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WIN Cealgeleyay gare =) © InWriting Part 2, you choose one question to answer from a choice of three. One of these may be an article, © You are told who you are writing the article for; this wil usually be for an Englishlanguage magazine, newspaper cor website. You are given atopic for the article, and some ideas to write about or questions to discuss. You shoul include all these in your article. © You should think ofan interesting tite for your article, ‘© Itis important to write your article in an engaging and Interesting way, o youshould use informal and sem- formal vocabulary anda variety of language structures. You can also use devices such as rhetorical questions to interest the reader. © You should organise your article into clear paragraphs, ‘with an introduction and a conclusion. «© You should write betwaen 140 and 190 words. Practice task © complete the boxesin the example aticle wth the correct numbers from the box. @ Read the task and writea fst draft of your article, Write 140-190 words. ‘You see this announcement on an English language website gwving gifts? When do people give gilts in your county? What kind of giffs do they give? Is it alwoys necessary to give gills? Do we pay too much atlention to giving gs? \Wiite an article shoring your ideas. The best ‘ones will be pubished on our website, Write your artidle. How did you do? Q Read your article and answer the questions. Have you: given your ate an interesting te? answered all he questions? included an introduction and a condlusion? divided your article into clezr paragraphs? used linkers to connect your ideas? can ene used interesting language? Include a conclusion which is thought-provoking or amusing Give personal examples to interest the reader Use hetorial question to engage the reader from the start. Give your own opinion about the topic. Use questions to make the reader think. Answer the questions in the task clear Use linking words or phrases to connect your ideas. Use interesting and variee vocabulry Gift giving — good or bad? We all tke giving gifts, don't we? &—-——— ln my country we give gifts on birthdays or annilversarle For these occasions it’s incredibly important to choose cour gift carefully, and perhaps spend lots of money, because we want to show howwmuch we love our friend or relative, We also take gifts when wevist someone in ‘their home, but these are ess important, and are usually ~~" flowers or chocolates. These gits are a way af saying thark you for the invitation, Is it really necessary to give gifts at al, though? A gift tells you more about the giver than you think — for example, |was given some jazz music by a so-called *=—~_ friend who forgot | hate it! | think if you can’t choose something appropriate, it's better not to give anything.» — | The problem is some people expect gifts, and you don't -wantto offend ther. Butis that a good reason for you [—~ to give them a gift? They cou! just be making the gift too important. Perhaps we should stop giving gifts completely and donate the money to charity Problere solved! =~ nn WRITING - Part 2 Article ‘As well as your title, the content of your article needs to jie id skills Strategies and sk keep your reader interested right from the start. Engaging the reader Anarticle should entertain as well as inform, so you should try to interest the reader from the start. Thinking of an eye-catching title is a good way todo this. @ Look at the descriptions of articles taken from tasks (1-6). Choose the best title for each one (Aor B). 1 Gifts thatyou Fike giving, and those you don't. What's the best git you've ever given anyone? A. The bast and worst gifts ever! B Why like gi 2. Anactivity you enjoy doing, and why isi keep doing it. A Life would be poorer withoutit B really enjoy playing tennis 3. Whatyoung people do to help others, and why they doit. How do they Tool about it? A What do to help others 8 How helping others helps me 4. Something you own that means a lot to you, and why. ‘A. My mostimporant possession 8 The one thing | can’t imagine being without 5 Ajourney you remember well, and what made it so memorable. A. Anightmare that can never forget B_ Avery memorable journey & Agreat lace to go on holiday, and what makes itso good. A. The place llike to go on holidey There's nowhere better to have a break Rhotorical questions are another good device for engaging your reader, and you can use them atthe start of your article orto introduce a new point. @ um the sentences below into rhetorical questions. For example: 0 Idon'tknow whether there are many places to buy unusual sits. ‘Ace there many places to buy unusual afte? 1. Older people appreciate gifts more than younger people. 2 People think itis a good idea to stay active even ifthey hate it 3 | don't now whether many young people try te help others. 4 les actually mporantto oun something special 5s impossible for anyone to forget something like that, & tsa good question, and porhaps there isn't an,answer. 9 gifts 7 © Look:at the task below. There are two possible titles and introductions (A and B). Which one is more interesting? Why? You see this advertisement in an Enslish- language magazine for young people. Is there a good place for young people to hang out where you live? Is there somewhere in your town where young people can meet? What can they do there? What makes it special? Is it important for young people to have somewhere to go? \Write us an article answering these questions, We will publish the best articles in next month's edition of the magazine. Write your article Its the only place to meet! Wouldn't it be great if there were one place where we young people can hang out and [just enjoy time together? Well, thee i Il tell you about ie! and A good place to meet friends [like meeting friends as often os | can, and usually at weekends when we ike to go toa litle café in town, ts good because there's music and we can stay there all day talking. AWD (hela reseae Natta Using descriptive language and a range of adjectives, verbs and phrases can also help to keep your reader engaged with ‘what you are saying tothem, TIP: Try not to repeat words or phrases t00 often. Q Read the main part ofthe article written for the task in x3. Choose words from the box to replace the highlighted words. Ghat onergetic guess lexpectyou were imagining incredibly spectacular take partin trendy You may be surprised te discover that is actually the local leisure centre ~ (1) you thought it would be a café or a shopping cente! Butin our town we're encouraged to (2) do. all kinds of sport ~ terns, football and lots of other (3) sporting tities. Theres dr) (@) nice__ swimming pool, too, where they hold competitions. fs ofn) (8) very popular place, but not only forthe spor. You see, thers elo 0 jazz club there that meets every weekend, ond ifs $0 cool, It means everyone can elox there after sport, listen to (6) nice music, and (7) tlk te each ether, Whats notte lke? 1 (9) thing there are somethings that could be beter ~ like longer opening hours, but its so geod already that | woulda’ wontto spol i Ifyou include amusing personal anecdotes (stories) and examples, your article wil be more interesting for your reader. © complete the sentences (1-6) with the anecdotes (a). 1. Choosing gifts can be hard - 2 often go thereto chatto friends because i's friendly and comfortable - (One year I chose a gift fora frond that was something = she'd already got - llonce played tenris against the club champion ~ My best friend took me to a jazz club for the evening ~ ‘The last ime I wentto the club | bumped into an old friend - 3 what's not to ike? Host 6-08 ittook me a week to find something for my best fiend! how lucky was that? itwas very embarrassing when | gave itto her! she loved it, but heted every moment! an “Make sure that you conclude your article in an arnusing or interesting way, butitis important that your conclusion Is also logical Look a the two conclusions (A and B) to the article ‘written for the task in Ex3. Which one's best? sie important fr young people to have a welcoming place lke this to meet friends? In my opinion it's necessary, otherwise they get bored. And no one wants tofeel like that — | know | dortt! B {es important for young people to have somewhere to ‘meet friends, andit' a good idea to have iin a leisure centre where they can do other things. ike that idea. (aeAviy Ae Read the task and write your article, ‘Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. You have seen this announcementon a tavel website. Your best holiday ever! Do you think holidays are important? We want to know about your best holiday ever. Write us an article telling us about the holiday, why it was so special and how ithas afected you. We will publish the best aticles on our website, Write your article

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