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Words based on general stuff


 Imperative mood
o For formal
 Usually formed by tu form of verb removed the s
 Hablar in imperative becomes habla(-s)
 Negative is formed by opposite ending (ar uses er ending and vice versa)
 Hablar become no hable
o Common irregular
 Ser
 Positive
o Se
 Negative
o No seas
 Poner
 Positive
o Pon
 Negative
o No pongas
 Ir
 Positive
o Ve
 Negative
o No vayas
 Hacer
 Positive
o Haz
 Negative
o No hagas
 Tener
 Positive
o Ten
 Negative
o No tengas
 Deber + infinitive
 Aconsejar- to advise
 Dar consejo


 Avisar- to warn
 ¡Peligro!- Danger
 Prevenir- to prevent
 Advertencia- warnin


 Prometer- to promise
 Ir a + infinitive – to going to
 Ofrecer- to offer


 Me gustaría + infinitive – I would like to

 Por cierto – Certainly!


 Lo siento pero …. – I am sorry but

 Desafortunadamente, No puedo + infinitive porque - sadly, I cannot …. Because


 Lo siento – I am sorry for it

 Lo lamento – I lament it
 Siento que- I am sorry that ….
 Perdón – sorry(usual do when you do something wrong)

Asking permission

 poder + infinitive – can(in different tenses) I….

 me dejas + infinitive – may I….
 me permites + infinitive – can you allow me to…


 Prestar- to lend
o person being lent something becomes the indirect object
 eg. me prestas tu telefono - can you lend me your phones the subject
o person lending is indirect , thing you’re lending is direct
 for example
o Instead of saying can I borrow something, Spanish says can you lend me something


 Congratulaciones por – congratulations for

 Felicitaciones por – congratulations for
 Felicidades por – congratulations for


 lamento por tu pérdida – I am sorry for your loss

 morrir- to die
 muerte- death
 Te acompaño en este momento de dolor – I accompany you in this time of grief


 describir
 tener- to have
 parecer- to appear
 Ser- to be
 Estar- to be
 haber – to have
o eg hay un tormento- there is a storm
 Adjectival words


 Explicar

Expressing disappointment

 Decepción – disappointment
 Estar decepcionado – to be disappointed
o Con is used with person
 Eg estoy decepcionado con tu madre
o Por is used with something
 Eg. Estoy decepionado por tu escuela
o Use de when giving more info so to speak(when subject switches, subjunctive is used)
 Eg. Estoy decepcionado de que tu tengas hambrieta

Expressing doubt

 Dudar – to doubt
o Usually used in subjunctive
o Dudar que …..

Expressing fear

 Estar miedo – to be afraid

 Estar asustado- to be scared
o Con is used with person
o Por is used with something
o Use de when giving more info so to speak(when subject switches, subjunctive is used)
Expressing wishes

 Espero que + I hope that

 Querer+ infinitive - to want to …
 Desear + infinitive- to wish to ….

Expressing good

 ¡ Qué maravilloso! – how wonderful

 ¡ Qué asombroso!- how amazing

Expressing gratitude

 Muchas gracias- thanks a lot

Expressing surprise

 ¡ ¡Qué sorpresa!!- what a surprise

Giving reasons

 Porque idk



 Deber + infitive – one should

 Imperative mood
o For informal
 Usually formed by tu form of verb removed the s
 Hablar in imperative becomes habla(-s)
 Negative is formed by opposite ending (ar uses er ending and vice versa)
 Hablar become no hable
o Common irregular
 Ser
 Positive
o Se
 Negative
o No seas
 Poner
 Positive
o Pon
 Negative
o No pongas
 Ir
 Positive
o Ve
 Negative
o No vayas
 Hacer
 Positive
o Haz
 Negative
o No hagas
 Tener
 Positive
o Ten
 Negative
o No tengas


 Este es – this is


 Invitarr – to invite
o Te estoy invitando a - I am inviting you to…
 ¿Quieres acompañarme a...? – would you like to accompany me to …
 ¡Claro que sí! – Of course!


 Recomendar – to recommend


 Recordar + infinitive – to remember to

o Stem changes o to ue in present tense
 Olvidar + infinitive - to forget to


 Pedir – to ask(for something)

 Solicitar- to request


 Amenazar- to threat
 Si…..pues – if….then
 Ir a + infinitive- to going to ..
 Luchar- to fight
 Matar- to kill

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