Math Assignment Uit - 3

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Task 1.

(i) Mathematical Understanding:

(a) The domain of the function h(t)=−7t^2+v0t+h0 represents all possible values of time t for which the
function is defined.

In this scenario, the domain is all real numbers since time can vary continuously from negative to
positive infinity. The range of the function represents all possible values of height h(t) above the river
surface. Since the coefficient of t2 is negative (-7), the parabolic function opens downwards, indicating
that the maximum height occurs at the vertex.

Therefore, the range of the function is [h0,∞),

where ℎ0h0 is the initial height above the river surface.

(b) The vertex of the given height function, h(t)=−7t2 + v0t + h0, can be found using the formula for the
vertex of a quadratic function: t= − b/2a.

In this case, a = −7 and b = v0.

Substituting these values into the formula,

we get t= − vo/2(−7)


The physical significance of the vertex in this scenario is that it represents the time at which the bungee
jumper reaches the maximum height above the river surface.

(c) To find the time at which the bungee jumper reaches maximum height, we substitute the value of
t=v0/14 into the height function,

h(t)=−7t^2 + v0t + h0

This gives us ℎ(v0/14) = −7(v0/14) ^2 + v0(v0/14) + ℎ0

Simplifying further, we obtain the maximum height.

(d) To find the time at which the bungee jumper reaches a height of 11 meters, we set the height
function equal to 11 and solve for t.

(e) To find the height after 20 seconds of the jump,

We substitute t = 20

the height function ℎ(x) = −7t^2 + v0t + ℎ0

This represents the height above the river surface at 20 seconds into the jump.

(f) To determine when the bungee jumper touches the river, we set the height function equal to zero and
solve for t.
(ii) Graphical Understanding:

(a) The graph of the given height function, ℎ(x) = − 7t^2 + v0t + ℎ0, is a downward-opening parabola
with a vertex at the maximum height point.

(b) By observing the graph, the time intervals in which the height is increasing correspond to the portion
of the graph where the slope is positive, and the height is decreasing corresponds to the portion of the
graph where the slope is negative.

(c) The axis of symmetry of the graph is the vertical line passing through the vertex. In this scenario, it
represents the midpoint of the bungee jump, where the bungee jumper reaches maximum height before
descending back towards the river surface.

(d) The t-intercept on the axis represents the time at which the bungee jumper initially jumps off the
bridge, while the h-intercept represents the height of the bungee jumper above the river surface at the
start of the jump. These intercepts provide important points of reference on the graph in the context of
the scenario.

Task 2.

(i) Optimal Route Planning: To determine the equation of the road connecting points A(5,7) and
B(6,5), we first find the slope of the road, m, using the formula
m = y2−y1/x2−x1
(ii) where (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are the coordinates of points A and B, respectively.

Given A(5,7) and B(6,5): m = 5−7/6−5

= −2/1

= −2

Now that we have the slope, we can use the point-slope form to find the equation of the road. The
point-slope form is given by y−y1=m(x−x1), where (x1, y1) is any point on the line and m is the slope.

Using point A(5,7) and the slope m=−2

y−7 = −2(x−5)

y−7 = −2x+10

y= − 2x+17

So, the equation of the road connecting points A and B is y= − 2x+17.

(ii) Traffic Flow Analysis: The slope of the road between points A and B, which represents the rate of
change of elevation per unit distance traveled horizontally, is -2.

(iii) Enhanced Traffic Safety:

Since the slope of the road is -2, it means that for every 1 unit traveled horizontally, the road
decreases by 2 units vertically. This information can be used to ensure a gradual descent or ascent
along the road, enhancing safety and convenience for drivers.

(iv) Alternate Routes Provision: To create parallel routes, we can simply shift the road up or
down while maintaining the same slope. For perpendicular routes, we can use the negative

of the slope (-2), which is 1/2, to create perpendicular roads.

(v) Visual Infrastructure Mapping:

A graphical map of the road alignment can be created by plotting the coordinates of points A and B
on a coordinate plane and drawing a line between them using the equation of the road.

(vi) Access Points Identification:

The intercepts on the x-axis and y-axis represent the points where the road intersects with
these axes, providing vital road access and landmarks. To find these intercepts, we set y=0 to
find the x-intercept and set x=0 to find the y-intercept.

For the x-intercept:

0 = −2x+17

2x = 17

x = 17/2 = 8.5 So, the x-intercept is (8.5,0) (8.5,0).

For the y-intercept:

y = −2(0) + 17

y = 17

So, the y-intercept is (0,17) (0,17).

(vii) Parallel and Perpendicular Roads: In this situation, an infinite number of parallel roads can be
created by shifting the road up or down while maintaining the same slope. Similarly, an infinite number
of perpendicular roads can be created using the negative reciprocal of the slope (-2).

Task 3.

(i) Formulation of Linear Function: Let C represent the total cost of electricity consumption in dollars, x
represents the number of units of electricity consumed, and f(x) represent the total cost function.

Given that each household bears a fixed charge of $50 and an additional $0.78 for each unit of electricity
consumed, the total cost function can be expressed as:

f(x) = 50+0.78x


 f(x) is the total cost of electricity consumption.

 x is the number of units of electricity consumed.

(ii) Impact of Average Rate of Change: The average rate of change in electricity price with consumption
indicates how much the total cost changes for each additional unit of electricity consumed.

To calculate the average rate of change, we find the slope of the linear function, which represents the
cost per unit of electricity consumed:

Slope = Change in Cost/Change in Consumption = {f(x2) − f(x1)}/{x2−x1}

Using the total cost function f(x) = 50+0.78x

let's assume two different consumption levels,

say x1=100 units

and x2 =101 units:

f(x1) = 50 + 0.78(100) = 50+78 = 128

f(x2) = 50 + 0.78(101) = 50+78.78 = 128.78

Now, we calculate the average rate of change:

Average Rate of Change = {f(x2) − f(x1)}/{x2−x1}

= (128.78−128)/(101−100)

= 0.78/1

= 0.78

The average rate of change in electricity price with consumption is $0.78 per additional unit of electricity
consumed. This means that for each additional unit of electricity consumed, the monthly bill increases
by $0.78.

Resources: (Reading section 2.1 pages 199-207)

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