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3° ANO

Ebony= madeira escura e resistente; Cor preta.
Ivory= marfim, presa de alguns animais como elefantes; Cor branca.


Ebony and ivory live together in perfect
harmonySide by side on my piano
keyboard, oh Lord, why don’t we? We all
know that people are the same wherever we
There is good and bad in ev’ryone,
We learn to live, we learn to give
Each other what we need to survive together alive
(McCARTNEY, P. Disponível em:

1)(ENEM 2016) Em diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores têm utilizado seu espaço de produção musical para
expressar e problematizar perspectivas de mundo. Paul McCartney, na letra dessa canção, defende: (1,0)
a) O aprendizado compartilhado. b) A necessidade de donativos.
c) As manifestações culturais. d) O bem em relação ao mal.
e) O respeito étnico.

Para responder às questões abaixo, leia a biografia a seguir.

Martin was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15,1929. He believed all had the
right to freedom and equality, Martin Luther King Junior didn’t believe in
violence.He worked and studied hard in school.
His goal was to make the world a better place to live. While he was at college,
Martin studied about a man called Gandhi, when Dr. King became the pastor, he
became active in civil rights, in 1963, over 250.000 people marched in
Washington, D. C.
Where Dr. King gave his most famous speech, “I Have a Dream”. On the morning
of April 4th, 1968.Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated. He was just thirty-
nine years old.

Vocabulário: was born = nasceu how old – quantos anos to believe – acreditar

2) The genre of the text is: (1,0)

a) the news. b) chronic. c) biography. d) meme

3) When was he born? How old was he when he was assassinated? (1,0)
4) “He believed all had the right to freedom and equality, Martin Luther King Junior didn’t believe in
violence.” O conector and, expressa a ideia de: (1,0)
A) addition. B) contrast. C) explanation. D) time.

5) Marque T (true) ou F (false) de acordo com o texto sobre o Dr. Martin Luther King. (1,0)
A) ( ) He believed everyone had the right to freedom and equality.
B) ( ) He became active in civil rights, in 1993.
C) ( ) He died on April 4th, 1968.
D) ( ) Martin studied about a man called Mandela.
6) Leia as frases de Martin e relacione-as corretamente às traduções: (1,0)

A) “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent ( ) Devemos chegar a ver que o fim que buscamosé
about things that matter”. uma sociedade em paz consigo mesma, uma sociedade
B) “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere que pode viver com a sua consciência.
ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. ( ) A injustiça em qualquer lugar é uma ameaça à justiça
C) “We must come to see that the end we seek is a em todos os lugares.
society at peace with itself, a society that can live with ( ) Nada no mundo é mais perigoso do que a
its conscience”. ignorância sincera e a estupidez conscienciosa.
D) “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. ( ) Nossas vidas começam a terminar no dia em
que ficamos em silêncio sobre coisas que importam.




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