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Malek ben nabbi Secondary School School year : 2023/2024

Level: 2nd LPH Duration : 2 hours

Second Term exam
Deforestation is the felling and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations. Natural forests are being
destructed in order to use the land for cultivation, building houses, making space for cattle
grazing, accommodate, industrial or urban use. It involves permanent end of forest cover to make that land
available for residential, commercial or industrial purpose.
Deforestation has had serious environmental effects. While forests still make up 30 percent of the
Earth, each year an estimated 18 million acres (or 7.3 million hectares) of forest are lost to Deforestation
practices. One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animals and
plants due to their loss of habitat. It is also a contributor to climate change and global warming . This has
caused land and soil damage. At the same time, the removal of trees means more greenhouse gasses being
released into the atmosphere as trees play an important part in the Carbon Cycle as absorbers of carbon
Protecting our forests is extremely important in order to limit the impact of cutting trees and
ensure a sustainable future. Individuals can also combat deforestation by spreading awareness about its
negative consequences and participating in tree-planting campaigns.
A) Comprehension (07 pts)
1- The text is about
a. Deforestation b. the protection of forests c. The causes and consequences of deforestation
2- Are the following statements true or false?
A- Deforestation affects the environment negatively ………………………………
B- Deforestation has no relationship with climate changes....................................
C- Animals are losing their habitats because of deforestation………………………
D- People can do nothing to stop deforestation …………………………………..
3- Answer the following questions according to the text?
A – What is the definition given by the writer to deforestation?
B – What is the purpose behind the destruction of forests?
C- Is it important to conserve our forests? why?
4- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text ?
a- Their (§2) …................….. b- its (§3)……...................……..

B.)Text exploration (08 points)

1. Find in the text words which are synonyms to:
a- damaged (§1) =…................... b- conserving (§3) =….....……..
2. Complete the following table:

verb noun adjective

To endanger …….……………….. ……….………………
………………… preservation ………………………..
………………… …………………….. Contaminated

3. Rewrite sentence “b” so that it means the same as ‘’a’’.

1. a- They must make decisions to preserve nature.
2.a-The government encourages the use of green energy.
b- The use of green energy..........................................................................................................................
3-a- It is advisable to plant different species of trees here.

4. Classify the following words according to their final ''s'' pronunciation.

Animals-Effects- practices-involves

s z iz

5. Fill in the gaps from the list given countries-covers- Amazon- Brazil-

The …….………………. rainforest is the world's richest and most-varied biological reservoir, containing
several millions of insects, plants and animals. Many still unrecorded by science. This rainforest ……………..
Much of northwestern of ……………….………..and extending to Colombia, Peru and other…………………..
Part two: Written expression ( 05 pts ) Choose ONE of the following topics:

Topic one : Deforestation is becoming a widespread phenomenon that damage our environment. Write a
composition of about 80 to 100 words in which you talk about how we can fight deforestation.
The following notes may help you:
 Reforestation – planting different species of trees…
 Punish all the companies that cut trees –
 Spread awareness about the negative consequences of deforestation.
Topic two : Throwing wastes in school may lead to different kinds of pollution. Write a composition of
about 80 words to sensitize your classmates about the importance of keeping your school clean.
Topic N….














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