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_5.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§:~!

SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
[Class-06(Day-06) (Idioms and Phrasal Verb)]

S. No. Idiom Image

1. Wipe the nose = Cheat ~ ~

5G Key:-Wipe = ~ ~ , nose = rflcp

2. To lose one's head= Lose self-control; panic. / to become confused or overly emotion~
about someone or something~ ~ if "GlTrJT
5G Key: -Lose= T[c[Fll, one's= ffl, head= x=R

3. Afraid of one's own shadow = Very nervous or easily frightened.

5G Key:-Afraid =~,one's Ov\11 shadow=~ t9l<TT

4. To be tight-lipped=To keep quiet~

5G Key: -Tight=~' lip=~

5. At the drop of hat= Immediately/wi n; instantly /instantly~

5G Key:-Drop = fl'R";:rr, hat -

6. To accept the gaun e~ ~ ~

SGKey:-Ac ~
7. DonKey' "B<TT ~
5G Ke rs = '8Till I

8. Burn a hole in one's pocket= Money spent quickly~ "fl" ~ ~ ~

5G Key: - Burn = ~ , a hole= "C;cf> BG, in= it, one's pocket = 3:rq;:JT tjfk

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~~ sq,.~~~-~§,~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
9. To pour oil on troubled water= To pacify the anger/to calm a dispute :);ffi <ITT~~
SG Key:-Pour = ~ , Oil= c'ic;r, on = ~ , troubled water=~ s;m -qr-;:'ft

10. To hit the nail on the head =To find exactly the right answer~ cf ~ ~ ~
SG Key: - Hit=~, nail = ~ , on = '3""(R, head = W

11. Keep an open house = Welcomes all member

SG Key:-Keep = ~ , an = 10P, open=~' house = m

12. To break a leg=To wish good luck / Best Wishes ~ (']Cf, <TT
~~cf.ill-111~ "t,n
SG Key: -Break=~, a= 1, leg= cM


14. Quake in one's shoes or boots=Tremble wi sion ~ ~ cfiTCf1T

SG Key: -Quake = cfiTCf1T, i - . ¥

15. On the horns of dil ation ~

SGKey:-hor mma = ~TT

16. Cut tioth ends= rugue in favour of both sides c:T1T -qffi c#l" ~ ~ ~ ~
SG Key: - Cut = "cf.ic, both = c:T11, ends = ~

17. A man of Straw = A man of no substance/useless ~ :);Uff <ITT ~

SG Key:-man = ~ ' straw = ~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~~ sq. ~~~-~§{~§suRE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
18. Fly into a passion= Suddenly become very angry~ ~
SG Key: - Fly=~' into= if, passion=~

19. Under a cloud= Under a suspicion/In disgrace~ ~ ~ it

SG Key:-under = ~ ' cloud= ~

20. Keep one's cards close to one's chest= To keep one's plans, intentions, or tactics secret from
other people. ~ sf@" cITT fuLfAT
SG Key:- Keep=~, one's=~' cards= cf5li, close=~, one'

21. Ended in a fiasco= An utter failure/a complete failure~ -g'r

SG Key:-Fi = Fee, As= Ass= TfSIT, Co= cITT

22. A square peg in a round hole= Unusual individualist wlfo could n0t fit into his/her society,
A misfit in the enviornment ~ ffi
SG Key:- A= ~' square = 2, peg= ~ ' i , hole=~

23. In a tight corner= In a difficult sit1:1atio

SG Key:-tight = ~ ' comer= ~

24. Put one's shoulders To start doing something with all your energy an
determination ' cfTTl=f cITT ~

SG Ke , one's=~' shoulder= c&c)-, wheel= cl7:R

25. Cast pearls before swine = Offerings good things to undeserving people I A right thing in
wrong ham! ~ ~ cITT <Tfl<T ~ ~ t (~
~ 3TTlT ~ ~ )
SG Key:-Cast =~.Pearl= -i::rrcfr, Before= 3TTlT (~),Swine= 'jJR

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~!~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
26. Wheels within wheels= Something that is very complex and perhaps overly complicated.
~ ffl <ITT 3ITT" ~ ir \JlFlT
5G Key: - Wheels= cl"<lx, within= cfi ~,wheels= cl<lx

27. Twist someone's arm= To use force or coercion on someone~ cp]1=[ ~ cfi ~

SG Key:-Twist =~,someone's arm= fcITT:fr ctr ~ ('T'TT)

28. True to one's salt= Faithful~/ ·-P--lcf>i5C'1 IC'1

5G Key: - True=~, one's= IJfl" ~ ' salt=~

29. To draw the line somewhere= To set some limit fcITT:fr m ctr ~ cn:r
5G Key:-Draw =~,line= ~

30. Blow hot and cold= To be constantly changing/Being frien t and unfriendly
the next/ To be friendly and unfriendly at the same time WI" ~ ~ ~ ~
5G Key: - Blow= qGffrff, hot= Tfl'r, and = 3ITT"

31. Under the table = Money paid secretly~

5G Key:-Under = ~ , the table = ~

32. Keep pants on= To be pati
SC Key: -Keep = ~ , pa -q-'{

33. To · angry~ ir.-rr

SG , ne's lips=~ ire,-

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ 54.~~~-~!:~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
34. Full of beans= Lively and energetic/ Lively/ In high spirits ~ x=T 'l'fxT s3TT / B"G'ff x=T 'l'fxT
SG Key: -full= 1¥f, of= ctr, beans= ir'l (~),

35. Piece of cake:-Easily done/something easy 3m=rR

SC Key:-Piece = ~ ' cake= cBc1,

36. To not have a clue = To not know about something /have no knowledge about something
~ ~ \Jll'7'TI / cmt 3lill --qfil ~ ~
SC Key: - Not=~' have= -qru- ii ~' a= "C;<P, clue= cfci

37. The man in the street = The ordinary man Wl'::fR"DT ~

SC Key:-Man = ~ ' In = ii- , Street= Tfc>TT

38. Come hell or high water= No matter what~ ~ -ifr if

SG Key: - Come = 3'flrlT, hell = ~ . or = <TT, high water = ~

39. Bed of thorns= Uncomfortable situation ·
SC Key:-Bed = ~ , thorn= coicT

40. Through thick and thin= Su H circumstances/under all circumstances/in times of
good and bad fortune ~ :R<:r
SG Key:-Thick in=
41. Lay off=Dismissa ·o J x=T ~ ~

SG Ke . taj, Off=~

42. Lay down =Surrender 3fTT'l7 ~ ~

SG Key: - Lay= ~ isfTr!T, down = ~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
43. Lay out= To arrange according to plans/ Spend ~~ ~ / ~ ~
SG Key: - Lay out = ~ 3TBc

44. Lay aside= To make savings~ ~

SC Key: - Lay= ~, aside= ~ ~

45. Lay by =To make savings for future u s e ~ ~ / ~ ~

SG Key: -Lay=~, by=~

46. Lay aside by= To make savings~ ~

SC Key:-- Lay=~, Aside = ~ ~ , By= ~

47. Lay into=Attack Violently/ Criticise angrily cm- ~

SG Key: - Lay= ~, into = ~

48. Lay up= Confined to bed~ ~ ~

SG Key: - Lay=~, up=3:rrq

49. Lay in =To store for future us

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul

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