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_3.~ ~ 54.~~~-~§=~!

SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
[Class-08(Day-08) (Idioms and Phrasal Verb)]

S. No. Idiom Image

1. Vogue = In fashion / Popular ~ if

SGKey: -Vogue=91Tf ~ ~ ~

2. Lost heart= Become discouraged f.-i~f{-111'%<:1 ITT ufFfT

SG Key: - Lose = ~ . Heart= ~

3. Like talking to a brick wall= Inattentive 'c<Tfrf rf ~ I

SG Key: Talking= qfc'[ ~,to= m, a= I, brick= fc':, wall= ~

4. In a flash= Quickly; Immediately~/~ ~ ft

SG Key: - In = if, Flash = ~

5. Sweat of the brow = Hard labour

SG Key: --Sweat= ~ '

6. Out and out= Totally

SGKey:-0 =

7. Wi ith all one's strength or power. ~ m "ff

SG . , might = c'fTcITT'f, main = main

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Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_5.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~§=~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
8. To foam at one's mouth= To get very angry~ :IffiT ~
5G Key :-Foam=~, Mouth=~

9. Send about one's business=To dismiss~~~

5G Key: -Send = ~ ' about= cB" qR if, one's= 3ITT, business = ~

10. Let cat out of the bag = Exposed secret ~ <1cTT ~

5G Key:-Cat = ~ ' Out=~, Bag=~

11. The fourth estate= Press ~

5G Key: - fourth = 115'rcl, estate = ~

12. Not on good terms= Unfriendly/intense dislike~

5G Key:-Not = '7!31, good =~'terms= ~tl"

13. Cost an arm and a leg= A lot of money /a I rbitant amount of money/very l\.u5'c:-ard, ~
a,,. o-r-
a,,da. I~!.

expensive~ ~ ffl
5G Key: - An = 1;<P, Arm = :fiTT, , leg = m

5G Key:- No= '7!31,

15. Get o e dismissed from employment or to be ordered to leave or

mo ~ ~
5G , walking = ~ , paper = tf1N

16. By fits and starts = Irregularly/ Occasionally/Unsteady co'lft ~

5G Key :-fit= cf'RT ~ ' Start= start

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ 54.~~~-~§{~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
17. Shake in one's shoes= Tremble with apprehension~~ cpfq;:n
5G Key: -Shake= ~ , in= if, one's = m, shoes = ¥

18. Carrot and stick= Reward and punishment :q'1ct11s--1 ( ~ q,fl, cfi ~) ~ (~ q,fl, cfi
5G Key:-CaiTot = TTTGR, stick=~,

19. Blue stocking= Educated but pedantic lady¢ ~ ~

5G Key: - Blue = ~ ' stocking=~

20. Back Bone= Strength c'fTcITT7

5G Key:-Back = ~ , Bone = ~

21. Wind fall =Sudden gain ~.\-klll~ld C'fTl1

5G Key: - Wind = "$cll, fall = l:f5c,f

22. Let the grass under their feet= Dela to remain idle q,fl, if ~
/ ftt;:n q,fl, cf) ~ ~
5G Key:-Grass = "l::fR7, Un

23. Make ducks and drakes

24. En eedom for action m ~iBljfil'< cBTB ffl chl" m?fITT (t.-Jl)
5G ,Rope=xffl"

25. Fixed in one's ways= Not wanting to change how one does things / Be inflexible, fixed in
one's habits, ~ ~ / ~ -if! ~ "--IT cfix--lT ~ ~ if
5G Key: - fixed=~, in= if, one's= m, ways=~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~~ sq. ~~~-~§=~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
26. Cross that bridge when we come to it= Solve the problem IJ76f ~ ~ c'fsf ~ I
5G Key: -Cross = cross, bridge = ~ ' when = IJ76f, we = -gi:f, come = ;m;=rr, it= <TT,

27. To move heaven and earth= To try to everything possible~~ J;f<lffi ~

5G Key:-Move = ~ , heaven = "fcllt, earth = ~

28. Silver bullet = A simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem ~
~ ~ cnT ~ ~srr,=r I
5G Key: - Silver = ~ , bullet=~

29. An afternoon farmer= A lazy person~ ~

5G Key:-An = 10n, Afternoon=~ eflci, Farmer= fcITT:rA

30. To steal her brother's thunder= Get more recogni · er for their success
~~~3fclm~~;~cn1w:r ·
5G Key: -To steal=~, her brother's= = thunder song

31. All ducks in a row= Well organised

5G Key:-All = Wfi, Ducks = ~ in= l;f, a - 1:;-cl2 row= tjfcrcr

32. Bell the cat =To take first 1r i s k ~ \jQRf

SGKey: -B

33. Ho e silent IJ76fR 'Qx WTTl=f ~

5G =~,Tongue= ~

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ 54.~~~-~§,~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
34. The printer's devil= Error in printing ~ ~
5G Key: - Printer's= fi1cx ct, devil= xllflx,

35. Feel one's pulse= To find what one is thinking on some point fct,m ct -.,.=r ctr eITT7 cFI"
~ ctr crlfmT ~
5G Key: - Feel=~ ~ , one's=~' pulse=~

36. Cut the mustard= To succeed ~ ~

5G Key:-Cut = <ITTc;-TT, mustard=~

37. Heart to Heart talk= Frank t a l k ~ f<:!.TT <g't9 fuqp:[

SG Key:-Heart = ~ ' talk= eITT7 ~

38. Suit you to a t = Look very good on your face

SG Key: -Suit=¥, you=~, t=m

39. Pull to pieces=To criticize someone or som ~~ ~

SG Key: - Pull = ~ ' pieces = ~

40. Have a blast =To have a g time (doing something)~ ~ '3oRT
SGKey: -Have=-qffi" ii- st=~

41. Blow 1¥> ~ ~-t-TTI

SG ut= sfTITT"

42. Blow up = Suddenly become very angry/ Explode / Destroy by exploding ~ w'rm
~ ulFTT / ~ x'r ~ -t-=n
SGKey: -Blow=~, up=3TTCI

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
3.~~ 54.~~~-~!~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
43. Blow down= To knock down by gust fi ~ fTRT ~ I
5G Key: - Blow=~, Down=~

44. Blow over= To diminish/ to subside/ pass off~ ~ (~ \Jll"TT)

5G Key:- Blow= ~ , over = Bi"1R

45. Blow over = To pass off without a series consequence ftt;crr fcnm Tfl'lITT ~
5G Key: -Blow= ft«;rrcr, Over= \jQx

46. Take after = Resemble wcwr ~ [SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC a
5G Key:- Takea = ~ . fter= fathers ( ~

47. Take off=To leave the ground and begin to fl <EGL, SSC CPO, SSC
5G Key:-Take= ~ ' off=~

48. Take off=Remove Clothes/ Shoes

5G Key: - Take off= ~31111?


50. Taken aback= Be shocked or surprised 3TT~-tF'li1fcbt1 [SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL,
5G Key:- Taken=~, aback= {f\B"

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
_3.~ ~ sq,.~~~-~!~!SURE6o Gurukul
~ 6IT9" ~'+ft"« cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ cfivIT ~ ~ 'ffi" ~ ~ :Si-3'1~1:S ~ :- 5G Classes cfiT
Application ~ ~ 'ij" ai11:: 5G Dictionary -q ~ '+ft" -ari cfil" ~ 'ij" ~ ~I
51. Taken in =Deceive mm ~
5G Key: - Take=~, in = 3Rx

52. Taken to=To become addicted C1C1 WFIT

5G Key: - Taken = ~ , to= ill

53. Take up=To begin to pursue fcITT:ft cfTTl, cn'I- ~ ~

5G Key: - Take = ~ , up= GITT"

54. Take down=To write ~

5G Key: - Take=~, down = ~

55. Take someone for = Think one to be someone els

5G Key: - Take= ~ . Someone= fcITT:ft

56. Take notice of= pay attention to som€o S<Tfrf ii" ~

5G Key: - Take= ~ ' notice- -

For more details of Online Paid Courses Contact on:- 8005793106, To download Android
Application Search :-SG Classes / Sure60 Gurukul

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