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Belief in Unity and Oneness of Allah is an article of faith as Iman-e-Musfasil says, "I believe in Allah and
His Angels and His Books and His Prophets..." which shows that belief in Unity and Oneness of Allah
(Tawhid) is imperative for Muslims and without it faith is incomplete. Hence, if a Muslims would not
believe in Unity and Oneness of Allah he would be out of the folds of Islam. The Holy Qurans say, "It is
righteousness to believe in Allah and the last day...". This means that belief in Tawhid is an act of piety
A person enters the folds of Islam when he recites the Kalima, "There is no God but Allah". Hence a
person does not become a Muslim if he does not say or believe in this. Quran also says, "There is no God
but Allah, the most Gracious, and the most Merciful".
Surah Al-Ikhlas says, "He is Allah, the One. Allah the Eternal the Absolute. He begets nor is He begotten.
And there is none like Him". This surah makes 1/3 of the Holy Quran as it based on Tawhid clarifying that
Allah is One and Only. He was there when nothing was there, and He will be there when no one else will
be there. He is not dependent upon any of His creation rather His creation is dependent upon Him. He
does not have any type of physical relationship with anyone so He has no relations like father and son.
He is not bound by the laws of nature. He has no predecessors.
The holy Quran says, "All praise is for Allah, Creator of the Heaves and the Earth, Who
made - Angels messengers with wings 2, 3 and 4..."Thus, we can see the signs and proof of Allah's
Oneness as the system of universe is perfect. If there were more than one god there would have been
wars among them and the system would have collapsed, which clarifies that God is one.
Allah has the power to create and this can be seen by the fact that he made heavens, and that too
without pillars, the shine of the sun, the soothing light of the moon, the earth spread like a carpet for
mankind, water bodies like seas, rivers for the benefits of mankind and different types of sustenance like
crops. The Holy Quran say: “He Who made the earth the resting place, the Heavens a canopy, He has
sent down rain from the Heavens, brought forth fruit for sustenance for you, so do not associate
partners with Allah as you know.”

He also made man out of clay as Surah Alaq says, "Read in the name your Lord Who created; Created
man out of mere clot of congealed blood... Allah can destroy and this can be seen by the fact that at the
end of time Allah will destroy objects of nature. The Holy Qurans says, "and mountains will be like
carded wool" and when the sun is folded up, when the stars fall losing their luster, when the mountains
vanish.” Allah also says "Every soul shall have a taste of death, then to Us shall you be brought back"


Belief in Unity and Oneness of Allah can be divided into three parts
i) Allah is Unique in Person. This means that Allah is only One God, as the Holy Quran says, “Do not take
two gods as there is only One God".
ii) Allah is unique in Attributes. This means that qualities of Allah are perfect. He is all seeing All-
knowing. Although man can see and know as well but he is bound by space but Allah listens and sees

everyone without any doubt.
iii) Allah is unique in actions. This means that actions of Allah are perfect and actions cannot be
performed by His creation, with the same level of excellence e.g. His Judgement is flawless
It is important that Muslims believe in one God otherwise they would be out of the fold of Islam.
Furthermore, it makes a man understand the fact that objects of nature are not deities but they are for
his use. This makes man humble as he knows that Allah has fulfilled all his requirements. Hence Allah
must be acknowledged as the only being to be worshipped and capable of helping us in difficulties. He is
'Al-Khaliq', 'Al-Qadir', "Al-samad' and Al-Malik' .A believer in Tawhid surrenders himself completely to
the will of Allah and thus he becomes virtuous, upright and obedient to his lord.

Associating partners with Allah is Shirk and is the greatest of all sins. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "Shirk is
the greatest of all sins". Allah will not forgive shirk as the Holy Quran says, "Allahy, forgives not setting
up partners with Him, but He forgives everything else to whom He pleases"
Shirk is of three categories. Shirk in person, which is polytheism. Shirk in attributes, which meat
believing that something or someone has same or equal attributes as possessed by Allah. Shirk in
Actions, believing that something or someone can perform the same actions performed by Allah with
same level of excellence.

i) Shirk in person
To associate partners in the oneness of Allah, to think that there is more than one creator or to
declare that he is the father or son to anyone. For example among the polytheists Hindus believe in the
plurality of god, Christians believe in god having son. But Allah says in surah Ikhlaas. "He begets not nor
is he begotten and there is none like Him."
(ii) Shirk in His attributes
To ascribe any of the unique qualities of Allah to any other being. To claim or believe that any
other being possesses the same knowledge, divine power, will or determination of Allah. He can
create or make anything die, give benefit or harm . it can be any of His creature, an angle, a martyr, a
prophet, a saint, an Imam or a spiritual head. The Quran says "Naught is as His likeness."
(iii) Shirk in worship
To associates partner in the worship with Allah. Allah is the creator, sustainer and the provider.
He alone is worthy of worship. Quran says, "Your lord has decreed that you worship none but
him.” Praying, invoking or asking for help from the unseen, swearing, offering sacrifice, giving charity,
slaughtering in the name of other than Allah is shirk

Outline the main features of Muslim belief in Prophets?
1) Introduction
2) Features

i) General features
ii) Teachings of Prophets
iii) Books revealed
iv) Miracles of Prophets
v) Nabi and Rasul
vi) Holy Prophet (PBUH) as "Seal of the Prophets"
Belief in Prophets is an article of faith as Iman-e-Musfasil says, "I believe in Allah and His angels and His
books and His prophets..." which shows that belief in Prophets is imperative for Muslims and without it
faith is incomplete. Hence, if a Muslim would not believe in Prophets he would be out of the folds of
Islam. The Holy Qurans says, "It is righteousness to believe in Allah and the last days and Angels and His
books and His Prophets...." This means to belief in prophets is an act of piety (taqwa).
General features
Allah has sent Prophets throughout the history. The chain of Prophets started from Hazrat Adam (A.S)
and ended at the Holy Prophet (PBUH). They were chosen by Allah. They themselves were never part of
the choice e.g. Hazrat Musa (A.S) went to the mountain of Tur (Sinai) to collect fire and over there Allah
spoke to him directly and blessed h m with His Prophet hood, which shows that Hazrat Musa was not
part of this choice.
Since the Prophets used to speak the language of their tribe so the Prophets were given messages in the
language of their people as the Holy Quran says, “We did not send an Apostle but with the language of
his people so that he might explain to them clearly". Muslims respect all Prophets equally as the Holy
Qurans says: “And they believers) say 'We do not discriminate between any of His prophets'.
They all were pious men, sinless, with excellent moral characters. The Holy Quran says that Prophets
were sent for the guidance of mankind and they were guided by Angel Gabriel. However, it names only
25 of them e.g. Hazrat Nuh (A.S), Hazrat Younas (AS), Hazrat Yahya (A.S), Hazrat Yousaf (A.S). According
to the Hadith of the Holy Prophet there were 124,000 Prophets. These Prophets were sent to a specific
nation (except Holy Prophet (PBUH) whose Prophet hood is universal). However, after some time these
nations polluted their message and so there was a need of a new prophet with fresh message.
Teachings of the Prophets.
All Prophets conveyed the same message to their nations:
Firstly, Tawhid, which means that Allah is One without any partner. Thus, the prophets forbade their
nations from associating partner with Allah (shirk). They also conveyed that Allah is the only creator of
everything (the heavens and the earth) and all others are His creation and the creations do not have any
physical relation with Him. He is All-Knowing and Al-Powerful. He is the Sustainer and the Cherisher.

Secondly, Prophets informed that this world is temporary and will come to an end one day and there
will be another world after this which is permanent and before entering that world, they will be held
accountable for their deeds and accordingly they will be awarded paradise or punished in Hell.

Thirdly, Prophets informed their nations to improve their moral standards ie. They must not lie or cheat.
Books revealed on Prophets
Some of the Prophets were given divine books.
i) Hazrat Daud (A.S) was blessed with Zabur. ii) Hazrat Musa (A.S) was blessed with Taurat
iii) Hazrat Isa (A.S) was given Injil iv) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was blessed with the Holy Quran.
v) Some of the Prophets were given "Sahuf, like Sahuf-e-Ibrahim

Prophets were given miracles by Allah as a sign of their Prophet hood eg. Hazrat Musa (A.S) was given a
miracle of a stick which could change into a snake under the orders of Allah. Similarly, Hazrat Isa (A.S)
could resurrect the dead by Allah's permission.
Nabi & Rasul
Prophets are categorized as Rasool and Nabi. Rasool is a prophet who brought a new divine law or
shariat and is sent down with a book. Nabi is the one himself did not bring a new shariat rather
preached divine law of previous prophets e.g. Hazrat Musa (A.S) was a Rasool because he brought a new
divine law but his brother Hazrat Haroon (A.S) was a Nabi because he preached the shariat or law of
Hazrat Musa (A.S).
Holy Prophet (PBUH) "Seal of the Prophets"
Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah. Although he brought the same message that was
brought by previous Prophets but his message is for the entire mankind as he himself said, "I have been
sent as a mercy for all mankind". Therefore, his message is not only universal but also eternal. He is an
apex for all humanity as he possessed the best moral character as the Holy Quran says, "Indeed in the
Apostle of Allah, you have a beautiful pattern of conduct".
The Holy Quran was revealed on him which was last, divine, universal and eternal book. It will never be
changed as Allah Himself took the responsibility to protect it as the Holy Quran says, "Surely we have
revealed this reminder, and no doubt we will protect it from corruption". Therefore Holy Prophet
(PBUH) sum up the Prophet hood and message of all previous prophets that is why he is known as seal
of the Prophets (PBUH) as the Holy Quran says: "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but he
is the messenger of Allah and seal of the Prophets". This clarified that Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the last
Prophet and there will be no Prophet after
him as he has-perfected the religion of Islam, as Holy Quran says, "This day I have perfected your
religion for you, completed my favors upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

Outline the main features of Muslim belief in Angels?
I. Introduction
3. Duties/Examples
Belief in Angels is an article of faith as Iman-e-Musfasil says, "I believe in Allah and His Angels and His
books and His prophets..." which shows that belief in Angels is imperative for Muslims and without it
faith is incomplete. Hence, if a Muslims would not believe in Angels he would be out of the folds of
Islam. The Holy Qurans also say, "lt is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last day and His Angels
and His books and His Prophets....".This means that belief in Angels is an act of piety (taqwa).
Furthermore, it is mandatory for all Muslims to believe in angels as the Holy Quran says in this regard,
"Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Mikael, and then
indeed, Allah is enemy of disbelievers".
Angels are the creation of God and thus have no physical relationship with
Allah as at the time of the Prophet (SAW) people used to believe that angels are the daughters of Allah
but Islam condemns this concept. Surah Ikhlaas says in this regard "He (Allah) is neither a father nor a
son" Angels are made up of light and have no physical needs e.g. food, sleep etc. They are genderless.
They are invisible. They do not have a free will and thus would not be held accountable on the Day of
Judgment. They are a mode of communication between Allah and His prophets. Angels have wings as
the Holy Quran says, "All praise is for Allah, Creator of the Heaves and the earth, Who made Angels
messengers with wings 2, 3 and 4." According to the hadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Angel
Gibrael had' 600 wings. They are obedient to the orders of Allah and only worship Him. They also pray
tor the forgiveness of believers. Angels prostrated before Hazrat Adam (AS) on the orders Allah which
shows that they are inferior from human beings.

Angels come down on earth only on special occasions as the Holy Quran says, "The Angels and the spirit
(angel Gibrail) descend on it (night of power) by the permission of their Lord to fulfill all affairs". Angels
have longer lives as compared to humans but they will die at the end of time hence they are mortal.
They have limited knowledge. They travel faster than the speed of light. They are countless in number.
They are enormous in size.
There are different angels who have different duties. E.g. there is Angel Gibrael who is the Chief of
angels and he was the one who brought the message of Allah to all prophets. He conducted the prophet
(SAW) at the event of Miraaj. He was the one who gave Hazrat Maryam the glad tidings of the birth of a
Holy son without a father i.e. Hazrat Isa (AS). He appeared before Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) at the tragic
incident of Al-Taif when the people of Al-Taif had injured the Holy Prophet (SAW) very badly and he
offered Prophet (PBUH) to destroy the town but the Prophet (SAW) forgave them and prayed for them.
He (PBUH) said, "I have been sent as a mercy for all mankind".
Then is Angel Israfil who will blow the trumpet and all living will die and
landmarks in this universe will vanish. On the second trumpet the dead will
be resurrected and will be presented in the court of Allah.

Then Angel Israel is the angel of death and is responsible for collecting souls.
Angel Mikael is the angel of celestial bodies (sun moon), food and rain etc.
There are also sacred recorders (Kiram-un-Katibeen) who record our good and bad deeds. The Holy
Quran says "And surely keepers have been appointed over you, the Holy recorders, they know what you
Furthermore, Munkir and Nakir will question the dead in their graves and lastly there are Malik and
Rizwan who are the angels of Hell and Heaven respectively. Angels purified the heart of the Prophet
(SAW) when he was living with Hazrat Haleema (RA) and later second time on the event of Miraj.

When the Holy Prophet (SAW) asked the help of Allah in the Battle of Badr, He helped him with angels as
it is mentioned in the Quran, "Remember when you sought the help of your Lord, He responded, I will
assist you with a thousand angels ranks on ranks".

Main features of Belief in Revealed Books

Belief in Bocks is an article of faith as Iman-e-Musfasil says: “I believe in Allah and His Angels and His
books and Prophets”, which shows that belief in books is imperative for Muslims and without it faith is
incomplete. If a Muslim would not believe in this he would be out of the folds of Islam. The Holy Quran
says. It is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last day and His Angels and His books and His
Prophets. This means that belief in Book is an act of piety.

General Features
Allah has sent revelations (books) throughout the history. These revelations (books) were sent for the
guidance of mankind. These books were sent to Prophets by Angel Gibrael. The revelation is the best
way in which Allah communicated is will to the people. These Books were sent for specific nations
(except for the Holy Quran which is universal).
These books were revealed in the language of the people, as that they can comprehend the message of
God. The Holy Quran says "We did not send an Apostle but with the language of his people so that he
might explain to them clearly.” However, the previous nations corrupted and altered the message of
Allah and therefore there was a need for a new book with a fresh message.

There books contained the same teachings:
Firstly, Tawhid, which means that Allah is One without any partner. Thus the teachings of the books
forbade their nations from associating partner with Allah (shirk). They also taught that Allah is the only
creator of everything (the heavens and the earth) and all others are His creation and the creations do
not have any physical relation with Him. He is Al-Knowing
and All-Powerful. He is the sustainer and the cherisher.
Secondly, all books emphasized on believing in Angels, Prophets, destiny and the Day of Judgment. The
Bocks taught that Angels and Prophets are the messengers of Allah and do not have any physical
relationship with Him. These books also informed that this world is temporary and will come to an end
one day and there will be another world after this which is permanent and before entering that world,
they will be held accountable for their deeds and accordingly they will be awarded paradise or punished
in Hell.
Thirdly, these books also taught regarding morality, code of conduct and justice. The Holy Quran says in
this regard: “Certainly we have sent the messengers with clear arguments and have sent down with
them the Books and the message that men might practice justice.”


Some of the Prophets were given diving books
i) Hazrat Daud was blessed with Zabur
ii) Hazrat Musa (AS) was blessed with Taurat. The Holy Quran says in this regard. "And before it, there
was the Book of Moses (Taurat), as guidance and as mercy".
iii) Hazrat Isa (A.S) was given Injeel: The King of Abyssinia. Negus said "Verily, this (Quran) and what
Jesus brought has come from the same source of light".
iv) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was blessed with the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran say: "And we have

revealed to you (0 Muhammad) the book (Holy Quran) as the exposition of everything".
v) Some of the Prophets were given Sahuf like Sahuf-e-Ibrahim

Features of Quran
The Holy Quran is the last divine book which was revealed upon the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a period of
23 years between 610 and 632 A.D. It has the following features:
i) It is a complete code of life which covers all aspects of life like religious, economic, social, political,
military and Judicial.
ii) It is in a living language i.e Arabic unlike those of previous scriptures which are forgotten.
iii) It contains the same teachings which were in the previous scriptures such as Tawhid, Day of
Judgment and morality. However, it is for the entire mankind and for all times to come, which shows the
universal and eternal nature of Holy Quran.
iv) It is perfect and will never be changed as Allah himself has taken the responsibility to protect it. The
Holy Quran says. “Surely, we have revealed the reminder (the Holy Quran) and no doubt, we will protect
it from corruption". Allah also says. "This is the Glorious Quran, preserved in a tablet".
v) The Holy Quran sums up the teachings of all previous books, and there is no need of any other divine
book after it as Allah has perfected the religion of Islam through the teachings of Holy Quran. Allah says.
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favors upon you and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion".

Belief in Predestination and decree is an article of faith as the Iman-e Musfasil states, "I believe in Allah,
in His angels, in His books, in His prophets, in the last day and in the faith that everything good or bad, is
decided by God Almighty and in the life after death". Thus this means that
believing in it is imperative for all Muslims otherwise they would be out of the folds of Islam.
Allah is All-Powerful:
Allah is Omni-potent; He is the Master, the Creator, and the God of all mankind and everything that
exists. He is supreme to all His creation and has perfect control over them. Ayat-ul-Kursi mentions that
Allah is All-Powerful and has complete authority over everything by use of phrase "His Throne “which
symbolizes Allah's sovereignty. Allah is All-Knowing, Allah’s knowledge is perfect and complete in each
and every aspect. He knows everything, the past, the present and the future. Ayat-ul-Kursi mentions
Allah's perfect knowledge and His Omni-Science in the following words: "Nor shall they compass any of
His Knowledge except as He wills"
Example 1
All the things have been pre-destined by Allah and the lives of people have been decided by Him. The
Holy Quran says, “and remember when you met, He showed them to you as few in your eyes. And made
you appear as contemptible in their eyes; so that Allah might accomplish a matter already decided, and
to Allah are all matters returned". This verse confirms that victory of Muslims in the battle of Badr was
pre-decided by Allah.
Example 2
At another occasion, the Holy Quran mentions that the birth of Hazrat Isa (AS) without a father was
already decided by Allah. Surah Al-Maryam tells us that Hazrat Gabriel appeared before Hazrat Maryam
and gave her glad news that Allah was going to bless her soon with a son. She asked him how it could be
possible when she was unmarried. The angel said that nothing is impossible for Allah and said "It is a
matter already decreed". This shows that Allah decides the destiny of people.
Although Allah has predestined the lives of people yet He has given man free will to decide different
affairs of his life. Allah has created everything good and all evils have been created by man or Jin under
the motivation of Satan. It is our free will that gives us the choice between the right path ordered by
Allah and wrong way of Satan. This is why Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said "This world is a cultivating
ground for the hereafter". This means tsshat man has a free will and has given the right to choose
between Allah's path and Satanic ways and for this choice he will be answerable to Allah on the Day of

This belief strengthens a Muslim's faith in Tawhid and the Last day as well as prepares him to face the
difficulties of life with patience as he knows that everything is decided by Allah.


Belief in resurrection and the last day is an article of faith as Iman-e-Musfasil says, "I believe in God, in
His angels, in His books, in His prophets, in the last day and in the fact that everything good or bad, is
decided by God Almighty and in the life after death" which shows that belief in resurrection and the last
day is imperative for Muslims and without it faith is incomplete. Thus, if a Muslim would not believe in
Last Day, he would be out of the folds of Islam. The Holy Qurans say, "It is righteousness to believe in
Allah and the Last day...".This means that belief in resurrection and the last day is an act of piety
Muslims believe that this world is temporary and will come to an end one day. Then people will be
resurrected and they will have to give an account of their deeds of this world to Allah, Who is the
Master of the Day of Judgment. As the Holy Quran says, "Every soul must taste of death, then to Us you
shall be brought back".

The life of this earth finishes with death and then a lesser Judgment will take place, Two Angels Munkir
and Nakir will question the dead in the grave. The souls will remain in Barzakh (a barrier) until the day of
Judgement. As the Holy Quran says, "And in front of them, there is a barrier (Barzakh) till the day when
they'll be resurrected".
Angel Israfil will blow the trumpet two times. At the first trumpet, all livings will die and all landmarks on
earth will vanish. Mountains will be flying in the air. As the Holy Quran says: “The Calamity; what is the
calamity; and what do you know what the calamity is; It is day when man will be like scattered moths;
and mountains will be like carded wool..."
The celestial bodies like sun and stars will be eliminated and due to the horror of that day the nature will
be highly upset. As the Holy Quran says: "When the sun is folded up; when the stars fall, losing their
luster; when mountains vanish...."
At another place the Holy Quran mentions the scene of that day in the following words: "And when the
sky is split open; and when the stars fall scattering; and when the seas are flowed away....” This shows
that the entire universe will come to an end after the first trumpet by the orders of Allah. The angel
Israfil will then blow the second trumpet people will be resurrected to give an account of their deed. The
Holy Quran says in this regard: "And on that day, will all men come forward; separated from each other;
to be shown their past records".

The people will gather in the court of Allah. The Muslims believe that it will be plain of Arafat. They will
be given a record of their deeds. Even the slightest good and bad will be measured, as the Holy Qurans
say: "So he who has done an atoms weight of good shall see it, and he who has done an atom's weight
of evil shall see it”. According to scholars this verse was enough for the explanation of Day of

The righteous people will be given their records in their right hands, and they will be rejoicing. The
sinners will be given their records in their left hand or from behind their backs and they will be sad.
Some of them will ask for a second chance, however Allah will refuse. People won't be in a position to
deny the divine justice as even the body parts like hands and feet will testify. The pious ones who lived
their lives according to the orders of Allah will be blessed with paradise which is a permanent bliss
(pleasure) where all wishes will be fulfilled. The sinners, who disobeyed Allah, will be punished in Hell
which is a place of torture, pain and misery.
The Holy Quran mentions this in the following words: "So the one whose scale of good deeds will be
heavier; he will be in a safe life of permanent pleasure; and the one whose scale of good deeds will be
lighter; he will be thrown in-d-bottomless pit; And what do you know what it is! it is a fire blazing

Belief in Resurrection and the last day gives meaning to this life as it reminds us that one day this life will
end and we will be questioned about our deeds on the Day of Judgment. Thus we should remain
steadfast, avoid shirk, riba, theft and follow the pillar and articles of faith.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) said "This world is a cultivating ground for the Hereafter". Therefore whatever,
modern Muslims would sow in this world, they will reap in the Hereafter.


The belief in Tawhid makes a man, virtuous, upright and obedient to His Lord; he knows he can achieve
success and salvation, in this world and hereafter through righteousness and piety. A believer in Tawhid
surrenders himself completely to the will of Allah and becomes his true servant. It produces high degree,
of self-respect and confidence. He knows that he is dependent on no one but Allah, for the fulfillment of
his heeds, so he bows, to no one else. The belief makes a person humble and modest. He is never
arrogant or haughty. He realizes whatever he has it is from Allah.The belief makes a man brave and
courageous, he knows that it is only Allah that gives the life or take it, no one else can harms or benefit.
So it makes him brave.


Belief in angles is an article of faith. This belief makes a believer more pious as he, knows that that two
respected recorders are recording his deeds in the book of deeds so he is always conscious about his
deeds. Angles are creation of Allah, so he has strong faith in 'Allah's power of creation. The believer also
knows that angel Gibrael brought revelations to Prophet so he believes that Quran is a divine Book and
is an ultimate source of guidance. The believer knows he would be questioned by the angels in grave
about his beliefs. Hence belief in angels makes a believer more pious and righteous. Throughout his life
he remains obedient to his Lord as he knows that angles are performing their duties given to them by


A Muslim believes that all the divine books were given by Allah to the Prophets. The basic teaching of all
the books is the same, detailed laws were different for different nations. Hence a believer knows that
the basic teachings such as Tawhid, belief in angles, Life after death are the same. As time has passed
the text of these books has been corrupted, so now Quran is the only divine Book which is in is original
text. The Holy Quran says: We have without doubt, sent thee message and we will surely guard it from
corruption. A believer knows the Quran is a complete code of life and religion is completed. Hence
believer beliefs the teachings of Quran, which is source of guidance for whole humanity till end. So the
belief in revealed books makes a believer understand the true purpose of his life that he's sent in this
world for a certain time period to lead his life according to the principles of Islam, explained in the Holy
Quran. Ultimately he will be held accountable for his deeds on the Day of Judgment Hence à believer
more pious and righteous.


Belief in Prophets is an article of faith. Muslims believe that all Prophets were sent by Allah, the basic
teachings regarding Tawhid and life after death were the same. A true believer knows that Prophets
faced opposition but never gave up their mission of preaching the truth, so a believer knows that he also
has to preach well. All Prophets suffered during their lives because of preaching and practicing the
message of Allah. So believers learn steadfastness, determination and firmness of faith from the lives of

Prophets. Believers also learn tolerance, patience and good conduct from the stories of different
Hence a believer knows that all the Prophets were messengers of Allah, so he makes no distinction
between them. He believes that every prophet confirmed the laws given by previous Prophets: So the
basic teachings of Islam are always the same right from Hazrat Adam till Holy Prophet. A believer knows
that Holy Prophet is the 'Seal of Prophets so he knows that the teachings of Holy Prophet are universal
and eternal. Holy Quran, the Divine Book given to him is a complete code of life. The Holy Prophet

practically implemented the teaching of Quran in his life.. As reported by Hazrat Aisña; "His Conduct was
Quran.” So we have the best example of Holy Prophet for us to follow. Hence believe in Prophets Makes
a believer a true follower of Prophet (SAW) and virtuous and obedient servant of Allah.


A Muslim believes in predestination that everything is ordained by Allah, but at the same time a man is
fully responsible for his deeds as he is given free will by Allah. This belief makes a believer a humble
person as he realizes whatever he has, is from Allah. This belief makes a man courageous because no
one can harm because Allah gives and takes life. It creates an attitude of contentment in a believer and
keeps him away from resorting to unfair means to achieve success as he knows he will be held
responsible for his deeds. According to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Dua can also change destiny. So whenever
a believer faces tough time, he analyses his conduct and asks for forgiveness from Allah. The Holy
Prophet said: "Nothing, but invocation can avert the decree" (Tirmizi). Hence a believer becomes more
righteous and has complete faith in Allah that He is 'Al Powerful and 'Al Knowing'.


Belief in the Akhirah or resurrection is among the fundamentals of Islamic set of beliefs. Together with
the bellef in Tawhid (unity of God), It forms the bedrock of Islamic teachings and plays a vital role in
shaping the conduct of a Muslim. A true Muslim believes that this worldly existence is purely a
temporary abode and a place of test and trails, whereas al-Akhirah is an eternal life. Holy Prophet
guided his followers by declaring: "the world is a cultivation ground for the hereafter." The Quran,
similarly, assures rewards of the worldly deeds, anyone who in God and the last Day, and works with
righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord." (2:62)
Now, with such firmly held beliefs, a genuine Muslim is bound to develop the type of conduct desired by
God and His messenger and that is called "Taqwa" or piety or self-restraint. Such a Muslim will observe
modesty towards God as well as towards his fellow beings. He will establish regular prayer, fast in
Ramadan, pay the charity tax and perform pilgrimage to Makkah (if he can afford).

Same way he will, try to be polite, decent, caring and considerate towards all, Muslims and Non-
Muslims. A strong faith in the hereafter will enable him to endure sufferings and setbacks of worldly life,
based on the Quranic promise: "Truly the Righteous will be in bliss. On thrones of dignity will they
command a sight of all things" (83:22:23. Such a believer strongly believes in the absolute perfection of
Divine Justice.


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