Reviewer 3rd Periodical Mapeh

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 Dholak is vocal style in Pakistan is considered by many to be one of the principal poetic
forms in the Persian civilization
 Rig Veda is the ancient Indian collection of hymns considered to be the oldest known
Vedic Sanskrit text
 Tabla is the principal percussion instrument in Hindustani music consists of two drums
played while sitting on the floor
 Tat is a musical stringed instrument in India referred to as vina
 Bhangra is a form of traditional dance in Pakistan associated primarily with the music
and less on the singer and the lyrics
 Tala is a form of traditional dance in Pakistan associated primarily with the music and
less on the singer and the lyrics
 Middle East Music is commonly used during communal worship in mosques and life
passage events in Israel
 Theka is the traditional Indian rhythmic system relies on the utilization of drum syllables
to craft patterns
 Hindustani is music goes back to Vedic period at around 1000 B.C

 Diwali is a celebration in India where it is considered an exciting and colorful holiday
 Art of Central Asia was mostly influenced by Islamic Art
 West Asian art, their various art styles can be referred to as Islamic Art
 Tal is originated with religious meaning just like the masks of other countries which also have
religious or artistic origins.
 Arabesque known as Islimi, Biomorphic Art
 Korean Stone Age works is mainly consist of votive sculptures and more recently, petroglyphs,
which were rediscovered
 Islam influenced Tajik’s carving that gradually changed to Arabian inscriptions using images of
people and animals.
 The main feature of the stupa is large dome supported by corbelled stones.
 West Asian Art is rich in cultural heritage that is shown in its various regional art forms such as
embroidery, ceramics.
 Medieval is not a part of Chinese Art history
 China has been the most dominant and referential culture in East Asia
 The cave architecture in Petra shows Greek influence and culture through its delicate carving with
Hellenistic columns, pediments, and Greek proportions.
 King is the most important chess piece however it is the weakest among them.
 K is the scrabble tiles has a value of five points
 50 bonus points will be given if a player is able to place all the seven tiles on the board at the
same time
 Queen is the most powerful where it can move far as it wants, but only forward, backward,
sideways or diagonally.
 Bingo is the term for using all the seven tiles in your rack in a single turn, earning a bonus
 Knight is a chess piece that has the unique ability to move in an “L” shape
 Checkmate is putting the opponent’s king in a position where it cannot escape capture
 Bishop is a chess piece can only move diagonally and it is often associate with protecting the king
 Blocking scrabble term is used when a player stops an opponent from making a potentially large
 Checkmate is situation in which one player’s king is threatened with capture (in check) having
no move to avoid that threat, thus, ending game.
 Extend is a term is use for creating a new word by adding letters to an existing word on the
 Another term for convalescence stage is recovery stage
 Prodomal is second stage of infection which starts from the onset of non-specific signs
and symptoms such as fever
 In the convalescence stage start to disappear the acute symptoms of infection
 Illness stage begins when more specific signs and symptoms appear
 Fever is NOT a common sign and symptom during prodromal stage flu
 Malaria is when experiencing irritation and redness in the eyes
 Wearing sleeveless and shorts in cold weather to avoid Acute Upper Respiratory Tract
 Infection will be invasion and multiplication of microorganism that are pathogens

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