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Bible Study Guide

1 “Work together as a team”

(PH ILIPPIA N S 1 :2 7 , ICB ) .

2 “Serve each other with love”

(GA L A T IA NS 5 : 1 3 , IC B ) .

3 “Give thanks to the LORD”

(PSA LM 1 3 6 :1 , N IV ) .

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Bible Study Guide

A Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for Beginner Children

GraceLink® Sabbath School Curriculum

Year B, Third Quarter


A Publication of the Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Department
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600, U.S.A.

Scripture quotations marked ICB are from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright © 1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked NIV are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by
Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Beginner Bible Study Guide (ISSN 1538-4861), Vol. 47, No. 3, Third Quarter 2023. Published four times per year, mailed quarterly spring,
summer, fall, and winter for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® by Pacific Press® Publishing Association, 1350 N. Kings
Road, Nampa, ID 83687, U.S.A. © 2023 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. All rights reserved. No part of the Beginner Sabbath
School Bible Study Guide may be edited, altered, modified, adapted, translated, reproduced, or published by any person or entity without prior
written authorization from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. The division offices of the General Conference of Seventh-day
Adventists® are authorized to arrange for translation of the Beginner Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, under specific guidelines. Copyright of
such translations and their publication shall remain with the General Conference. “Seventh-day Adventist,” “Adventist,” and the flame logo are
registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® and may not be used without prior authorization from the General
Conference, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6600, U.S.A. Art copyrighted © 2002 by the Review and Herald®
Publishing Association.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Beginner Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Pacific Press® Publishing Association, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID
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The Writers
Audrey Boyle Andersson—Sweden

Jackie Bishop—California

DeeAnn Bragaw—Colorado

Linda Porter Carlyle—Oregon

May-Ellen Colón—Maryland

Eileen Dahl Vermeer—Ontario, Canada

René Alexenko Evans—Tennessee

Martha Feldbush—United States

Adriana Itin Femopase—Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dorothy Fernandez—Collonges-sous-Saleve, France


Edwina Neely—Maryland

Rebecca Gibbs O’Ffill—Maryland

Rob Robinson—California

Janet Rieger—Australia

COMMUNITY: We help each other.
1. Joash, the Boy King (July). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

SERVICE: God helps us to serve others.

2. Captain Naaman’s Little Maid (August) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

WORSHIP: We thank God for being with us.

3. Baby Moses (September). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Basic Needs
of Children*
All children have certain basic needs as well as needs that are specific to their age
and stage of development. The basic needs of children are . . .
• Food
• Warmth
• Shelter
• Power—to make choices and follow plans
• A sense of belonging
• Approval and recognition
• Expressions of unconditional love and acceptance
• Freedom within defined boundaries
• Humor—a chance to laugh
• An all-knowing, loving, caring God
• Forgiveness of wrongs and a chance to start over
• Assurance of acceptance with God
• Experience in prayer, answers to prayer
• A chance to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God
The Beginner Child
In the Seventh-day Adventist Church the GraceLink curriculum for beginners
targets children ages birth through 2 years. However, both the beginner and the kin-
dergarten materials are adaptable to 3-year-olds.
A general rule applying to the beginner child is: seat children so their feet easily
touch the ground. For children under 18 months use walkers (without wheels).

To better understand beginner children, ages birth through 2 years, it is helpful
to note characteristics of their growth and development.
• Vary greatly in their physical development
• Are growing rapidly
• Tire easily
• Cannot sit still for long
• Have an attention span of only one or two minutes
• Learn by active involvement and imitation rather than by instruction
• Learn best one ministep at a time
• Focus attention on what they see and/or touch
• Are extremely egocentric—centered in themselves
• Fear separation from parents
• Cry easily—one crying child sets other children crying
• Express their needs by crying—the crying usually stops when needs are met
• Become attached to adults who show love and acceptance of them
• Sense attitudes of respect, joy, and anticipation in connection with church, the
Bible, and Jesus
• Can identify pictures of Jesus and lisp His name
• Will fold hands (briefly) for the blessing before meals and kneel (again briefly)
for prayer
Developmental Needs
In addition to the basic needs listed earlier, 2-year-olds need to experience:
• Power—to have a chance to manipulate objects, events, people
• Freedom—to make choices, to interact in learning situations, to sometimes
move about at will
• Independence—to do some things unaided
• Security—to feel safe

*Children’s Ministries: Ideas and Techniques That Work, ed. Ann Calkins (Lincoln, Nebr.: AdventSource, 1997).

A Letter to Parents
Dear Friends,
In each issue of the Beginner Bible Study Guide you will find only three lessons—
one for each month of the quarter. This gives your child a better opportunity to learn
concepts emphasized throughout the month and to offer more repetition. Children at
this age learn best through repetition.
The three lessons in this Bible study guide focus on serving God by caring for
others; God bringing His love to us; and the birth of Jesus. Activities in the Do & Say
section at the end of each lesson teach and reinforce these three important concepts.
Now is the time to help your child start to learn about God’s Word, the Bible.
Show your child the memory verses in your Bible. Then use the motions to help rein-
force the text. Be an example. Let him or her see you reading God’s Word every day.
As you share these lessons with your child, take time to pray a short prayer, sing a
happy song, read with enthusiasm, and have fun with the Do & Say activities as part
of your family worship. Involve your young child in worship now, and you will foster
a love for Jesus and His Word that will last.
Make the time—take the time—to worship with your child every day. Years from
now you’ll be glad you did.

The General Conference
Sabbath School Department

RE FE RE N C E S: 2 KI N GS 1 1 ; 1 2 : 1 - 1 6 ; P R OP HE TS A N D KI N G S , P P . 2 1 5 , 2 1 6 .

the Boy King
Memory Verse:
“Work together as a team” (PH ILIPPIANS 1 :2 7 , ICB).
The Message:
Families work together.
By the end of this month you can help your child
Know that people in families help one another.
Feel that they are an important part of your family.
Respond by working together to help their family and friends.

See the baby. His family works together to care for him.
Baby Joash’s family worked together to care for him too.

S ee Baby Joash.
He lives in a
king’s palace. (Point
to the king.) Baby
Joash is the king’s son.
(Point to Baby Joash.)
Many people work
together to take care
of Joash. His nurse
helps him walk. (Point
to the nurse, then to
the auntie.) His auntie
loves him too.

J oash has a birth-
day. He is 1 year
old. How old are you?
(Show the number
of fingers and count
them.) See Joash’s
auntie. See his uncle.
Lots of people love
Joash. They come to
celebrate his birthday.
(Tickle your child.)
Lots of people love
you too!

T ake care, Little
Joash! Take care,
Don’t be afraid,
Little Joash. Auntie
is here. Auntie and
Priest Jehoiada will
work together. They
will hide you in God’s
temple. (Hide your
child in your arms.)
God keeps Baby
Joash safe. God keeps
you safe too.

P riest Jehoiada
takes good care
of Joash. (Point to
Jehoiada.) Joash is safe
in God’s house.
Priest Jehoiada
teaches Joash. Joash
learns Bible words.
(Point to the scroll.)
You can learn Bible
words too.

G rowing, grow-
ing. Little Joash
is growing. One-two-
seven. (Count with
your fingers.) Joash is
7 years old.
See the crown on
Joash’s head. (Point
to the crown.) “Yea!”
“Long live King
Joash!” Yea! (Clap.)
Joash is now the king.

J oash is in a
parade. (Point
to Joash, then to the
soldiers.) He is with
the soldiers.
All the people
shout and clap, “Long
live King Joash.”
(Point to the people.)
Joash goes to the pal-
ace, a beautiful house
for the king. (Point
to the palace.) The
people work together
to crown Joash king.

L ook at God’s
house. (Point
to the cracks in the
temple pillar.)
“We must all fix
God’s house,” King
Joash says.
So the people bring
money to God’s house.
(Point to the people,
then to the worker.)
Many people work
together to fix the
You can work with
your family too.

Play hide-and-seek. Sing “The Helping
Your child hides Song” (Little Voices
while you look for Praise Him, no. 297).
them. Remind
them that Joash
had to be hidden.

Visit a building Have your child
site. Talk about tudy these suggestions help you dust and
Joash repairing clean a mirror as
for something to do
the temple. you talk about
each day. Select those that taking care of God’s
are appropriate for your house.
child’s developmental stage
and repeat them often.

Let your child Fill a bowl with

pretend to make a damp sand. Add
birthday cake. Play one candle each
having a birthday day for your child
party. Sing “Happy to blow out until
Birthday, Baby there are seven
Joash” and blow out candles for King
the pretend candle. Joash. Count to
seven together.

Decorate a box Pick up toys Go for a walk and
and collect money together. look at churches
for God’s house. in your area. Talk
Let your child about what Joash’s
take the box church might have
and money to looked like.
School at the
end of the month.

Do some work Spend some time Go to a shopping

together—set the center or market
with your child
table, pick up toys and talk to your
watching the
or books, take out child about how
the trash, etc. Talk
animals in your people work
about how much area. Tell about together.
easier and more how they work
fun it is to work together.

Use blocks to Sing the memory Make a crown from

build a tower brown paper or foil
verse song together
together. Talk for your child to
(see page 24).
about how Joash wear. Let your child
rebuilt the temple. pretend
to be
King Joash
in a parade.

RE FE RE N C E S: 2 KI N GS 5 : 1 - 1 7 ; P R OP HE T S A N D KI N G S , P P . 2 4 4 - 2 5 0 .

Captain Naaman’s
Little Maid Memory Verse:
“Serve each other with love” (G ALATIANS 5 :1 3 , ICB).
The Message:
I can share God’s love.
By the end of this month you can help your child
Know that God will help them serve others.
Feel happy to serve others.
Respond by serving others according to their ability.

Keiko is Mother’s helper. See Keiko stir the batter. Once

a little girl helped Mrs. Naaman and Captain Naaman.

L ittle Maid
(Point to her.)
is far from home. God
has a happy helper
at Captain Naaman’s
house. Little Maid is
God’s happy helper.
(Point to Naaman.)
She helps Captain
Naaman because she
loves God.
Captain and Mrs.
Naaman see how well
she works. They
see that Little Maid
prays to God.

M rs. Naaman
is sad. (Cry
into a tissue.) Don’t
cry, Mrs. Naaman. God
will help you.
But Mrs. Naaman
can’t stop crying. (Point
to Mrs. Naaman.) “Boo-
hoo! Captain Naaman
has leprosy. He has big
sores on his skin. Boo-
hoo! He will have to go
far away. Boo-hoo!”

D on’t be sad,
Naaman! (Point to
Naaman, then to his
wife.) Smile, Mrs.
Naaman! Little
Maid can help.
(Point to Little Maid.)
“Please go to Israel.
Please go see Prophet
Elisha,” Little Maid
says. “The prophet can
make Captain Naaman

S ee Captain
Naaman. Captain
Naaman is a soldier.
(Point to Naaman.)
See his chariot. (Point
to the chariot.)
“Let’s go!” Captain
Naaman shouts.
(Point to Naaman
again.) “Goodbye,
Mrs. Naaman.
Goodbye, Little
Maid. May your
prophet make me

G od can heal
you, Captain
Naaman,” says the
servant. “God can
make your skin
clean.” (Touch your
child’s skin.) “Go
wash. Wash in the
Jordan River. Go
under the water
seven times.”
So Captain Naaman
goes to the muddy
river Jordan.

S ee Captain
Naaman in
the water. (Point to
Naaman.) The water
is muddy brown.
(Point to the water.)
See the sores on his
body. (Point to the
Captain Naaman
dips under the water.
One dip. (Hold up one
finger; add fingers as
you count.) Two dips.
Three dips. Four dips.
Five dips. Six dips.
Still the sores are
there. One more time
Captain Naaman dips
under the water.

Y ea! (Clap and
wave. Point to
his chest.) The sores
are all gone! Yea! God
has made Captain
Naaman well. Now he
knows God loves him.
He prays, “Thank You,
God, for making me
well. Thank You for
Little Maid, the happy

Sing the memory Help your child
verse together place a few white
(see page 42) and circle stickers on
read the story. their skin to experi-
ence how Naaman
looked with leprosy.

Fill a purse or cloth Encourage your
bag with story tudy these suggestions child to pick up
objects. Have your toys. Provide
for something to do
child pull out an reinforcement by
object and relate
each day. Select those that saying, “(child’s
it to the story (dust are appropriate for your name) is a helper.”
cloth, bandage, child’s developmental stage
tissue, etc.). and repeat them often.

Let your child pre- Fill a large pan

tend to be Naaman with one inch
riding in the char- (three centimeters)
iot. Bounce your of water. Let your
child on your knee child step in and
or pull your child out of the water
in a wagon. seven times, as
Naaman did.

With your child, With your child, Fill a cake pan with
count the number pretend to be enough salt or sand
of times Naaman Captain Naaman to cover the bottom
dipped in the water marching of the pan. Help
and the number of with his your child draw the
people in the story. soldiers. story picture in salt
or sand. Shake and
draw again.

Let your child Sing “God Takes Use a toy telephone

play with a toy Care of Me” with and talk to your
doctor kit. Tell your child (Little child. Talk about
your child that the how when we pray
Voices Praise Him,
doctor could not we are talking to
help Naaman. God
no. 90). God.
helped Naaman to
get well.

Let your child pre- Hold and hug Make story sounds
tend to be Little your child, (marching feet,
Maid helping you dipping in the
and sing “Jesus
(Mrs. Naaman) water, bumping
with household in the chariot) as
chores such as
(child’s you tell the story
sweeping, wash- name).” to your child.
ing clothes, rolling
dough, etc.

RE FE RE N C E S: E X O DUS 1 ; 2 ; P A T R I A R CHS A N D P R OP HE TS , P P . 2 4 1 - 2 5 1 .

Baby Moses
Memory Verse:
“Give thanks to the LORD” (PSALM 1 3 6 :1 , NIV).
The Message:
Thank You, God, for being with me.
By the end of this month you can help your child
Know that God is with them wherever they are.
Feel thankful that God is with them.
Respond by loving and worshipping God.

Ana sings to God. Jerald plays the drum. Owen makes a

joyful sound. They sing praises to God. Baby Moses’ family
sang their love for God too.

B aby Moses
gurgles and
coos. (Point to the
baby.) Baby Moses is
happy. Mother loves
him. (Point to each
person mentioned.) Big
Sister Miriam loves
him. Big Brother
Aaron stands guard.
“Shh! Baby Moses.
We all love you. Shh!
“Thank You, God,
for Baby Moses. We
can’t shout and praise
You. But thank You

S hh! Baby Moses!
Don’t cry. (Point
to Moses and to each
person mentioned.)
Mother is here. Big
Sister Miriam is here.
Big Brother Aaron
keeps watch.
Shh! Nobody must
know that a baby lives
here. Bad men must
not hear you cry.
Shh! God will keep
Baby Moses safe. (Hug
your child.) And God
will keep you safe too.

B aby Moses
grows big.
He can’t stay hidden
in his house.
His mommy makes
a new bed for him.
(Point to the mother.)
A basket boat to float
on water.
“Shh!” says Big
Brother. (Point to
Aaron.) “The basket
boat is a secret.”
“Shh!” says Big
Sister. “We won’t tell.”
(Rock your child and
sing a rocking song.)

R ock, rock,
gently rock.
Basket boat on the
water. (Rock your
Mother must go.
But Big Sister Miriam
is watching. (Point to
Miriam and the boat.)
Watching the baby
boat. God’s angel is
watching too.
(Speak prayerfully:)
Thank You, God, for
watching Baby Moses.
Thank You, God, for
watching us too.

H ide, Miriam,
(Pretend to hide.)
Someone is coming.
(Point to the princess.)
Shh! Baby Moses. The
princess is coming to
the water.
(Take an attitude of
prayer.) Please, God,
keep Baby Moses safe.
Thank You, God. Your
angel watches over
Baby Moses. (Point to
the angel.) Your angel
watches over us too.

S ee the little
Hebrew baby!”
says the princess.
(Point to Moses.) “He
is afraid.” (Speak with
sympathy.) “See the
baby cry. Don’t cry,
little one!”
See Miriam run.
“Please, Princess! I will
call a Hebrew woman
to help with the baby.”
“Yes, yes! Please
do!” says the princess.

S ee Little Moses
smile. (Point to
Moses, then the
princess and
Jochebed.) The
princess gives Moses
to his mommy. “Take
good care of him,”
she says.
Thank You, God.
You took good care
of Baby Moses. I love
You, God! You take
good care of me too.

During family Let your child help
worship, read the you make a smooth
Sabbath School soup. Float crou-
lesson story with tons or toasted
your child. Talk cubes of bread
about the pictures. in the soup. Talk
about Moses’ basket
floating on the river.

Sing the memory Take a walk with
verse song learned tudy these suggestions your child and look
in Sabbath School. for the evidence of
for something to do
(See page 60.) God in the natural
each day. Select those that world. Thank Him
are appropriate for your for the beauty He
child’s developmental stage gives us.
and repeat them often.

At bathtime, use a Take a walk with

small plastic con- your family to a
tainer with a little river, lake, or pond.
doll to represent Notice the move-
Moses. Shine a ment of the water.
flashlight on it. Say Help your child
to your child, “God make ripples with
was with Moses. their hands. Thank
He’s with us too.” God for water.

Make cookie or Float leaves, bark, Dress up, and role-
pastry dough with seedpods, etc., in a play the story of
your child. Cut out Moses for family
tub of water. Talk
people shapes. Say, worship. Use a box
to your child about
“God loves to be or laundry basket
with people.
how God for Moses’ basket.
Thank You, made some
God, for things
being with us.” to float.

Gather some When you pray With your family,

rushes or reeds. with your child, sing some praise
Take turns hiding thank God for songs learned in
behind them. Sabbath School.
being with you
and protecting
you all week.

With your child, Help your child Help your child

care for some use play dough weave paper. Show
plants—indoor or what your child
to make a basket
outdoor—or take has woven during
for Baby Moses.
a walk and thank family worship and
God for the things talk about Moses’
He has made. basket.

Bible Study Guide

1 “Work together as a team”

(PH ILIPPIA N S 1 :2 7 , ICB ) .

2 “Serve each other with love”

(GA L A T IA NS 5 : 1 3 , IC B ) .

3 “Give thanks to the LORD”

(PSA LM 1 3 6 :1 , N IV ) .

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Lesson 1

Work Together

God’s House
(Little Voices Praise Him, no. 185)

I like to come to God’s house, (Make pointed roof of house with hands.)

Where everybody prays. (Fold hands in prayer.)

I like to come to God’s house, (Make pointed roof of house with hands.)

And learn about His ways. (Point upward.)

—Stella B. Daleburn

Copyright © 1947 Stella B. Daleburn.

Lesson 1

The Helping Song

(Tune: “This Old Man”)

I help you, you help me.

We’re a helping family.
Helping, helping, sing a helping song.
Helping, helping, all day long.

I Am Growing
(Tune: “Brother James, Are You Sleeping?”)

I am growing. (Squat down.)

I am growing. (Stand tall.)

Yes, I am. (Nod head.)

Yes, I am. (Nod head.)

One time I was smaller. (Indicate height with hand.)

Now I am much taller. (Raise hand.)

Watch me grow. (Squat down.)

Watch me grow. (Stand tall.)

Repeat several times.

Finger Play Activities, p. 94. © 1995, Gospel Light, Ventura, California 93003. Used by permission.

Lesson 2

Serve Each Other


Lesson 3

O Give Thanks Unto the Lord


O give thanks unto the Lord,

give thanks unto the Lord.

O give thanks unto the Lord,

give thanks unto the Lord.

O give thanks, give thanks unto the Lord.

O give thanks unto the Lord,

give thanks unto the Lord.

—Based on Psalm 136:1

Copyright © 1978 by Janet Sage. Assigned to the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists®. All rights
reserved. Used by permission.

Growing Song

A Family
Say: Our family cooks food and cleans our house. Can you do these actions
while we talk about our family? Watch me.

A family is the people (Clap hands.)

God made to care for me. (Point to self.)

We cook our food, (Stir.)

We clean our house, (Sweep.)

And everyone can see— (Raise hand to forehead.)

We like to help each other (Spread arms wide.)

Because we’re family. (Clap.)

Say: Will you be a helper too? Can you say “I will help”?

Finger Play Activities, p. 99. © 1995, Gospel Light, Ventura, California 93003. Used by permission.

Lesson 3

Baby Moses
Moses’ mother made a little basket bed.

She covered it with tar.

She made it like a little boat

To take her baby far.

In the river Moses went;

His sister watched nearby.

Just then the princess came to bathe

And Baby Moses cried!

The princess took the basket.

She opened it and said,

“I’ll keep this baby; he’s so cute!”

And she kissed Moses’ head.

—Mary Gross

Finger Play Activities, p. 50. © 1995, Gospel Light, Ventura, California 93003. Used by permission.

he memory verse activities described here
are recommended as teaching and review
activities. These activities were suggested
for use in Sabbath School.

L ESSON 1 --------------------------------------------------------- LE S S O N 3 ---------------------------------------------------------

Use the suggested motions as you say the Use the suggested motions as you say the
memory verse together. memory verse.
Love . . . . . . . . . . Cross arms over chest. Keep on loving . . Cross arms over chest.
each other . . . . . Point to others. one another . . . . Point to others.
like brothers. . . . Point to a boy. as brothers . . . . . Point to a boy.
and sisters. . . . . Point to a girl. and sisters.. . . . . Point to a girl.
Romans 12:10 . . Palms together; then open Hebrews 13:1 . . . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book. as if opening a book.

L ESSON 2 --------------------------------------------------------- LE S S O N 4 ---------------------------------------------------------

Use the following motions as you say the Use the following motions as you say the
memory verse. memory verse.

Work together . . Pretend to pull a rope Where two . . . . . Hold up two fingers.
with both hands. or three. . . . . . . . Hold up three fingers.
as a team . . . . . . Clasp hands together over gather in . . . . . . . Arms outstretched as
head. my name, . . . . . . if gathering together.
for the faith. . . . Point upward. there am I. . . . . . Point upward.
Philippians 1:27 . . Palms together; then open with them. . . . . . Point to self and others.
as if opening a book.
Matthew 18:20 . . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book.

L ESSO N 5 --------------------------------------------------------- LE S S O N 7 --------------------------------------------------------
Use the suggested motions as you say the Use the suggested motions as you say the
memory verse. memory verse.
Let us . . . . . . . . . Point to self and then For we . . . . . . . . Point to self and then
others. others.
do good . . . . . . . Touch fingers of right are . . . created . . . Move hands as if forming
hand to chin. clay into a shape.
to all people. . . . With palm up, move hand to do good . . . . . . Make fists. Tap one with
to gesture to others. works. . . . . . . . . . . the other.
Galatians 6:10 . . Palms together; then open Ephesians 2:10 . . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book. as if opening a book.

L ESSO N 6 --------------------------------------------------------- LE S S O N 8 --------------------------------------------------------

Use the suggested motions as you say the Use the suggested motions as you say the
memory verse. memory verse.
May. . . God. . .. . Point upward. Now I know . . . . Point to forehead.
strengthen you . . Arms up, fists closed, that there is . . . Shake head “no”; point
make muscles. no God . . . . . . . . upward.
in every good . . Palms up, hands in all the world . Outstretch arms.
deed . . . . . . . . . . outstretched.
except in Israel. . Bring arms back together
and word. . . . . . . Point to mouth. and clasp hands.
2 Thessalonians . Palms together; then open 2 Kings 5:15. . . . Palms together; then open
2:16, 17 as if opening a book. as if opening a book.

L ESSON 9 --------------------------------------------------------- LE S S O N 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------
Use the suggested motions as you say the Use the suggested motions as you say the
memory verse. memory verse.
You . . . . . . . . . . . Point upward. He . . . . . . . . . . . . Point upward.
are my . . . . . . . . Point to self. will lead . . . . . . Lock fingers. Right hand
pulls left hand to the
hiding place. . . . Hold hands over face/
them . . . . . . . . . Point to others and then
Psalm 32:7 . . . . . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book.
to springs of . . . . Pretend to drink from
living water. . . . . cup.
L ESSON 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revelation 7:17 . Palms together; then open
Use the suggested motions as you say the
as if opening a book.
memory verse.
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . Point upward.
am with you . . . Point to self.
and will watch . . Hand above eyes.
over you . . . . . . . Point to others.
wherever you go. Walk in place.
Genesis 28:15 . . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book.

L ESSON 12 ------------------------------------------------------- LE S S O N 13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Use the suggested motions as you say the Use the suggested motions as you say the
memory verse. memory verse.
You . . . . . . . . . . . Point to others. We . . . . . . . . . . . Point to self and others.
will have. . . . . . . Hold hands out as if will do . . . . . . . . Open arms wide.
offering something. everything
plenty to eat . . . . Hands to mouth as if the LORD . . . . . . . Point upward.
has said. . . . . . . . Point to lips.
and you will . . . Arms outstretched
Exodus 19:8 . . . . Palms together; then open
praise the name above head.
as if opening a book.
of the LORD. . . . . Point upward.
Joel 2:26 . . . . . . . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book.
LE S S O N 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Use the suggested motions as you say the
memory verse.
God . . . . . . . . . . Point upward.
loves . . . . . . . . . . Hands crossed over heart.
a cheerful . . . . . . Smile.
giver. . . . . . . . . . . Pretend to take some-
thing from one hand
and hold it out toward
2 Corinthian 9:7 . Palms together; then open
as if opening a book.

God Sends Angels
Finger Play—Lesson 10

God sends angels from above Point upward.

To keep us safe, to show His love. Cross hands over heart.

An angel left, Tap your left shoulder.

An angel right, Tap your right shoulder.

God keeps us safe all through the night. Close eyes and “snore.”

And when we wake up to the day, Rub eyes and stretch arms.

Then angels watch us as we play. Wave.

Adapted from Beth Rowland Wolf and Jan Kershner, Let’s Play! Group Games for Preschoolers (Loveland, Colo.: Group
Publishing, Inc., 1996), p. 115. Used by permission.

Cheerful Giver

© 2000 by General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists®.

RE FE RE N C E S: 2 KI N GS 1 1 ; 1 2 : 1 - 1 6 ; P R OP HE TS A N D KI N G S , P P . 2 1 5 , 2 1 6 .

the Boy King
Memory Verse:
“Work together as a team” (PH ILIPPIANS 1 :2 7 , ICB).
The Message:
Families work together.
By the end of this month you can help your child
Know that people in families help one another.
Feel that they are an important part of your family.
Respond by working together to help their family and friends.

See the baby. His family works together to care for him.
Baby Joash’s family worked together to care for him too.

S ee Baby Joash.
He lives in a
king’s palace. (Point
to the king.) Baby
Joash is the king’s son.
(Point to Baby Joash.)
Many people work
together to take care
of Joash. His nurse
helps him walk. (Point
to the nurse, then to
the auntie.) His auntie
loves him too.

J oash has a birth-
day. He is 1 year
old. How old are you?
(Show the number
of fingers and count
them.) See Joash’s
auntie. See his uncle.
Lots of people love
Joash. They come to
celebrate his birthday.
(Tickle your child.)
Lots of people love
you too!

T ake care, Little
Joash! Take care,
Don’t be afraid,
Little Joash. Auntie
is here. Auntie and
Priest Jehoiada will
work together. They
will hide you in God’s
temple. (Hide your
child in your arms.)
God keeps Baby
Joash safe. God keeps
you safe too.

P riest Jehoiada
takes good care
of Joash. (Point to
Jehoiada.) Joash is safe
in God’s house.
Priest Jehoiada
teaches Joash. Joash
learns Bible words.
(Point to the scroll.)
You can learn Bible
words too.

G rowing, grow-
ing. Little Joash
is growing. One-two-
seven. (Count with
your fingers.) Joash is
7 years old.
See the crown on
Joash’s head. (Point
to the crown.) “Yea!”
“Long live King
Joash!” Yea! (Clap.)
Joash is now the king.

J oash is in a
parade. (Point
to Joash, then to the
soldiers.) He is with
the soldiers.
All the people
shout and clap, “Long
live King Joash.”
(Point to the people.)
Joash goes to the pal-
ace, a beautiful house
for the king. (Point
to the palace.) The
people work together
to crown Joash king.

L ook at God’s
house. (Point
to the cracks in the
temple pillar.)
“We must all fix
God’s house,” King
Joash says.
So the people bring
money to God’s house.
(Point to the people,
then to the worker.)
Many people work
together to fix the
You can work with
your family too.

Play hide-and-seek. Sing “The Helping
Your child hides Song” (Little Voices
while you look for Praise Him, no. 297).
them. Remind
them that Joash
had to be hidden.

Visit a building Have your child
site. Talk about tudy these suggestions help you dust and
Joash repairing clean a mirror as
for something to do
the temple. you talk about
each day. Select those that taking care of God’s
are appropriate for your house.
child’s developmental stage
and repeat them often.

Let your child Fill a bowl with

pretend to make a damp sand. Add
birthday cake. Play one candle each
having a birthday day for your child
party. Sing “Happy to blow out until
Birthday, Baby there are seven
Joash” and blow out candles for King
the pretend candle. Joash. Count to
seven together.

Decorate a box Pick up toys Go for a walk and
and collect money together. look at churches
for God’s house. in your area. Talk
Let your child about what Joash’s
take the box church might have
and money to looked like.
School at the
end of the month.

Do some work Spend some time Go to a shopping

together—set the center or market
with your child
table, pick up toys and talk to your
watching the
or books, take out child about how
the trash, etc. Talk
animals in your people work
about how much area. Tell about together.
easier and more how they work
fun it is to work together.

Use blocks to Sing the memory Make a crown from

build a tower brown paper or foil
verse song together
together. Talk for your child to
(see page 24).
about how Joash wear. Let your child
rebuilt the temple. pretend
to be
King Joash
in a parade.


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