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The Neuro-Response Conversion

Copywriting Method
(A framework for writing highly-persuasive words that drive action)
Hi! I’m Daniel.
➔ 10+ years of copy expertise
Writing high-converting copy for the
largest B2B companies in America.

➔ 1,132+ successful projects

Sales pages, landing pages, frontend ads,
and email nurture sequences.

➔ 224+ clients nationwide

CEOs and senior marketing execs who rely
on me for effective copy.
I write .high-converting sales pages, emails, and ads. for
the largest B2B companies and digital brands in America.
What exactly is
.Neuro-Response. Copy?
.It’s powerful copy that….
Triggers a significant amount of of neurological
reactions in your prospects’ brain in order to:
Elevate desire, Illuminate emotions, and drive
purchasing behavior.
.Neuro-Response Copywriting….

Frontal Parietal
lobe lobe

Temporal lobe
.Increases PLEASURE.
👉 Bringing joy and pleasure into the mix,
promising a crystal clear picture of the perfect
transformation for your prospects.

🧠 This activates the right frontal cortex, the

precuneus, left amygdala, and the left insula.
.Increases UNREST .
👉 Stirring a strong sense of desire to make a
change, to the point where your prospects will
feel uneasy if they decide not to move forward.

🧠 This activates the left amygdala, the left

inferior frontal cortex, and the insular cortex.
.Decreases BOREDOM .
👉 Elevating a sense of surprise, novelty, and
wonderment to the offer, and strongly piquing
the curiosity of your prospects.

🧠 This activates the bilateral inferior frontal

gyrus and the bilateral hippocampus.
.Decreases ANXIETY.
👉 Helping prospects get a sense of ease and
making your prospects feel a strong sense of
security and trust from the product or service.

🧠 This activates the bilateral amygdala, the

hypothalamus and the left frontal cortex.
The 20 Core Elements of
.Neuro-response. Copy
.1. Novelty Posturing.
Positioning your offer to be genuinely unique.
Your copy will emphasize the unique
mechanism of your offer. Because everyone
gets bored of everything at some point—and
that’s when our brain stops getting thrilled and
halts dopamine production.
.2. Tangential Proofing.
Helping prospects understand your credibility.
I'll properly layer the right social proof in the
right areas. People change their minds all the
time. The trick? Making sure there are no holes
in your arguments and points. And nothing
impacts that more than credibility.
.3. Dream Teasing.
Painting a clear vision of transformation.
It’s important to reveal the promised land in an
artful way, as all good copy should give your
prospects a preview or taster of what they can
expect. Something to nudge them in the right
direction and make them drool a bit.
.4. Reciprocity Nudging.
Elevating the desire to act immediately.
I’ll throw in some elements that make prospects
feel like they need to reciprocate after reading.
Doing this will ensure readers feel like they’re
getting a lot of value upfront, making them
more likely to convert.
.5. Exclusivity Pulling.
Personalizing the offer for the prospect.
This psychological trigger will make them feel
special. People like to feel like they’re part of this
exclusive club or secret society. The allure of
gaining access to something special is always
a great draw.
.6. Segment Dramatization.
Making a strong adoption case for the offer.
I’ll focus on delivering seamless, streamlined
arguments in a way that convinces the
prospect that your solution is just right for them.
The right message, to the right person, at the
right time.
.7. Tangible Conformity.
Making it clear that your offer is valuable.
This is subliminal messaging that makes
prospects feel like they'll want to conform with
their peers. It doesn’t matter who you are—at
the end of the day, everyone succumbs to
social pressure in one way or another.
.8. Fear Stacking.
Elevating the action potential in your prospect.
Everyone hates to miss out, and my copy takes
full advantage of that. I'll hit on the things
prospects leave on the table by walking away.
That fear is missing out is still unmatched—and
it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
.9. Amygdala Agitation.
Creating a strong reaction in your prospect.
Humans are wired to react strongly to
perceived threats to the status quo. I'll stoke the
neural pathways just enough to make a
subconscious impact and drive action without
appearing too forceful or trite.
.10. Frame Collation.
Crafting a strong, grounded sales argument.
With this psychological trigger, I'll go deep into
the benefits and use cases of the offer and
frame the benefits in a way that not only
compels but stacks upon one another in ways
that make the prospect unable to resist.
.11. Story Harmonization.
Driving a narrative that enhances clarity.
People love stories—but most stories don't
resonate enough with prospects to make them
take action. The trick is to make sure that the
story fits their exact use case and is explained in
a way that makes it hard to stop reading.
.12. Emotion Stratification.
Sequencing the right appeals to emotion.
I layer in a thick dose of emotional pulling. We
make our purchases on emotion and gut
instinct. While we might rationalize things later,
or even a bit before, we all ultimately let our
hearts guide whatever we buy.
.13. Pathway Sublimation.
Narrowing the availability of paths forward.
In many buying situations, people feel like they
can’t choose because it’s too hard. I'll weave in
elements that make them go down the slippery
slope toward the sale by narrowing their
.14. Curiosity Spiking.
Creating an undeniable urge to find out more.
I'll carefully add elements that spawn open
loops to pique curiosity throughout the copy.
Their desire to understand more will gradually
increase as they read every sentence, with the
payoff when they act on the conversion goal.
.15. Hypnotic Layering.
Creating subliminal suggestion with words.
If you see something enough, and it starts to
sound like a pretty good choice. This is like that,
but instead of ads, it's words that are designed
to elicit a specific neural response.
.16. Urgency Framing.
Giving prospects a reason to move forward.
No one likes to miss out, so I'll layer in words that
give them a little push. If they don’t move
forward, they'll stand a high chance of missing
out on something amazing that could
dramatically benefit them in a big way.
.17. Simplicity Angling.
Making them see the ease of moving forward.
I’ll make sure that the next steps as well as the
desired transformation both sound as easy as
possible, and remove psychological friction
from the minds of your prospects. Moving
forward couldn’t sound any easier.
.18. Lexical Reduction.
Ensuring optimal word comprehension.
When it comes to persuasion, complete clarity
is key. I’ll make sure that the copy is free from
jargon that might be hard to understand, and
phrased in way that maximizes comprehension
and reduces confusion.
.19. Objection Solacing.
Addressing all reservations upfront.
Nobody likes feelings of uncertainty when
moving forward. I’ll make certain that the copy
strategically addresses any potential holdups
and misconceptions that might lead to a
delayed response.
.20. Empathic Resonance.
Making readers feel like you understand them.
It’s important to make sure that your dream
customers feel genuinely understood. My copy
will tap into their inner psyche and reassure
them that your company is on their side every
step of the way.
That’s .Neuro-Response.
Copywriting in a nutshell.
Thank you!
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