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Analytics of air samples collected with an apparatus

coupled to UAV in air quality monitoring

Michał Adamski, Agata Dąbrowska Adam Dąbrowski, Adam Konieczka

Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Division of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems,
Department of Trace Analysis, Poznań, Poland Institute of Automation and Robotics,
{michal.adamski, agatadab} Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland
{adam.dabrowski, adam.konieczka}

Abstract —One of the greatest challenges of modern civilization At present, there are a number of solutions for monitoring
has become the reduction of human impact on climate change. the quality of the environment with particular emphasis on air
The main factor in the occurrence of disturbing phenomena re- pollution. One way of monitoring is the real-time determina-
lated to global warming is atmospheric pollution. Emissions of tion of selected toxic compounds using specialized electro-
toxic gases also directly affect human and animal health. There- chemical sensors. Depending on the methods used to detect
fore, new precise, flexible, and versatile methods for real-time harmful chemicals, specifically electrochemical sensors, we
and off-line measurements and monitoring of the air quality are can divide them into two basic groups: methods using highly
developed. In this paper effective analytical methods for deter- specialized, precise and very expensive measuring devices
mining air samples collected using unmanned aerial vehicles is
(e.g., measuring stations of provincial environmental inspec-
presented. With the measurement apparatus coupled with UAV
it is possible to collect samples from chosen places including those
torates) and comprehensively available, low-cost but low-
which are dangerous or hard to reach. precision electrochemical sensors (e.g., Airly or LookO2 air
quality monitoring systems) [4, 5]. The main disadvantage of
Keywords — air pollution; air quality index (AQI); air quality devices from the first group is their very high cost, limiting
monitoring; chromatographic analysis; unmanned aerial vehicle versatile use. The second issue is related to the possibility of
performing measurements only in a specific location due to
I. INTRODUCTION their stationary nature, so that the measurement data obtained
Air pollution is a major global problem, affecting both hu- covers only a small, selected part of the agglomeration. In con-
man and animal health and directly affecting the climate situa- trast, comprehensively available, inexpensive solutions are
tion on our planet. [1] Undesirable chemicals released into the characterized by a low degree of precision, which is not veri-
atmosphere include nitrogen oxides (NxOy), sulfur dioxide fied in any way during operation. For this reason, the results
(SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon monoxide and dioxide obtained are used only for indicative determination of the threat
(CO, CO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The of environmental (air) pollution by harmful chemical com-
emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere contributes, among pounds.
other things, to upper respiratory diseases such as chronic A third approach, which perfectly complements the above
bronchitis, respiratory failure, allergic diseases, and can also two, is the use of apparatus to take air samples from selected
lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases and even areas, characterized by, for example, particularly high concen-
cancer because some of the compounds emitted into the atmos- trations of pollutants, for further analysis in a stationary labora-
phere have carcinogenic properties, such as benzene and ben- tory. Laboratory analyses are most often performed based on
zo(α)pyrene from the group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- chromatographic analysis techniques, allowing the determina-
bons (PAHs) [2]. Nowadays, we are also increasingly observ- tion of selected chemical compounds at very low concentration
ing side effects, for example, in the form of prolonged periods levels (<10 ppt) [6, 7]. For this purpose, commercially availa-
of drought or violent atmospheric phenomena. Considering the ble sorbent tubes containing a suitable sorbent selected for the
above, it is important to immediately minimize the human im- compound or group of compounds to be determined and the
pact on the emission of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, method of their determination (GC or HPLC) are mostly used.
on the other hand, to develop effective methods of monitoring
the state of air quality. Monitoring the concentration of harmful The two methods of monitoring the air quality index (AQI),
chemical compounds makes it possible, among other things, to both with apparatus providing real-time data and allowing
react early, to develop effective procedures to reduce pollution sampling for further analysis in a stationary laboratory, can be
in vulnerable areas, and to locate potential sources of emis- supported by the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) [8–
sions. The European Union has set the daily limit value for par- 16]. Unmanned aerial vehicles can be small, mobile, and have
ticulate matter of up to 10 µm diameter (PM10) in the air as the ability to hover at a selected point, which makes them an
50 µg/m3 (for maximum of 35 days per year) and the annual ideal platform for carrying specialized control and measure-
average of maximum of 40 µg/m3 [3]. ment apparatus. Due to their characteristics, they can also be
used to monitor or obtain samples from places that are difficult
to access and have a high degree of danger, such as the outlet acteristics of these emissions vary and depend on the seasons.
of industrial chimneys, volcanic craters, etc. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that the contribution of
agriculture to the emission of suspended matter and its envi-
This article focuses on the chemical analytical determina- ronmental effects is much smaller than the consequences of
tion of air samples obtained using an apparatus which can be so-called low emissions, which is today the largest anthropo-
coupled to an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that allows aspi- genic source of particulate air pollution. Today, the largest
ration of compounds onto a sorption bed inside sorption tubes. source of toxic chemical emissions into the atmosphere is the
II. SOURCES AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC OF so-called low emission, which poses a threat to the residents of
most localities, especially those located in areas with terrain
unfavorable to the exchange of air masses, and is generated by
Air pollution can be caused both by the occurrence of nat- diffuse sources – stationary (mainly household stoves and lo-
ural phenomena such as forest fires and volcanic eruptions as cal solid-fuel-fired boiler plants) and mobile (related to trans-
well as by human impact. Unfortunately, with the increase in portation). Sources of low emissions primarily include domes-
pollution, we are also observing the phenomenon of the so- tic solid-fuel furnaces and vehicles moving due to fuel com-
called feedback loop, i.e. the intensification of the occurrence bustion. One definition defines low emissions as a source of
of the problem of adverse phenomena associated with climate pollution located up to a height of 40 meters. In practice, seri-
change (droughts, fires, release of methane from permafrost ous exceedances of atmospheric air parameters caused by low
areas in the Siberian area), which accelerate and exacerbate emissions are observed during the heating season – autumn
the climate crisis [17]. and winter. The low quality of fossil fuels used and the burn-
Within natural emissions, abiotic, or non-living, sources ing of waste also contribute significantly to air pollution.
are distinguished. Among them can be identified, among oth- Anthropogenic emissions, despite their smaller contribu-
ers, the blowing of matter from desert areas, volcanic erup- tion to total suspended matter emissions than natural emis-
tions and rock erosion. A different type of natural emission is sions, pose a significant threat to humans and the environment
the formation of marine and oceanic aerosols, which contain mainly due to the chemical composition of pollutants from
large amounts of mineral salts, most often soluble in water. low emissions [2]. Dust emitted from low emissions contains a
They are often characterized by health-promoting properties. relatively high amount of sulfur, which is part of fossil fuels
However, salt aerosols also accelerate corrosion of any matter and organic matter and enters the air as a result of combustion.
susceptible to it. In addition, their presence causes rapid sedi- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic com-
mentation of other, usually harmful, dust pollutants. Another pounds are formed under conditions of improper fuel combus-
source of dust emission is forest fires generated both by spon- tion and waste incineration. These compounds are hazardous
taneous ignition of dry ground and by volcanic eruption. This to health and potentially considered carcinogenic. The com-
source generates large amounts of suspended matter, formed bustion of municipal waste (containing PVC) in domestic fire-
by the compaction of tree minerals and their emissions into the places is also accompanied by the formation of chlorinated ar-
atmosphere. Consequently, even if these emissions are short- omatic compounds. The occurrence of such substances is not
lived, they cause significant atmospheric pollution analogous found in pollution from natural emissions. As a result, emis-
to that caused by household heating with wood. Natural dust sions of suspended matter associated with human activity pol-
pollutants originating from biological processes include pollen lute the atmosphere with compounds that are not formed under
from grasses, flowers, cereals, bacteria, fungal spores or, even- natural conditions or have never been emitted over the course
tually, epidermis. These elements can be a significant compo- of history.
nent of pollution in the immediate human environment and
cause allergies. In addition to abiotic sources, a huge contribu- The sources of dust emissions, although they can be sepa-
tion to the emission of harmful gases comes from animal hus- rated into natural and those associated with human activity, are
bandry, on an unprecedented scale. Methane emitted from an- both an economic and social problem, not to mention the health
imals is an accelerator of global warming [18]. consequences. There is no denying that most emission sources
cannot be eliminated from the human environment. What is
There are many sources of emissions of pollutants directly worth considering is the question of how emissions can be re-
related to human activity, and we can divide them into four duced or how to protect oneself from them. To cope with such
main categories: energy, industrial, communications and mu- a task, monitoring and analytical methods are needed to esti-
nicipal/commercial [19]. However, it should be noted that in mate emissions, study the chemical composition and physical
recent years, environmental regulations have significantly re- properties of particles of suspended matter emitted into the at-
duced or eliminated dust emissions from industry, including mosphere.
thermal power plants using solid fuels. This has been followed
by the obligation to reduce dust emissions, through the instal- III. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF AIR SAMPLES
lation of electrostatic precipitators, cyclones or water curtains, One way to monitor air quality is to take samples for fur-
by industries producing construction materials, including ce- ther analysis in a stationary laboratory [8–11, 15, 16]. For this
ment plants. This has eliminated the problem of mineral emis- purpose, the most common equipment used is an apparatus
sions from this source. The situation is similar in the chemical that allows air samples to be collected on sorption tubes filled
and metallurgical industries. A separate issue is the emissions with a suitable bed, on which the analyzed chemical com-
caused by agricultural activities. It consists of two different pounds are absorbed. Samples delivered to the laboratory are
sources: soil erosion caused by soil disturbance and fertiliza- then analyzed using chromatographic techniques: gas chroma-
tion, and dust emissions emitted by the mature crop. The char-
tography coupled with mass detection (GC/MS), electron cap-
ture detector (GC/ECD) and flame ionization detector
(GC/FID) and high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) most often in configuration with UV-VIS or DAD de-
tector. These techniques allow to obtain very precise results of
a wide range of chemical compounds, which translates into in-
formation on the concentration of contaminants at a given time
in a specific area where sampling was performed. The results
of chemical analysis can also provide possible confirmation of
data on the contamination obtained by online (real-time)
measurement techniques. The entire analytical method in-
cludes several important steps, which will be presented later in
the article.
3.1. Selection of sorption tubes. Air samples are taken us-
ing sorption tubes (e.g., from SKC) filled with a deposit se-
lected for the compound or group of compounds to be deter-
mined and the method of determination (GC or HPLC) [20].
The most commonly used beds: silica gel, activated carbon,
Anasorb, Tenax, XAD, Chromosorb, Porapak. For example,
Tenax is a relatively weak sorbent that collects components
with volatility lower than benzene (e.g., >C6), including mon-
oterpenes, C10, and sesquiterpenes, C15, while Chromosorb is
used to capture low-boiling hydrocarbons, benzene, labile
compounds and volatile oxygen compounds. Silica gel is an
adsorbent material for sampling polar hydrocarbons, low mo-
lecular weight mercaptans, methanol, amines and inorganic
acids. Tubes with silica gel treated with, for example, 2,4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine for sampling aldehydes are also used.
Both ends of the sorption tube are factory sealed through a
glass sinter, ensuring that any potential contamination of the
bed is avoided before use (Figure 1). The glass sinter is re- Figure 1. Sorption tube (SKC) filled with deposit (silica gel, activated
moved when the tubes are placed in the apparatus. The sample carbon, glass wool) [21]
volume (depending on the expected concentration of the com-
pounds to be determined) is regulated by the precise sampling 3.2. Extraction of analytes from the sorption bed. There
time of the air stream, with a constant flow rate. are two methods for desorption of analytes from the bed:
thermal (usually using a thermal desorber) or with organic
In order to investigate sampling artifacts, such as passive
solvents. In the case of liquid desorption, a sorbent bed con-
diffusion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the tube,
taining analytes is placed in a beaker containing 5 ml or 10 ml
blanks (sorption tubes on which analytes were not absorbed)
of solvent (e.g., methanol), after the extraction time (desorp-
are also determined in the lab. After the sampling is complet-
tion of analytes from the bed), usually determined experimen-
ed, absorbing a certain volume of the air sample onto the bed
tally, about 1–2h, the sample is filtered through filter paper for
(including the analytes of interest), the tubes are disassembled
further preparation for analysis. After the initial extraction of
from the apparatus, secured with leak-proof plugs and trans-
compounds from the bed, some of them are subjected to direct
ported to the stationary laboratory as soon as possible.
chromatographic analysis to determine the concentration in the
sample. In the case of higher concentrations of selected com-
pounds (samples taken directly from above point emission
sources, such as chimneys), additional dilution of the sample
is applied before analysis, if necessary.
3.3. Derivatization. In the case of the analysis of some
compounds (especially aldehydes – formaldehyde, which are
polar, volatile, easily soluble in water), occurring at low con-
centrations, a special sample preparation step is required to
convert them into more stable forms. For this purpose, a
method related to the preliminary derivatization with a deri-
vatizing reagent is used. PFBOA (O - (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - pen-
tafluorobenzyl) - hydroxylamine) is most commonly used for
this purpose [22]. The derivatization method consists in trans-
forming the analytes into suitable derivatives with the desired
properties that allow their determination. The timing of the
derivatization process and the concentration of the derivatizing 3.5. Chromatographic determination of samples. After
reagent are chosen experimentally. preparing the samples, they are subjected to chromatographic
analysis on an appropriately selected chromatographic column
3.4. Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) and with the setting of the correct parameters of the device
technique. Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) (carrier gas flow, temperature, time).
was introduced in 2006 by Rezaee et al. [23] for preconcentra-
tion of organic analytes from aqueous matrices, so for samples Considering the characteristics of the chemical compounds
absorbed onto sorption tubes, pre-extraction of the analytes under study, various chromatographic configurations differing
with an organic solvent (e.g., methanol) is required. Important in the choice of detection method can be used for their separa-
parameters of the DLLME method are the selection of the ap- tion and proper identification. For example, a gas chromato-
propriate extracting and dispersing solvent and their volumes. graph coupled to a mass spectrometry detector (GC/MS), is a
Methanol, acetonitrile or acetone are most commonly used as universal detector with a wide range of applications, a flame
the dispersing solvent. Ideally, it should be the same as that ionization detector (FID) is used mainly for the determination
used in the initial extraction of analytes from the deposit. The of compounds containing carbon (e.g., hydrocarbons) Electron
second important factor is the selection of a suitable extract- capture detector (ECD) is a selective detector for compounds
ant, which should have a chemical structure that ensures a containing atoms from the group of halogens (e.g. organochlo-
high partition coefficient of the analyte between water and the rine compounds, after derivatization). Gas chromatography
extractant. coupled with thermal conductivity detector (TCD, catharome-
ter) is also universal type suitable for detection of e.g. ammo-
This method involves the rapid introduction of a mixture nia (NH3), NOx, CO, CO2 (with methanizer). High perfor-
of appropriately selected extractant and dispersing solvent into mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) most often in configu-
an aqueous sample containing analytes using a microliter sy- ration with UV-VIS or DAD detector is also a frequently cho-
ringe. This results in the formation of small droplets that are sen solution for air samples determination.
dispersed in the aqueous sample. Once a cloudy solution is
formed, the surface area between the extractant and the aque- The final choice of configuration depends on type, the
ous sample becomes very large due to the increase in interfa- range of compounds to be tested and the availability of analyt-
cial area. The equilibrium state of the reaction is reached rela- ical equipment.
tively quickly, so the extraction time is short. The turbid solu-
tion is centrifuged and the extractant, which is denser than wa- IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS
ter, is deposited at the bottom of the tube. The bottom phase is Air pollution is becoming a growing global problem, so
then collected for determination by gas or liquid chromatog- more and more new methods of monitoring air quality are be-
raphy, for example. A schematic representation of the ing developed. Unmanned aerial vehicles are becoming an im-
DLLME method is shown in Figure 2. portant tool in the fight for cleaner air. They are relatively in-
The method can also be modified using a freezing process expensive and easy to use, allow sampling from hard-to-reach
of an appropriately selected extractant in terms of polarity, places also close to ground level, the ability to hover makes
density and melting point, the so-called floating organic drop- them ideal for point source pollution analysis.
let freezing process (dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction A wide range of sensors can be attached to UAVs, which
based on solidification of floating organic droplet DLLME- provide continuous monitoring of various parameters such as
SFO) [24]. Cyclohexane was used as the extractant (the most temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2, CO, NO2, NO content,
favorable recoveries were achieved at a volume of 200 µl). It number of particles, their size and distribution or even total
is easy to freeze it after centrifugation (centrifugation time 3 concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Howev-
min, 4000 rpm) and separate it from the matrix as frozen drop- er, a wide range of active sampling systems, including those
lets for further analysis. As a dispersing solvent, for example, based on air sampling onto sorption tubes for further analysis
methanol can be used in this case. in stationary laboratories, are still commonly used to analyze
individual compounds in samples. Off-line techniques are an
excellent complement to real-time air pollution monitoring.
This article presents an example of an analytical method
that can be successfully used to analyze air samples without
the need for expensive solutions such as thermal desorbers.
The future of UAVs in air quality applications is promis-
ing, but there are still some challenges that need to be solved
for widespread use of UAVs for air quality measurements.
One of them is the standardization of analytical methods used
in stationary laboratories, which will certainly have an impact
on the validation of the data obtained and the possibility of
Figure 2. Schematic flow of the DLLME method: 1. aqueous sample to be further use.
tested, prior to injection of extractant-dispersant solvent; 2. injection of
solvent mixture into the sample; 3. cloudy sample after injection of the
mixture; 4. centrifuged sample, sedimentation phase; 5. collection of
sedimentation phase The work was supported with the research subsidy 0211/SBAD/0222.
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