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ABA 108: Business Communication



There are diverse business communication documents that link the firm with external groups and
individuals such as clients, competitors, suppliers, shareholders, neighbours, the government and the
international community. These can be classified according to their objectives as follows:
a) Documents that enhance the overall image of the firm
Such documents aim at building and maintaining a positive stature of the business in the eyes of the
clients, government, general public and various interest groups such as human rights watch groups,
the international community and other stakeholders. This category entails the following documents:
- Company profiles
- Special feature articles
- Messages of good will e.g. those that express solidarity with the citizens in times of
- Seasons‟ greetings e.g. New Year messages, Christmas, Diwali, Ramadhan messages.

b) Documents that aid in maintaining market presence or enhancing market share

This category includes:
- Brand/product launch messages
- Re-branding campaigns
- Quality assurance reports e.g. ISO certification
- Reward / competitive / sales promotions
- Disclaimers (the business defending itself from claims)
- Outdoor advertising e.g. billboards, motor vehicle branding (delivery vans, PSVs)

c) Documents that maintain Client / Customer Relations:

These include:
- Invitations to meetings e.g. calling up shareholders.
- The release of balance sheets/reports to the public to enhance trust

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- Corporate Social Responsibility notices and announcements e.g. notices of sponsored

medical camps, charitable fundraising activities like the Dettol Heart Run and the Kenya
Commercial Bank Rally.

d) Documents for Human Resource functions:

In order to attract, select, maintain and motivate employees, both current and prospective, external
communication links must be used. This provides a wide pool or range of applicants and portrays
the recruitment process as transparent. It is facilitated by publishing:
- Job or vacancy announcements.
- Notifications of pre-selected names and schedules of interview dates.
- Promotion notices.
- Dismissals related to fraud and other criminal activities. This vindicates the firm‟s image.

e) Documents with legal implications or statutory requirements:

- Confirmations of change of name or change of boards of directors
- Announcements of mergers and takeovers of businesses.
- Notices of share floatation e.g. published company prospectus for public perusal.
- Liquidation of a company.
- Sales guarantees also known as terms and conditions of sale or service.
In the next topic, we consider the content, format and language of selected types of external business
communication documents beginning with the job or vacancy advertisement.


This document is intended to attract and invite prospective workers by alerting them of an opportunity within
the establishment or staff requirement.
Features of the Job Vacancy Announcement
- It should be prominent in terms of overall size and lettering and should make use of colour
where possible in order for it to attract the attention of the potential readers.
- It should be put within a box outline and the thicker the outline the more prominent it is.

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- The word vacancy / job opportunity or career opening will usually appear near the top
of the advertisement.
- The font size will determine the attractiveness.
- The company logo / name or both will also appear near the top
- There is use of bullet or arrows of other listing notations to enumerate the requirements
qualifications and skills. It usually has subsections, outlining different aspects of the
- A brief background of the company profile will be provided. This includes the company
age/duration of existence. Its stature in the market e.g. they are leading manufacturer for
health product core business specify the target group.
- State the company‟s area of operation or specialty.
- The job title must be specific and should coincide with the description of the relevant academic
and professional qualifications that would qualify one for the stated career e.g. “senior HR
officer” presumes that the applicant has background training in the HR management.
- It includes academic professional training and the relevant field of study. This will be specified
including additional achievements which will be considered as an “added advantage.” The level
of training will be indicated e.g. masters or advanced diploma.
- The minimum requirement will be indicated but no maximum requirements, recognition of the
qualification can be indicated e.g. degree from a recognized university.
- The experience or duration one has worked and at what level. They will also state additional
personal traits e.g. „We are looking for a highly motivated oriented individual with strategic
leadership skills, good negotiation skills, excellent analytical skills and ability to interact
effectively and to make sound judgment and maintain strict confidentiality.‟
- Other advantages like foreign languages or dynamic qualities like the ability to work without
- An application deadline will be indicated. For instance, by stating, „those who don‟t hear from
us by 20th April, 2008 should consider their application unsuccessful.‟ Other conditions include:
age, sex, height, physical fitness, full address of professional and academic referees.

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-The duration of engagement and the terms and condition are also stated. This could be
permanent, or on contract terms. A promise of the remuneration package may be given briefly
because the full details of these usually appear in the letter of offer when the selection is
complete. Some advertisements may specify the salary range e.g. by stating „those who earn
less than one hundred thousand shillings need not apply.‟ This points to the cadre of the staff

Language and Style of a Job Advertisement

1. The language should be objective and not subjective i.e. should avoid phrases like “we are looking
for a perfect individual or an excellent worker” instead they would use the phrases the ideal
candidate which means that there is nobody who is perfect.
2. The language should be promising. This encourages more applicants e.g. through phrases like “we
are offering a chance for career growth and personal development”. This kind of language /
approach indicates that the company / advertiser is not just interested in exploiting the worker to
boost productivity but also considers the worker as a human being with needs and desires.
3. The language should be definite or precise e.g. if the position has not been established the time
line must be mentioned instead of leaving it for the reader to imagine. A phrase like we are
recruiting soon or we have plans to expand in future create anxiety among job seekers because it
leaves loop holes / information gaps and this is likely to lead to canvassing or premature
4. Statements that seem to disqualify people without giving them an audience may also be counter-
productive e.g. this job requires extreme personal sacrifice a phrase like women are particularly
encouraged to apply, experience is a must.
5. The duties should not be spelt out in a manner that will be demeaning to the applicant or that will
make the position disreputable.


This is the document that signals that the applicant has successfully gone through the selection process
and he is about to bind himself with the condition pertaining to the job by signing or acknowledging the
letter as a sign of acceptance. While composing the contract document or letter of offer, the following
elements must be included:

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i. The position offered.

ii. Salutation in a personalized form of address.
iii. It will have the effective date of offer and the grace period within which the applicant should report.
iv. It will specify the department, section or branch to which you are employed.
v. The reporting line and order of seniority must be specified.
vi. The legal guidelines in case of dispute are stated. For instance, you shall be guided by the
Public Service Commission Act and the relevant Nairobi City Council By-Laws as may from
time to time be determined.
vii. The benefits must be specified in the letter of offer including salary offer (basic pay) other
allowances plus the incremental and the salary attached to that position e.g. this position
attracts a basic salary of Kshs. 20,000 in job group K.
viii. Other fringe benefits e.g. a company maintained car, free housing, free hospital, house
allowance, non-practice allowance, extra compensation e.g. overtime, bonus, career
progression path e.g. this position leads to managerial ranks depending on your performance.
ix. Termination or severance clause is indicated. This is put in a clause that specifies the legal
period of notice and the number of months necessary for notice in case of intended
resignation. This period ranges from one to six months depending on the level of seniority and
whether the offer was permanent or in contract terms.
x. The signature of the employing authority or officer and his name and date. This is the office
to which you will refer all issues relating to your career, leave, remuneration.
xi. Signature of the employee which acts as a declaration of acceptance and such acceptances is
optional and is phrased as follows:
If you accept this offer on the terms and conditions stated above, please sign here and return a
copy to us as soon as possible.


This is usually a summary of the company‟s circumstances, origin or history of incorporation e.g. Pan Paper
Mills was started as a pioneer paper producer in East and Central Africa in 1965.

The vision and mission will be outlined. This is usually put on the preamble of the company profile.

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Types of goods and services offered will be summarized and the target clientele specified.

Special achievements including financial turn-over shareholding, growth prospects, branch network,
provision of employment, corporate social activities e.g. sponsorship to schools and health clubs will also
be outlined.

Quality assurance statements such as compliance with Kenya Bureau of Standards and tax compliance.
Future prospects and expected performance e.g. future share issues, rights issues, expected mergers and
takeovers, planned new brands and rebranding of current ones. This is meant to activate the target market
and business partners since they portray a sign of stability. Special achievements are stated e.g. we are an
ISO certified manufacturer of corrugated iron sheets. The staff profile indicating their caliber and positions
will be stated especially for senior management.

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