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Phone’s friends or yours?

What’s the impact made on our interpersonal relationships by phones? Don’t worry if you
haven’t even wondered about it beacuse you’re not the only one who didn’t. The truth is that we’re
used to texting almost every day and living even more in virtual than in real world!
To begin with this problem is the most serious in bigger towns and cities and especially
among youth. Students are too tired after school and have to care about their homework for
tomorrow so there is really not much time left. Unfortunately they find texting, calls or video calls
more comfortable and even more interesting than just meeting up. Unfortunately it is so strong that
they do it when being at school or near to others physically! My good friend Peter said that he
prefers meeting to using phone, but he just has to eat anything after long day at school and come
back home. Chatting is the only possibility to stay in touch with friends who live far away from him.
Second thing is that nowadays texting and calling is not all the phones can do. 3d games,
social media or videos are extremely time-absorbing. We’re deep into virtual life and use phones
relentelessely instead of look for some curious activities, hobbies that would allow us to say about
well-spent time. As a result we cannot spend time effectively and rarely meet new people, beacuse
we’re online but offlife. I can honestly say that it includes me too. I’d like to meet and speak with
someone new, for example in the public transport but it would be suspicious while everyone is silent
and using phone.
What is more, using phone can be dangerous for others! We sometimes totally don’t pay
attention. Even if someone close to us needs help at the moment on the street!

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