Cultures in Conflict Project 2022-23

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2022_23 Cultures in Conflict Project

Conflicts of political geography throughout history have been rooted in religious, ethnic, gender, and other
centrifugal forces along with the placement of borders. Rarely are they about one of the other but, instead,
contain a multiplicity of factors which have geographic causes and consequences.
In this project you will be assigned the task of understanding the multiple sides of one cultural conflict and
analyzing the geographic implications of that struggle. Some of these conflicts have since died down, but the
tensions that precipitated these events are still very current.
The purpose of this assignment is to research a cultural conflict from around the world that will help you
understand the foundations of how conflicts emerge. You will be creating a poster (full-size poster board,
NOT tri-fold). The rubric for your poster is included below. Remember that this is a major grade project in a
college-level course, so academic vocabulary and formal writing are important. Make it visually appealing
and easy to get the main ideas of the conflict in just a couple of minutes!

**Clearly identify each of the categories on your board-you will lose points if not. Check
rubric as you go!

___ / 5 Title AND # of your conflict– provides information about the information in your project.

Sides – includes information about each “side” of the conflict and a brief summary of their
___ / 15 perspectives on the conflict. (Make it easy to see each side such as using two columns or two
different text boxes)

Summary – summary of conflict (may include changes in law or attitudes). This is where you
___ / 20 explain what it is all about, but be simple and concise! No more than 1- 2 good paragraphs.
MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Copied work= plagiarism.

Geographical Impact – how has the conflict impacted the cultural landscape, political borders,
___ / 10
use of space

Visual Data – a graphic representation (map, chart, population pyramid, etc.) that displays data
___ / 10
regarding the conflict AND an explanation of what the information shows.

Map of the Location – with an explanation of the scale of the conflict (local, regional, national,
___ / 10
global) *Think how far reaching is the impact of the conflict

Images – minimum of four large, colorful images that give a view of the conflict, each with a
___ / 20
caption thoroughly explaining the image (black and white photo ok if that was the original)

___ / 5 MLA Citations – include ALL sources used (not photos) in MLA format on the back of the poster

Visual Appeal – Project should be neat, colorful, easy to read, and appeal to viewers. This is not
___ / 5
essay format!

Be sure to put your name AND period on the back!!

Assignment is due on December ________ 2022

● if you are completing the project in a pair you MUST complete the FRQ. If you are doing the
assignment solo then you are NOT required to write the FRQ.


1. Quebec (language/culture) in Canada 21. Darfur genocide

2. Flemish & Walloons in Belgium 22. Uighur (currently happening in China)

3. Caste System (Dalits in particular) in India 23. Rohingya in Myanmar

4. Apartheid in South Africa 24. Nigeria (especially between north and south)

5. Basques in Spain 25. Catalonians in Spain

6. Afghanistan – Taliban and women’s rights 26. Sri Lanka

7. Sudan disintegration (when it broke into two 27. Spratly Islands in South China Sea

8. Native Americans (current 28. Crimea (annexation by Russia)


9. Kurds (stateless nation) 29. Israel & Palestine

10. Kashmir (India- Pakistan conflict) 30. Stolen Generation (Australia treatment of

11. Japanese Internment Camps 31. Cyprus

12. Hong Kong (conflict with China) 32. Ireland & Northern Ireland

13. Serbs & Bosniaks (Yugoslavia) 33. Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan (old and
recent conflicts)

14. Tibet (conflict with China) 34. Western Sahara

15. Cambodia & Khmer Rouge 35. Dowry Deaths/Bride Burnings

16. Child Marriage (Yemen or other places) 36. (Modern day) Bonded Servitude

17. Uganda & Gay Rights 37. Chechnya & Gay Rights

38. Child labor

18. Rwanda genocide 39. Russo-Ukrainian War

19. Modern day human trafficking

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