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_3.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§,~!

SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
[Class-07(Day-07) (Idioms and Phrasal Verb)]

S. No. Idiom Image

1. To go off the air= To stop broadcasting a radio or tv program fcITT:fr >l71lll7 cf)T ~ ( ~ ,
ec11fc1vH "CR) ~ ~
SG Key: -Go= IJ'fr-TT, off=~, air=~

2. A cry in the wilderness = A cry in vain/an unheeded warning/unpopular opinion mci

/ mci ii f¾C!C"IHI
SG Key:-Cry = f¾c01HI, in= if, wilderness=~

3. Speak volumes for=Give enough proofcf)T iRr ~ ~

SG Key: -Speak = ~ , volumes = volume, for = cfi ~

4. Take someone for a ride = Try to trick someone/ To dece · ~

SG Key:-Take = ~ ' someone = fcITT:fr cITT, for =

5. Lion's mouth= A dangerous situation -

SG Key:- Lion's= VR cf)T, mouth ~~

6. Good egg = A nice person

SG Key:- Goo - ~

7. Caught re<I lianded - At the time of committing crime/apprehend someone in the course of
wrong oing ~ ~
SG Key:- Caught = ~ . red = 'C"I'@, handed = ~~

8. Take a leap in the dark = To take risk~ lTTC'1' ~

SG Key:- Take = ~ . a= 10f,, leap = t9C'1Tll, in = if, dark= 3lERT

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§,~§suRE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
9. Dead heat=Close contest that ends in a tie ~ ii ~ <ITT ~
SG Key: -Dead=~, heat= Tfl'1T

10. To be in a fix= In difficult situation~ ~~ / ~ -i:i' / ~ ~~ ii ~

SG Key:- In= "tf, f i x = ~

11. Stand on own feet= To be independent~ ~ ~ ~ ~

SG Key:- Stand= ~ ~ , on = ml=R", own = ~ , feet= tlx

12. All moon shine= Far from reality/ Concocted/ Nonsense~ ~ cfi'Rn ~
SG Key:- All= "ffRT, moon=~, shine=~

13. Don't put all one's eggs in one basket= Don't risk ever ccess of one ventur
fcpm ~ tl" ffl ii 3l~ "f1Rt mvIT 10T ffl'c:frf
SG Key: -Don't put=~ ~ , all= x'l"R, one's= ,e -----~, in= ii, one=~' basket
14. To take to task= Reprimand/Rebuke/To sc0ld sormwne/ Get an official reprimand/ Punished •

::ey:- Take=~, task= cp]1=f ' ~j

15. Sell like hot cakes= Toh sell quickly~ +:rr=5TT -i:r ~
: ~~
- ~~"~"~
SG Key:- Sell = - ~
.; ~ ·~~
~ I

16. In hot n '{~cf5c'l0 1 ft'~ ii

SG , ater = 1:fl11,

17. To be thrown in at the deep end/Throw someone in at the deep end= learn to do the difficult
things too soon ~3llcf ii tl" ~ ~ <ITT ~ ~
SG Key: - Throw= ~ ' someone = fcpm <ITT, in= -i:i', at= -q;;, deep= "l"TITTT, end= 3lc7

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
3.~~ sq,.~~~-~!~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
18. Call a spade a spade= To be frank/ To speak in a straight forward manner/Say the truth about
something, even ifit is not pleasant~ ~ "ff ~ sfcTT ~
SG Key:-Call = call, Spade = ~

19. Mind your language= Tell someone to speak politely fcR:ft cfil" ~ "ff ~ c& ~ ~
SG Key: -Mind your language

20. All Greek= Incomprehensible~ if ~ ~ (~ ~) 111~ U:l~ll,P lf-11 U9~lll!.,

!Jfi;U: 11 lltliJll-<IJtUlt fllJ)·O<tl
QIU 3/;!,m!lt.ll®ti'i:..; _fjtr,1!,gi,
SG Key:-Greek = ::f1cp mq\Jgi l!Jlltft.~!I•~* '
!JUlffl.i:J ftltl6 tJ1.lltJl (l'lllfl\
nonts_islil!.tttltlt61lt 00111015 11 no.nii11
CIJt«tUW 11 uuffimo Ano a

21. Foot the bill=To pay for something~ ¥AT

SG Key: -Foot= 'CR, Bill=~

22. To build the castles in air=To make imaginary plans/ sch / cmfr

SG Key:-Build = e,frfffi, Castel= 1=ffic,f, in= if, ai =

23. Cross the bridge when i come to it = Deal ly when necessary/ deal with
problem when and if it arises ~ "ff ~ 3W'r ~ ~ ~ /
~ ~ ~ ITT ~ ~ Plcbl
SG Key: - Cross = ~ · hen = ~, you = g;,, come = 3wTT

24. Back to square one=Back e to the original point. ufITT "ff J;ITTl',-T s31T ~

25. Be under no ii are of the true state of affairs ft~ "ff ~ ~ "ff 31c!TRf
iRT / " ~
SG er = ~ ' no = ~ ' illusion = '!ll7

26. Fall flat=Rro,duce no effect/failed to make an impact/to have no effect~ >l1TTcf ~ ~

SG Key:-Fall = fTR-;:n, flat=~

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§$~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
27. On a wing and a prayer = With only the slightest chance of success~ ~ q51=[ ~
ct "f!T~, ~ m 'l-frl<1" ct ~
SG Key: - On= 13?CR", a=~' wing=~ / "l:Rsr, and= 3i'R, a=~' prayer= mcl-;:n

28. Grease anybody's palm=Bribe ~ ~

SG Key:-Grease = ~ ~,palm= -g~

29. Ease somebody's mind=Alleviate someone's anxiety fcR:fr

~ ~I
SG Key: -Ease= 3'1"fffR, somebody's= fcR:fr ct, mind=~
30. To pocket an insult=To bear insult/bear an insult quietly 3:rq;:n 3:rqi:[R ~ ~
SG Key:-Pocket = ~' insult= insult

31. Be in force= In great strength or numbers ~ ~ if

5G Key: - Be = 'iii, in = if, force = ffi

32. At snail's pace= To do things very slowly/do someth 61" £f1i:'i'r Tffu x'l"
SG Key:-Snail = "£1T£TT, Pace = ~

33. Be out of order=A device not working prnpeidy @rat all~ ~ <TT ~ "Gfl" tlcn x'l" q5"]1'[

~~ffl~I '
SG Key: -Be = ir-=n, out=

34. Take exception=Object bl" ~

5G Key:-Take

35. Shot i ething ~ if cfR ~ / ~ ~

SG . , in = if, dark = 3'itRT

36. To make castles in the air= To make imaginary plans/ scheme/to create impossible dreams or
hopes ~ fcnc;r ~ I co'R'r cfic,Cf,TT ~
5G Key:-Build = ~ , Castel = ~ , in = if, air= "§"cfT

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
37. Keep a civil tongue=Speak with great politeness~ cfi \ll~ ~
SG Key: -Keep = ~ , a= 1, civil = ~ ' tongue= ufelA
38. Red rag to a bull= Something that will cause an angry or violent reaction/an object, utterance,
or act which is certain to provoke someone. :LffiT ~ m ~ cfR,TT cnRUT
SG Key:- Red=~, rag= fti°~ (~), Bull = ~

39. Reinventing the wheel=Wasting one's time for things that have already been satisfactorily
done '1T.ft ~ ~ ~3TT ~ / cgt9 ~ ~ m ffl ii' ~ "f1TxT ~ ~ "17" ~ 151"
SG Key: -Re= -Rtx "ff, invent=~ ,wheel = cl<R"
40. To kill two birds with one stone= To solve two problems at one time with a sing @actioul-to
achieve two results with a single effort '0P ~ "ff ch ~
SG Key:-Kill = lfRrfl, two = ch, birds = -qafi, one stone = '0P -q-cQR

41. Bring out =Publish~/ ~ ~ / viHcbl~ ~ ~

SG Key: - Bring= ~ , out= sfTITT"

42. Bring off= To succeed in doing something diffic essful conclusion~

"cb"fu~ cnr=r ffl ii' ~ ~

SG Key: - Bring= ~ , off= sic:"

43. Bring up= To rear/ Increase/ To raise / ~

SG Key: - Bring= ~ , up= 31N

44. Bring round= To make one agi:ee 'j e's senses/ Restore to consciousness~ -q
~cfix~/ ~ i i ' ~

45. Bring forwa d

SG ard = 3TTTf

46. Bring about=Cause to happen cnRUT ir-=TT

SG Key:-Bring=~, about=cfi cnRUT

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
3 .~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§$~§suRE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
47. Bring forth =To give birth to/ To produce~ ~
SG Key: - Bring = c'!T-TT, forth = ~

48. Bring under=subdued / To control ~ if ~

SG Key: - Bring = c'!T-TT, Under = ~

49. Bring down= To overthrow (a government)/ To reduce in position "flill if ~ PRRT /


SG Key: - Bring = c'!T-TT, down = ~

50 . Bring over= To bring someone at one's side rn -qa=r -i:i" ~

SG Key: - Bring = c'!T-TT, over = 3TTcR

51. Bring back=To call to mind~ ~

SG Key: - Bring = c'!T-TT, back = ~

52. Bring in= To earn /to introduce something n 'l<TT c'lT-TT

SG Key -: - Bring = c'!T-TT, in = -i:i"

53. Bring along= To take some

SG Key-: Bring= c'!T-TT, Al

54. Bringin=Toprod ~/ircrr ~

SG Key: - B··ng- ,

55. Bri
SG Key: c'!T-TT, down=~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul

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