.s is,i\ wo,RU)I: at ell... l ,hould YJaTll'-

7. Put the cart before the horse = Do things in the wrong way/ Tackle things in otM:rs Ml t{} p ut their oor1 ~/on rhr /tors,e.

the wrong way/to do last things first lfffif m~ wll l'f cf>71'T ~
SG Key:-Put = ffi<TT, cart = ~ . before = ~ ' horse = ~

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!~JSURE6o Gurukul
311R a:rrr ~ '41- crt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m
3lfiif ~ ~1:a-1~1~ etft SG Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" SG Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
8. To throw a fit = Express extreme anger 3WT <l<@T 'ITT -;::;:rAT
SGKey: -Throw = ~ . a = ~. fit = ~

9. In a pickle = In an embarrassing or awkward situation/in trouble~ li m,=rr

SG Key: - In = li, Pickle = ~

10. Dressed to kill= Dressed to attract attention~ ffl "$ ~ ~ ~

SG Key: - Dress = ~ . kill = llK-TT

11. Speak one' mind = To voice one's thoughts plainly/Speak what one reallythinks
\JJT 3ffi ~ li i cIT ~ %41 / .,.=r ctr 6[Kf %'TT
SG Key:-Speak=~ , one's=3l1R, mind= ~

12. Chip off the old block = A person who closely resembles ~ ent/Resembling
parents 1TTcTT fcmT ctr~
SG Key: - Chip=~- Old block=~ -ircr,=r ~

13. Plough the sands= Futile labour~ ctr ~

SG Key: - Plough = "islTc'RT, sand = ~

14. Chew Out / Chew someo kl someone Severely, Berate/Reprimand
someone severely

15. A change of heart = p,:_ change in one's opinion~ ~ ~

SG ey:- A = 1, change =~ , heart =~

16. Back to the drawing board = When an attempt fails and it is time to start all
over/used to indicate that an idea has been unsuccessful and that a new one must
be devised. ~ ~ "ff ~ ~ I
SG Key: - Back = ~ - drawing board = ~ ~

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!~JSURE6o Gurukul
311R a:rrr ~ '41- crt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m
3lfiif ~ ~1:a-1~1~ etft SG Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" SG Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
17. All and sundry = Everyone/all included ~ (>ffTf
SG Key: - All = ~ . Sun =¥, Dry = ~

18. Know/Learn the ropes = To understand the details/Learn the procedures/Learn

to do particular jobs ~ ~

SG Key: - Know/Learn= ~ , ropes = ~

19. To pull a long face = Look sad/look dejected/ An unhappy or disappointed

expression ~:m ~

SG Key: - Pull = ~ . Long = "R<IT, Face = ~

20. Go at equal speed = Keep up with m~ ~

SG Key:-Go = \J[f'TT, at = cR, equal = -w:!R, speed = m

21. Bend over backwards = Tried very hard/to exert a lot of effort towards some
end/try to accommodate and please someone/mike every effort to acl1ieve
something, especially to be fair or helpful ~ ~ ~ I

SG Key: -Bend = :f?'TT, backward = qyg

22. To come clean=To make a hone~ ctis~ u\ ~ 3lcRltl ~ ~ I

SG Key:- Come = 3WTT, clean = ~

23. In deep water = In dHficuft?i problem ~ "tf

SG Key: - In = -q, De~ ter= l"fITTT

24. C rse=Provided minute details -g_uf ~

5 er = Chapter, verse = cTrt

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!~JSURE6o Gurukul
3l1R 3ll11" ~ 'tf1" cft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffl" 3lfiif ~ ~1-3.-i~I~ etft :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" 5G Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
25. Head over heels = Fall deeply and completely in love/madly in love/fall deeply
in love with someone ~ ~ ~ QlR Ti ~ ~
SG Key: - Head = fffi". Over = i3i'R W-1>, Heels = ~

26. Chicken out = To be afraid of/to decide not to do something because you are too
frightened. ~ er; -q')u' 5C'TT I
SG Key: - Chicken = ~ - out = ~

27. To lose one's temper=To become angry 3TPT ~ ~

SG Key:-To lose= TfcfRT, one's = ~ . tern= VT, per=~

28. Jack of all trades = Somebody who has many skills or who is versatile in"every
field6X ~/~Ti~
SG Key: - Jack all = ~ . Trade=~/~


30. Make someone's head spin = Confused

SG Key: -Someone = ~ cf;, Head = ~ ~

31. Crash and burn=To fait 5,0~pletely ~~~

SG Key:-Crash = ,~ ~

32. Go down in flames= Fail completely ~ ~ ~ 'ITT ~

SG Key: -Go = ~ , down = ~. flames = 3TPT

33. Under the gun=To be under pressure~ ~

SG Key:-Under = ~, gun = TA'

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gur ukul
_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!~JSURE6o Gurukul
3l1R 3ll11" ~ 'tf1" cft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffl" 3lfiif ~ ~1-3.-i~I~ etft :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" 5G Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
34. ltsy bitsy = Very small 6'sff t1' U1tr
SG Key: - ltsy =~ ~ . Bit =~

35. Be a dab hand at something= Skilled in a particular area~

SG Key: - Dab = ~ . hand = ml?l, at = ~. something = ~ ~

36. Put one's cards on the table=To be honest ~•11-'l<:. 1'1 m'TT
SG Key:-Put = ~ . one's = 3lcR, cards = "C:RT, on = qx, table = W

37. Not one's cup of tea = Something that is not ~ accord wit~
taste/not one's choice or preference~ ~ i:i1T ~ -;, 'ITT
SG Key: - Not=~. Cup= qiq, Of= "$l", Tea=~

38. Pick to pieces=Analyse critically~ ~ ~ RI I

SG Key:-Pick = 'i3o"AT, pieces = ~

39. Cool it= To relax~ 'ITT ~

SG Key: -Cool = ~

40. Scratch one's head= To beperplexed ~ 'ITT \i'fAT

SG Key:- Scratch = ~ one's= 3lcR, head = ~

41. Corne forward=To offer h e l p ~ ~ ~ 3TT1T 3-TAT I

SG Kn: Come = 3-TAT, Forward = 3TT1T

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!~JSURE6o Gurukul
3l1R 3ll11" ~ 'tf1" cft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffl" 3lfiif ~ ~1-3.-i~I~ etft :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" 5G Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
42. Come off=Success ~ ~
SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, Off = ~

43. Come about = To happen ~ ~

SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, About = cfi ~ ~

44. Come across=To meet by chanc e ~ ~c,t lqilt1 ~

SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, ao-oss = Cross

45. Come by = To get I Meet ~

SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, By = m<l'

46. Come out=To be exposed / To be publisheds ~ /

!.l451~1c'1 ~

SG Key: -Come = 3lRT, out = mITT"

47. Come round = Recover / To accep~ meon 's opinion ffiT ~ 3lRT / ~ ~

6'ml'fAcfRfcmR~c:RT ''
SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, rou~ = ~

48. Come down = To become lower or cheaper~ 31m/ ~ ~

SG Key: - Come~ down= ~

49. Com~ = To separate into several pieces ~

SG Key: - Come= 31m, a=i:[cn, part = mi

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gur ukul
_5.~~ 54.~~~-~!~JSURE6o Gurukul
3l1R 3ll11" ~ 'tf1"
cft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffl" 3lfiif ~ ~1-3.-i~I~ etft :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application~~~ 3111:" 5G Dictionary -q ~ ~ cft eITT" ~~~~I
50. Come of = Originate/is descended from -n 3lRT/ ~ ~
SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, of= <ITT

51. Come upon = To attacks~™

SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, Upon = ~

52. Come through = To Complete successfully fllfic1t11q_Jcp ~ ™

SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, through = ~

53. Come between = To interfere mm ~

SG Key: - Come = 3lRT, between = ~ it

54. Come to= Return to consciousness~ l'.J 3lRT

SG Key: - Come=3lRT. to=cTT

55. Come up = Mooted or raised for iliscussion (~)

SG Key: - Come=3fAT, up=

SG Key: - Come = 3TRT, down =~. on =~
57. Come in riticism / blame) mifTT ™
SG - : - Come in =come in, for =cf> ~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gur ukul

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