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Belief in The Books of Allah:

Muslims believe that Allah revealed his truth to mankind through His Prophets, and this has been
written down in the holy books.

They believe that The Qur’an is the timeless truth from Allah to humanity.

The Divine Scriptures are:-

 The Torah – the book Allah revealed to Moses
 The Psalms – the book that Allah revealed to David
 The Gospel – the book that Allah revealed to Jesus
 Sacred scriptures of all other Messengers of Allah

Allah inspired both Judaism and Christianity but Muslims do not accept everything that those
scriptures say. Muslims believe that revelations in the Divine Scriptures are limited to a specific time
and people and are not preserved in their original purity.

The Divine Scriptures culminated in and were perfected in the Holy Qur’an. The Qur’an has remained
unchanged and Muslims believe that the Qur’an is complete, perfect and eternal.

William McBride

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