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Integrative activity

Long time ago…

Fátima del Rosario Paredes Pérez

Tense Irregular Verbs …used to… To Be verb Was/were

1.- My brother was based 1.- My neighbor used to walk 1.- My son was a cooker in a
on a piece of sheet to to go to work. hotel three years ago and he
Past draw their favorite cooked chicken by using an
characters oven.

2.- My boyfriend used to write

2.-Patricia danced at a annual reports by using a
family party. typewriter. 2.- Raul and Ana were
married for almost twenty

1.- Now, my nephew 1.- Right now, my neighbor 1.- Now, my son is a chef in
draws his characters by drives his car to go to work. another hotel. He is not using
Present using PowerPoint ovens anymore. He uses a
program. microwave.

2.-Right now, my brother

writes annual reports by using
2.- Now, Mónica dances at a computer.
the discoteque. 2.- Now, Raul and Ana are
divorced. They are no longer

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