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_5.~~ sq,.~~~-~§~!

SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
[Class-0S(Day-05) (Idioms and Phrasal Verb)]

S. No. Idiom Image

1. In a jiffy= Very fast, Very soon/Something that is done very quickly cfc,fcp ~ fr
~ /ftAT ~ fcoit
SG Key: - In = it, Jiffy = ~

2. Of the first water= Of the best quality~ ~ / ~

SG Key: -Of= <ITT, first=~' water= -qr-;:fr

3. To muster in force= To assemble in large numbers

SG Key: - Muster = ~ , In = i'f, Force = cf[cf,c'f

4. In the nick of time = Just in time/at the last possi x=r=f71 ~

SG Key: - Nick=~, Time= ~

5. On shank's mare=On foot~

SG Key: -On=~, shank's= · , marn = .


7. Work against the clock= Work very fast to complete something within a deadline. /work
in great hurry ~ ~ ~ "ff ~ ~ WUcTT "ff cn11, ~ / fcITT:fr TI7:f
~-« * ~ ~ ~ "ITT~ I
SG Key: - Against= ~ ' clock= ~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
~ 6fTq" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ m
~ ~ :s1-ai1~1:s ~ =- SG Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: SG Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
8. To miss the bus/boat = To miss an opportunity~ cf5"T ill'll ~ '3"oT -qr-=rr
5G Key:-Miss = ~ ' bus = ~

9. Come in handy= Turn out to be useful cITTl=f if 3wTT

5G Key: -Come= 3wTT, in= if, h a n d y = ~

10. Throw out of gear = Not working properly 00 ~ ~ cITTl=f -;::i- ~I

5G Key: - Throw= ~ ~ , Out= ~ . Gear= fTrm

11. Hope against hope= Hope in a hopeless situation mci <Bl" 3TTW
5G Key: - Hope = 3TTW, against= cfi ~ ' hope = 3TTW

12. By leaps and bounds=Rapidly /Quickly/ At rapid race~

5G Key :-Leap= t9C'ffTf

13. It goes without saying=Something which is 1m I ious 7:ffi ~ ~ t

5G Key: -Goes = "isff,'TT, without= fsG:TT

14. Flying visit= Very short visit

5G Key: -Flying =

15. Whist be unafraid~ ~ cf5"T ~ ~

5G , n = if, dark = 3l'cRf

16. Pass muster= Meet required standard~ ~ cf5"T i'f.TT

5G Key: - Pass = -q-ru-, Muster = ~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
17. Never look a gift horse in mouth=Don't find fault with the gift :f@" ii" ~ ~ cB"
:rur-~ l1"TI ~ I
SG Key: -Never= co'lil 'Iii ~'look=~, a= 1;cl5", gift= frr:R:, horse=~' in= ii",

18. To be in a quandary= In a confusing situtaion ~ / ~ clil ~

SG Key: - Be = ~ , In = B, Quan = ffi, Dary= ~

19. Come rain or shine=Whatever happens/ Under any circumstances~ cg't9 'Iii "ITT
SG Key: -Come = 3TTrJT, rain = ~ ' or = <TT, shine = ~

20. Carry the ball = Be in charge~

SG Key: - Carry=~, In= ii", Ball=~

21. A dime a dozen = Very common and of no partic J1'l on cn'rm ~ 'l-flcf
SG Key: - A = 1;cl5", Dime = <TTB, A = 1;cl5", Do · n

22. Best of both the worlds situation wherein someone has th

privilege of enjoying two d" · ~cit ii" ~ /~'lit 1PTTR
SG Key: Best=~ ·,worlds= xTT7R

23. Behin one privately :07 ~ ~

SG se=~

24. Cost an arm and a leg= Very expensive/ A large, possibly exorbitant, amont of money ··n,,,s ---- ...&r -
a.,.a,r..,, -aa.,~!

SG Key: -Cost = Bm, an = 1;cl5", arm= :f'TT, and= 31'R, a= 1;cl5", leg = c'.TIT

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ 54.~~~-~!~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
25. Behind one's back=In one's absence~ ~
SG Key: -Behind= -qtu-, one's=~' back= 1Tfo

26. Upset the apple cart= To create a difficulty/doing something that fails someone's plan
~ (mTRT) ~ q,x ~

SG Key:-upset = ~ ~ , apple cart=~ <TTcfr ~

27. To put one out of countenance =To make one feel ashamed f$m <ITT~ I~ ~
SG Key:-Put =~,one= "l[cfi", of= cfil, count=~, ance = 3Acfi"

30. To bury the hatchet= To mak

SG Key:-Bury = ~ , hate

31. The last str e the situation unbearable/A minor difficulty bu

coming o lties, that makes a situation unbearable/Final problem in
the ser· me unbearable~ ~ '3fl" ~ cfiT c.fITT1lT ~ I t

32. Four corners of the earth=From all parts of the world ~ *~ 3l(,flT 3l(,flT f%m
"ff I
SG Key: -Four= "'r.lR, corners= cffr;:rr, of=*, earth= 1J2ZIT

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
~ 6fTq" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ ~ ~ :s1-ai1~1:s ~ m =- SG Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: SG Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
33. Slip of the pen = A mistake in hand writing ~ -if ~ "ITT \J7l'lT
5G Key:-Slip = Rtflc.+--11, Pen=~

34. Plain as day= Very obvious and easy to uuderstand cgl9 -qflT un- ~ ~ 3ITT'flrf if I
5G Key: -Plain= "f!TCp, day= ITT

35. To beat the air = To make efforts that are useless or vain /To do useless effort ~ $1"
~ ~
5G Key:-beat = ~ , air= -gqr

36. Put one's best foot forward=Try as hard as one can 3fvc9T >l'lTTcf ~
5G Key: - Put=~, one's = ~ , best=~ 3fvc91, foot =

3 7. Bed of roses = Comfortable situation/an easy and happy s state °'

$1" ~
5G Key:-Bed = ~ ' rose = ~ cpl ~

38. Have one's hands full= To be very busy

5G Key: - Have=~' one's= ffl, h '"'

39. Alarums and excursions uproar~' ct,'lcilSci

5G Key: -Al = All ( ns = "fR

40. Late i be of any use ~ ~ it 3lFfT fcn fcnm c!TTB cpl


5G Key: - Ruu = xrf rate, down = q51=[

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§,~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
42. Run after =Pursued/ hanker after rr ~ / cfi W ~ ~
5G Key: -Run=~' after= W

43. Run across= Meet by chance~ ~ fi:rc;r;:rr

5G Key: - Run=~, Across=~

44. Run off= Fled/ Run away~ 'l'fTTT f.-'lcf>c.+'11

5G Key: - Run = 'l'fTTfr!T, off= <ic:"

45. Run into= To meet by chance /to face~ "tr~ / ~ ~cilcf>ld m½

5G Key: - Run=~' into= qffix ~ ~ Tffi'f ~

46. Run over = Crush under ~

5G Key: - Run = ~ ' over = 3TicR

47. Run down=Become weak/ Tired and not healthy · / ~ ~

5G Key: -Run= B ~' down=~

48. Run out = Expire/ Comet

50. Run short of =Exhaust cBl'f ~ \Jll'7l

5G Key: -Run= B, short= wfu, of= c!5l"

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul

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