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Dear parents,

Inside this leaflet is a map which shows all the

areas of the curriculum that your child will be
learning this term.

• We have P.E. on Tuesdays. Children are
allowed to wear P.E. Kits to school on that day.
Please ensure your child’s name is clearly
• Homework will be set on Fridays and needs
to be returned on Wednesday’s. Please
encourage your child to read daily at home, as CURRICULUM LEAFLET
reading is vital for your child’s success at
• Please encourage children to bring in a Warwickshire and West
bottle of water of school each day.
Thank you! Year 3

Miss Ravi and

Miss Macek
Spring 2024
Topics: Multiplication and Division, Length The children’s writing include: In Spring 1 our topic is ‘Art of Ancient
and Perimeter, Fractions, Mass and Capacity • Retelling familiar stories Egypt’ we will be making our own papyrus
Daily Maths Meetings to revise other • Persuasive letters to paint on and using clay to sculpt a
aspects of maths (times tables, doubling, sphinx. In Spring 2 we are looking at Anglo
• Non-chronological reports
halving, and number bonds). Saxon Art. We will be drawing Anglo Saxon
We will be focussing on the following features: patterns and painting illuminated
All children need to learn their times tables  Verb tense manuscripts.
and number bonds at home to support  Similes
their maths skills.  Subheadings DT
 Paragraphing Pop-up books – The children will be
Our key texts this term are: learning the process of designing and
SCIENCE - One Plastic Bag by Isatou Ceesay making. They will be learning about
Spring 1 – Light - Madame Pamplemousse and her mechanical systems and linkages.
Children will learn that we need light in order Incredible Edibles by Rupert Kingfisher
to see things and that dark is the absence of Our punctuation focuses will be: PSHE
light. They will learn that shadows form when Pupils will learn about living in the wider
• Accurate use of full stops and capital letters,
light is blocked by an opaque object. world, including how communities can make a
including proper nouns.
Spring 2 – Plants difference within society?
• Begin to use a range of punctuation including
Children will learn about the functions of inverted commas for direct speech. R.E.
different parts of a plant and what plants Phonics and Spelling ‘Why is pilgrimage important in some
need to grow and thrive.
• To make sure that we know how to write the religious traditions?’ And ‘What does
GEOGRAPHY high frequency words quickly and Sikhism teach us about selfless service?’
Spring 1 – Rivers automatically.
Children will develop their understanding of P.E.
rivers, recognising where they are in the Pupils will be working cooperatively in small
Spring – The Anglo-Saxons, Picts and team games, developing group tactics. They
world and how humans are connected to
Vikings will also be learning inclusive games.
them. They will explore and locate the key
rivers throughout the world. Children will learn about Britain’s
Spring 2 – South West of England settlement by Anglo- Saxons and Scots, COMPUTING
The South West of England there are as well as the Viking and Anglo-Saxon Desktop publishing: Children will learn about
counties such as Gloucestershire, Bristol, struggled for the Kingdom of England to using software programmes, understanding
Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset and Devon the time of Edward the Confessor. how to use font sizes, colours and designs
Pupils will explore different genres of music:
Pupils will be learning the names of
Three Little Birds by Bob Marley – a Reggae
different fruits and different musical terms
song and The Dragon Song - by Joanna
including musical instruments.
Mangona and Pete Readman

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