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Debt-Free Home and Homestead

A Prepper's Home-Income
Marketing System


Debt-free Homesteaders: small family group, or a

single individual domestic, farmsy-type that likes to
be self-sufficient and owns their property outright
and has no debt...not anymore anyway!

DiAnne Iverglynne

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and

complete as possible in the creation of this
report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not
warrant or represent at any time that the contents
within are accurate due to the rapidly changing
nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify

information provided in this publication, the
Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors,
omissions, or contrary interpretation of the
subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of
specific persons, peoples, or organizations are

In practical advice books, like anything else in

life, there are no guarantees of income made.

Readers are cautioned to reply on their own

judgment about their individual circumstances to
act accordingly.

This book is not intended for use as a source of

legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All
readers are advised to seek services of competent
professionals in legal, business, accounting, and
finance field.

Homesteading, prepping, and affiliate marketing have all been

on an upward trajectory in popularity for the past 20 years. Yet,
they stay in their respective lanes of online presence. Many people
might have found the idea strange in the past, but the
introduction of affiliate marketing as an additional source of
income for homesteaders has become more accepted. This
change in perception is largely due to the success of monetized
YouTube channels. These channels have shown that homesteads
can achieve substantial financial benefits from an online

Not only will serious cash flow assist in day-to-day

operations...but it also will make the homestead more
profitable, enjoyable to manage, and capable of hiring help
when needed. Imagine the whole family going on a real
vacation! We homesteaders watch with renewed hope and
amazement as we see our favorite homesteads building up
with more and more equipment, capabilities, new structures,
expanded pastures; a new home or second piece of property
in some cases. We think of YouTube channels as the reason,
but a YouTube channel is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a
greater scenario and many avenues of funding though the
online enterprise known as affiliate marketing.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
This publication focuses on the general affiliate marketing
methodologies for "free traffic." Traffic is like people walking
into a brick-and-mortar store. Some buy and some just look.
Network marketing requires a great deal of contact building
with customers for direct sales using the phone or email.
Network marketing therefore requires a person to stop every
shopper, if possible, to assist them with finding, selecting,
and carrying their item to the register where the marketer will
ring them up. Affiliate marketing relies on automated
systems to reach shoppers and complete sales, including
automated email systems.

There are pros and cons to both systems. However, much

of the debate revolves around efficient use of time, larger
audience reach, qualified or interested contacts, etc..
Therefore, for the sake of this publication, we will duck our
head and avoid that very nice network
homesteaders are already a very self-sufficient (and busy)

The author has 15 years' experience homesteading

and has experimented with many online money-making
offers. She believes in self-sufficiency and preparedness
to extremes, and "surthriving" wherever you find
yourself. After a long struggle living the life of the
American medically impoverished, she believes she has
finally found her way to surthrive financially as well.

This publication will serve as a roadmap for where to

start; pitfalls to avoid; and how to navigate online
economics for ways to nurture, prosper and financially
bless your homestead.
Sustainable Prosperity

Sustainable prosperity is possible when integrating

affiliate marketing as a part of your homesteading
routine. There is no guarantee of success, nor
timetable that can be predicted for when you will begin
to see a return. In many ways, homesteaders are
already accustomed to accepting such a nebulous

If we wanted the steady promise of an hourly wage

we would already not want to be homesteaders! And if
we are already hourly workers and homesteaders we
also know that we really would like to stay on the farm
and focus on our very rich life at home. Affiliate
marketing can allow that to happen. But remember,
there is a need to dedicate oneself, even if at a slower
pace. One needs to have the same patience and stick-
to-it-iveness that, well, homesteaders have! :-)

For some proceeds may be seen within months, and

for others it may take a couple of years. Patience,
keeping a schedule and a positive mindset are key
elements to running any business, and especially a part-
time online business. Plan on the slower (and lower
cost) method, and you will be sure to not hurt yourself
along that the way. However, with that in mind, you may
be amazed how secure your future finances could turn

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
The current 2024 average income being reported by
affiliate marketers is $55,000.00 annually, many
reporting $100,000.00 to $150,000.00, and some over
$150,000.00. Only your commitment options and
program you choose will determine what you can do.

Considering just a middle of the pack earning, when

adding in the costs saved (eventually) by not commuting
to work--not to mention snacks and beverages--many of
us homesteaders can both benefit enough to support
our farm outright. Eventually you might be able to
invest to become a more profitable homestead as well.

Perhaps build a new greenhouse for microgreens,

expand your herd, orchard, or bees. Perhaps you've been
wanting new sheds or fences. Are any of these things
you need being passed up anyway due to finances? Then
the best time to make an adjustment to benefit the
homestead was yesterday. Luckily the internet isn't
gone, and you still have time, today or very soon.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
You might at this point be wondering, "what makes
this income sustainable if I have to keep working so
hard at it?" Fair question! The farm likely takes most of
your hours at home, now. As for my homestead, we
have dairy goats, llamas, an orchard, bees and raise blue
slate turkeys, a garden, chickens...yeah there's very little
time left for anything...but amazingly my skill levels
being gained to do this work are helping me on the farm,

Between gaining skills and gaining an income to help

the farm, things will get better all the time. But back to
the sustainable affiliate marketing there is
a thing called a funnel. We will look at them later, but for
now know that built into each funnel is typically a
subscription part of the package. People will typically
pay between $27.00 and $67.00 monthly for that level
product. The niche you decide on would determine what
kind of product it is. We'll cover this shortly.

The average buyer keeps a subscription for two to

three years, shorter times on the most expensive
programs. So once you develop a business that begins
to profit, there is a part of that income that recurs on its
own every month. This can have the effect of both lifting
you up and easing your burden at the same time...and it
is not likely that everyone will drop their subscriptions
simultaneously. Here is where sustainability comes in--
well, this and implementing an investment account or
program. You should always know at least a year or two
in advance if you will be needing to make adjustments.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!

Let's cover some of the basics of affiliate marketing.

The key components are very similar to your local
market. We walk inside, and we see organized aisles.
Everyone has a big thirst after we're
heading to the drinks (for Dr Ppr!). Found the aisle,
grabbed a bottle, put it in the cart.

Now we walk around aimlessly for a bit but don't

quite see what the kids asked us to bring back, nor the
aspirin for your backache. A friendly clerk walks by, and
you tell her you're looking for thus 'n such, and she says
the aspirin are aisle 3 and the thus 'n suches are aisle
10. "Oh, thank you, Googlie!" you say after a quick look
at her nametag. She saved us lots of time and we're on
our way.

Ms. Googlie is climbing the corporate ladder! She's

also a brainiac. The next time you return there is a little
bundle of discount coupons in her pocket for you, and
she reminds you with a smile that your family's favorite
snacks are on aisle 10. She also heard us talking about
the garden preps, so she mentions a new garden center
just opened behind the store. What a helpful person
Googlie is! Never misses a beat! Knows your name and
interests, too! That's the kind of place we like to shop...

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
Now, store owners offer products they did not
manufacture themselves. They simply build the building,
build the aisles, and they allow vendors to place the
products in many cases. They might buy the products up
front or have a contract that splits the money when the
product is sold depending on the kind of products they
specialize in, such as automobiles, farm equipment, or
other major ticket items. Service industries have a
similar business model though their products are
services instead.

Either way the money made in each sale represents a

certain amount cost and a certain amount profit to both
the manufacturer and the seller. Online businesses
operate similarly, only without the brick-and-mortar
costs. However, there are costs of operating a business
online, which include software, connectivity, websites,
perhaps graphic designers or other service providers,
etc. More on those coming up.

Affiliate marketers also do not own or make the

product, but they provide the virtual aisle, if you will, as
their website that Google will point customers to. That
virtual aisle is the market's "niche." Nobody wants to go
to aisle 3 for a backache and find it half full of more
tools and just a few back braces to help us out next
time. If Google sent you to aisle 10 instead of aisle 3
you would believe the internet just broke. Googlie would
quit her job in disgust!

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
To sum up what an affiliate marketing is...people
build one or more virtual "aisles," in order to provide
internet shoppers with goods or services. Each aisle is
specific in what it offers in order to keep Google and
shoppers from breaking. The specific theme of that
marketer's "aisle" or website is that marketer's "niche."

Niches are even named similarly to aisles, such as

"Health and Wellness," which also has sub niches,
"Weightloss," "Vitamins and Supplements," or services
such as, "Mental Fitness," or "Excercise and Body
Building." "Affiliate Marketing" or "Making Monay
Online," are also niches, because the "how to" of
affiliate marketing is not intuitive and starting with an
affiliate marketing program prepares a new marketer to
run their business successfully.

As you can see, when it comes to online businesses

and affiliate marketing, a niche may include both goods
and services, or just one or the other...depending on the
marketer's own personal interest. We don't want a
mechanic who doesn't know a tomato plant from a
marigold helping us in the garden center, for criminy

An affiliate marketer, likewise, should understand at

least the basics of using the products or providing the
services in their niche. There are many goods and
services that could be placed in more than one
niche...because that's just the way humans operate.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
T H E W H Y. . . M I N D S E T

We wouldn't insult each other by saying," You know,

it's just homesteading...what's hard about that?" A LOT
is hard about homesteading, especially if you are
actually going for the full monty! My goodness! But
there is so much to consider and know about
homesteading that I already know we can be masterful
at affiliate marketing. How do I know this? Because
homesteaders have already mastered the hardest
part...the "WHY?"

Mindset is all you ever hear about in affiliate

marketing circles. Why? Because they don't know how
to make "why" their driving force anymore. They don't
live by it. People have lost their why along with their
way. (One might say.)

Homesteaders innately understand. "Oh no, no,

no,...not us. We will not be giving up our ability to take
care of ourselves and our neighbors if it takes us five
years to get our first apple... so be it! I'm planting an
apple tree, today! Would you look at that sky this
morning? Man, it's a beautiful day to be out here. Hey,
could you please hand me that shovel your leaning on?"

"But you could just buy an apple." Numb neighbor


"Go ahead," homesteader says, "Come back in 5

years and buy one here, too!"

Man, we stick to it like glue! I'm skipping the rest of

this chapter. Your kids and critters is all I need to say.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!

It won't take 5 years to see your first profit as an

affiliate marketer, but it has taken some folks up to a
couple of years, for sure. Some skyrocket into amazing
profits from the git go...and that's wonderful for sure.
However, that is not the scenario I expect for myself or
others who want to give this a try.

Instead, let's consider affiliate marketing much like

we check on the maturity time we'd expect for adding
dairy to our homestead when we start with a calf or a
kid. We see ahead of us of a few costs in time and
money: dehorning and tats, bottles, then feed and
minerals, hoof trimming, breeding, kidding (just because
author raises Saanens), you need a truck and trailer,
there may be a vet involved at some point, fecal labs,
hopefully no kid pulling or wormer, then there's
vaccines, TB and 4 other tests, milk labs...and then you
can have a taste.

Her milk is great? GREAT! In a couple more months

you'll get to see what she's capable of giving in pounds.
She'll be about a year and a half old at that point. You
sold her buck kid for a little return and have her doeling
to build on your investment. AND...your first returns in
your affiliate marketing is allowing you to buy a new
milking machine, and a semen tank, and order semen
from a top-line production buck. Let's go celebrate! I
smell pie!

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
That, my homesteading friends, is a realistic
timeframe, and realistic expectation on first cashflow
returns. It is one most of us could still very-much-so
appreciate and one that grows in frequency and volume
as the business grows. Many start affiliate marketing
knowing that they can eventually quit their current job to
work from home, or anywhere they choose.

Most homesteaders would be happy get that next

piece of equipment on money that was made in a
recliner last winter. Starting now, you will see results
anytime between now and two years...and once the milk,
I mean cash, is flowing it won't just stop--short of you
stopping it somehow, or maybe if Yellowstone blows.

Marketers learn how to manage time invested

alongside the flow of profits for what they wish to
accomplish. Where that is concerned the sky really is
the limit. My mentor is bringing in an average of $2,000
per day every day, and has made millions of dollars
using "free traffic." Starting an affiliate marketing
business is not free...but one can save money by using
free organic traffic. That is...well something like

Plants need nutrition, so the soil has to be

replenished every year. You could go out and buy
fertilizer or even compost somebody else made. Or, you
could apply the old saying, "a penny saved is a penny
earned" and put your farm's leftovers to work for a
superior compost.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
Free traffic is traffic you don't buy, it's traffic you find
milling around search engine land searching for aisle 3.
They need an aspirin, not a back brace, not a lesson on
aspirin curing headaches. Just hold the aspirin out in
your open hand and they will find it. And voila! Like a
little bird coming to your hand held out, they come and
snatch up the aspirin. You helped them today. They were
glad they found you.

You don't need to go to them, you put yourself in the

milling crowd with a sign on you like the old "Hear ye
Hear ye" paperboy. If they don't need a paper they go
around, otherwise they make a quick exchange and
everybody's happy. To be in the town square online does
involve some training, but not at the rocket science
level. More on the seed packet level. Step-by-step, with
requirements and warnings included.

With practice you can get better and faster and grow a
list of steady traffic who purchase products or services
in your niche every day. The systems can be as
automated or hands on as you like. Some people want
to get to know a customer, and some want to offer a

The good thing is, the internet is a massive pool of

people looking for something, and whatever kind of
marketer you wish to be, and whatever kind of customer
they wish to be, there is ample room for both, ample
product for both, and ample dollars to find their way to
your homestead.

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
If this introduction to online business as another
income stream for your homestead is of interest to you,
I can send you some "seeds" to see what you think. I
have a free small program that can grow to about $100
income per day. It is on a free pdf just like this one but
contains step-by-step instructions for the DIY peeps I
know you to be.

You can also watch a video of my mentor, Michael

Cheney on my website if the kind of income he makes
is appealing to you, or you ever want to grow past that
$100 per day level. There is no obligation to buy
anything. Click on the link at in the footer below and put
in your email address. The instructions will be sent
immediately and you can start your own business from
there. God bless you and your homestead. Don't
hesitate to email me with any questions you may have.

Thank you for reading!

Click here and see which affiliate program the author trusts!
More links from the author:

Homestead Mavericks Make Money Online FB Group

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: A Beginner's Guide

DiAnne Iverglynne

Fiddle Bog Farm

Portal LLC


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