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Are you struggling with writing your dissertation on brand equity? You're not alone.

Crafting a
comprehensive and well-researched dissertation on this topic can be incredibly challenging and time-
consuming. From conducting extensive literature reviews to collecting and analyzing data, every step
requires careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Brand equity is a complex concept that involves various factors such as brand awareness, brand
loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations. To produce a high-quality dissertation that
effectively explores and evaluates these factors, you need a solid grasp of marketing principles,
consumer behavior theories, and research methodologies.

Unfortunately, many students find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of writing a

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First of all, the sample size is relatively smaller which is 243, and the results can be checked for
generalizability with bigger sample size. Contrary to this, the non-product attributes consist of the
outer aspects of the products like the price and usage. First, however, several basic questions must be
addressed. Therefore, it is becoming of greater interest to countries to implement marketing
strategies would achieve a position against other countries. Shared associations can help to establish
a category mem- bership and define the scope of competition with other products and services.
Social Media Graphics Browse templates for every platform. A loyal set of custom- ers can reduce
marketing costs, since it is much less costly to keep a customer than to gain and regain, and it
provides trade leverage over others in the distribution channel. Brand atti- tudes are defined in terms
of consumers’ overall evaluations of a brand. If the earnings are negative or low due to correctable
problems, then an estimate based upon industry norms of profit as a percent of sales might be
useful. Further, there are brands for which buyers have a fairly high degree of brand aware- ness as
measured either by brand recall or recognition. We need a deeper knowledge of the composition of
brand equity in different cultural settings and different product categories to give advice to
management on how to handle their brand equity or investigate the network of its component
elements. Table 1-1 shows the average brand equity as a percent of firm tangible asset value by
industry, based upon 1985 data for 638 firms. As expected, there is little in the way of brand-equity
in industries such as metals and primary building products, whereas firms in the apparel and tobacco
industries have substantial brand equities. Tomlinson, A., and Young, C., (2006) National Identity
and Global Sports Events: Culture, Politics. Finally, the distribution channels for a product may also
create secondary associa- tions. This is a statistical tool that analyzes the complex causal effects in the
form of path models. If the value of a patent could easily be transferred to another brand name, its
contribution to brand equity would be low. Congruence is defined as the extent to which a brand
association shares content and meaning with another brand association. By estimating brand equity at
the individual rather than aggregate or segment level, brand managers can aggregate the individual-
level measures to quantify both the mean and standard deviation of brand equity for any segment of
interest. Gold, J. R., and Gold, M. M., (2008). Olympic cities: regeneration, city rebranding and.
From awareness to loyalty: The 4 pillars of brand equity. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Make these messages personalized and
specific: You’re more likely to connect with shoppers through targeted marketing than broad
messaging that resonates with no one in particular. The ethical consideration has been considered
while collecting the data by not forcing the participants to return the questionnaires right then.
Governmental documents relating to the net economic growth reveal that the UK economy. The
solution, creating a brand management team responsible for the marketing program and its
coordination with sales and manufacturing, was a key event in the history of branding. The company
may recog- nise a latent consumer want and try to capitalise on it. London as hosting the most costly
Olympics ever, implying a lacking spending accountability. Communicate with them in a language
they’re comfortable with. Typically, large transactions and corporate decisions will be front-page
news and very controversial topic. Customers’ impressions are successfully impacted by brand
knowledge since it pushes individuals to choose a brand based on prior knowledge ( Yunpeng and
Khan, 2021 ).
The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful digital transformation of teams, produc. Enhanced brand
loyalty is especially important in buying time to respond when competitors innovate and obtain
product advantages. They're memorable and impactful and they leave an impression on consumers.
Cosgrove, D. and Stephen D., (1981). The iconography of landscape: essays on the symbolic. The
algorithm obtained for the measurement model from the Smart-PLS software has been given in
Figure 2. The more a company’s ideas and principles of service are internalized, the more consistently
and successfully employees will execute as a result ( Sonmez Cakir and Adiguzel, 2022 ). The
intangi- ble elements refer to the beliefs and meanings created in the minds of consumers. The
indirect approach attempts to assess potential sources for customer-based brand equity by measuring
brand knowledge structures, that is, consumers’ brand awareness and brand Page 15. Building
loyalty with customers that are consciously aware of your brand, click with your brand values and
have a positive perception. Brands with high positive emotional association show higher. Brand
managers and other key people often are rotated regularly so that they can expect to stay in any one
position for only two to five years. That is why King and Grace came up with the idea for the third
point of view. Marketers should also decide the extent to which it is necessary to leverage secondary
associations for the brand by linking the brand to the com- pany, product class, particular person,
place, or event in such a way that associations with those entities become indirect associations for the
brand. The crux of the study claims that there is an impact of utilitarian appeal on consumer
perception for advertised brand and there is an impact of utilitarian appeal on consumer purchase
intention for convenience goods. First, the “strengths” take into account the internal attributes that
positively influence the business objective. Consider the case in which a well-known person lends
credibility to product or service claims because of his or her expertise, trustworthiness, or
attractiveness. Key Words: Brands, Brand Equity, Brand Management 1. A promotion, for example,
which provides an incentive to try a new flavor or new use will be more effective if the brand is
familiar, and if there is no need to combat a consumer skeptical of brand quality. What mental
image, if any, does the brand stimulate. For most people, a brand is simply a name given to a
particular product or service that is manufactured or offered by a particular company. They asked
consumers whether they felt that the brands they had to choose from in a given product category
were more or less the same. Brand equity can help inspire positive feelings and trust in the quality of
a promoted product or service — and well before the prospect even does any research. Appendix V:
London Olympic Games Budget Breakdown (LOCOG).38. Customer based brand equity in this
case is to say that the customers themselves have the sole decision making about a particular
products. In the early sixteenth century, whiskey distillers shipped their products in wooden barrels
with the name of the producer burned into the barrel. Product-related attributes determine the nature
and level of product performance. The solution, creating a brand management team responsible for
the marketing program and its coordination with sales and manufacturing, was a key event in the
history of branding. To complete this empirical study, a quantitative survey was conducted using a
30-item survey method to collect data from 243 respondents from China’s software houses. The
cereal aisle is full of hundreds if not thousands of types of cereal. Since the 1900s, the discipline has
evolved to focusing primarily.
The product or service specifications themselves are the primary basis for the product-related
attribute associations and determine a consumer’s fundamental understanding of what the product or
service means. Some very recognizable brands carry negative brand equity. Other researchers
disagree and argue that a strong city brand must form a coherent identity. In this case, continuous
purchasing does not reflect reinforcement or loyalty. Creating Business Value from
CustomerRelationships. The values of AVE in this study ranged from 0.616 to 0.842 and were
acceptable. For the Development of the Location Brand Equity Model. An understanding of where
the equities of the firm’s and competitors’ brands come from is obviously essential for a brand
manager to enhance his or her brand’s equity relative to those of competitive brands. Therefore, the
companies that produce quality makes expose clients to a lot of risks since they are curious to know
the taste of the products. If Rolex decided to launch a promotional campaign for a new watch, it
would be more successful than a preliminary branding activity of a similar company offering
identical products. Sometimes, the consumer may even be dissatisfied but will remain loyal because
a competitor is perceived to be same. Of course, advertising and promotion results are more often
expected in months, or even weeks. Brand awareness involves a continuum ranging from an
uncertain feeling that the brand is recognised to a belief that it is the only one in the product
category. Social exchange theory, which describes workplace relationships via the trade of physical
resources, has evolved into a social exchange-oriented approach ( Ashforth and Mael, 1989 ). Finally,
brand awareness affects consumer decision making by influenc- ing the formation and strength of
brand associations in the brand image. (Keller 1993, 3) 3.1.3 Perceived qualityPerceived quality can
be defined as the customer’s perception of the overall quality or superi- ority of a product or service
relative to alternatives. Make these messages personalized and specific: You’re more likely to
connect with shoppers through targeted marketing than broad messaging that resonates with no one
in particular. The middle tier of the pyramid is called the brand style. A skill is something a firm does
better than its competitors do, such as advertising or efficient manufacturing. Unlike the
developments at a conceptual level, however, the existing literature does not provide a satis- factory
measurement method for understanding the sources of brand equity. Poynter, G. and Iain, M.,
(2009). Olympic cities: 2012 and the remaking of London. Ashgate. CBBE, or the overall
instrumental value that customers give to a specific brand, is important in assessing long-term brand
value ( Kotsi et al., 2018 ). Because brand equity is built via organic interactions between the
different components that constitute a brand. Loyalty is increased through regulation of prices in the
market. They buy the products as collectibles, not even to wear. Their crude model is that future
returns will be related to current performance. The sample size of 20 was restricted to answer two
open-ended questions electronically: (1). Two types of extensions can be distinguished: a line and a
category exten- Page 27. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees
Submission checklist Contact editorial office Frontiers in Psychology. How much are the different
brands depreciating each year. The factor loading of the items included in the study ranged from
0.673 to 0.918. On the other hand, all the values obtained for AVE were well above 0.5, thus
showing the validity of the data. The authors advocated EBBE in their groundbreaking study, which
emphasizes brand expertise as the cornerstone to inside brand building initiatives ( King et al., 2013;
Erkmen, 2018 ).
The estimate should be based upon a weighted average of an appraisal of the brand on each of the
five dimensions of brand equity. The challenge in branding is to develop a deep set of meanings for
the brand. We’ve put together a shortlist of 5 brands that’ll give you a great idea of how brand
equity is built over time and how. What would it cost in terms of expenditures to avoid damage to
their business if the name were lost. Customers’ impressions are successfully impacted by brand
knowledge since it pushes individuals to choose a brand based on prior knowledge ( Yunpeng and
Khan, 2021 ). The concept of an asset as a generator of a profit stream is familiar, especially when
that asset is capitalized and appears on the balance sheet. They are interrelated and cannot be
considered in isolation. This case provides the richest opportunities for brand extensions. Placing the
five interlocking rings at London Bridge and promoting. Uplifting or inspiring communication
creates a feeling of community and belonging your customer will want to keep revisiting.
Furthermore, even when they sell enough, the sales may come at the ex- pense of other items in the
line. Branding an Ingredient: Nutrasweet Perdue chickens and Chiquita bananas illustrate that a
commodity product can be successfully branded. The brand had to be strong enough to survive the
expiration of the patent in the early 1990s. All brand-building activities require justification. What
associations should form the basis of the positioning. Strong brand is exists among consumers, as it
is hard for individuals to switch from one strong brand to another brand and abandon their original
conventions. Similarly, a brand may be asso- ciated with its ”country of origin” in such a way that
consumers infer specific beliefs and eval- uations. Q-square shows the predictive relevance if the
model shows predictive relevancy or not (the endogenous variables indicate any predictive
relevance). The elements of brands can be inspired by consumers and Internet users. Suppose, for
example, it was believed that sales would be 30% less if the brand name was discarded, or sales
would decline 30% over a five-year period if the advertising support for the name was eliminated.
Brand image is the most important parameter when it comes to creating brand equity. Br and attitude
pla ys the mos t import ant rol e in building br and equity Name and v alue Besides pr oducts, names
are o ften associat ed with some kind of v alue. If they attempt a frontal assault by claiming
superiority via that dimension, there will be a credibility issue. Investor Presentation Medirom
Healthcare Technologies Inc. Real brand man- agement, however, begins much earlier with a strategy
and a consistent integrated vision. Perceived quality may be critical in a cleaning product or high-
technology device, but in a mature market where it is difficult to convince customers that brands
differ, it might be of less consequence. The second layer of brand building is achieved from the
quantity and quality of memory. An analysis of hundreds of heavy-up advertising experiments
(where heavy advertising is compared to moderate or normal advertising) was conducted. Research
data have been collected by a questionnaire that is researcher-developed and research sampling has
been done by enumeration and evaluated and analyzed using SPSS software. Ivory, now over 110
years old, is a prime example of the value of creating and sustaining brand equity.
This is also because of the positive image they have of the company and its earlier offerings.
Perceived quality means something different for Hewlett Packard or IBM than for Solomon Brothers
or Tide or Heinz. Free Online Courses Get certified with free online courses. Br and aw areness Can
indeed pr ovide a significan t competitiv e advan tag e. Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, P., Jackson, P.
R, and Lowe, A., (2008). Management Research. In order to have long lasting customers, there
should be conversant with the way they are addressed. A product can be copied by a competitor; a
brand is unique. Our favorites for social media monitoring and listening are Agorapulse and
Talkwalker. What will Nutrasweet do to help retain consumer loyalty. In addition, starting with
individual-level measures difficult aggregation problems encountered in estimating the market share
premium and price premium attributable to brand equity can be avoided. Effective Ways of Using
Off Balance Sheet Financing:While the items like loan, debt and equity appear in the financial
statements of a company, the off balance sheet items do not find a place in the balance sheet.
Communicate with them in a language they’re comfortable with. Further, there are brands for which
buyers have a fairly high degree of brand aware- ness as measured either by brand recall or
recognition. On the other hand, Kallapur and Kwan (2004), support the idea by analyzing that
branding increase the value of the products sold. Consult focus groups to find out why customers
like your product, and discover what people are saying about your product online. This study was
conducted in customers of Carbonated drinks in Iran country. You should always try to avoid mis-
steps, but no person or brand is perfect. There is pressure to reduce the quality, features, and services
offered. The SIT was used in a variety of settings, which include the psychology of consumers,
information dissemination, and the connection between sports franchises and their supporters (
Dimofte et al., 2014; Mckinley et al., 2014; Ambrose and Schnitzlein, 2017 ). The estimate should be
based upon a weighted average of an appraisal of the brand on each of the five dimensions of brand
equity. In some circumstances it might be useful to explicitly include other; brand equity dimensions
as outputs of brand equity as well as inputs, even though they do not appear in Figure 1-3. In many
contexts, the perceived quality of a brand provides a pivotal reason to buy. A problem, however, is
that in such a culture the brand may not be nurtured, and thus may slowly deteriorate. The assets and
liabilities on which brand equity is based will differ from context to context. First, a strong brand
provides a platform for new products and for licensing. This includes hardware maintenance,
software development, networking solutions and technical support. From awareness to loyalty: The 4
pillars of brand equity. The findings revealed that the company tend to adopt a strong marketing
strategy of serving their customers better and trying to gain steady market growth. This means that
even though they are geographically outside. Despite its widespread in marketing, brand equity’s
significance in managing service brands has been underestimated ( Schmidt and Baumgarth, 2018 ).
This is directly reflected upon the utilization of symbolism and iconography, defined as the. If it can
be conceptualized in a given context precisely enough to measure and monitor it, the other problems
become manageable. Essentially, brand knowledge is a collection of concepts in the consumer’s mind
about a certain brand ( Kumar and Kaushal, 2021 ). The brand equity of Rolex has opened all doors
for its manufacturing facilities. Second, brand awareness can affect decisions about a brand in the
consideration set. Rectify any discrepancies in your pricing by monitoring your target audiences and
their consumer behavior with your brand. The CBBE concept is the prevailing situation and favored
by overwhelming academicians and policymakers in consumer research ( Kim E. J. et al., 2021 ).
CBBE refers to brand equity that arises when a customer is familiar with the brand and has some
favorable, powerful, and distinctive brand connections in their memory ( Rifi and Mostafa, 2021 ).
Information AI Chat Lecture 2 brand equity and brand building What is the meaning och brand
equity and how it is connected to brand. It was thus well positioned -- a soap that was pure, was
mild, and floated. Benefits are the personal value and meaning that consumers attach to the product
or service. Yes, real cookies would've enhanced the experience. Because of this, the US corporate
restructuring practice had become the model to follow by European and Japanese companies and
developed into a wave across Eurasia and even the whole world. In addition, the perceived quality
can be exploited by introducing brand extensions, using the brand name to enter new product
categories. Social exchange theory, which describes workplace relationships via the trade of physical
resources, has evolved into a social exchange-oriented approach ( Ashforth and Mael, 1989 ). If your
brand is international, keep a remote team with support help around the clock. The third way that
brand equity assets, particularly perceived quality and brand associations, provide the customer with
value is by increasing the customer’s satisfaction when the individual uses the product. Moreover,
Experimental method of data collection is done to gather the data about the study and 230
consumers were been surveyed by showing them TVCs (Television Commercials). Price Premiums
Generated by the Brand Name Brand equity assets such as name awareness, perceived quality,
associations, and loyalty all have the potential to provide a brand with a price premium. World”
(Anholt’s City Brand Index, 2013) and used Barcelona’s City Model as a tool, which. They enact
psychological preparation to the clients to enable them acquire the products. Aaker David A. Aaker
is the Vice-Chairman of Prophet, Professor Emeritus of Marketing Strategy at the Haas School of
Business, University of California at Berkeley, Advisor to Dentsu, Inc., and a recognized authority
on brands and brand management. It also highlights the important role that employees play in
building overall brand equity for their organizations. In addition, a brand with a disadvantage in
brand equity will often have to invest more in promotional activity just to maintain its position in the
distribution channel. Page 24. Word of mouth is one of the biggest angles for sustainable growth. The
difference between an imageless city and a city brand is the unique composition of. When consumers
react more favorably to a company’s marketing mix, or any component of it than to a nameless or
fictitious version of the same product, the brand shows positive CBBE. One argument is that such
assets are book assets that are being depreciated, and their depreciation charge times an earnings
multiplier will reflect their asset value. Should the recruiting effort of the U.S. government be
centered around the individual military branches, or should the U.S. defense team be the focus.
Brand equity can be said to be coming from the aggregate worth of the following constituents in the
minds of its consumers: Importance of Brand Equity Brand Equity is quite important in the fact that
it helps one brand gain importance and additional revenue as when compared with the competitor.
Sampling was conducted using convenient method, with sample size being 384.
It is also difficult for competitors to communicate to satisfied brand users because they have little
moti- vation to learn about alternatives. This is due to the fact that brand knowledge has such a
strong impact on people’s thinking, customers may recollect their memories based on it ( Zhou et al.,
2021 ). The personal self is founded on the importance and significance that an employee puts on
brand identity, according to the theory. More advertised products create awareness to the clients than
the product which are not advertised. The first-named brand in an unaided recall task has achieved
top-of-mind awareness. In effect the, a brand becomes the product's differentiating identity. It will
also provide a review of existing research on the topic of spin-offs, and list them in order to have a
clear observation of the spin-off performance of both short-term and long-term tested by various
methods in different research. These exten- sions may have dissimilar attributes, but they are similar
for one or more benefits, e.g., qual- ity. Third, well-known brand names with a good reputation may
extend to new products based on their associated value and lifestyle. The threshold for VIF has been
mentioned to be less than 5 ( Craney and Surles, 2007 ). It is more difficult to respond to what a
business is, since that involves acquiring or neutralizing specialized assets or skills. Note that brand
loyalty is both one of the dimensions of brand equity and is affected by brand equity. If you use
brand measurement companies like Pollfish, you can import the data to Google sheets and then
visualize it with Visme. This is especially true for low-involvement purchase decisions, as is the case
with most fmcgs. Think. Given the notion’s inception and the trend toward that third perspective for
brand equity, most research to date has focused on the idea theoretically or conceptually ( King and
Grace, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010; King et al., 2012 ). Based on this gap, this research focused on
identifying the role of brand knowledge and brand identity on EBBE leading to CBBE. Here are
some ways in which I think Starbucks has created its brand equity or value for the customer: 1.
Merrilees, B., Miller, D. and Herington, C., (2012). Multiple stakeholders and multiple city. Real
brand man- agement, however, begins much earlier with a strategy and a consistent integrated vision.
Thus, another important component of brand equity is brand resiliency to survive difficult times. The
brand’s identity forms the solid foundation of the future customer relationship: A company has to
catch a buyer’s attention in the brand identity stage. They may be forced to find another, perhaps
inferior, basis for competition. It is mainly subjective and qualitative but can be represented
quantitatively. Being a successful thought-leader when managing new or exciting technological. The
best result would occur when the brand name builds the sales of both the new product and the
existing product. The main asset dimensions of brand equity can be grouped into brand loyalty,
brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations. Please circle the number that most closely
matches your opinion. The first step in identifying the value of brand equity is to understand what it
is -- what really contributes to the value of a brand. Unlike the developments at a conceptual level,
however, the existing literature does not provide a satis- factory measurement method for
understanding the sources of brand equity. Only when a consumer is very satisfied and there is high
perceived risk in switching can their loyalty. Asso- ciations of a typical brand user may be based on,
e.g., demographic factors or psychographic factors. Marketing: Research and Practice. Track 4.
Marketing Management and Communication,ed.

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