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After having explored current trends and entrepreneurship opportunities for modern language
professionals in the whole variety of the business world, now you are invited to consider two
smaller, but potentially prolific, worlds: arts and media as hubs for new ideas. Here you are invited
to make more explicit connections between the initial business proposals with the fields of arts
and media. New avenues of entrepreneurship can also be considered.

 Develop a business proposal for an actual entrepreneurship for modern language
professionals in areas related to arts and media.
Here you find a series of activities you should follow in order to successfully accomplish the aims
of this second stage. It is important to continue keeping track of both the individual and group
progress in journal created for this purpose.

1. Start by researching about entrepreneurship opportunities in arts and media. Take notes of
attractive ideas. Consider, for example;
a. 12 creative business ideas for artists ( ) and other 12 ideas
for artists ( )
b. 50 Creative business ideas for entrepreneurs ( )
c. 48 Creative Business Ideas (that you can start today!) ( )
2. To collect more ideas, watch some talks on the same topic:
a. Art Entrepreneurship: From Hobbyists to Lobbyists by Marco Pavé
( )
b. Beauty and the Beast: Creative Entrepreneurship in the Art World by Aditya Julka
( )
c. The magical science of storytelling by David JP Phillips, which can be another area
to consider ( )
3. Analyse the different options in the fields of arts and media that, as a modern language
professional, you’d like to examine further. Select the two most appealing ideas to you and
your group. Then, try integrate these/this specific area(s) into your initial entrepreneurship

El Nogal: Calle 79 nº 11 – 45 / Centro de contacto en Bogotá: +(57-1) 593 6464

Bogotá D.C., Cundinamarca, Colombia, Suramérica /
©UNIVERSIDAD Ean: SNIES 2812. Personería Jurídica Res. nº 2898 del Minjusticia - 16/05/69
Assessment outcomes for the second stage
Writing: 300-word essay
Following the outline developed in stage 1, write a full argumentative essay on the question given.

In a 20-minute conversation with your teacher, discuss the shortlisted options in the fields of
arts and media that you’d like to incorporate to the initial entrepreneurship proposal you built.
You should also discuss at greater length the one option you think you will pick, giving specific
reasons as to why it is a promising, rewarding, profitable, and impactful idea.

El Nogal: Calle 79 nº 11 – 45 / Centro de contacto en Bogotá: +(57-1) 593 6464

Bogotá D.C., Cundinamarca, Colombia, Suramérica /
©UNIVERSIDAD Ean: SNIES 2812. Personería Jurídica Res. nº 2898 del Minjusticia - 16/05/69

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