MGMT 2006 Module 5

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MGMT 2006 – Management

Information Systems I
Module 5
Managing Data Resources
Simon Fraser
• By the end of this module students will be able to:
– describe basic file organization concepts and the problems of the
traditional file environment.
– describe how a database management system organizes
– compare the principal types of databases.
– identify important database design principles and the managerial
and organizational requirements of a database environment.
– discuss new trends in data management.

March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 2

File Structure Terms

• Bit: Smallest unit of data; binary digit


• Byte: Group of bits that represents a

single character

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File Structure Terms
File Structure Terms
• Simon Fraser welcomes you to MIS 1
File Structure Terms

• Field: Group of words or a complete number

• Record: Group of related fields

• File: Group of records of same type

• Database: Group of related files

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File Structure Terms

• Entity: Person, place, thing, event about which

information is maintained

• Attribute: Description of a particular entity

• Key field: A unique identifier field used to

retrieve, update, sort a record

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File Structure Terms

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Systems Check
• What fields would you expect to find in your
student record?
• What field would be the most like candidate
to be the key field?
• What files would you expect to find in the
Student Records Database?
Problems with Traditional Data
• Data Duplication
• Program Data Dependence
• Lack of Flexibility
• Poor Security
• Data Sharing Difficulties
Problems with Traditional Data

• Data Duplication: Data duplication is the presence

of duplicate data in multiple data files so that the
same data are stored in more than one place or

• What is the problem here?

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Problems with Traditional Data
• Program-Data Dependence: Program-data
dependence refers to the coupling of data
stored in files and the specific programs
required to update and maintain those files
such that changes in programs require
changes to the data
Problems with Traditional Data
• Lack of flexibility: A traditional file system can
deliver routine scheduled reports after
extensive programming efforts, but it cannot
deliver ad hoc reports or respond to
unanticipated information requirements in a
timely fashion.
Problems with Traditional Data
• Poor security: Because there is little control or
management of data, access to and
dissemination of information may be out of

• Management may have no way of knowing

who is accessing or even making changes to
the organization’s data.
Problems with Traditional Data
• Data Sharing Difficulties:
The lack of control over access to data in this confused
environment does not make it easy for people to obtain

• Because pieces of information in different files and different

parts of the organization cannot be related to one another, it
is virtually impossible for information to be shared or
accessed in a timely manner
March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 18
Modern Data Base Management
p Creates and maintains databases

p Eliminates requirement for data definition


p Acts as interface between application programs

and physical data files

p Separates logical (conceptual) and physical

views of data

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March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 20
Modern Data Base Management
p Data Definition Language: Specifies
content and structure of database and
defines each data element

p Data Manipulation Language:

Manipulates data in a database

p Data Dictionary: Stores definitions of

data elements, and data characteristics

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Data Dictionary

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Types of Data Base Management

p Relational DBMS

p Hierarchical and Network DBMS

p Object-Oriented Databases

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Relational Database Management
p Represents data as two-dimensional
tables called relations

p Relates data across tables based on

common data element

p Examples: DB2, Oracle, MS SQL Server

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Relational Data

What is the
name and
address of
suppliers for
numbers 137
and 152

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Relational Database Management
p Select: Creates subset of rows that
meet specific criteria

p Join: Combines relational tables to

provide users with information

p Project: Enables users to create new

tables containing only relevant
March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 26
What is the name and address of suppliers
for part numbers 137 and 152

March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 27

Object Based DBMS

• Object-oriented DBMS: Allows for

storage of multimedia objects as well as
alphanumeric characters.

• Object-Relational DBMS: Provides

capabilities of both object-oriented and
relational DBMS

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Systems Check
• A Character is made up of ….
• A Record is made up of a group of ….
• A Database is made up of a group of ….

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Systems Check
• Name FOUR Problems associated with a
traditional flat file environment

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Systems Check
• What are FOUR Functions of a Database
Management System?

• What are three components of a Database

Management System?

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Systems Check
• What Three Types of DBMS Systems will you
find in use today? Which type is the most

March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 32

Structured Query Language
The Structured Query Language is the most popular
data manipulation language,
• Basic SQL Commands

– SELECT: Specifies columns

– FROM: Identifies tables or views

– WHERE: Specifies conditions

March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 33

SELECT Part_Number FROM Part
WHERE Part_Number = 137 or 152

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The Query Produces a temporary
table that looks something like this.

137 Door latch 22.50

150 Door seal 6.00

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Designing a Database

• Logical (Conceptual) Design: Abstract

model of database from a business perspective

• Physical Design: Detailed description of

business information needs

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Designing A Database
Conceptual Design

• Entity-Relationship Diagram: Methodology

for documenting databases illustrating relationships
between database entities

• Normalization: Process of creating small stable

data structures from complex groups of data

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Entity Relationship

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Traditional Data Table
Pre Normalization

What are the problems here?

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Data Duplication

Order File

Order_Number Order_Value Customer_Name Customer_Address

1245 $234.00 John Smith 123 West Way
2356 $2,345.00 Peter James 234 North Way
9867 $4,269.00 John Smith 123 West Way
1256 $374.00 Simon Fraser 456 North Drive
3985 $32,597.00 John Smith 123 West Way

Look how much space I am wasting storing

names and addresses!
Data Anomalies

Order File

Order_Number Order_Value Customer_Name Customer_Address

1245 $234.00 John Smith 123 West Way
2356 $2,345.00 Peter James 234 North Way
9867 $4,269.00 John Smith 123 West Way
1256 $374.00 Simon Fraser 456 North Drive
3985 $32,597.00 John Smith 123 West Way

What happens when I change John Smith’s Address in record 1?

Post Normalization
Order File
Order_Number Order_Value Customer_ID
1245 $234.00 40
2356 $2,345.00 21
9867 $4,269.00 40
1256 $374.00 75
3985 $32,597.00 40

Customer File
Customer_ID Name Address
40 John Smith 123 East Way
21 Peter James 234 North Way
75 Simon Fraser 456 North Way
An Normalized Relation of ORDER

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Centralized or Decentralized?

Centralized database

• Stored on single central host or server (or cluster of

servers) in a client/server network

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Centralized or Decentralized?

Distributed database

• Stored in more than one physical location

– Partitioned database

– Duplicated database

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Two Forms of Data Base

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Database Trends
On-line analytical processing (OLAP)

• Multidimensional data analysis

• Supports manipulation and analysis of

large volumes of data from multiple

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March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 48
Database Trends

Data warehouse

• Supports reporting and query tools

• Stores current and historical data

• Consolidates data for management analysis and decision


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Components of a Data

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Database Trends

Data mart

• Subset of data warehouse

• Contains summarized or highly focused portion of

data for a specified function or group of users

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Database Trends

Data Mining

• Tools for analyzing large pools of data

• Find hidden patterns and infer rules to predict


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Database Trends

Benefits of Data Warehousing

• Improved and easy accessibility to information

• Ability to model and remodel the data

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Database Trends

Hypermedia database

o Organizes data as network of nodes

o Links nodes in pattern specified by user

o Supports text, graphic, sound, video and

executable programs

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March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 55
Database Trends
• The World Wide Web is a hypermedia
Database Trends
Big Data

• Big data is a term that refers to the collection, management

and analysis of data stored in enormous data sets.

• This data can be structured, semi structured, or


• And the data sets can be so large that they can not be
efficiently managed by conventional database technology

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Database Trends
Big Data Sources
• Smart phones
• Social Media activity
• Websites
• Search Engines
• Sensors embedded in almost everything (IoT)

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Database Trends
Big Data Applications
• Tracking Outbreaks of Disease
• Customized Shopping
• Stock Market Trading
• Security
• Machine Maintenance

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Database Trends
Big Data Analysis
• Statistical Analysis
• Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
– Looking for patterns, relationships and trends in
the data.

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Making Databases Accessible on the

Database server
• Computer in a client/server environment runs a
DBMS to process SQL statements and perform
database management tasks

Application server
• Software handling all application operations

Web Server
• Software designed to send web pages to a browser
based on a request by a user.
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Making Databases Accessible
on the WWW

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March 10, 2021 MGMT 2006 63
• By the end of this module students will be able to:
– describe basic file organization concepts and the problems of the
traditional file environment.
– describe how a database management system organizes
– compare the principal types of databases.
– identify important database design principles and the managerial
and organizational requirements of a database environment.
– discuss new database trends.

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