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Unit one
1.1 kinds of nouns
There are four different kinds of nouns.
1. Proper noun
2. Common noun
3. Collective noun
4. Abstract noun

 Noun is a word that we use for giving a name of a

person, place, thing, quantity, idea or action.

1.1.1 Proper noun:- This noun is the name of a particular

person, place or thing.
There are different kinds of proper nouns:-
Name of person :- Example:- Samuel, Zenebech or Kidus etc.
Name of place :- Example:- Oromia, Hawasa or Ethiopia etc .
Days of the week and Months of the year:-
Monday, Tuesday, October September, or July etc.

Note:- proper noun always begins with a capital letter.

1 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

Proper nouns Common nouns Collective nouns Abstract nouns

Singular and plural Countable and un-

nouns countable nouns


Feminine Masculine

2 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

Exercise one
I. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable proper nouns
1. My mother’s name is

2. My father’s name is

3. The name of my country is

4. The name of my school is

5. The first day of the week is

6. The last day of the week is

7. The first month of the year is

8. The name of the city in which I live is

1.1.2 Common noun:- This noun is a name which we give to

any person or thing of the same kind or class.

Example : - lion - plant - city

- king - river - chair

- queen - village - dog

- lake - stone - cat

- book - pencil - country

Note :- A common noun does not begin with a capital letter

unless it comes at the beginning of a sentence.

3 English Workbook for grade 2

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1.1.3 Collective noun:- This noun name a group of peo-

ple, animals or things.
E.g - group
- team
- union
Abstract noun :- This noun names ideas, qualities and
feelings that cannot be seen or touched.
E.g - love
- democracy
- truthfulness
Exercise two

plants town animal country river

I. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable common noun from

the given box.
1. Ethiopia is my .
2. Jaki is my pet .
3. Nile is Ethiopian .
4. have green leaves.
5. Debre Zeit is a .

4 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise three
I. Write the correct nouns under the given headings
Proper Common
noun noun
__________ ___________
__________ ___________
__________ ___________

II. Write what kind of nouns the underlined ones are.

1. There are many people in the hall. ________________

2. Lion, tiger, and fox are flesh eating animals.


3. She is the honest girl in our class .________________

4. Dire Dawa is found in western Ethiopia . ________________

5. They have green cars .________________

6. Wild animals live in the forest.__________

7. The Nile River is one of the largest river in the


5 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

III. Write the proper nouns and the

common nouns

Common nouns Proper nouns

1.Country Ethiopia

2. Abay


4. Tsion


6. Sela Ergib Academy


8. January


10. Teddy Afro

6 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

1.1.4 Gender
Gender indicates the sex of objects in nature. The noun that refers to a
male is said to be of masculine gender .
The noun that refers to a female is said to be of the feminine gender.
Masculine feminine
man -------------------------------------- woman
boy --------------------------------------- girl
brother ----------------------------------sister
dog--------------------------------------- bitch
bull -------------------------------------- cow
father ----------------------------------- mother
uncle ----------------------------------- aunt
son ------------------------------------- daughter
sir --------------------------------------- madam
horse------------------------------------- mare
drone ------------------------------------ bee
cock-------------------------------------- hen
king-------------------------------------- queen
fox---------------------------------------- vixen
prince------------------------------------- princess
actor ------------------------------------- actress
tiger ------------------------------------- tigress
waiter ---------------------------------- waitress
lion -------------------------------------- lioness
author----------------------------------- authoress
monk --------------------------------- - nun
instructor ------------------------------ instructress

7 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise one
I. Change the following feminine gender into masculine.
1. vixen __________________
2. madam ________________
3. authoress ______________
4. lioness ________________
5. hen ____________________
6. aunt ___________________
7. queen __________________
II. Match the following masculine gender with its feminine type
1. tiger __________ A. daughter
2. drone _________ B. princess
3. monk _________ C. tigress
4. son ___________ D. cow
5. bull ___________ E. bee
6. prince __________ F. nun
III. Write the gender of the underlined nouns.
1. The queen arrived in the palace. ________________
2. Our instructor gives us brief lessons. ________________
3. Many waiters are working at the new hotel.________________
4. Hen gives us egg and meat. ________________
5. There is a beautiful actress in the hall.________________

8 English Workbook for grade 2

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1.2 Singular to plural

We generally form plurals of nouns by adding “s” to the singu-
Singular plural
 boy boys
 pencil pencils
 chair chairs
 table tables
 egg eggs
Nouns which end in “s”, “sh”, “ch”, “x” form plurals by
adding “es” .
Singular plural
 class classes
 dish dishes
 witch witches
 box boxes
 Nouns ending in “o” form plurals in two ways.
by adding – “s”
by adding – “es”
Singular Plural
photo photos
dynamo dynamos
potato potatoes
mango mangoes
mosquito mosquitoes

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 Nouns ending in ‘0’ form plurals in two Ways.

By adding ‘s’
E.g photo– photos
 by adding ‘es’
E.g - mango - mangoes
mosquito - mosquitoes
Tomato - tomatoes
Nouns that end in ‘y’ and are preceded by a consonant
letter form their plurals by changing ‘y’ into ‘i’ and add-
ing ‘es’
E.g baby - babies
- lady - ladies
- family - families
- city - cities
- puppy - puppies
Nouns that end in ‘y’ and are preceded by a vowel let-
ter form their plural by adding only ‘s’.
E.g - boy - boys
- Monkey - monkeys
- Donkey - donkeys
- Key - keys

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 Some nouns ending in “f “or “fe” form plurals by chang-

“f” or “fe” into “ves”.
Singular plural
leaf leaves
thief thieves
knife knives
wife wives

- Irregular plurals some nouns form their plural by changing

other than adding – s or es.
Singular plural
child children
ox oxen
foot feet
tooth teeth
mouse mice
man men
woman women

11 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise four

I. Complete the sentences with the correct plural forms of the

nouns given in the bracket.

1. There are 24 _____________ in our classroom. (chair)

2. She is washing _____________ .(dish)

3. I like to play with _____________ .(baby)

4. I brush my _____________ every morning .(tooth)

5. They are living in different ________.(city)

6. The _____________ are knocking at the door. (man)

7. There are many ________ on the branch of the tree. (leaf)

8. _____________ are harmful insects. (mosquito)

9. We have colorful balloons in our _____________. (box)

10.She bakes cake with 10 _______________.(egg)

II. Change the following singular nouns into plural.

1. ox _________________________________________

2. photo _______________________________________

3. knife ________________________________________

4. lady ________________________________________

5. foot ________________________________________

12 English Workbook for grade 2

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III. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks spaces

1. There are four _____________ on the table.

2. The _____________ cleans the house.
3. Two _____________ get in the house.
4. There are five _____________ in the basket.
5. We have three _____________ in our house.
6. The cat sits on the _____________.
IV. Change the following plural nouns into singular.
1. men ________________
2. feet ________________
3. armies ________________
4. children ________________
5. thieves ________________

13 English Workbook for grade 2

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1.3 Countable and uncountable noun

Countable nouns:- are name of objects which can be counted.
 These nouns have singular and plural forms.
Examples of common countables - pencil
- bird
- tree
- book
- chair
- table
Examples of collective nouns countable:- -union
- team
- group
- committee etc
Uncountable nouns :- are name of objects that can not be count-
 These nouns do not have plural forms.
 These nouns do not have “a” , “an” and many before them.
Example: - water - rice
- tea - coffee
- wheat - sugar
 But uncountable nouns can be counted by using their unit or
container or ‘much’ and ‘a little’.
Example - a glass of water
- two litters of oil
- four kilograms of sugar

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“Many”, “much”, “a few”, “a little”, “some” and “any” .

Many, much, few, little, some and any are also adjectives
Many:- is used to describe countable nouns.
Example: - We have many books .
- There are many butterflies and flowers .
Much :-is used to describe uncountable nouns.
Example - There are too much salt in the bag.
- I eat too much food .
A few :- is used to describe countable nouns .
Example – There are a few colors in my bag .
I see a few students in the class .
A little :-is used to describe uncountable nouns.
Example A little wheat seed is left .
There is a little sugar in the drawer.

Exercise five
I. Fill in the blank spaces with ‘many’ or ‘much’.
1. There are _____________ students on the field.
2. She collected _____________ flowers in the garden .
3. There is _____________ air in the balloon.
4. There is not _____________ cheese left.
5. Why is there so _____________ noise?
6. She puts too _____________ sugar in the tea .
7. There is so _____________ food on the dining table .
8. There is _____________ coffee in the cup.
9. There are _____________ children in the school .

15 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Look at the pictures and fill in the blank spaces with
‘many’ ‘much’, ‘a few’ or ‘a little’.

The two girls have ________________

dresses to wear in the party.

The farmer gives ________ grass for

his cow.

There is ________ milk in the bowl for

the cat.

The baby does not have ________

toys to play with.

16 English Workbook for grade 2

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“Some”:- means “a few” or “a little”. Thus it is used with

both countable and uncountable nouns.
Please get some fruits from the market.
Some:- is often replaced by “any” when we ask question.
Example: - I want some jam for my bread.
- Is there any jam in the bottle?
- I am looking for some safety pins .
- Do you have any safety pins with you?
“Some” is also replaced by “any” when we want to say
that there is nothing left.
Example: - There is some ink in the bottle.
- There is not any ink in the bottle.
- Is there any ink in the bottle?
Exercise six
I. Fill in the blanks with ‘some’ or ‘any’.
1) I have _____________ piece of bread.
Do you have ________________piece of bread?
No ,I don’t have ________________piece of bread.
2) She has _____________ cheese.
Does she have ________________ cheese?
She doesn’t have ________________ cheese .

17 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Fill in the blank spaces with “many”, “much”, “some” or

1) We have ________________ coins.
Do you like to have ________coin?
2) Is there ________ rice left in the bag?
Yes, there is ________ rice in the bag.
3) The children do not want________ milk.
So there is ________ milk left .
4) I have ________ T-shirts.
But I do not have ________ white T-shirt .
5) How many students are attending the concert?
________students are attending the concert.
6) My mother bought ________ fruits from the market.
But she did not buy ________ apple.
7) Sara wants to read ________ stories.
Do you have ________ story book?
III. Fill in the blank spaces with ‘a few’ or ‘a little’.
1. ________ students attend the school party.
2. There is _______ oil in the bottle.
3. My father put ________ cream in the cup.
4. There are flowers in the garden.
5. We have ________ cookies in the plate.

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Turning uncountable nouns into countable nouns.

coffee – a cup of coffee
sugar – a bowl of sugar
jewelry – a piece of jewelry
cheese – a round of cheese
furniture – a piece of furniture
money – a bag of money
1) - How much sugar is there? Uncountable
- There’s lots of sugar.
- How many bowls of sugar are there? Countable
- There’s one bowl of sugar .
2) - How much furniture is there?
- There are some furniture.
- How pieces of furniture is there?
- There are 3 pieces of furniture .
Phrases added to change uncountable nouns to countable.
 A bag of money
 A barrel of beer
 A bottle of milk
 A box of cereal
 A cup of coffee
 A glass of water
 A jar of honey
 A pan of cake
 A piece of bread

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Exercise seven
Change the following uncountable nouns into countable
nouns using their containers.

A ____bottle____ of coke

A _____________ of coffee

A _____________ of water

A _____________ of milk

A _____________ of beer

A _____________ of sugar

A _____________ of bread

20 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

Unit two

A pronoun is a word used in the place of a noun in a sentence

Singular Plural
First person pronoun
I We
Second person pronoun
You You
Third person pronoun

She They

Sara is sitting in the park.

She is sitting on the bench .
My father is in the office.
He is busy in the office work.
Kalkidan and Eyasu are students.
They are learning in grade two.
Seble and I are friends.
We are friends .

21 English Workbook for grade 2

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Demonstrative Possessive
pronouns pronouns

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Its, his,
This, that These, those theirs,

22 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

Exercise one
I. Replace the underlined nouns with “You”, “He”, “She”, “It”, “We”
or “They”
1) Yonas is sleeping in the bed.
________ is not waking up early in the morning.
2) Meheret and Yohannas are sitting on the chair.
________ are learning in grade two.
3) Miss Sara is walking with her son.
________ is going to the market .
4) Helen and I are sitting in the library.
________ are reading a story book.
5) The tea is hot.
________is not good for drinking .
6) Abraham has two dolls.
________ is taking them out to play with .
II. Re-write the sentences by replacing the underlined nouns a pro-
noun Remember to make the verbs plural.
Example: I am eating my lunch. Selam is eating her lunch.
We are eating our lunch.
1) The bus has stopped at the station. The train has stopped at
the station.

2) Helen is working at the hospital. Dawit is working at the hospi-


3) Lily has three cats. Melat has three cats.

4) I watch a fantastic movie. Zelalem watches a fantastic movie.

23 English Workbook for grade 2

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2.1 Kind of pronouns

2.1.1 Demonstrative pronouns :- are words that are used to
point out the objects to which they refer.
“This” , “That”, “These” and “Those”
 “These” is the plural form of “this”.
 “Those” is the plural form of “that”.

This is a ball.

That is a ball.

These are boys.

Those are girls.

 “This” is used to point out an object that is near.
 “That” is used to point out an object that is far.
 “These” is used to point out plural objects that are near.
 “Those” is used to point out plural objects that are far.

24 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise two
I. Fill in the blank spaces with “This” or “That”.

1. _____________ is a cat.

2. _____________ is a pen.

3. _____________ is a book.

4. _____________ is a clock.

5. _____________ is an aero plane.

6. _____________ is a flower.

7. _____________ is a tree.

8. _____________ is a doll .

25 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Fill in the blank spaces with “These” or “Those”.

1. _____________ are toys.

2. _____________ are books.

3. _____________ are flowers.

4. _____________ are pens.

5. _____________ are cars.

6. _____________ are fruits .

7. _____________ are horses.

8. ____________ are grapes.

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III. Fill in the blank spaces with ‘That’ or ‘Those’.

1. What are _____________?

_____________ are cups.

2. What are_____________?
_____________ are eggs.

3. What is _____________?
_____________ is an orange.

4. What is _____________?
_____________ is an ox.

5. What are _____________?

_____________ are stars.

6. What are ____________?

_____________ are books.

27 English Workbook for grade 2

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IV. Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun from the

given choices in the bracket .
1. _____________ are grade two students. (Those, This)
2. _____________ is my bag. (That, Those)
3. _____________ is a rubber. (Those, This)
4. _____________ are our friends. (This, These)
5. _____________ is my bedroom . (These, That)
V. Rewrite the sentences with the plural forms of the
underlined demonstrative pronouns.
1) This is a chair.
These are chairs .
2) That is my book.
3) That is a dog.
4) That is an ox.
5) This is an apple.
6) This is a cat.

28 English Workbook for grade 2

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2.1.2 Possessive Pronoun

Is a pronoun that shows who or what has something.

Personal Possessive Possessive

pronoun adjective pronoun
I my mine
he his his
she her hers
it its its
you your yours
we our ours
they their theirs

1) She is Lidiya.
Her name is Lidiya.
2) I am Alemu. I have brown eyes.
I am Alemu. My eyes are brown .
3) She has a long hair.
Her hair is long.
4) They have a short hair.
Their hair is short.
5) We have a yellow flower.
Our flower is yellow.
6) You have a homework.
Your homework is easy .
29 English Workbook for grade 2
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Exercise three
Look at the pictures
I. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct possessive

Sara has a bag. The bag is hers

Solomon is driving a car. The car is .

They are playing football. The ball is .

I am reading a story book. The book is .

We are eating lunch. The lunch we are eating is .

It is a big dog. _____________ color is white and black.

30 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Make sentences by combining words the with the posses-

sive adjectives .
Puppy is their dog
1. puppy is my dog.
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
III. Change the possessive adjectives into possessive pronouns .
1) The one with a red color is our paper.
The red color paper is ours.
2) It is my book.
3) That barking dog is their dog.
4) That big house with closed doors is her house.
5) It is your table.

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 An Adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pro-


 Adjectives never change to the plural forms.

Example:- This is a nice cake. “Nice” is an adjective.

- Adjectives come before the nouns they modify.



pretty These are some adjective

good looking or (descriptive) words.



Example:- This is a nice car.

 Adjectives also come after the nouns they modify.
 Example:- This car is nice.

32 English Workbook for grade 2

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Sunny Smart
Trustworthy bright
Pretty Small
Adjectives Light

Awful Nice

Wide Hard– working


33 English Workbook for grade 2

Date assignment type

Adjective of people , places and appearance.

- beautiful - strong

- pretty - fast

- ugly - hot

Adjective for personality (people) or characteristics

(places and things).

- lovely - alright

- nice - horrible

- ok - terrible

- kind

34 English Workbook for grade 2

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For people Question Answer
Appearance What does Dawit He is handsome .

look like? He is tall with black hair.

Personality What is he like? He’s a lovely person .

For places

Appearance What does Asmara look like? It is a beautiful place.

Characteristics What does Asmara look like? It is a quiet place .

Exercise one
Underline the adjectives from the following sentences.
1. I want a sharp pencil.

2. Bruk has strong shoulders.

3. A big river flows through the town.

4. Dog is a faithful animal.

5. We have enough food in our lunch box.

6. I met a poor old man.

7. He is a coward or fearful.

8. She is a very sick girl.

9. It is a hot day.

10. They have a rich family.

35 English Workbook for grade 2

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Words used as adjectives

good cold rich brilliant

bad wide wise clever

pretty blue silly kind

small weak innocent sick

difficult strong sad clean

ill soft brown huge

red hard cool clear

large short tall black

law long new early

hot fast big

II. Read the following paragraph and underline the


My mother is an important member of the family. She is an

educated woman. She has deep love and care for us. She

works very hard. She gets up early in the morning and cooks

delicious food for us. She also tells us interesting stories. She is

a kind lady and helps those who are in trouble. She respects

elders and loves the youth… We feel very sad when she is not

in the house.

36 English Workbook for grade 2

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III. Construct sentences by combining the words given in the ta-


big table
We have a round

1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________
IV. Fill in the correct adjective from the given box .

colorful big intelligent cold

fat yellow hot

1. I saw a ______________ bear.

2. She has ______________ stickers.
3. It is a ______________ cat .
4. He is an ______________ boy in the class.
5. I like a ______________ color.
6. We feel ______________ today .
7. I wish if I drink ______________ water.

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V. Write adjectives that describe yourself


I am . . . .

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Verbs:- is a word that expresses an action or a state of be-
Subject – Verb agreement
When a sentence is in the simple present tense, a singular
subject takes plural verb. A plural subject takes singular
verbs only “I” and “you” are special subjects that take sin-
gular verbs too.
Example ( He sits on the chair.)
( She sits on the chair.) Third person singular

(It sits on the chair. )

Third person plural They sit on the chair.

Second person singular

You sit on the chair.

First person singular / I sit on the chair.

We sit on the chair

39 English Workbook for grade 2

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Verb to – Verb to have Verb to do

be - have, has - do, does

To be am, Past verb to be Past verb to have Past verb to do

is, are Was, were - had - did

Exercise one

I. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of verbs from the


1. The dogs ____________ (bark, barks) at night .

2. I ____________ (brush, brushes) my teeth every day.

3. They ____________ (go, goes) to school.

4. Biruk ____________ (play, plays) with the ball.

5. I ____________ (watch, watches) TV every night.

6. Martha _________ (washes, wash) clothes every Saturday.

40 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Look at the pictures, and fill in the blank spaces

with the correct form of the verbs in the bracket.

Helen and Yohannes ________________ to

school by bus. (go)

The postman ________________ the letter

to Sara. (give)

The cat ________________ on the Sofa.


I ________________ the car on the road.


Selam ________________ to eat cookies .


41 English Workbook for grade 2

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4.1 kinds of verbs

4.1.1 Verbs to be- “Am”, “Is” and “Are”
Words ending with “ing” forms are called present participles.
I am + verb+ ing
You are + verb + ing
He – is
She– is + verb + ing
It – is
We --- are
They – are + verb + ing


The airplane is flying in the sky.

The baby is crying loudly.

The cat is catching the mouse.

The dog is barking at the thief.

The birds are sitting on the tree.

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Exercise two
I. Look at the pictures, and fill in the blank spaces with the
correct words given in the box.
swimming barking licking selling
sitting dancing watering running

1) She is ________________ in the pool.

2) The dogs are ________________ at the donkey.

3) The students are ________________ in the class.

4) The cat is ________________ milk .

5) Kaleab is ________________ on the stage .

6) Almaz is ________________ sugar.

7) The farmers are ________________ the plants.

8) He is ________________ on the road.

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II. Fill in the correct verbs (is , am, are ) in the blank spaces

1. The baby ________________ playing with a toy.

2. The men ________________ watching a circus show.

3. The boy ________________ ridding a bicycle.

4. Alem, Sara and Samuel ________________ sailing a boat .

5. I ________________ reading a story book.

III. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the words in

the brackets.

1. The boys are ___________ in the pool. (swim)

2. The children are ___________ in the bedroom .(play)

3. I am ___________ food for breakfast. (cook)

4. We are ___________ our grandfather. (visit)

5. She is ___________ a cake. (bake)

6. You are ___________ to church. (go)

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IV. Look at the pictures carefully. Fill in the blank spaces.

What do you see? What do you hear?

barking shining walking flying

Singing swimming croaking

1. I see the sun ________________

2. I see a girl ________________

3. I see birds ________________

4. I see ducks ________________

5. I hear a dog ________________

6. I hear a frog ________________

7. I hear birds ________________

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V. Change the following sentences into questions.

Example :- She is Sara. Is she Sara?
1) He is drawing a picture.
Q ________________________________?
2) They are playing football.
Q ________________________________?
3) We are going to Bora.
Q ________________________________?
4) You are a doctor.
Q ________________________________ ?
5) It is an old car.
Q ________________________________ ?
VI. Change the following positive sentences into negative.
 My mother is baking cakes .
Negative My mother is not baking cakes.
1) They are riding bicycle.
Negative: __________________________________
2) The students are sitting in the class.
Negative: __________________________________
3) I am waiting for the bus.
Negative :__________________________________
4) The shoemaker is mending the shoe.
Negative: __________________________________
5) The dog is jumping over the fence.
Negative :__________________________________

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VII. Change the following positive sentences into questions

and negative forms .
Example: He is a teacher .
Negative:- He is not a teacher.
Interrogative Q:- Is he a teacher?
1. The policeman is looking for the thief.
Negative: ___________________________
Interrogative (Q) _____________________________ ?
2. My gardener is watering the plants .
Negative :___________________________
Interrogative (Q) _____________________________ ?
3. The fruit seller is selling fruits.
Interrogative (Q) _____________________________ ?
4. The tailor is making new clothes.
Interrogative (Q) _____________________________ ?
5. The baby is eating an apple.
Negative: ___________________________
Interrogative (Q) _____________________________ ?
6. Many ducks are swimming on the lake.
Negative :___________________________
Interrogative (Q) _____________________________ ?

47 English Workbook for grade 2

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VIII. Change the following simple present sentences into

continuous form.
Example – The cat drinks milk.
The cat is drinking milk.
1) The students sit on the chair.
2) The frog jumps into water.
3) I wait for the train.
4) Betty and Hanna dance on the stage.
5) Doctor Eyasu visits his patients.
VIIII. Look at the pictures and construct a sentence with the
correct verb.

1. 3.

2. 4.

48 English Workbook for grade 2

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4.1.2 Verb to “have” or “has”.

They have a car.

She has a house.
Exercise three

I. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct verbs given in

the bracket. (has/have)

1. He ________ a lot of money.

2. They ________ a big house.

3. You ________ a homework.

4. She ________ a beautiful doll.

5. I ________an exam today.

There are ways of forming negatives and questions with

“has” or “have”.

49 English Workbook for grade 2

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Example:- They have a new car.

Negative Question
They have not a new car .or Have they a new car?

They don’t have a new car. Do they have a new car?

II. Change the following sentences into negatives.

1) We have a birthday party on Sunday.

We don’t have a birthday party non Sunday.

2) I have bread for lunch.


3) It has a bright color.


4) Selam has basket ball game this afternoon.


5) Melat has two sisters.


6) She has a curly hair.


7) We have eggs in the dish.


50 English Workbook for grade 2

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4.1.3 Verb to “do” or “does”

It is an auxiliary (helping) verb. It is used as an ordinary
 I do my work.
 He does his work well .
Singular pronouns and nouns take “does” .
Example: - She does
- He does
- It does
Plural pronouns and nouns take “do” .
Example: We do
They do
I and you always take “do” .
Exercise four
I. Complete the following sentences with ‘do’ or ‘does’.
1. I ________________ like writing story.
2. They ________________ their job clearly .
3. She ________________ her task .
4. It ________________ work properly.
5. Abel and Solomon ________________ their homework.

51 English Workbook for grade 2

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Use “do” and “does” to change simple sentences into Nega-

tive and question .
- I eat breakfast . - He drives a car .
- I do not eat breakfast “negative form”. - He doesn’t drive a car .
- Do I eat breakfast? “Question” . - Does he drive a car?
II. Change the following sentences into negative and questions
1) He likes juice.
Negative: He does not like juice.
Question : Does he like juice?
2) We walk in the garden.
Negative: ______________________________
Question: _____________________________
3) They live in the palace.
Negative :______________________________
Question: _____________________________
4) It has a big ball.
Negative: ______________________________
Question: _____________________________
5) She goes to school.
Negative: ______________________________
Question: _____________________________

52 English Workbook for grade 2

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III. Write the correct responses in short forms.

1) Do you have a pen?
Yes ,I do.
No ,I don’t.
2) Does she have long hair?
3) Does he have a round face?
Yes ,
4) Do you have sisters and brothers?
5) Does Mohammed live in Harar?
Yes ,
6) Do your parents like swimming?
7) Does she sometimes go to work by bus?

53 English Workbook for grade 2

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Unit Five

Unit objective: At the end of this unit , the students should

be able to:
 define adverb

 Identify adverbs in the given sentences.

 use adverbs in their own sentences.

 Adverb is a word that describe a verb or an adjective in a sentence.
Example: She walks ‘slowly’.
The underlined word ‘slowly’ tells how she walks. It de-
scribes the verb “walks”. So it is an adverb.
5.1 kinds of adverbs
5.1.1 Adverbs of manner
- They show how an action happened (took place)
- They usually end with ‘ly’.
Example:- The little girl reads silently.
5.1.2 Adverbs of time: They show when the action hap-
pened (took place)
Example: He will come soon.
When? Soon .
5.1.3 Adverbs of place: They shows where the action hap-
pened (took place)
Example : I met him outside.
Where? Outside.
Bridge map showing adverb types
Soon as neatly as there as today as suddenly as inside
Time manner place time manner place

54 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise one
I. Circle the adverbs in the following sentences.

1. I must go now.

2. The director is in.

3. You have to play carefully.

4. They will meet later.

5. Ants are found every where.

6. The at wet won the race easily.

II. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and

write their kind.

Example : The balloon went up. Place adverb

1. We are visiting Lalibela today.

2. The students play outside.

3. Where are you now?

4. The boy walked slowly.

5. I met my uncle last week.

6. The driver drove the car recklessly.

55 English Workbook for grade 2

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III. Construct your own sentences with the following

1. quickly
2. tomorrow
3. now
4. last night
5. loudly
6. here
IV. Rearrange the words to make complete
Example : inside/go/let’s
Let’s go inside.
1. the bathroom /down stairs/ is week/see/will/you/I



5. stayed/behind/the boy

56 English Workbook for grade 2

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Dialogue practice

Be in pair and practice the following dialogue.

Nuredin: Excuse me, where is the post office?

Asrat: It’s straight ahead.

Nuredin: Thank you. And is that the hospital over there?

Asrat: No, that is the school over there. The hospital is

on the right.

Nuredin: Thank you.

Asrat: Don’t mention it.

57 English Workbook for grade 2

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A /An/The
Articles and their use
Articles are considered adjective. They are also included
among determiners.
6.1 kinds of articles
There are three articles in English: “a”, “an” and “the” .
6.1.1 Indefinite articles: a, an
“A” or “an” = one
They are used before singular countable nouns only.
“A” is used before a word beginning with a consonant
Example - He saw a cow.
- She is wearing a skirt.
- There is a man on the top of the house .
- Are you a student of this school?
- Have you seen a zebra?

58 English Workbook for grade 2

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Circle map




59 English Workbook for grade 2

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An – We use an before a word beginning with a vowel sound

Example - An elephant is a big animal.

- There is an egg in the basket.

- My father works in an office .

We also use “an” before words beginning with the letter ‘h’

when it is not sounded.

An hour (because “h” sound is omitted here) .

 Some words in which “h” is not sounded and which take “an”

before them.

An – honest

An – hour

An – egg

 When the initial vowel in a word is spoken like the “y” in the

word “yet” it takes “a” before them not “an”.

A – European

A – uniform

A – union

A – university

60 English Workbook for grade 2

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6.1.2 Definite article (the)

We use definite article “the” before singular and plural counta-

ble nouns and before uncountable nouns.

Example – - The sky

- The sun

- The sea

- The desert

- The earth

Exercise one

I. Put the correct article in the blank spaces

1. ________ apple is on the table .

2. The baby is eating ________ ice-cream .

3. ________ girl was struck by the lorry .

4. ________ sun rises in the east.

5. I read ________ story about Ethiopian kings.

Fill the following circle map with the correct answer

a an

61 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Complete the sentences using ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’.

1. The old man did not have ________ car.
2. ________ moon is surrounded with stars.
3. She is learning in ________ university.
4. He is ________ honest boy .
5. ______sky has deep blue color .
6. Camel is the ship of ________ desert .
III. Put “√”for the correct or “x” for the incorrect usage of an
article in the sentences
_______1. The students are wearing an uniform.
_______2. I have an Indian friend.
_______3. The sun gives us an heat.
_______4. She bought an umbrella for her daughter.
_______5.Fish live in a sea.
IV. Put the correct articles in the blank spaces

1. _________ hour

2. _________man

3. _________ elephant

4. _________ European

5. _________ sea

6. _________ earth

7. __________ ink

62 English Workbook for grade 2

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UNIT Seven

Preposition:- is a word that shows a relationship between
one noun with the other.

The cat is on the table.

The dog is under the table.

The rat is running away.

From the cat.

The rat is running to the hole.

The policeman is in front of the house.

The girl is beside the door.

The butterfly is flying above the flower.

The puppy is sitting in the basket.

63 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise one
I. Underline the prepositions in the following sentences.
1. The lion slept under the tree.
2. The blackboard is in front of the students.
3. The mouse hides in a box.
4. The girl is sitting on the bench.
5. The boy is walking to the school.
6. The kite is flying above the tree.
II. Look at the pictures carefully and then underline the cor-
rect prepositions given in the brackets.

The airplane is flying (on ,

over) the cloud.

The bus has stopped (behind , from)

the car.

The bird is flying (over, under)

the cloud .

64 English Workbook for grade 2

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The crow is (on, over) the


The monkey is sitting ____________

the tree. (in front of ,on)

The students are sitting the

teacher. (in front of, behind)
III. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition taking
from the given table.

in in front of under over

from on beside to

The sugar is _____________ the


The girl is sitting _____________

the bench.

65 English Workbook for grade 2

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The book is _____________

the table.

The boy is standing __________

the chair.

The cat is sitting _____________

the house.

Abrham kicked the ball

_____________ the goal post.

The deer is running away

_____________ the lion.

The bird is flying ___________

the tree.

66 English Workbook for grade 2

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IV. Construct a sentence for each picture using preposi-






67 English Workbook for grade 2

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V. Underline the correct preposition in the following sen-

1. Monkeys always sit on trees and jump over trees.

2. The mice are under the table.

3. He is throwing the stone to the cat.

4. The car stopped in front of the school.

5. They are playing near their house.

6. The thief is running away from the dog on the street .

7. Asrat is drawing on the black board.

8. The shop is in front of the office.

68 English Workbook for grade 2

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UNIT Eight

Unit objective: At the end of this unit , the student should

be able to:
 define conjunction.
 join the given sentences with the proper conjunction.
 write their own sentences with the given conjunction.

Conjunctions are words that join two words or sentences

Words such as and, or, but, so, for, because , still, etc are
Example:- He bought a red pen and blue pencil .

- She goes to school by bus or by train .

- We want to play but we have a homework.

- It is fire so don’t touch it.

- She stayed alone for she doesn't have any from.

Exercise one
I. Complete the following sentences with “and”, “or”, “but” ,
1. There are tables and chairs.
2. She will go today ___________ tomorrow .
3. We have English exam ___________ we have to study.
4. I am playing ___________ I am happy.
5. She has come ___________ we haven’t meet her.

69 English Workbook for grade 2

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II. Underline the correct conjunction in the parentheses.

1. Is she a doctor (and, but, or) a nurse?

2. Miss Sara has a son (and, so, or) a daughter.

3. I like banana (and, so, or) orange.

4. She is tall (and, for, or) pretty girl.

5. Is that a hen (and, so, or) a cock?

III. Use the conjunctions given in the table to complete the sen-

so for or but and

1. You may stay here you can’t play with us.

2. Selam Daniel are friends.
3. She knows me well we stayed together.
4. I studied hard I passed the exam.
5. You can stay here leave.
IV. Write your own sentences with the given conjunctions.

1. and

2. or

3. so

4. but

5. for

70 English Workbook for grade 2

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V. Join each pair of sentences using the correct conjunction .

1. Selam has a cat.
Selam has a dog.
Selam has a cat and a dog.
2. Rahel has a doll.
She doesn’t want to play.
3. It is my birthday party .
My father bought for me new clothes.
4. We have to eat fruit.
We have to eat vegetable .
5. You can sleep.
You can sit.
6. He is a police man.
She is a teacher.
7. I study hard.
I stood first .
8. Read the instruction carefully.
Answer the given questions.

71 English Workbook for grade 2

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Punctuation means the right use of different marks like the full stop,
the comma ,the semi-colon, colon, quotation marks e.t.c in a
written sentence.
9.1 Full stop (.) :- is used at the end of statements and impera-
Example:- They are good friends.
9.2 Question mark (?):- A question mark is used at the end of a
question .
Example:- Who are you?
9.3 Exclamation mark (! ):- An exclamation mark is used at the
end of an exclamatory sentence.
Example:- Hello!
What a nice class it is!
9.4 Comma (,):- The comma is the most important punctuation
It is used to separate words in a series, The last two words are
joined by a conjunction.
Example:- Yared, Abel and Tom are friends.

72 English Workbook for grade 2

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9.5 Apostrophe (‘):- is used to indicate that some letter or letters

have been left out. This is often used in contractions in conver-
Example : I have – I’ve I had – I’d
I will – I’ll do not ‘don’t
It is - it’s shall not – shan’t
Let us – let’s will not – won’t

Proof reading symbols

 . add period

 ? add question mark

 , add comma

 = capitalize

 / make small letter

73 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercises one

I. Punctuate the following sentences by using proofreading sym-


1. Nathy Bethlehem Sara and Helen are grade two students

2. Wow you did nice

3. Do you like pizza

4. i am not interested in watching this film besides I want to


5. What man is he

6. I like to read story books

7. She is Sara

8. do not ride far

II. Write the following words in short form by using apostrophe.

1. Did not _Didn’t

2. Let us ____________

3. I have ____________

4. Shall not ____________

5. It is ____________

6. I had ____________

74 English Workbook for grade 2

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The use of capital letters /capitalization

A) It is used to begin a sentence.
Example:- He is a doctor.
B) To begin proper noun and adjectives formed from them .
Example:- Africa, Kenya, Mahelete, Biniyam.
C) The personal pronouns ‘I’ is always written as a capital
letter irrespective of its place in the sentence.
Exercise two
I. Capitalize, punctuate and re-write the following sentences using the
proofreading symbols.
1. there are many stars in the sky
2. My friend lives in hawassa
3. where do you come from
4. have i told you about my friend nahom.
5. Banana apple mango and orange are my favorite fruits
II. Answer the following questions.
1. What is your name?
2. Where do you learn?
3. What is your favorite subject?
4. Write your friends’ name.
5. Do you have sisters and brothers? If you have, write their name?
6. Write the names of three lakes that you know.
_____________ ______________ ____________

75 English Workbook for grade 2

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 A sentence is a group of words that makes complete
sense .
 A sentence must be meaningful .
 A sentence always begins with a capital letter .

Example –
Marta is singing a song. The room is clean.

These give complete sense.

They are meaningful .
10.1 Parts of a sentence
A sentence can be divided into two parts. The subject
and the predicate .
10.1.1 The subject:- is the part of a sentence which names
the person or thing we are speaking about .
10.1.2 The predicate:- is the part of a sentence which tells
something about the subject .
The dog is barking at the thief .
Subject Predicate
The boy is going to school .
Subject Predicate
The duck is swimming.
Subject Predicate
76 English Workbook for grade 2
Date assignment type


Statement Interroga- Exclamatory Imperative

I an a stu- tive Is she a Wow! What a open the dorr
dent student beautiful dress! please.

Exercise one
I. Match the subject under column “A” to its correct predicate un-
der column “B”
A, subject B, Predicate
1. The sun A. are singing together
2. Birds B. lays eggs
3. The horse C. sets in the west
4. Students D. is ridding on the field
5. Hen E. learn in the class

The fish The football players The lion
My sister Birds
Fill in the blank spaces with the correct subjects given in the box

1. ______________________ have a game.

2. ______________________ can make nests.
3. ______________________ live in the water.
4. ______________________ catch zebra in the forest.

5. ______________________ makes her hair nicely.

77 English Workbook for grade 2

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III. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct predicates given in the box.
am sleeping with my mom
grows the plants
helps my mother in the kitchen
Keeps our house from mouse
tells us story

1. My grandmother ______________________
2. The farmer ______________________
3. My sister ______________________
4. I ____________________________
5. Our cat ______________________
IV. underline the subjects and predicates separately in these sentences.
Put S under the subjects and P under the predicates.
They play on Sunday.
s P

1. I watch movie everyday.

2. The teacher told us about wild animals.

3. Students came back from the field trip .

4. Sara has broken the glass .

5. He kicks the ball far away .

6. We are watering plants.

7. The cat is chasing rats.

8. She is crying .

9. We cook food for dinner .

78 English Workbook for grade 2

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V. Look at the group of words given below. Tick √ that are com-
plete in meaning .
1. Piece of cloth.
2. A table is made of wood .
3. Close the door.
4. The bell is ringing.
5. He is driving a car.
6. Barks at the thief.
7. Mr. Eyob has .
8. He is my son .
9. She is buying a new car.
Arrangement of words
 The words in a sentence are arranged in a certain way.
Example - clean room the is
- The room is clean.

Exercise two
I. Rearrange the words given below to make meaningful sen-
1. playing the football boys are

2. drinking the children milk are

3. swimming on the pond the ducks are

4. for lunch my mother cooking is food

5. eating an apple Helen is

79 English Workbook for grade 2

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10.2 Kinds of sentence

 Statement
 Interrogative “question”
 Imperative (request ,command and suggestion )
 Exclamatory
10.2.1 Statement
 When a sentence tells us something ,it is called statement.
 They may be positive or negative sentences .
 A statement always ends with a full stop (.) .
Example:- Ali is an intelligent boy.
The sky has full of stars.
We are dancing together.

10.2.2 Interrogative
When a sentence asks something, it is called a ques-
A question always ends with a question mark (?) .
Example:- What did you do yesterday?
What is your name?
Where do you live?
Do you like tea?

80 English Workbook for grade 2

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Exercise three
I. Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the table.
Do Are Is Does

1. ____________she reading a book?

2. ____________You washing your clothes?

3. ____________the kids shout?

4. ____________the Schools open?

5. ____________Abreham play with you?

10.2.3 Imperative sentence

Imperative:- to express request, suggestion and command etc


 You have to study hard.

 Let us go for a walk.

 Get ready for the exam.

 Order the dinner.

10.2.4 Exclamatory: - to express surprise, anger, joy etc.

Example:- What a surprise!

Wow! That is nice!

Lucky boy!

81 English Workbook for grade 2

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I. Put
Exercise four
for the statements and ! the exclamatory sentenc-
1. Stay in the class
2. Wow here she comes
3. Put on your uniform
4. Oh, I can jump now
5. Do not talk in the class
6. Oh, I did my best
7. Use the glove
8. What a great job
9. Look over the sky
10.Good girl

II. Write what kind of sentence it is.

1. When did the rain stop? Interrogative sentence
2. Just do as I told you! _________________________________
3. Please post this letter. _________________________________
4. What a fun! _________________________________
5. Call me when you arrive! _________________________________
6. It is wonderful! _________________________________
7. Go inside immediately! _________________________________

III. Construct a sentence for each kind of sentence

1. statement sentence.

2. Interrogative sentence.

3. Imperative sentence.

4. Exclamatory sentence.

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