61-3-1 History

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Rts 25 Series : AB4CD/3 SET~1 Wawa ws i QP. code 61/3/1 Roll No. udlenell sei—va Sle wl SeR-Gfecent HE-yE i em stay fer | Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on the title page of the answer-book. az / NOTE @ wr ata wea fe ga weve i gfe gs 12 (ATafeA Alea) & | Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages (Including Map). Gi) wea Ht aiet aa A ait feu 1a wera Bis BI ra SeR-GeraT & TE-Ts wT fare | QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Gi) Prat ea fS eye Lowe | Please check that this question paper contains 10 questions. Gy) Baer ae ar eR fore ae wet Sea, Seafarer seatien ores Fre | Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer- book before attempting it. (vy) yeaa 1 oa & fore 15 fire a ae fear re 2 | gees a fare gate 8 10.15 aa fer STEM | 10.15 FS 10.30 wa ae wa Hae weg wT TS IN ga oral | Sr 8 set- Gera HIS Te AT Fer | 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 am., the candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. eo sferera mem HISTORY Ba Pratt ara: 2 wee PITH 15 : 40 i Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40 61/3/1 P70. Ke 35 ‘area freer: ‘Prafafian Fréet at aga aaah & fsa site sre oer aeifre : (i) Fa RIO Fae 10 EAB | Mee Wed BH METH ae ATE I (ii) ater start é | (iii) Tewer—aa aR ast F Fonte fea TH 8 — GIS, G, TAT | (iv) wog—ae Hyer sem 1 aA a ory—aerba HR % ver B Prev eae IETS aT TR 1 FTP TH BO weed 8 athe Te fed art TAT | (ve) GUs-w ar aeNS a7 aH Ge Tea THR H eH E feread WT WET HHT TE | Fra a TR 150 8.200 weet & sitive Te fet a4 TET | (vi) Gus—1 FEF GET 8 TY Hea AV TET B, HTH TA HBT BTS | (vii) @us—a yer Hea 10 arate sireiite 2 ait 1 IEF B | (viii) Wer H Ig eran rasa eT 8 | eretites ae veal A stiches Prasoa a1 reara vera PEAT TE | FAIR H MEA HB BAT Uh EF TET BTR PATE | wus & (erg-seita ya) 3x4=12 1. Sfen en tte fea sera wera # tree wee eH TT 7 EAE) 8 Ke 35 General Instructions : Please read the following instructions carefully and strictly follow them : o (i) (ii) (x) @) wi) This question paper contains 10 questions. Marks have been indicated against each question All questions are compulsory. This question paper is divided into FOUR Sections — Section A, B, C and D. Section A Question Nos. 1 to 4 are Short answer type questions of 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words. Section B - Question Nos. 5 to 7 are Long answer type questions, carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 150 to. 200 words. Section C— Question Nos. 8 and 9 are Case Based questions, carrying 4 marks each, (vii) Section D - Question No. 10 is MAP based question, carrying 2 marks. (viii) There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in some questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted. SECTION - A (Short Answer Type Questions) Bx4=12 1. Why was the ‘Objective Resolution’ introduced in the Constituent Assembly considered as a Momentous Resolution ? Explain. 3 61/3/1 ase @) 1780 4 siirece aettacts gre seafera At rg ‘wifs—eaen A afer’ vesat ati 98 sara ar Fazer Afar | 3 aera (@) dare & cares A versal F ae arg genlSat citit A anti: fear At gee fare | “eM -SHeHT SaPHT He 1857 % fade & et aa A ae atiftrs |s a se aT sivas 3 fea ef 7 wer At ore sifare | 3 nda ugar sider & ai i one} fee aaah adi ea F cieich ike wa auprctet & Sea ait srs & were ar aol shifaee | 3 ws-u (ard sata ae) 6x3=18 mrieisht grays fasg Sues acaree & aprtt sik meca aor aha afar | 3+3=6 (&) “aeeant atk rari A fatita war st vigratt aE 1857 & fasta a ais fee ar same St eae Fifa | 6 aera (@) ac area fai of ales Saar oe sree oh en fe aor ait Fy 1857 + ‘fase fren 1 ge ser at eae =ifsTe | (%) “Pea aan A aighaha A can A sire fate wan & eel ae are ci St ‘wee aire et 1” ers ot gfe erect fa AR | 6 aera (@) “qe Basa go dan sae Te sfigd ames sik seh aan & HeR } aecrpl dia & 1" sarecit afta aera ft ore Fife | aa wes 2. (a) Analyse the impact of the ‘policy of pacification’ on the Paharias proposed by Augustus Cleveland in 1780. 3 OR () Examine the economic conditions of the Paharias after the settlement of Santhals in the periphery of Raj Mahal hills. 3. “The similarities in the pattern of revolt of 1857 in different places lay partly in its planning and coordination.” Explain the statement. 3 4, Describe the importance of writings and speeches of Gandhiji and his contemporaries as important sources to know about the Indian National Movement. 3 SECTION-B (Long Answer Type Questions) 6x3=18 5. Describe the causes and significance of Salt Satyagraha launched by Gandhiji. B+3=6 (a) “Chain of grievances of taluqdars, and peasants led them to join the revolt of 1857.” Elucidate the statement. 6 OR () “There were not only rumours but sound bases which led the people to revolt in 1857.” Explain the statement. 7. (a) “The process of manuscript production in the Mughal Court involved a number of people performing a variety of tasks.” Support the statement with examples. 6 OR () “Chronicles commissioned by Mughal Emperors are the important sources for studying the empire and its court.” Explain the statement with examples. mgm we - 4 (ea attenfta 4) 4x2=8 8. arate a errata afgu sie ate fee re wea se Afra : SEE TH YH TET Wed Sage frets a1 em Baer Pate rey sea apr ren fered gu seat a: sam (sree 8) Sz BO A gear cad are at re seh gs Pasa geen 8 gw aR 4 onftertfte sen aga wfsa 2 | cere wets fea ae Der staat Prapreren 8 fae arg oft ST argh sea sirora See fret ae A area Be Ba | Tea GH A ara HEA TAT e waa & wf adie a dan ae ead 1 ayer) sik freman fewrt ar wera sea 2 | 3a sel ran feet fear & Sire A ge rere site agen Hr ae SETAC THT | 8.1 sma Fl gery aga abr gach) soon feet fern ae age are HT A ae AH) 8.2 sma Sage fede wt os Gan Ff wat srrafica fave 7 1 8.3. sas civ fore das fea wenn srvtifara em a sea fre ated a 22 9, Rene the a earrydes afer sik ara fee 1a wedi & ser difare : 4 “casa Fran & fora ag erg a” Tifa aeons Wa a er Pe Pera aris aa & fore cient a aera ah ae a aa HS arate A sen Bret eh: “aiada A arctan & fare saftey arreeregere At ape a eRe Sat Vom | ara H voafen a a1 fore, ape err Sita & fore Saran flaw ach arte, | set aha ran & fore arg me wal @ | ar Frere aera ise ee safe | ale Pe citar Fore afer rand ca 23 8 an taht ore aa a BFE Poe a oa oT aR SA STORE sig “ae Eten ere ot AY re MT ae ET ce, ATR hrc aor eT Fae a1 “faa eae, ie 2 gam ee SECTION - C (Case Based Questions) 4x2=8 8, Read the case given below carefully and answer the questions that follow : The accessible emperor In the account of his experiences, Monserrate, who was a member of the first Jesuit Mission, says : It is hard to exaggerate how accessible he (Akbar) makes himself to all who wish audience of him. For he creates an opportunity almost every day for any of the common people or of the nobles to sce him and to converse with him; and he endeavours to show himself pleasant — spoken and affable rather than severe towards all who come to speak with him. It is very remarkable how great an effect this courtesy and affability has in attaching him to the minds of his subjects. 8.1 Examine the impact of Akbar’s accessibility on the minds of his subjects. 1 8.2 Why did Akbar invite Jesuit Mission to his court ? 1 8.3. How did Akbar use to facilitate meetings for those who wanted to call on him ? 2 9. Read the given case carefully and anawer the questions that follow 4 “There cannot be any divided loyalty” Gobind Ballabh Pant argued that in order to become loyal citizens people had to stop focusing only on the community and the self : For the success of democracy one must train himself in the art of self- discipline. In democracies one should care less for himself and more for others. There cannot be any divided loyalty. All loyalties must exclusively be centered round the State. If in a democracy, you create rival loyalties, or you create a system in which any individual or group, instead of suppressing his extravagance, cares nought for larger or other interests, then democracy is doomed, CAD. Vol. IL SS 9.1 Whrpa Tes fore Mfg aes Ta Al Fein FI ee Fifer | 9.2 Peraranntie frafirs ar ee secayl yo eet ArT aT 2 9.3. etemda FH aacre & fore recayel aM ara are veeiait pr Reegeor elf | wea (arfaa arenfta 74) 1+1=2 lo. area & faq 1a confit tar —aratea Peseta 8 feet ue wt se fire aT sifaea fifirg ait TH ferfeae : TL @) seer wei a 1857 a1 fadte Ye BaT | away (a) sera vet mesa are er as aT | IL aa ee tala He aoa & ToT Te STA’ TG if fee Tar, seh Tear Sifiry site gees Tre Sih ag War Gera TH ferflae | te: Peifefaad we tact sentir atenfilat & fore wer GEN 10 IH : 10. L @) sa are rare ferftae ret 10 4g, 1857 st fegte At -yesrra gE wat (aq) se era ara feria set mietish 3 ares erg att aT | IL greenies feel oe caer met are fetta | 1 10. 10. gam fsa 9.1 Examine the concern of Gobind Ballabh Pant for a Unified Nation. 1 9.2 Why was loyalty considered as an important attribute of social pyramid ? 1 9.3. Analyse the aspects considered significant for the success of democracy. 2 SECTION -D (Map Based Questions) 1+1=2 On the given political outline map of India, locate and label any one of the following with appropriate symbol I. (a) The place where mutiny started in 1857 1 oR () The place where Gandhiji broke the Salt law. IL On the same outline map of India, a place related to Capital city of the Mughal Empire has been marked as A. Identify it and write its name on the line drawn near it. 1 Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 10. I. (a) Name the place from where mutiny started on 10! May, 1857 1 OR (b) Name the place where Gandhiji broke the Salt law. Il. Name any one Capital city of Mughal Empire. 1 61/3/1 P.T.O. Ke 35 61/3/1 Page 10 ara ster Arita (Tarte) Outline Map of India (Pol és wer a. 10 fre air Map for Q. No. 10 g 3 Ke 35

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