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Mechanical Principles

Prepared by : eng/ Mohammad Abouzaid

Bending moment and shear force diagrams
Bending moment (M)
The units of bending moment are N mm, N m, kN m, etc. When a beam is
subjected to the couples shown in Figure 6.1, the beam will suffer flexure
due to the bending moment of magnitude M.

If the beam is in equilibrium and it is subjected to a clockwise couple of magnitude

M on the left of the section, then from equilibrium considerations, the couple on
the right of the section will be of exactly equal magnitude and of opposite
direction to the couple on the left of the section.
A) sagging moments are said to be positive
B) hogging moments are said to be negative

Shearing force (F)

• Whereas a beam can fail due to its bending moments being excessive, it can
also fail due to other forces being too large, namely the shearing forces; these
are shown in Figure. The units of shearing force are N, kN, MN, etc.
Once again, if the beam is in equilibrium, then
the shearing forces either side of the point
being considered will be exactly equal and
opposite, as shown in Figures
Shear force (SF) is considered positive when acting upwards on the left-hand side
of a section and down-wards on the right-hand side of the section
Shear force and
bending moment
Recommended procedure of solution
• Replace all supports of a beam by their associated reactions (see Table 4.1).
• Apply the static equilibrium equations to determine the reactions.
• Identify critical sections that characterize changes of pattern of the internal
force diagrams. The critical sections include the locations where (a) a
concentrated force or moment is applied; (b) a beam is supported; and (c) a
distributed load starts or ends.
• Apply the method of section by taking cuts between each of the critical
• Take either left or right part of the cut as a free body.
• Add the unknown shear force and bending moment on the cut of the free body.
• Consider static equilibrium of the free body and calculate the shear force and
bending moment on the cross-section (cut).
• Use Table 4.2 to draw the diagrams between the critical sections. If a moment
distribution is parabolic between two critical sections and exact distribution is
required, at least an additional cut must be taken between the two sections.
Worked problems on bending moment and shearing force
Problem 1. Calculate and sketch the bending moment and shearing force diagrams
for the horizontal beam shown in Figure 6.4, which is simply supported at its ends.
Problem 2. Determine expressions for the distributions of bending moment and
shearing force for the horizontal beam of Figure 6.10. Hence, sketch the bending
and shearing force diagrams.
EXAMPLE 2.6. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam
Problem 6. A uniform section, 6 m long, horizontal beam is simply supported at
its ends. If this beam is subjected to two vertically applied downward loads, one of
magnitude 5 kN at 2 m from the left support, and the other of magnitude 10 kN, 4
m from the left support, calculate and plot the bending moment and shear force

Taking moments about B:
RA × 6 = 5 × 4 + 10 × 2 i.e. 6 RA = 40
and RA =40/6 = 6.67 kN
RA + RB = 5 + 10 = 15 kN
Hence RB = 15 − 6.67 = 8.33 kN
Bending moments
At A, BM = 0; At C, BM = RA × 2 = 6.67 × 2= 13.34 kN m,
AtD, BM = RA × 4 − 5 × 2 = 6.67 × 4 − 5 × 2 = 16.68 kN m
At B, BM = 0
Shearing force
At A, SF = + RA = 6.67 kN, At C, SF = 6.67 − 5 = 1.67 kN
At D, SF = 6.67 − 5 − 10 = −8.33 kN, At B, SF = −8.33 kN
The bending moment and shearing force diagram is shown in Figure
Worked problems on bending moment and shearing force

2- Shear force and bending moment diagrams for cantilever

beam with concentrated loads
Problem 4. Calculate and plot the bending moment
and shearing force distributions for the cantilever of
Problem 5. Determine the bending moment and shearing force diagram for the
cantilever shown, which is rigidly constrained at the end B.

For the span A to C,

Bending moment (BM) At x, M = −5 kN × x M = −5x (a straight line)

Shearing force (SF) At x, F = −5 kN (constant)

For the span C to B
Bending moment (BM)

At x, M = −5 kN × x − 10 kN × (x − 2) = −5x − 10x + 20
i.e. M = 20 − 15x (a straight line)
At C, x = 2 m, therefore MC = 20 − 15 × 2 = 20 − 30 MC = −10 kN m
At B, x = 3 m, therefore MB = 20 − 15 × 3= 20 − 45 MB = −25 kN m
Shearing force (SF)
At x, F = −5 kN − 10 kN i.e. F = −15 kN (constant)
the bending moment and shearing force diagrams can be plotted, as shown in
Problem 5. Determine the bending moment and shearing force diagram for the
cantilever shown, which is rigidly constrained at the end B.
the bending moment and shearing force diagrams can be plotted, as shown in
Worked problems on bending moment and shearing force

3- Shear force and bending moment diagrams for beam with

couples and concentrated loads
Problem 3. Determine expressions for the
bending moment and shearing force
distributions for the beam of Figure 6.16.
Hence, sketch the bending moment and
shearing force diagrams. Solution:
Firstly, it will be necessary to calculate the reactions R A and R B .
Taking moments about B gives: 15 kN m + R A × 5 m + 10 kN × 1 m = 30 kN m
i.e. 5R A = 30 − 10 − 15 = 5 from which, R A =5/ 5= 1 kN
Resolving forces vertically gives: R A + R B = 10 kN i.e. 1 + R B = 10
from which, R B = 10 − 1 = 9 kN
For the span C to A, see the Figure
Bending moment (BM)
At x, M = 15 kN m (constant)
Shearing force (SF)
At x = 0, F = 0 kN
For the span A to D , see Figure
Bending moment (BM)
At x, M = 15 kN m + R A × (x − 2) = 15 + 1(x − 2)= 15 + x − 2
i.e. M = 13 + x (a straight line)
At A, x = 2 m, therefore M A = 13 + 2 = 15 kN m&
At D, x = 4 m, therefore M D ( − ) = 13 + 4 = 17 kN m
Shearing force (SF) At x, F = 1 kN (constant)
For the span D to B, see Figure
Bending moment (BM)
At x, M = 15 kN m + 1 kN m × (x − 2)−
30 kN m = 15 + x − 2 − 30
i.e. M = x − 17 (a straight line)

At D, x = 4 m, therefore MD = 4 − 17 = − 13 kN m
At B, x = 7 m, therefore M B = 7 − 17= − 10 kN m
Shearing force (SF)
At x, F = − 1 kN (constant)
For the span B to E, see Figure
In this case we will consider the right of the
beam as there is only one force to the right of
the section at x.

M = −10 × (8 − x) = −80 + 10x (a straight line)

At x, F = 10 kN (positive as the right hand is going down, and constant).

Plotting the above equations, for the various spans, results in the bending
moment and shearing force diagrams of Figure
Worked problems on bending moment and shearing force

4- Shear force and bending moment diagrams for beam

subjected to uniformly distributed load (UDL)
Problem 7. Determine expressions for the bending moment and shearing force
distributions for the cantilever shown in Figure 8.37, which is subjected to a
uniformly distributed load, acting downwards, and spread over the entire length of
the cantilever.
Bending moment (BM)
At any distance x in Figure
M = −10 kN × x ×x/2
i.e. M = −5x2 (a parabola); The equation is negative because the beam is hogging.
At x = 0, M=0
At x = 5 m, M = −10 × 5 × 5/2 = −125 kN m
Shearing force (SF)
At any distance x in the Figure, F = −10x (a
straight line)
At x = 0, F=0
At x = 5 m, F = −10 × 5 = −50 kN
Plotting of the equations results in the
distributions for the bending moment and
shearing force diagrams shown in Figure
Problem 8. Activity

Determine expressions for the bending moment and shearing force diagrams for

the simply supported beam shown in Figure.

The beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load (UDL) of 5 kN/m, which acts

downwards, and it is spread over the entire length of the beam.

Worked problems on bending moment and shearing force

5- Shear force and bending moment diagrams for beam

subjected to UDL & concentrated Load
example 1. Determine expressions for the bending moment and shearing force

distributions for the beam shown

EXAMPLE 2.7. Consider a beam with loads as
shown in Figure and draw the SF and BM diagrams
Worked problems on bending moment and shearing force

5- Shear force and bending moment diagrams for Fixed Beam

beam with concentrated loads

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