2500 GRE Words

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GRE 2500 Words

# Word
1 divulge
2 inadvertent
3 panegyric
4 draconian
5 hodgepodge
6 incontrovertible
7 impartial
8 endemic
9 minuscule
10 lucrative
11 compensate
12 discursive
13 presuppose
14 intermediary
15 derogate
16 overbearing
17 zealous
18 extraneous
19 rehash
20 perfunctory
21 compound
22 envy
23 defensive
24 unbounded
25 specious
26 aimless
27 ingenuous
28 intrinsic
29 inevitable
30 intransigent
31 detached
32 inveterate
33 backhanded
34 affable
35 whimsy
36 tenacious
37 sardonic
38 skullduggery
39 legitimate
40 plagiarize
41 disavow
42 deplete
43 ridicule
44 undermine
45 self-serving
46 perishable
47 capricious
48 egotism
49 unqualified
50 magisterial
51 chauvinistic
52 sleek
53 astringent
54 ambivalent
55 ameliorate
56 exemplar
57 grudge
58 sweeping
59 extirpate
60 parity
61 utilitarian
62 elicit
63 intoxicate
64 inchoate
65 rebuff
66 construe
67 fallacy
68 increment
69 deteriorate
70 grandiose
71 truncate
72 haphazard
73 quizzical
74 provincial
75 insensitive
76 shackle
77 cumbersome
78 encomium
79 decelerate
80 revitalize
81 indisputable
82 roost
83 corroborate
84 proclivity
85 hysteria
86 speculate
87 conducive
88 vexation
89 disdain
90 caterwaul
91 efficacious
92 alienate
93 analgesic
94 anatomize
95 embargo
96 contemplate
97 dogmatic
98 concrete
99 equitable
100 fervent
101 alleviate
102 contagious
103 pedantic
104 unwieldy
105 vociferous
106 profess
107 obeisance
108 diffuse
109 fulminate
110 voluble
111 sterling
112 surmount
113 prying
114 inhibit
115 censure
116 peripatetic
117 stringent
118 dwindle
119 underrate
120 incursion
121 pastiche
122 dishearten
123 emulate
124 adduce
125 emblematic
126 indict
127 discontinue
128 wary
129 opprobrium
130 aesthetic
131 expedite
132 captivate
133 irreversible
134 emotive
135 refine
136 exhilarate
137 solitary
138 jar
139 unfettered
140 flummery
141 implacable
142 arduous
143 conciliatory
144 optimism
145 vindicate
146 malady
147 warrant
148 puncture
149 ascribe
150 clandestine
151 equivocal
152 elucidate
153 propaganda
154 putative
155 conjecture
156 coalesce
157 tractable
158 warble
159 knotty
160 dichotomy
161 restive
162 courteous
163 invigorate
164 truculent
165 congenial
166 insouciance
167 devastate
168 keen
169 ethos
170 flagrant
171 solitude
172 anachronism
173 turbid
174 confine
175 venerate
176 premeditate
177 insular
178 consolidate
179 upheaval
180 unyielding
181 mendacious
182 sonorous
183 fertile
184 decadent
185 indispensable
186 covert
187 instinct
188 discern
189 orientation
190 riddle
191 jejune
192 clownish
193 indifferent
194 lethargic
195 clique
196 fungible
197 complimentary
198 empirical
199 conform
200 solicitous
201 insult
202 acrimony
203 misconception
204 mundane
205 ambiguous
206 allure
207 cagey
208 heresy
209 parsimony
210 cunning
211 highlight
212 judicious
213 disguise
214 far-fetched
215 eclipse
216 impulsive
217 exculpate
218 overblow
219 obfuscate
220 droll
221 inconclusive
222 disperse
223 amplify
224 exaggerate
225 unwitting
226 inclusive
227 diatribe
228 promulgate
229 consilience
230 ebullient
231 bolster
232 dispute
233 exposition
234 coddle
235 nuance
236 peculiar
237 egalitarian
238 propitiate
239 futile
240 unassuming
241 amicable
242 unfounded
243 plastic
244 apocalypse
245 authoritative
246 clamorous
247 placate
248 far-reaching
249 disinterested
250 embolden
251 incompatible
252 stale
253 lionize
254 preachy
255 illusory
256 profit-monger
257 felicitous
258 averse
259 trigger
260 integrity
261 conservation
262 spontaneous
263 pushover
264 comprehensive
265 insufferable
266 sequential
267 surreptitious
268 dispassionate
269 transient
270 vacant
271 canned
272 soft-pedal
273 feign
274 daunting
275 downright
276 autonomous
277 indeterminate
278 opulent
279 pervasive
280 offset
281 omnipresent
282 entangle
283 dilatory
284 generic
285 sensational
286 explicable
287 pernicious
288 convoluted
289 bureaucracy
290 widespread
291 compliant
292 trifling
293 compunction
294 cynical
295 pretentious
296 customary
297 vilify
298 tantamount
299 unflinching
300 prototype
301 equanimity
302 espouse
303 inattention
304 fractious
305 disorganize
306 figurative
307 entail
308 impeccable
309 stifle
310 pragmatic
311 didactic
312 dazzle
313 stalwart
314 archaic
315 palliate
316 accede
317 consort
318 hostile
319 ubiquitous
320 authenticate
321 condescend
322 predilection
323 diminutive
324 illustrious
325 unconscionable
326 trivial
327 callow
328 sketchy
329 bemuse
330 exotic
331 intuition
332 episodic
333 dovish
334 realm
335 presage
336 distinctive
337 concomitant
338 abstemious
339 versatile
340 vacillate
341 devious
342 suffice
343 astute
344 outrage
345 consensus
346 metaphor
347 outstrip
348 querulous
349 salient
350 culmination
351 camaraderie
352 cordial
353 tribute
354 observant
355 collegiality
356 pensive
357 penance
358 rile
359 lambaste
360 undercut
361 harrow
362 paradigm
363 dissent
364 initiate
365 mutual
366 robust
367 betoken
368 conceal
369 outnumber
370 itinerant
371 demonize
372 sober
373 incendiary
374 salutary
375 replete
376 snobbish
377 seditious
378 expatriate
379 synopsis
380 affirmative
381 emendation
382 collective
383 synonymous
384 modicum
385 retrenchment
386 magnify
387 obligatory
388 commensurate
389 long-winded
390 slippery
391 hefty
392 forbidding
393 wide-ranging
394 diligent
395 punctilious
396 engaging
397 evanescent
398 free-for-all
399 rudimentary
400 bustling
401 prioritize
402 envision
403 circumscribe
404 reminiscent
405 symmetrical
406 overthrow
407 juvenile
408 elude
409 jettison
410 detriment
411 baroque
412 quixotic
413 mockery
414 tactful
415 trendy
416 subsidize
417 numinous
418 anomalous
419 mawkish
420 invidious
421 austere
422 impede
423 frank
424 disjunction
425 finicky
426 hazardous
427 chicanery
428 verifiable
429 demonstrable
430 pertinacious
431 scarce
432 lavish
433 sanguine
434 waver
435 engender
436 elusive
437 ponder
438 proliferate
439 paucity
440 univocal
441 dejected
442 surplus
443 impertinent
444 one-of-a-kind
445 apropos
446 ingratiate
447 concoct
448 disgorge
449 baseless
450 momentary
451 acute
452 debilitate
453 resent
454 delightful
455 decisive
456 testimony
457 nominal
458 simultaneous
459 monotonous
460 divination
461 virtuosity
462 manifest
463 purview
464 annex
465 shriek
466 ephemeral
467 erudite
468 plague
469 counterintuitive
470 intriguing
471 magnanimous
472 untether
473 formulaic
474 gambit
475 vivacious
476 stratify
477 exceptional
478 slump
479 pessimistic
480 dilute
481 palatable
482 stagnate
483 esoteric
484 befuddle
485 deliberate
486 antithesis
487 valediction
488 hamstring
489 complacent
490 hinder
491 formidable
492 impenetrable
493 obtrude
494 debunk
495 umbrage
496 affinity
497 ramification
498 immerse
499 demise
500 compassionate
501 ignorant
502 immortal
503 assuage
504 expiation
505 loquacious
506 marginal
507 adjuration
508 dreary
509 callous
510 discount
511 ostentatious
512 thwart
513 distress
514 raillery
515 exasperate
516 feckless
517 stigma
518 attenuate
519 enigmatic
520 condemn
521 impugn
522 elaborate
523 pejorative
524 blithe
525 refute
526 vacuous
527 enervate
528 honorific
529 disprove
530 extinguish
531 excoriate
532 immutable
533 hypercritical
534 momentous
535 esteem
536 traumatic
537 secretive
538 delegate
539 abeyance
540 blatant
541 flamboyant
542 lucid
543 opaque
544 alarmism
545 divisive
546 torpor
547 indolent
548 compulsory
549 revelation
550 contingency
551 prolific
552 alacrity
553 transcend
554 resonate
555 uncharacteristic
556 impetuous
557 disparate
558 respite
559 rankle
560 acquiesce
561 remedy
562 congruous
563 gadfly
564 shrink
565 overwrought
566 purposeful
567 prognosis
568 malleable
569 forgo
570 encumber
571 barbarity
572 sanctimonious
573 repugnant
574 pseudonym
575 explicit
576 inexorable
577 dissemble
578 scintillating
579 luminary
580 empower
581 deference
582 lugubrious
583 denounce
584 parochial
585 lament
586 primitive
587 hamper
588 distill
589 imitate
590 encyclopedic
591 euphemism
592 nondescript
593 adverse
594 enduring
595 enliven
596 half-formulated
597 dubious
598 churlish
599 outlandish
600 serendipitous
601 mercurial
602 deceive
603 fortuitous
604 fathom
605 remuneration
606 sparkling
607 luxuriant
608 credential
609 recoil
610 scandalous
611 erode
612 tenuous
613 fluctuate
614 contentious
615 patchwork
616 flabbergast
617 temperate
618 benighted
619 undiscriminating
620 palpable
621 effusive
622 habitable
623 codify
624 duplicate
625 sluggish
626 sway
627 ornamental
628 convivial
629 multifarious
630 panacea
631 countenance
632 inflammatory
633 taint
634 rigorous
635 delude
636 ill-advised
637 prosaic
638 malfeasance
639 egregious
640 counterfeit
641 volatile
642 conundrum
643 contrive
644 gratify
645 deflate
646 anthropogenic
647 conflate
648 animate
649 contemporary
650 underlie
651 anecdote
652 ministration
653 banal
654 flippant
655 invective
656 paltry
657 miserly
658 renowned
659 exhaustive
660 polemical
661 facile
662 transparent
663 unimpeachable
664 tortuous
665 perturb
666 flighty
667 infectious
668 gall
669 compelling
670 overt
671 fraudulent
672 perilous
673 cataclysm
674 concede
675 horrific
676 multitudinous
677 downplay
678 purport
679 mediocre
680 irritate
681 stilted
682 placid
683 erratic
684 ingenious
685 renaissance
686 endorse
687 harbinger
688 malign
689 imperative
690 ethical
691 consequential
692 perpetuate
693 anathema
694 illuminate
695 enchanting
696 mishandle
697 fickle
698 countermand
699 mollify
700 gloomy
701 methodical
702 hortatory
703 innate
704 displace
705 apprehend
706 disarray
707 tedious
708 irascible
709 fastidious
710 occlude
711 impair
712 laudatory
713 prevalent
714 deprecate
715 portend
716 self-defeating
717 proclaim
718 meddle
719 overshadow
720 somnolent
721 precipitate
722 onerous
723 comity
724 douse
725 asseverate
726 arbitrary
727 discretion
728 sacrosanct
729 quiescent
730 evasive
731 defer
732 innocuous
733 arcane
734 permanent
735 entice
736 unmistakable
737 antecedent
738 overstate
739 relish
740 trepidation
741 synergy
742 universal
743 dampen
744 predate
745 premise
746 motivate
747 linkage
748 hypocrisy
749 redundant
750 mitigate
751 wane
752 accountable
753 fecund
754 reflective
755 precedent
756 recant
757 rambling
758 inure
759 eccentric
760 mercenary
761 negligible
762 puerile
763 plausible
764 baffle
765 simplistic
766 chivalrous
767 apathetic
768 dedicate
769 blemish
770 inertia
771 intelligible
772 primacy
773 untenable
774 incivility
775 laconic
776 confess
777 demoralize
778 paragon
779 outmoded
780 fleeting
781 scrutinize
782 incentive
783 contradictory
784 sectarian
785 moribund
786 galvanize
787 interchangeable
788 exiguous
789 truism
790 valorize
791 meticulous
792 satire
793 proprietary
794 evenhanded
795 amorphous
796 apolitical
797 obviate
798 prescience
799 audacious
800 animadversion
801 adorn
802 duplicitous
803 vehement
804 revive
805 antediluvian
806 facet
807 ponderous
808 detract
809 specific
810 aggrandize
811 prospect
812 chagrin
813 seclusion
814 commence
815 mordant
816 disconcerting
817 embellish
818 pugnacious
819 exacerbate
820 furtive
821 bewilder
822 unidimensional
823 jaded
824 visionary
825 archetypal
826 humility
827 disclose
828 adversarial
829 beneficiary
830 premature
831 jeopardize
832 conjure
833 persevere
834 enormous
835 inverse
836 indiscriminate
837 defy
838 admonish
839 preclude
840 forswear
841 solidarity
842 conspicuous
843 disinformation
844 preempt
845 recapitulate
846 paralyze
847 inexpressible
848 absorbing
849 plethora
850 disregard
851 turbulent
852 antagonistic
853 commonplace
854 meager
855 tendentious
856 prestige
857 burlesque
858 attain
859 upsurge
860 grouchy
861 pliable
862 reproach
863 histrionic
864 abnegate
865 provoke
866 avaricious
867 brag
868 heed
869 sagacious
870 penalty
871 prefigure
872 glorify
873 animus
874 justification
875 pertain
876 aggrieve
877 dearth
878 calumny
879 rampant
880 vulnerable
881 pertinent
882 distort
883 overextend
884 precocious
885 repudiate
886 quirky
887 proponent
888 reiterate
889 conscientious
890 rapacious
891 disquisition
892 foretell
893 understate
894 discredit
895 underscore
896 predetermine
897 provisional
898 circumspect
899 majestic
900 estrange
901 falsehood
902 manipulate
903 pathological
904 circuitous
905 propitious
906 insightful
907 nullify
908 facilitate
909 appeal
910 appease
911 deleterious
912 ethereal
913 rehabilitate
914 cluster
915 partisan
916 bypass
917 scrupulous
918 monolithic
919 scathing
920 block
921 off-putting
922 profligate
923 unctuous
924 nimble
925 shoddy
926 heterogeneous
927 verisimilitude
928 derivative
929 sycophantic
930 circumvent
931 rigid
932 plaintive
933 detestation
934 susceptible
935 tautology
936 leaven
937 convulsion
938 exorbitant
939 corollary
940 perforce
941 proselytize
942 fetishize
943 omnivorous
944 urbane
945 idiosyncrasy
946 forthcoming
947 pecuniary
948 pathos
949 cosmopolitan
950 panoply
951 arboreal
952 nostalgia
953 peremptory
954 avian
955 ramshackle
956 quiver
957 rancor
958 dewy-eyed
959 epitome
960 fissure
961 parley
962 immolate
963 lassitude
964 pompous
965 overreach
966 demarcate
967 evince
968 veer
969 resilient
970 revolt
971 devolve
972 adulation
973 demolish
974 timely
975 snapshot
976 obsequious
977 gut
978 hierarchy
979 terse
980 abate
981 fluster
982 flatter
983 accentuate
984 augment
985 certitude
986 cachet
987 contrite
988 unanimous
989 neologism
990 aristocracy
991 inimical
992 hallow
993 annals
994 execrate
995 unexampled
996 tug
997 claustrophobic
998 atavism
999 prepossessing
1000 perfidious
1001 jubilation
1002 peregrination
1003 retribution
1004 charlatan
1005 malinger
1006 halcyon
1007 predominant
1008 evocative
1009 nonchalant
1010 ennoble
1011 eradicate
1012 prodigal
1013 disengage
1014 rebound
1015 adhere
1016 unilateral
1017 equable
1018 instantiate
1019 diverse
1020 protean
1021 pillory
1022 exuberant
1023 plunder
1024 ennui
1025 conceive
1026 devoid
1027 sophisticated
1028 conclusive
1029 enlighten
1030 methodology
1031 tectonic
1032 monogamy
1033 pathogen
1034 depict
1035 dismissive
1036 invertebrate
1037 discrepancy
1038 demographic
1039 forage
1040 synchronous
1041 hagiography
1042 monochromatic
1043 employ
1044 indigenous
1045 insurrection
1046 ideology
1047 segregate
1048 propound
1049 adulterate
1050 expository
1051 anemia
1052 excavate
1053 acerbic
1054 resurgence
1055 colloquial
1056 interjection
1057 hoodwink
1058 analogous
1059 latent
1060 boycott
1061 sentimental
1062 castigate
1063 preeminent
1064 terminology
1065 domesticate
1066 pedagogical
1067 skew
1068 static
1069 discrete
1070 corrode
1071 protagonist
1072 forerunner
1073 clutch
1074 straggle
1075 rhetorical
1076 equilibrium
1077 quintessential
1078 regimen
1079 objective
1080 postulate
1081 onset
1082 impinge
1083 thrive
1084 milieu
1085 paradoxical
1086 iterate
1087 prophetic
1088 delineate
1089 condone
1090 acumen
1091 agonize
1092 revere
1093 reckless
1094 unsparing
1095 belligerent
1096 taciturn
1097 penitential
1098 frivolous
1099 plead
1100 orthodox
1101 allege
1102 reconcile
1103 improvise
1104 eliminate
1105 disquiet
1106 predicament
1107 fester
1108 accord
1109 ascertain
1110 counterproductive
1111 misnomer
1112 precarious
1113 unrelenting
1114 soporific
1115 disseminate
1116 lure
1117 banish
1118 degrade
1119 skittish
1120 tranquil
1121 seemly
1122 unkempt
1123 decorous
1124 tawdry
1125 décor
1126 lush
1127 acidic
1128 coarse
1129 impoverished
1130 threshold
1131 disparage
1132 invalidate
1133 hackneyed
1134 ruminate
1135 meander
1136 bucolic
1137 pastoral
1138 hard-nosed
1139 petty
1140 opportunistic
1141 menace
1142 painstaking
1143 humanitarian
1144 predispose
1145 eminent
1146 declamatory
1147 ascetic
1148 safeguard
1149 sinister
1150 convincing
1151 peak
1152 unrivaled
1153 pivotal
1154 recondite
1155 morbid
1156 staple
1157 herald
1158 cure-all
1159 ruthless
1160 scorn
1161 acquisitive
1162 clangorous
1163 rejuvenate
1164 obsess
1165 canonical
1166 undo
1167 obsolete
1168 quotidian
1169 pathetic
1170 bathetic
1171 veracious
1172 voracious
1173 exploit
1174 retrofit
1175 witty
1176 provocative
1177 impecunious
1178 assiduous
1179 tacit
1180 transgress
1181 abstruse
1182 embed
1183 render
1184 alter
1185 penchant
1186 tailor
1187 homogeneous
1188 immense
1189 kindred
1190 affiliate
1191 run-of-the-mill
1192 refuge
1193 oratorical
1194 incense
1195 mortify
1196 heterodox
1197 doctrinaire
1198 sporadic
1199 dictate
1200 buoyant
1201 premonitory
1202 abreast
1203 obstinate
1204 redeem
1205 debacle
1206 omit
1207 boon
1208 hidebound
1209 sullen
1210 prudent
1211 juxtapose
1212 noxious
1213 obnoxious
1214 laborious
1215 rhapsody
1216 stanch
1217 divert
1218 bungle
1219 pendulum
1220 fixate
1221 aghast
1222 obdurate
1223 foresight
1224 glamorous
1225 relegate
1226 apostle
1227 foreground
1228 pious
1229 self-righteous
1230 brandish
1231 erroneous
1232 feasible
1233 schism
1234 notorious
1235 providential
1236 tumultuous
1237 panache
1238 gawky
1239 virulent
1240 malignant
1241 benign
1242 abridge
1243 lurid
1244 copious
1245 negligent
1246 sartorial
1247 supersede
1248 thrill
1249 approbate
1250 relinquish
1251 replenish
1252 curtail
1253 fabricate
1254 manacle
1255 rein
1256 bridle
1257 grant
1258 digress
1259 entrench
1260 prowess
1261 secular
1262 ecstatic
1263 euphoria
1264 disgruntle
1265 gracious
1266 humdrum
1267 polarize
1268 hand-wringing
1269 prime
1270 vanquish
1271 triumph
1272 forge
1273 garrulous
1274 prevaricate
1275 eclectic
1276 haughty
1277 dismantle
1278 propagate
1279 caricature
1280 abrade
1281 blight
1282 pristine
1283 apposite
1284 germane
1285 fitful
1286 imperturbable
1287 exigent
1288 surrogate
1289 erstwhile
1290 onetime
1291 florid
1292 defame
1293 inveigle
1294 timorous
1295 omniscient
1296 interminable
1297 posture
1298 narcissism
1299 substantiate
1300 snare
1301 forestall
1302 beholden
1303 indebted
1304 impute
1305 brazen
1306 nettle
1307 contemptuous
1308 objurgation
1309 nascent
1310 token
1311 residual
1312 deft
1313 eloquent
1314 adroit
1315 plentiful
1316 bountiful
1317 clearheaded
1318 interweave
1319 impolitic
1320 feeble
1321 prerogative
1322 vigilant
1323 clumsy
1324 fringe
1325 denigrate
1326 implore
1327 supplicate
1328 willful
1329 entreaty
1330 notwithstanding
1331 insipid
1332 modish
1333 salubrious
1334 treacherous
1335 objectionable
1336 recrudesce
1337 tangible
1338 nebulous
1339 utter
1340 aberrant
1341 doom
1342 slender
1343 garner
1344 recruit
1345 provision
1346 prompt
1347 assail
1348 endow
1349 intrude
1350 designate
1351 tackle
1352 prosecute
1353 abolish
1354 bestow
1355 compile
1356 requisite
1357 splendor
1358 exempt
1359 invoke
1360 entrust
1361 alliance
1362 periodical
1363 spacious
1364 eligible
1365 strenuous
1366 adjacent
1367 wrench
1368 confiscate
1369 ferocious
1370 velocity
1371 consign
1372 grapple
1373 deviate
1374 prodigious
1375 induce
1376 assimilate
1377 encroach
1378 embody
1379 coincide
1380 confer
1381 subdue
1382 fatal
1383 dwell
1384 comprise
1385 vicinity
1386 tentative
1387 pillage
1388 pinnacle
1389 ailment
1390 apprentice
1391 preoccupied
1392 exhale
1393 rebuke
1394 cavalier
1395 hereditary
1396 shallow
1397 deflect
1398 finesse
1399 belated
1400 sheer
1401 levity
1402 insidious
1403 amass
1404 ostensible
1405 somber
1406 profound
1407 contour
1408 chaos
1409 voluminous
1410 revile
1411 corporeal
1412 oscillate
1413 monarchy
1414 inoculate
1415 subsist
1416 suffrage
1417 patron
1418 exile
1419 inhospitable
1420 oblique
1421 bequeath
1422 retention
1423 ramify
1424 prescribe
1425 deprive
1426 necessitate
1427 inhale
1428 dexterity
1429 ooze
1430 patronize
1431 eject
1432 overdue
1433 brusque
1434 prose
1435 uprising
1436 touchstone
1437 purveyor
1438 parody
1439 decimate
1440 decipher
1441 amenable
1442 siphon
1443 annotate
1444 procure
1445 hiatus
1446 cantankerous
1447 escalate
1448 bombard
1449 vernacular
1450 prevail
1451 scenario
1452 hitherto
1453 vertiginous
1454 bravado
1455 steadfast
1456 oblivious
1457 refractory
1458 resign
1459 abiding
1460 dull
1461 debonair
1462 infuriate
1463 crestfallen
1464 wistful
1465 concur
1466 boast
1467 extrapolate
1468 resemble
1469 ordain
1470 mirth
1471 jovial
1472 cajole
1473 baneful
1474 identical
1475 proscribe
1476 arguably
1477 obstreperous
1478 volition
1479 hectic
1480 sumptuous
1481 gravitate
1482 particularize
1483 albeit
1484 abet
1485 anodyne
1486 credulous
1487 asunder
1488 petulant
1489 winnow
1490 yearn
1491 indulgent
1492 preside
1493 meretricious
1494 burgeon
1495 flourish
1496 gigantic
1497 snub
1498 underplay
1499 obliterate
1500 seethe
1501 morph
1502 subservient
1503 obtuse
1504 trenchant
1505 instigate
1506 fusty
1507 cease
1508 implicate
1509 vituperate
1510 rattle
1511 molder
1512 transmogrify
1513 choreograph
1514 incipient
1515 antiquarian
1516 boisterous
1517 renounce
1518 compartmentalize
1519 maelstrom
1520 captious
1521 vulgar
1522 fealty
1523 bristle
1524 await
1525 languish
1526 nugatory
1527 inept
1528 spartan
1529 ancillary
1530 sequester
1531 hasty
1532 budding
1533 vainglory
1534 consummate
1535 like-minded
1536 ecumenical
1537 ardent
1538 rescind
1539 distend
1540 self-regard
1541 subterfuge
1542 agglomerate
1543 goad
1544 surfeit
1545 transitory
1546 prolix
1547 exactitude
1548 chastise
1549 protract
1550 stymie
1551 seminal
1552 authoritarian
1553 leap
1554 tepid
1555 malodor
1556 senescence
1557 decrepitude
1558 self-styled
1559 cognizant
1560 conversant
1561 tribulation
1562 open-ended
1563 falsify
1564 panorama
1565 beleaguer
1566 incumbent
1567 hermetic
1568 encapsulate
1569 interdisciplinary
1570 impunity
1571 reprisal
1572 myopic
1573 tarnish
1574 sublime
1575 remonstrate
1576 commiserate
1577 expostulate
1578 anneal
1579 vicissitude
1580 piecemeal
1581 verbose
1582 polyglot
1583 machination
1584 flee
1585 nefarious
1586 lachrymose
1587 enmity
1588 indignant
1589 confront
1590 minutia
1591 commensurable
1592 discriminatory
1593 sabotage
1594 commend
1595 gossamer
1596 lenient
1597 rectitude
1598 enamor
1599 immure
1600 impudent
1601 insolent
1602 irenic
1603 shear
1604 coruscate
1605 hideous
1606 trumpet
1607 strident
1608 muckrake
1609 proffer
1610 revel
1611 predicate
1612 prophylactic
1613 pilfer
1614 constrict
1615 imbibe
1616 quaff
1617 crumble
1618 disintegrate
1619 brook
1620 muddle
1621 unerring
1622 provenance
1623 inscrutable
1624 genial
1625 reluctant
1626 supple
1627 contravene
1628 ungainly
1629 ludicrous
1630 dispatch
1631 handicap
1632 chimera
1633 ominous
1634 limpid
1635 forsake
1636 exonerate
1637 annihilate
1638 surmise
1639 rapprochement
1640 exert
1641 wield
1642 guzzle
1643 kinfolk
1644 divergent
1645 vestige
1646 profusion
1647 forebode
1648 calamity
1649 beget
1650 reprehensible
1651 divest
1652 wondrous
1653 recalcitrant
1654 succinct
1655 recrudescent
1656 frugal
1657 unseemly
1658 preternatural
1659 provident
1660 interlope
1661 coterie
1662 aplomb
1663 bemoan
1664 mediate
1665 exposé
1666 reticent
1667 myriad
1668 expurgate
1669 triumvirate
1670 indefatigable
1671 paean
1672 hallmark
1673 potent
1674 lopsided
1675 subtle
1676 adamant
1677 melancholy
1678 unalloyed
1679 spew
1680 maze
1681 misfeasance
1682 rebellious
1683 durable
1684 varnish
1685 labyrinthine
1686 mar
1687 platitude
1688 exclusive
1689 acclaim
1690 meld
1691 tremendous
1692 scatter
1693 concise
1694 oracle
1695 extenuate
1696 viable
1697 midst
1698 abuse
1699 cliché
1700 contiguous
1701 endanger
1702 boorish
1703 high-minded
1704 de-emphasize
1705 poise
1706 quandary
1707 ploy
1708 temptation
1709 oppressive
1710 hyperbole
1711 trickster
1712 genteel
1713 impassioned
1714 deduce
1715 flip
1716 infinite
1717 diffident
1718 neutralize
1719 controvert
1720 succumb
1721 fury
1722 severe
1723 conspire
1724 gleam
1725 imperial
1726 paraphernalia
1727 cast-iron
1728 detritus
1729 rivalry
1730 halt
1731 avant-garde
1732 stipulate
1733 dispense
1734 leach
1735 brackish
1736 malodorous
1737 redolent
1738 noisome
1739 adjudicate
1740 eschew
1741 abbreviate
1742 contingent
1743 auspicious
1744 essential
1745 bootless
1746 posit
1747 accrete
1748 adjunct
1749 abound
1750 subsequent
1751 heretofore
1752 preponderance
1753 uncompromising
1754 moralistic
1755 benevolent
1756 impose
1757 resume
1758 stalemate
1759 insatiable
1760 snappish
1761 peccadillo
1762 reparation
1763 inextricable
1764 impregnable
1765 impotent
1766 precede
1767 supplant
1768 encounter
1769 beset
1770 fatigue
1771 offish
1772 jockey
1773 perceptive
1774 shortcut
1775 jubilant
1776 sensuous
1777 controversial
1778 seamy
1779 pledge
1780 retain
1781 disproportionate
1782 temper
1783 outdo
1784 abash
1785 unexceptional
1786 obtrusive
1787 impasse
1788 superficial
1789 moderate
1790 decode
1791 vagary
1792 evangelist
1793 pedigree
1794 prominent
1795 enforce
1796 amid
1797 boost
1798 stagger
1799 imperil
1800 piety
1801 flair
1802 braggadocio
1803 hurtle
1804 savor
1805 eviscerate
1806 mince
1807 exterminate
1808 intact
1809 belittle
1810 obstruct
1811 proximity
1812 harness
1813 spurious
1814 apocryphal
1815 applaud
1816 bifurcate
1817 cacophony
1818 catastrophe
1819 circumlocution
1820 clairvoyance
1821 cloying
1822 collude
1823 concord
1824 cosset
1825 counterbalance
1826 covet
1827 cursory
1828 weary
1829 allegory
1830 peripheral
1831 perspicacious
1832 perspicuous
1833 sleazy
1834 indemnify
1835 eyesore
1836 archive
1837 xenophobic
1838 ineffable
1839 fluid
1840 despotic
1841 capitulate
1842 abominate
1843 accommodate
1844 mandate
1845 saturate
1846 untoward
1847 peruse
1848 enthrall
1849 emphatic
1850 nonplus
1851 phlegmatic
1852 antidote
1853 impersonal
1854 ensue
1855 gore
1856 fallow
1857 unruly
1858 synoptic
1859 conviction
1860 patrimony
1861 vicarious
1862 ductile
1863 dolorous
1864 antiquated
1865 wayward
1866 errant
1867 cannibalize
1868 discordant
1869 insinuate
1870 slinky
1871 attune
1872 bluster
1873 nonsensical
1874 villainous
1875 drudgery
1876 millstone
1877 canard
1878 accolade
1879 laurel
1880 intimidate
1881 temerity
1882 assemblage
1883 embattle
1884 desultory
1885 expunge
1886 jaundice
1887 dainty
1888 obloquy
1889 remiss
1890 balkanize
1891 oxymoron
1892 gaiety
1893 altercate
1894 coerce
1895 gregarious
1896 squander
1897 congruent
1898 wallow
1899 derelict
1900 dilapidate
1901 invert
1902 introspect
1903 repertoire
1904 solace
1905 inquisitive
1906 figment
1907 intermittent
1908 impervious
1909 inappropriate
1910 indiscernible
1911 disreputable
1912 plebeian
1913 clairvoyant
1914 hallucinogen
1915 voyeur
1916 boredom
1917 apogee
1918 acme
1919 precursor
1920 civil
1921 peaceable
1922 unfaltering
1923 superfluous
1924 uncertainty
1925 cautious
1926 cater
1927 clot
1928 elate
1929 avert
1930 fad
1931 ape
1932 irk
1933 ebb
1934 yen
1935 opt
1936 curb
1937 curt
1938 snag
1939 glut
1940 woo
1941 coax
1942 bent
1943 balk
1944 avid
1945 agog
1946 tout
1947 choke
1948 erect
1949 awry
1950 quip
1951 aver
1952 quash
1953 glib
1954 roil
1955 rant
1956 lull
1957 avow
1958 trio
1959 sage
1960 lurk
1961 hoax
1962 flit
1963 apex
1964 spur
1965 scant
1966 abhor
1967 prone
1968 usurp
1969 pithy
1970 tonic
1971 niche
1972 trite
1973 stoic
1974 murky
1975 blunt
1976 flout
1977 rue
1978 rote
1979 dire
1980 snob
1981 shun
1982 idle
1983 crass
1984 apt
1985 hone
1986 veto
1987 blur
1988 verge
1989 swift
1990 sever
1991 extol
1992 exalt
1993 tweak
1994 verve
1995 coy
1996 whit
1997 pine
1998 demur
1999 belie
2000 spike
2001 invert
2002 introspect
2003 repertoire
2004 solace
2005 inquisitive
2006 figment
2007 intermittent
2008 impervious
2009 inappropriate
2010 indiscernible
2011 disreputable
2012 plebeian
2013 clairvoyant
2014 hallucinogen
2015 voyeur
2016 boredom
2017 apogee
2018 acme
2019 precursor
2020 civil
2021 peaceable
2022 unfaltering
2023 superfluous
2024 uncertainty
2025 cautious
2026 cater
2027 clot
2028 elate
2029 avert
2030 fad
2031 ape
2032 irk
2033 ebb
2034 yen
2035 opt
2036 curb
2037 curt
2038 snag
2039 glut
2040 woo
2041 coax
2042 bent
2043 balk
2044 avid
2045 agog
2046 tout
2047 choke
2048 erect
2049 awry
2050 quip
2051 aver
2052 quash
2053 glib
2054 roil
2055 rant
2056 lull
2057 avow
2058 trio
2059 sage
2060 lurk
2061 hoax
2062 flit
2063 apex
2064 spur
2065 scant
2066 abhor
2067 prone
2068 usurp
2069 pithy
2070 tonic
2071 niche
2072 trite
2073 stoic
2074 murky
2075 blunt
2076 flout
2077 rue
2078 rote
2079 dire
2080 snob
2081 shun
2082 idle
2083 crass
2084 apt
2085 hone
2086 veto
2087 blur
2088 verge
2089 swift
2090 sever
2091 extol
2092 exalt
2093 tweak
2094 verve
2095 coy
2096 whit
2097 pine
2098 demur
2099 belie
2100 forbear
2101 wont
2102 enjoin
2103 glean
2104 glisten
2105 cleave
2106 undue
2107 qualm
2108 inestimable
2109 mishap
2110 brink
2111 underpin
2112 bleak
2113 whisk
2114 savvy
2115 buoy
2116 makeshift
2117 forthwith
2118 cornerstone
2119 bedrock
2120 resourceful
2121 appreciable
2122 sate
2123 stonewall
2124 involuntary
2125 astronomical
2126 misgiving
2127 testy
2128 categorical
2129 recollect
2130 peerless
2131 proofread
2132 heartfelt
2133 vainglorious
2134 override
2135 hereabouts
2136 groundless
2137 uneventful
2138 daredevil
2139 incomparable
2140 towering
2141 slapdash
2142 invaluable
2143 slipshod
2144 heartrending
2145 retiring
2146 belabor
2147 yardstick
2148 downcast
2149 telltale
2150 moody
2151 discriminating
2152 collected
2153 taxing
2154 demanding
2155 riveting
2156 celebrated
2157 pressing
2158 exacting
2159 earnest
2160 unfeeling
2161 whereabouts
2162 uproot
2163 agreeable
2164 composed
2165 barring
2166 prohibitive
2167 phenomenal
2168 incisive
2169 amiss
2170 musty
2171 needy
2172 canny
2173 uncanny
2174 mighty
2175 locale
2176 finale
2177 rationale
2178 halfhearted
2179 morale
2180 proverbial
2181 shorthand
2182 madcap
2183 leading
2184 degenerate
2185 testing
2186 lengthy
2187 materialize
2188 calculable
2189 gainsay
2190 officious
2191 appraise
2192 restless
2193 bighearted
2194 artless
2195 pitfall
2196 hardy
2197 aback
2198 weighty
2199 disown
2200 virtually
2201 unearth
2202 uptake
2203 instrumental
2204 reserved
2205 pretext
2206 subtext
2207 setback
2208 backlash
2209 standstill
2210 level-headed
2211 byword
2212 one-stop
2213 upright
2214 acquired
2215 rosy
2216 becoming
2217 sententious
2218 artifice
2219 unrest
2220 deadlock
2221 expendable
2222 porous
2223 scuffle
2224 unnerve
2225 clueless
2226 studied
2227 privation
2228 distance
2229 list
2230 passage
2231 sound
2232 faculty
2233 function
2234 avatar
2235 liberal
2236 license
2237 latitude
2238 court
2239 contract
2240 betray
2241 qualify
2242 stomach
2243 resolve
2244 arrest
2245 digest
2246 nexus
2247 kindle
2248 waffle
2249 off-key
2250 balloon
2251 fetch
2252 contain
2253 stem
2254 check
2255 still
2256 clinical
2257 novel
2258 might
2259 grave
2260 affect
2261 flag
2262 pan
2263 compromise
2264 founder
2265 august
2266 assume
2267 pedestrian
2268 champion
2269 coin
2270 weather
2271 document
2272 contest
2273 intrigue
2274 occasion
2275 effect
2276 spell
2277 husband
2278 industry
2279 demonstrative
2280 pursuit
2281 emergent
2282 inform
2283 appropriate
2284 circumstantial
2285 project
2286 subject
2287 object
2288 long
2289 pacific
2290 involved
2291 score
2292 intimate
2293 portentous
2294 rail
2295 base
2296 course
2297 mount
2298 count
2299 insulate
2300 row
2301 jade
2302 trammel
2303 comb
2304 jealous
2305 usher
2306 cow
2307 hedge
2308 obscure
2309 yield
2310 skirt
2311 asset
2312 dense
2313 frown
2314 content
2315 sanction
2316 accent
2317 perennial
2318 confound
2319 promise
2320 acknowledge
2321 volume
2322 discharge
2323 apology
2324 patent
2325 fell
2326 appreciate
2327 reliable
2328 abandon
2329 harry
2330 experimental
2331 second
2332 usage
2333 autumn
2334 measured
2335 entrance
2336 color
2337 economy
2338 listless
2339 humor
2340 complaint
2341 tender
2342 anchor
2343 bitter
2344 husbandry
2345 anticipate
2346 hail
2347 anonymous
2348 tend
2349 dissipate
2350 misuse
2351 physical
2352 embrace
2353 descendant
2354 abstraction
2355 substantial
2356 counterpart
2357 mirror
2358 enterprise
2359 shoulder
2360 recipe
2361 cupidity
2362 square
2363 slight
2364 finger
2365 muddy
2366 people
2367 immediate
2368 guesswork
2369 untiring
2370 grand
2371 corrosive
2372 radical
2373 fuel
2374 aside
2375 sequel
2376 factotum
2377 disputant
2378 novice
2379 tyro
2380 neophyte
2381 maverick
2382 martinet
2383 sophist
2384 quibbler
2385 pedant
2386 naysayer
2387 acolyte
2388 associate
2389 canary
2390 braggart
2391 dictator
2392 tyrant
2393 denizen
2394 bishop
2395 clergy
2396 prophet
2397 virtuoso
2398 progeny
2399 hardliner
2400 dilettante
2401 spearhead
2402 vanguard
2403 philistine
2404 polymath
2405 prodigy
2406 interlocutor
2407 spendthrift
2408 monger
2409 culprit
2410 curator
2411 orator
2412 fledgling
2413 cynic
2414 quixote
2415 expansionist
2416 electorate
2417 preservationist
2418 zealot
2419 extremist
2420 revisionist
2421 mogul
2422 guru
2423 tycoon
2424 bellwether
2425 stickler
2426 diehard
2427 nonentity
2428 imposter
2429 mastermind
2430 iconoclast
2431 soothsayer
2432 connoisseur
2433 boor
2434 playwright
2435 despot
2436 apologist
2437 wastrel
2438 autocrat
2439 oddball
2440 bore
2441 layperson
2442 has-been
2443 progenitor
2444 benefactor
2445 gourmand
2446 cronyism
2447 nepotism
2448 totalitarianism
2449 utilitarianism
2450 cynicism
2451 chauvinism
2452 egalitarianism
2453 altruism
2454 anarchism
2455 anthropocentrism
2456 atheism
2457 collectivism
2458 dualism
2459 feminism
2460 hedonism
2461 individualism
2462 nihilism
2463 teetotalism
2464 renegade
2465 misanthrope
2466 leveling
2467 straddle
2468 baleful
2469 shelve
2470 scribble
2471 abyss
2472 stunning
2473 bulwark
2474 showcase
2475 staunch
2476 untrammeled
2477 screed
2478 stupefaction
2479 vitriolic
2480 bombastic
2481 waggish
2482 retract
2483 etch
2484 exultant
2485 axiomatic
2486 fusion
2487 exegesis
2488 cerebral
2489 ideologue
2490 slavish
2491 hands-off
2492 no-nonsense
2493 channel
2494 staid
2495 spurn
2496 thenceforth
2497 simpleton
2498 duel
2499 giddy
2500 cannibalism
2501 galactic
2502 platitudinous
2503 lockstep
2504 offhand
2505 veneer
2506 wooden
2507 subsume
2508 plaudits
2509 tack
2510 helter-skelter
2511 acquittal
2512 shed
2513 rummage
2514 disapprobation
2515 regressive
2516 yore
2517 laggard
2518 query
2519 unremitting
2520 accretive
2521 plangent
2522 iridescent
2523 legible
2524 asperity
2525 tangential
2526 inching
2527 recuse
2528 mock-up
2529 overweening
2530 holistic
2531 sideshow
2532 natter
2533 confide
2534 fiddle
2535 malice
2536 bottleneck
2537 dismissal
GRE 2500 Words

v. to make known something private or secret
adj. marked by or resulting from carelessness negligent
n. a formal eulogistic composition
adj. exceedingly harsh or very severe
n. a mixture of different things
adj. impossible to dispute
adj. not partial or biased
adj. prevalent in or limited to a particular locality region or people
adj. very small and tiny
adj. producing wealth
v. to offset an error defect or undesired effect
adj. moving from topic to topic without order rambling
v. to require as an antecedent in logic or fact
adj. acting as a mediator
v. to cause to seem inferior
adj. often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way
adj. marked by fervent partisanship for a person a cause or an ideal
adj. not important
v. to bring forth again in another form without significant alteration
adj. acting with indifference showing little interest or care
v. to form by combining separate things
v. to feel a desire to have what someone else has
adj. in a situation which you are forced to defend or protect someone or something
adj. not limited in any way
adj. falsely appearing to be right
adj. not having a goal or purpose
adj. having or showing the innocence trust and honesty characteristic of young people
adj. belonging to the essential nature of a thing
adj. sure to happen
adj. completely unwilling to change
adj. not influenced by emotions or personal interest
adj. firmly and long established deeprooted
adj. oblique or indirect
adj. easy and pleasant to speak to
n. an unusual unexpected or fanciful idea
adj. very determined to do something
adj. scornfully or cynically mocking
n. secret or dishonest behavior or activity
adj. being in compliance with the law
v. to reproduce or otherwise illegitimately use as ones own
v. to say that one is not responsible for or does not support something
v. to use most or all of
v. to laugh at and make jokes about
v. to make someone or something weaker or less effective
adj. having or showing concern only about ones own needs and interests
adj. likely to spoil or decay quickly
adj. changing often and quickly
n. an inflated sense of ones own importance
adj. complete or total
adj. authoritative
adj. believing that ones country gender or other group is better than any other
adj. straight and smooth in design or shape
adj. very critical in a sharp and often clever way
adj. having simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward an object person or ac
v. to make better or more tolerable
n. a typical example
v. to be unwilling to give or admit
adj. extensive
v. to destroy or remove completely
n. equality
adj. made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortable
v. to call forth or draw out
v. to excite or elate to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy
adj. being in a beginning or early stage
n. a blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal
v. to understand the meaning of
n. a false or mistaken idea
n. the action or process of increasing especially in quantity or value
v. to make something worse
adj. impressive because of uncommon largeness scope effect or grandeur
v. to make shorter
adj. having no plan order or direction
adj. expressive of puzzlement curiosity or disbelief
adj. limited in outlook
adj. not responsive or susceptible
v. to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps
adj. unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk
n. glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise
v. to decrease the rate of progress of
v. to make active healthy or energetic again
adj. impossible to question or doubt
v. to settle down for rest or sleep
v. to support with evidence or authority
n. a strong natural liking for something
n. excessive or uncontrollable emotion such as fear or panic
v. to think about something and make guesses about it
adj. tending to promote or assist
n. something that worries or annoys a person
v. to strongly dislike or disapprove of someone or something
v. to make a very loud and unpleasant sound
adj. having the power to produce a desired result or effect
v. to cause someone to feel that she or he no longer belongs in a particular group society etc.
n. a drug that relieves pain
v. to cut in pieces in order to display or examine the structure and use of the parts
n. a government order that limits trade in some way
v. to think deeply or carefully about
adj. expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubt
adj. existing in reality or in real experience perceptible by the senses real
adj. just or fair
adj. exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling
v. to reduce the pain or trouble of
adj. communicable by contact
adj. narrowly stodgily and often ostentatiously learned
adj. difficult to handle control or deal with because of being large heavy or complex
adj. expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way
v. to say or declare something openly
n. respect for someone or something
v. to spread about or scatter disseminate
v. to utter or send out with denunciation
adj. talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way
adj. conforming to the highest standard
v. to prevail over
adj. trying to find out about other peoples private lives
v. to hold in check
v. to criticize severely to blame
adj. itinerant traveling from place to place
adj. very strict or severe
v. to gradually become smaller
v. to rate or value someone or something too low
n. a hostile entrance into a territory
n. a work that imitates the style of previous works
v. to cause a person or group of people to lose hope enthusiasm or courage
v. to strive to equal or excel
v. to mention or provide something such as a fact or example as evidence or proof to suppor
adj. representing something such as an idea state or emotion that cannot be seen by itself
v. to charge with a fault or offense
v. to end something
adj. marked by keen caution cunning and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping dan
n. very strong disapproval or criticism of a person or thing especially by a large number of peop
adj. of or relating to art or beauty
v. to cause something to happen faster
v. to attract and hold the attention of someone by being interesting pretty etc.
adj. impossible to change back to a previous condition or state
adj. causing strong emotions for or against something
v. to remove the unwanted substances in something
v. to cause someone to feel very happy and excited
adj. not involving or including anyone or anything else
v. to make someone feel uneasy
adj. not controlled or restricted
n. meaningless or deceptive language
adj. opposed to someone or something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be chan
adj. demanding great effort or labor difficult
adj. having the intention or effect of making angry people calm
n. a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future
v. to show that someone should not be blamed for a crime mistake etc.
n. a disease or illness
v. to give assurance
v. to make a hole in something with a sharp point
v. to think of as coming from a specified cause source or author
adj. done secretly
adj. having two or more possible meanings
v. to make something typically hard to understand clear or easy to understand
n. ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help
adj. generally believed or assumed to be something
v. to form an opinion or idea without proof or sufficient evidence
v. to come together to form one group or mass
adj. easily managed or controlled
v. to sing a melody of low pleasing sounds
adj. difficult or complicated
n. something with seemingly contradictory qualities
adj. stubbornly resisting control
adj. very polite in a way that shows respect
v. to give life and energy to
adj. easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue
adj. very friendly
n. a feeling or appearance of not worrying about anything
v. to destroy much or most of something
adj. very excited about and interested in something
n. the distinguishing character sentiment moral nature or guiding beliefs of a person group or o
adj. so bad as to be impossible to overlook
n. a state or situation in which one is alone often by choice
n. something such as a word an object or an event that is mistakenly placed in a time where it
adj. having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended
v. to keep within limits
v. to feel or show deep respect for
v. to think consider or deliberate beforehand
adj. separated from other people or cultures
v. to make something such as a position of power or control stronger or more secure
n. a major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict confusion anger etc.
adj. not changing or stopping
adj. not honest
adj. having a sound that is deep loud and pleasant
adj. able to reproduce or to produce a large amount of something
adj. having low morals and a great love of pleasure money fame etc.
adj. extremely important and necessary
adj. secret or hidden
n. a natural or inherent aptitude impulse or capacity
v. to detect or recognize
n. a usually general or lasting direction of thought inclination or interest
n. a mystifying misleading or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed
adj. immature and unsophisticated
adj. acting in a silly or funny way
adj. not interested in or concerned about something
adj. feeling a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things
n. a small exclusive group of friends or associates
adj. interchangeable or replaceable
adj. expressing praise or admiration for someone or something
adj. originating in or based on observation or experience
v. to obey or agree with something
adj. showing great attention or concern to another
v. to do or say something that is offensive to someone
n. harsh or biting sharpness especially of words manner or disposition
n. a false idea or belief
adj. dull and ordinary
adj. able to be understood in more than one way
v. to entice by charm or attraction
adj. wary careful
n. a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religio
n. the quality of being very unwilling to spend money
adj. clever and deceptive
v. to make or try to make others notice or be aware of
adj. having or showing good judgment
v. to obscure the existence or true state or character of
adj. not likely to happen or be true
v. to make something less important or popular
adj. doing things or tending to do things suddenly and without careful thought
v. to prove that someone is not guilty of doing something wrong
v. to exaggerate
v. to make something more difficult to understand
adj. having an odd and amusing quality
adj. leading to no conclusion or definite result
v. to go or move in different directions
v. to increase the volume of a sound or make an idea more well known
v. to make something larger or greater than normal
adj. not aware of what is really happening
adj. taking a great deal or everything within its scope comprehensive
n. a bitter abusive denunciation
v. to make known a decree for example by public declaration announce officially
n. the linking together of principles from different disciplines especially when forming a compr
adj. lively and enthusiastic
v. to give support to
v. to engage in argument or oppose
n. clear explanation
v. to treat someone with too much care or kindness
n. a very small difference in color tone meaning etc.
adj. not usual or normal
adj. aiming for equal wealth status or other qualities for all people
v. to make someone pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired
adj. pointless or useless
adj. not having or showing a desire to be noticed praised
adj. showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument
adj. lacking a sound basis
adj. capable of adapting to varying conditions
n. a great disaster
adj. clearly accurate or knowledgeable
adj. noisily insistent
v. to cause someone to feel less angry about something
adj. having a wide range or effect
adj. not influenced by personal feelings opinions or concerns
v. to make someone more confident
adj. not able to exist together without trouble or conflict not able to be used together
adj. not fresh old or unpleasant as in food
v. to treat someone as a very important and famous person
adj. trying to teach something such as proper or moral behavior in a way that is annoying or un
adj. based on something that is not true or real
n. a person business or profession marked by avarice and greed
adj. very well suited for some purpose or situation
adj. having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste
v. to cause something to start or happen
n. the quality of being honest and fair
n. a careful preservation and protection of something
adj. controlled and directed internally
n. an opponent that is easy to defeat
adj. covering completely or broadly
adj. too unpleasant to deal with or accept
adj. happening in a series or sequence
adj. done in a secret way
adj. not influenced or affected by emotions
adj. not lasting long
adj. not filled used or lived in
adj. lacking originality or individuality as if massproduced
v. to treat or describe something as less important than it really is
v. to give a false appearance of
adj. very difficult to do or deal with
adv. completely
adj. having the power or right to govern itself
adj. not able to be stated or described in an exact way
adj. very comfortable and expensive
adj. existing in or spreading through every part of something
v. to cancel or reduce the effect of something
adj. present everywhere simultaneously
v. to cause something to get caught in or twisted with something else
adj. tending or intended to cause delay
adj. relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class general
adj. exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great
adj. possible to explain
adj. causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not easily seen or noticed
adj. very complicated and difficult to understand
n. a system of government or business that has many complicated rules and ways of doing thin
adj. common over a wide area or among many people
adj. ready and willing to comply
adj. having little value or importance
n. a feeling of guilt or regret
adj. believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concern
adj. having the quality wanting to be regarded as more impressive successful or important than
adj. usual or typical of a particular person
v. to utter slanderous and abusive statements against
adj. equal to something in value meaning or effect
adj. staying strong and determined even when things are difficult
n. an original model on which something is patterned
n. calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure
v. to express support for a cause belief etc.
n. failure to carefully think about listen to or watch someone or something
adj. full of anger and disagreement
v. to destroy or interrupt the orderly structure or function of
adj. based on or making use of figures of speech metaphorical
v. to have something as a part step or result
adj. having no flaws
v. to not allow oneself to do or express something
adj. practical
adj. excessively moralizing
v. to greatly impress or surprise someone by being very attractive or exciting
adj. loyal and resolute
adj. old and no longer used
v. to make the effects of something such as an illness less painful harmful or harsh
v. to agree to a request or a demand
v. to keep company
adj. not friendly
adj. seeming to be seen everywhere
v. to prove that something is real true or genuine
v. to deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner
n. a natural liking for something
adj. extremely or extraordinarily small
adj. admired and respected very much because a lot was achieved
adj. not guided or controlled by conscience
adj. not important
adj. lacking adult sophistication
adj. done quickly without many details
v. to cause someone to be confused and often also somewhat amused
adj. introduced from another country
n. a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why
adj. limited to the duration of an episode
adj. advocating peace conciliation or negotiation in preference to confrontation or armed confl
n. an area of activity interest or knowledge
v. to give or be a sign of something that will happen or develop in the future
adj. different in a way that is easy to notice
adj. accompanying especially in a subordinate or incidental way
adj. not eating and drinking too much
adj. changing or fluctuating readily
v. to swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another
adj. willing to lie and trick people in order to get what is wanted
v. to be or provide as much as is needed
adj. having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly
v. to make someone very angry
n. a general agreement about something
n. a word or phrase for one thing that is used to refer to another thing in order to show or sugg
v. to be or become better greater or larger than someone or something
adj. complaining in an annoyed way
adj. very important or noticeable
n. the end or final result of something
n. a feeling of good friendship among the people in a group
adj. politely pleasant and friendly
n. something done said or given to show respect gratitude or affection
adj. paying strict attention or good at noticing what is going on around you
n. the cooperative relationship of colleagues
adj. lost in serious or sad thought
n. something that you do or are given to do in order to show that you are sad or sorry about do
v. to make agitated and angry
v. to criticize someone or something very harshly
v. to make something weaker or less effective
v. to torment or vex
n. a model or pattern for something that may be copied
v. to publicly disagree with an official opinion decision or set of beliefs
v. to begin
adj. shared between two or more people or groups
adj. strong and healthy
v. to be a sign of something
v. to hide something or someone from sight
v. to be more than someone or something in number
adj. traveling from place to place especially covering a circuit
v. to represent as diabolically evil
adj. having or showing a very serious attitude or quality
adj. tending to inflame
adj. producing a beneficial effect
adj. having much or plenty of something
adj. having or showing the attitude of one who thinks one is better than other people
adj. disposed to arouse or take part in rebellion or treason
v. to banish
n. a short description of the most important information about something
adj. positive
n. the act or practice of emending
adj. shared or done by a group of people
adj. having the same meaning
n. a small amount
n. reduction or curtailment
v. to make greater
adj. compulsory
adj. equal or similar to something in size amount or degree
adj. tediously long in speaking or writing
adj. difficult to stand on because of being smooth wet icy etc.
adj. large and heavy
adj. not friendly or appealing
adj. extensive in scope
adj. characterized by steady earnest and energetic effort
adj. very careful about behaving properly and doing things in a correct and accurate way
adj. very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention
adj. lasting a very short time
n. an uncontrolled fight or competition that involves many people
adj. basic or simple
adj. full of energetic and noisy activity
v. to organize things so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first
v. to think of something that you believe might exist or happen in the future
v. to limit the size or amount of something
adj. reminding one of or being reminded of past events
adj. having sides or halves that are the same
v. to remove someone or something from power especially by force
adj. reflecting psychological or intellectual immaturity
v. to avoid or escape someone or something by being quick skillful or clever
v. to throw overboard to reject something such as a plan or idea
n. something that will cause damage or injury to something or someone
adj. characterized by grotesqueness extravagance complexity or flamboyance
adj. foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals
n. insulting or contemptuous action or speech
adj. careful not to offend or upset other people
adj. very fashionable
v. to help someone or something pay for the costs of something
adj. supernatural mysterious
adj. not expected or usual
adj. sad or romantic in a foolish or exaggerated way
adj. unpleasant and likely to cause bad feelings in other people
adj. simple or unadorned
v. to slow the movement progress or action of someone or something
adj. marked by free forthright and sincere expression
n. a lack of connection between things that are related or should be connected
adj. very hard to please
adj. involving risk or danger
n. deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry
adj. capable of being verified
adj. able to be proven or shown
adj. holding tenaciously to a purpose belief opinion or course of action
adj. not plentiful or abundant
adj. having a very rich and expensive quality
adj. confident and hopeful
v. to become unsteady because of weakness emotion tiredness etc.
v. to cause to exist or to develop
adj. hard to understand define or remember
v. to think about or consider something carefully
v. to increase in number or amount quickly
n. a small amount of something
adj. having one meaning only
adj. sad because of failure loss etc.
n. an amount such as an amount of money that is more than the amount that is needed
adj. rude and showing a lack of respect
n. a person or thing that is not like any other person or thing
adj. being both relevant and opportune
v. to gain favor or approval for yourself by doing or saying things that people like
v. to invent or develop a plan story etc. often in order to trick or deceive someone
v. to empty whatever is in the stomach through the mouth
adj. groundless or unwarranted
adj. lasting a very short time
adj. of critical importance or consequence
v. to impair the strength of
v. to be angry or upset about someone or something that you think is unfair
adj. highly pleasing
adj. resolute or determined
n. proof or evidence that something exists or is true
adj. existing as something in name only
adj. happening at the same time
adj. tediously uniform or unvarying
n. a prediction uttered under divine inspiration
n. great ability or skill shown by a musician performer etc.
adj. easy to understand or recognize
n. an area within which someone or something has authority influence or knowledge
v. to add to something earlier larger or more important
v. to make a loud highpitched cry
adj. lasting for a markedly brief time
adj. having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying
v. to cause worry or distress to
adj. not agreeing with what seems right or natural
adj. extremely interesting
adj. having or showing a generous and kind nature
v. to free from or as if from a tether
adj. containing or made from ideas or expressions that have been used many times before and
n. a calculated move
adj. happy and lively in a way that is attractive
v. to divide or arrange into classes castes or social strata
adj. not usual
v. to decrease suddenly and by a large amount
adj. having or showing a lack of hope for the future
v. to lessen the strength of something
adj. having a pleasant or agreeable taste
v. to stop developing progressing moving etc.
adj. difficult to understand
v. to confuse
v. to think about or discuss something very carefully in order to make a decision
n. the exact opposite of something or someone
n. an act of bidding farewell
v. to damage or ruin the force or effectiveness of something or someone
adj. marked by selfsatisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers
v. to make something such as a task or action slow or difficult
adj. causing fear dread or apprehension
adj. impossible to understand
v. to force or impose as oneself or ones ideas without warrant or request
v. to show that something such as a belief or theory is not true
n. a feeling of being offended by what someone has said or done
n. a liking for or an attraction to something
n. something that is the result of something else
v. to put something in a liquid so that all parts are completely covered
n. death
adj. feeling or showing concern for someone who is sick hurt poor etc.
adj. destitute of knowledge or education
adj. marked by the quality or state of someone or something that will never die or be forgotten
v. to make something such as an unpleasant feeling less painful severe etc.
n. the act of making atonement
adj. liking to talk and talking smoothly and easily
adj. not very important
n. an earnest solemn appeal
adj. causing unhappiness or sad feelings
adj. not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or suffering of other people
v. to minimize the importance of
adj. marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display
v. to prevent someone from doing something or to stop something from happening
v. to worry or upset someone
n. friendly joking about or with somebody
v. to make someone very angry or annoyed
adj. weak or ineffective
n. a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about somet
v. to make something weaker or less in amount effect or force
adj. full of mystery and difficult to understand
v. to say in a strong and definite way that someone or something is bad or wrong
v. to criticize a persons character intentions etc. by suggesting that someone is not honest and
adj. planned or carried out with great care
adj. having negative connotations tending to disparage or belittle
adj. of a happy lighthearted character or disposition
v. to prove that something is not true
adj. emptied of or lacking content
v. to make someone or something very weak or tired
adj. giving or expressing honor or respect
v. to show that something is false or wrong
v. to cause something to stop burning
v. to censure scathingly
adj. not subject or susceptible to change
adj. criticizing other people or things too strongly or too often
adj. very important
n. respect and affection
adj. emotionally upset
adj. not letting people see or know what you are doing or thinking
n. a person who is chosen or elected to vote or act for others
n. temporary inactivity
adj. noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner
adj. having a very noticeable quality that attracts a lot of attention
adj. very clear and easy to understand
adj. difficult to understand or explain
n. the often unwarranted exciting of fears or warning of danger
adj. causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different
n. a state of not being active and having very little energy
adj. not liking to work or be active
adj. having the power of forcing someone to do something
n. an act of revealing to view or making known
n. something such as an emergency that might happen
adj. producing a large amount of something
n. a quick and cheerful readiness to do something
v. to rise above or go beyond the limits of
v. to produce or exhibit resonance
adj. not typical or distinctive
adj. acting or done quickly and without thought
adj. different from each other
n. an interval of rest or relief
v. to cause someone to feel angry or irritated especially for a long time
v. to accept agree or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing
v. to solve correct or improve something
adj. being in agreement harmony or correspondence
n. someone who annoys people by being very critical
v. to become smaller in amount size or value
adj. very excited or upset
adj. having a clear aim or purpose
n. a medical opinion about how an illness will progress
adj. able to adjust to changing circumstances adaptable
v. to give up the enjoyment or advantage of do without
v. to cause problems or difficulties for
n. extreme cruelty
adj. pretending to be morally better than other people
adj. causing a strong feeling of dislike or disgust
n. a name that someone such as a writer uses instead of his or her real name
adj. very clear and complete and leaving no doubt about the meaning
adj. not capable of being persuaded by entreaty relentless
v. to hide your true feelings opinions etc.
adj. very clever amusing and interesting
n. a very famous or successful person
v. to give power to someone
n. respect and esteem due a superior or an elder
adj. full of sadness or sorrow
v. to criticize someone or something harshly and publicly
adj. limited to only the things that affect your local area
v. to express sorrow regret or unhappiness about something
adj. of belonging to or seeming to come from an early time in the very ancient past
v. to slow the movement progress or action of someone or something
v. to let fall exude or precipitate in drops or in a wet mist
v. to do the same thing as
adj. dealing with or knowing a subject thoroughly or completely
n. a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive
adj. lacking distinctive qualities having no individual character or form
adj. bad or unfavorable
adj. lasting continuing
v. to give life action or spirit to
adj. coming into view existence or notice
adj. causing doubt uncertainty or suspicion
adj. not polite
adj. very strange or unusual
adj. happening by luck
adj. changing moods quickly and often
v. to make someone believe something that is not true
adj. happening by chance
v. to understand the reason for something
n. an amount of money paid to someone for the work that person has done
adj. shining with brilliant points of light like stars
adj. having heavy and thick growth
n. something that gives a title to credit or confidence
v. to quickly move away from something that is shocking frightening or disgusting to react to so
adj. shocking or offensive damaging to the reputation
v. to diminish or destroy by degrees
adj. not certain definite or strong flimsy weak or uncertain
v. to change level strength or value frequently
adj. likely to cause people to argue or disagree
n. something made of miscellaneous or incongruous parts or elements
v. to shock or surprise someone very much
adj. having temperatures that are not too hot or too cold
adj. having no knowledge or education
adj. indiscriminate
adj. capable of being touched or felt
adj. expressing a lot of emotion
adj. suitable or fit to live in
v. to put things in an orderly form
v. to make an exact copy of something
adj. moving slowly or lazily
v. to exert a guiding or controlling influence on
adj. used to make something more attractive
adj. of or relating to social events where people can eat drink and talk in a friendly way with ot
adj. of many and various kinds
n. a remedy for all ills or difficulties
v. to accept support or approve of something
adj. tending to excite anger disorder or tumult seditious
v. to hurt or damage the good condition of something
adj. very strict and demanding
v. to cause someone to believe something that is not true
adj. not wise or sensible
adj. everyday or ordinary
n. wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official
adj. conspicuously bad or offensive
adj. made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud
adj. having or showing extreme or sudden changes of emotion
n. a confusing or difficult problem
v. to plan with cleverness or ingenuity to devise
v. to make someone happy or satisfied
v. to make someone lose confidence or pride
adj. caused by humans
v. to combine as two readings of a text into a composite whole
adj. having life
adj. happening or beginning now or in recent times
v. to form the basis or foundation of an idea a process etc.
n. a short account of an interesting or humorous incident
n. the act or process of ministering
adj. boring or ordinary
adj. lacking proper respect or seriousness
n. harsh or insulting words
adj. very small or too small in amount
adj. hating to spend money
adj. known and admired by many people for some special quality or achievement
adj. including all possibilities
adj. of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech
adj. too simple and not showing enough thought or effort
adj. able to be seen through
adj. not able to be doubted or questioned
adj. complicated long and confusing
v. to cause someone to be worried or upset
adj. given to capricious or unstable behavior
adj. spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others
v. to make someone feel annoyed or angry
adj. very interesting
adj. open to view
adj. done to trick someone for the purpose of getting something valuable
adj. full of danger
n. something that causes great destruction violence etc.
v. to admit something usually in an unwilling way
adj. causing horror or shock
adj. very many
v. to make something seem smaller or less important
n. meaning conveyed professed or implied
adj. of moderate or low quality value ability or performance
v. to provoke impatience anger or displeasure in
adj. awkward especially because of being too formal
adj. not easily upset or excited
adj. acting moving or changing in ways that are not expected or usual
adj. very smart or clever
n. revival
v. to publicly or officially say that on supports or approves of someone or something
n. something that shows what is coming
adj. having or showing intense often vicious ill will
adj. very important
adj. morally right and good
adj. having significant consequences
v. to cause something that should be stopped such as a mistaken idea or a bad situation to con
n. someone or something that is very strongly disliked
v. to make something clear and easier to understand
adj. charming
v. to treat roughly
adj. changing opinions often
v. to cancel an order especially by giving a new order
v. to make someone less angry to calm someone down
adj. causing feelings of sadness
adj. arranged characterized by or performed with method or order
adj. marked by exhortation or strong urging
adj. existing from the time a person or animal is born
v. to force people or animals to leave the area where they live
v. to arrest or seize
n. a lack of order
adj. boring and too slow or long
adj. becoming angry very easily
adj. very careful about how you do something
v. to close up or block off
v. to make something weaker or worse
adj. expressing or containing praise
adj. common or widespread
v. to criticize or express disapproval of someone or something
v. to be a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen
adj. injurious to ones or its own purposes or welfare
v. to say or state something in a public official or definite way
v. to interest oneself in what is not ones concern
v. to exceed in importance
adj. very boring or causing a person to fall asleep
v. to cause something to happen quickly or suddenly
adj. difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with
n. friendly social atmosphere
v. to extinguish
v. to affirm or declare positively or earnestly
adj. not planned or chosen for a particular reason
n. power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds
adj. most sacred or holy
adj. not active
adj. not honest or direct
v. to put off to delay
adj. having no adverse effect harmless
adj. known or understood by only a few people
adj. continuing or enduring without fundamental or marked change stable
v. to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire
adj. not capable of being mistaken or misunderstood
n. something that came before something else and may have influenced or caused it
v. to say that something is larger or greater than it really is
v. to enjoy or take pleasure in something
n. a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation
n. the increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or entities work together
adj. existing or true at all times or in all places
v. to check or diminish the activity or vigor of
v. to exist or happen at an earlier time than something or someone
n. a proposition antecedently supposed or proved as a basis of argument or inference
v. to provide with a motive
n. a connection or relationship between two or more things
n. the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
adj. needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression
v. to make less severe or intense
v. to decrease gradually in size amount intensity or degree decline
adj. required to be responsible for something
adj. fruitful in offspring or vegetation
adj. characterized by or given to serious thinking or contemplation
n. an easier occurrence of something similar
v. to withdraw or repudiate a statement or beliefformally and publicly
adj. lengthy and digressive
v. to habituate to something undesirable
adj. strange or unusual
adj. serving merely for pay or sordid advantage
adj. not significant or important enough to be worth considering trifling
adj. silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousness or good judgment
adj. appearing to be true fair or reasonable
v. to confuse someone completely
adj. too simple
adj. valiant
adj. not having or showing much emotion or interest
v. to commit to a goal or way of life
v. to hurt or damage the good condition of something
n. lack of movement or activity especially when movement or activity is wanted or needed
adj. able to be understood
n. the state of being most important or strongest
adj. not capable of being defended against attack or criticism
n. a rude or impolite attitude or behavior
adj. using few words in speech or writing
v. to admit that you did something wrong or illegal
v. to weaken the morale of a person or group
n. a model of excellence or perfection
adj. no longer useful or acceptable
adj. passing swiftly
v. to examine something carefully especially in a critical way
n. something that encourages a person to do something or to work harder
adj. involving causing or constituting a contradiction
adj. limited in character or scope
adj. approaching death
v. to stimulate or shock with an electric current
adj. capable of being used in place of each other
adj. excessively scanty
n. an undoubted or selfevident truth
v. to give or assign a value to especially a higher value
adj. very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way
n. humor that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person government society etc.
adj. kept private by an owner
adj. not favoring one side or group over another
adj. having no definite or clear shape or form
adj. not interested or involved in politics
v. to make something no longer necessary
n. the ability to know what will or might happen in the future
adj. intrepidly daring
n. a critical and usually censorious remark
v. to make someone or something more attractive by adding something beautiful
adj. deceptive in words or action
adj. showing strong and often angry feelings
v. to make someone or something strong healthy or active again
adj. very old or oldfashioned
n. a part or element of something
adj. slow or awkward because of weight and size
v. to diminish the importance value or effectiveness of something
adj. relating to a particular person situation etc.
v. to make appear great or greater
n. someone or something that is likely to succeed or to be chosen
n. a feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or disappointment
n. the act of placing or keeping someone away from other people the act of secluding someone
v. to begin
adj. expressing harsh criticism especially in a way that is funny
adj. causing an emotional disturbance
v. to make beautiful with ornamentation
adj. showing a readiness or desire to fight or argue
v. to make a bad situation a problem etc. worse
adj. done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticed
v. to confuse someone very much
adj. lacking depth
adj. feeling or showing a lack of interest and excitement caused by having done or experienced
adj. having or expressing clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future
adj. being a perfect example of something
n. the quality or state of being humble
v. to make something known to the public
adj. involving two people or two sides who oppose each other
n. a person organization etc. that is helped by something
adj. happening too soon or earlier than usual
v. to put something or someone in danger
v. to create or imagine something
v. to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult
adj. very great in size amount or degree
adj. opposite in order nature or effect
adj. not marked by careful distinction
v. to refuse to obey
v. to criticize or warn gently but seriously
v. to prevent someone from doing something
v. to promise to give up something or to stop doing something
n. unity as of a group or class that produces or is based on community of interests objectives a
adj. very easy to see or notice
n. false information deliberately and often covertly spread
v. to prevent something from happening
v. to give a brief summary of something
v. to make a person or animal unable to move or feel all or part of the body
adj. too strong or great to be expressed or described
adj. fully taking ones attention
n. a very large amount or number
v. to ignore something or treat something as unimportant
adj. causing unrest violence or disturbance
adj. showing dislike or opposition
n. something that happens or appears in many places and is not unusual
adj. deficient in quality or quantity
adj. strongly favoring a particular point of view in a way that may cause argument
n. the respect and admiration that someone or something gets for being successful or importa
n. mockery usually by caricature
v. to accomplish or achieve something to succeed in getting or doing something
n. a rapid or sudden increase or rise
adj. having a bad temper
adj. too easily influenced or controlled by other people
v. to express disapproval or disappointment to someone
adj. deliberately affected
v. to deny or renounce
v. to cause the occurrence of a feeling or action
adj. excessively acquisitive especially in seeking to hoard riches
v. to talk about yourself your achievements your family etc. in a way that shows too much prid
v. to pay attention to advice a warning etc.
adj. having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good
n. punishment for breaking a rule or law
v. to show or suggest something that will happen or exist at a future time
v. to represent as glorious
n. a strong feeling of dislike or hatred
n. an acceptable reason for doing something
v. to relate to
v. to give pain or trouble to to distress
n. the state or condition of not having enough of something
n. an untrue statement that is made to damage someones reputation
adj. profusely widespread
adj. easily hurt or harmed physically mentally or emotionally
adj. having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand
v. to twist out of the true meaning or proportion
v. to extend or expand beyond a safe or reasonable point especially to commit oneself financia
adj. exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age
v. to refuse to accept or support
adj. unusual especially in an interesting way
n. a person who argues for or supports something
v. to repeat something you have already said in order to emphasize
adj. very careful about doing what one is supposed to do concerned with doing something corr
adj. having or showing a strong or excessive desire to acquire money or possess things
n. a long speech or written report on a subject
v. to tell of or indicate beforehand
v. to represent as less than is the case
v. to refuse to accept as true or accurate
v. to emphasize something or show the importance of something
v. to decide something before it happens or in advance
adj. serving for the time being
adj. thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something
adj. large and impressively beautiful
v. to cause someone to be no longer friendly or close to another person or group
n. an untrue statement
v. to move or control something with your hands or by using a machine
adj. being such to a degree that is extreme excessive or markedly abnormal
adj. not being forthright or direct in language or action
adj. likely to have or produce good results
adj. having or showing a very clear understanding of something having or showing insight
v. to cause something to lose its value or to have no effect
v. to make easier
v. to ask for something such as help or support in a serious way
v. to make someone pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired
adj. damaging or harmful
adj. lacking material substance immaterial intangible
v. to restore to a former capacity
v. to come together to form a group
n. a firm adherent to a party faction cause or person especially one exhibiting blind prejudiced
v. to go around or avoid a place or area
adj. very careful about doing something correctly
adj. constituting a massive undifferentiated and often rigid whole
adj. very hash or severe
v. to make unsuitable for passage or progress by obstruction
adj. unappealing causing one to feel dislike of someone or something
adj. carelessly and foolishly wasting money or other resources
adj. revealing or marked by a smug ingratiating and false earnestness or spirituality
adj. able to move quickly easily and lightly
adj. poorly done or made
adj. made up of parts that are different
n. the quality of seeming real
adj. unoriginal
adj. fawning obsequious
v. to avoid being stopped by something such as a law or rule
adj. not flexible
adj. expressing suffering or sadness
n. extreme hatred or dislike
adj. easily affected influenced or harmed by something
n. a statement in which one repeats a word idea etc. in a way that is not necessary
v. to make something less serious and often more exciting
n. a sudden change or disturbance that affects a country organization etc.
adj. going far beyond what is fair reasonable or expected
n. something that naturally follows or results from another thing
adv. used to say that something is necessary or must be done
v. to try to persuade people to join a religion cause or group
v. to make a fetish of to treat or regard with fetishism
adj. eating both plants and animals
adj. polite and confident
n. an unusual way in which a particular person behaves or thinks
adj. honest and open
adj. relating to or in the form of money
n. an emotion of sympathetic pity
adj. having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing
n. a group or collection that is impressive because it is so big or because it includes so many diff
adj. of or relating to trees
n. the state of being homesick
adj. admitting of no contradiction
adj. of or relating to birds
adj. appearing ready to collapse
v. to shake because of fear cold nervousness etc.
n. an angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has treated you unfairly
adj. innocent
n. a perfect example
n. a narrow opening or crack
v. to discuss terms with an enemy
v. to kill or destroy someone or something by fire
n. lack of physical or mental energy
adj. excessively elevated or ornate
v. to defeat oneself by seeking to do or gain too much
v. to set the boundaries of to delimit
v. to display clearly
v. to change direction or course
adj. able to become strong healthy or successful again after something bad happens
v. to fight in a violent way against the rule of a leader or government
v. to gradually go from an advanced state to a less advanced state
n. excessive or slavish admiration or flattery
v. to forcefully tear down or take apart a structure
adj. occuring at a suitable time
n. a quick view or a small amount of information that tells you a little about what someone or s
adj. too eager to help or obey someone important
n. innermost emotional or visceral response
n. the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic social or profession
adj. brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly
v. to become weaker
v. to make someone nervous and confused
v. to praise someone in a way that is not sincere
v. to make something more noticeable
v. to increase the size or amount of something
n. freedom from doubt
n. an indication of approval carrying great prestige
adj. feeling or showing regret for bad behavior
adj. having the same opinion
n. a new word or expression or a new meaning of a word
n. government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class
adj. likely to cause damage or have a bad effect
v. to respect greatly to venerate
n. historical records
v. to dislike and criticize someone or something very strongly
adj. without precedent
v. to pull something with a quick forceful movement
adj. uncomfortably closed or hemmed in
n. the return of a trait or recurrence of previous behavior after a period of absence
adj. appealing or attractive
adj. not able to be trusted
n. great happiness or joy
n. a voyage especially an extensive one
n. punishment for doing something wrong
n. a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people
v. to feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work
adj. very happy and successful
adj. more important powerful successful or noticeable than other people or things
adj. bringing thoughts memories or feelings into the mind
adj. relaxed and calm in a way that shows that one does not care or is not worried about anyth
v. to make someone or something better or more worthy of admiration
v. to remove something completely
adj. characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure
v. to release from something that engages or involves
v. to recover from setback or frustration
v. to stick to something
adj. involving only one group or country
adj. tending to remain calm
v. to represent an abstraction by a concrete instance
adj. different from each other
adj. displaying great diversity or variety
v. to publicly criticize someone in a very harsh way
adj. extreme or excessive in degree size or extent
v. to steal things from a place such as a city or town especially by force
n. a lack of spirit enthusiasm or interest
v. to think of or create something in the mind
adj. being without
adj. having or showing a lot of experience and knowledge about the world and about culture a
adj. putting an end to debate or question especially by reason of irrefutability
v. to give knowledge or understanding to someone
n. a set of methods rules or ideas that are important in a science or art a particular procedure o
adj. relating to construction or building
n. the state or practice of being married to only one person at a time
n. a specific causative agent as a bacterium or virus of disease
v. to describe someone or something using words a story
adj. serving to dismiss
adj. lacking in strength or vitality
n. a difference especially between things that should be the same
adj. of or relating to the study of changes that occur in large groups of people over a period of
v. to search for something such as food or supplies
adj. happening moving or existing at the same time
n. traditionally an account of a saints life an idealized biography
adj. lacking variety creativity or excitement
v. to make use of
adj. originating and growing or living in an area or environment native
n. a usually violent attempt to take control of a government
n. the set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political party
v. to separate groups of people because of their particular race religion or other trait
v. to offer for discussion or consideration
v. to make something such as a food or drink impure or weaker by adding something of poor q
adj. used to describe writing that is done to explain something
n. lack of vitality
v. to uncover something by digging away and removing the earth that covers it
adj. expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way
n. a growth or increase that occurs after a period without growth or increase
adj. using conversational style
n. the act of uttering exclamations something interjected as a remark
v. to deceive or trick someone
adj. similar in some way
adj. present but not visible or active
v. to refuse to buy use or participate in something as a way of protesting
adj. resulting from feeling rather than reason or thought
v. to criticize someone harshly
adj. better than others
n. the special words or phrases that are used in a particular field
v. to breed or train an animal to need and accept the care of human beings to tame an animal
adj. of or relating to teachers or education
v. to change something so that it is not true or accurate
adj. showing little or no change action or progress
adj. separate and different from each other
v. to weaken or destroy gradually
n. the main character in a narrative or work of fiction
n. someone or something that comes before another
v. to hold onto someone or something tightly with your hand
v. to wander from the direct course or way
adj. of relating to or concerned with the art of speaking or writing formally and effectively espe
n. a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greate
adj. of relating to or having the nature of a quintessence being the most typical
n. governmental rule or control
adj. dealing with facts without allowing personal feelings to confuse them
v. to suggest something such as an idea or theoryespecially in order to start a discussion
n. the beginning of something
v. to strike or dash especially with a sharp collision
v. to grow or develop successful
n. the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops
adj. not being the normal or usual kind
v. to say or state or run again
adj. correctly stating what will happen in the future
v. to mark the outline of
v. to forgive or approve something that is considered wrong
n. keenness and depth of perception discernment or discrimination especially in practical matt
v. to suffer agony torture or anguish
v. to have great respect for someone or something
adj. not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions
adj. not merciful or forbearing
adj. angry and aggressive
adj. tending to be quiet
adj. relating to the feeling of being sorry for doing something wrong
adj. of little weight or importance
v. to argue a case or cause in a court of law
adj. accepted as true or correct by most people
v. to assert without proof or before proving
v. to cause people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement
v. to speak or perform without preparation
v. to get rid of
v. to take away the peace or tranquility of
n. a difficult or unpleasant situation
v. to become worse as time passes
n. agreement harmony
v. to learn or find out something such as information or the truth
adj. tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal
n. a name that is wrong or not proper or appropriate
adj. characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger
adj. having or exhibiting uncompromising determination unyielding
adj. causing a person to become tired and ready to fall asleep
v. to cause something such as information to be distributed to many people
v. to cause or persuade a person or an animal to go somewhere or to do something by offering
v. to send away
v. to treat someone or something poorly and without respect
adj. tending to change often not dependable or stable
adj. free from commotion or disturbance
adj. goodlooking and handsome
adj. not neat or orderly
adj. correct and polite in a particular situation
adj. cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality
n. the way that a room or the inside of a building is decorated
adj. lavishly productive
adj. having a very sour or sharp taste
adj. having a rough quality
adj. represented by few species or individuals
n. the point or level at which something begins or changes
v. to insult someone or something or describe it negatively
v. to weaken or destroy the effect of something
adj. not interesting funny etc. because of being used too often
v. to think carefully and deeply about something
v. to move or cause to move in a sinuous spiral or circular course
adj. of or relating to the country or country life
adj. of or relating to the countryside or to the lives of people who live in the country
adj. being tough stubborn or uncompromising
adj. not very important or serious
adj. taking advantage of chances for personal benefit as they arise
v. to threaten harm to someone or something
adj. need or showing diligent care and effort
adj. relating to or characteristic of people who work to improve the lives and living conditions o
v. to make susceptible or liable
adj. successful wellknown and respected
adj. expressing feelings or opinions in a way that is loud and forceful
adj. relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure
v. to make someone or something safe or secure
adj. frightening having an evil appearance
adj. causing someone to believe that something is true or certain
n. the highest level or greatest degree
adj. better than anyone or anything else
adj. very important
adj. difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend
adj. not healthy or normal
adj. used needed or enjoyed constantly by many people
n. a sign that something will happen
n. a cure or solution for any illness or problem
adj. having no pity
v. to show disdain or derision
adj. having a strong desire to own or acquire more things
v. having a loud resonant metallic sound
v. to give new strength or energy to
v. to think and talk about someone or something too much
adj. of or relating to the group of books plays poems etc. that are traditionally considered to be
v. to stop the effect of
adj. no longer used because something newer exists
adj. everyday commonplace
adj. causing feelings of sadness and sympathy
adj. marked by exceptional commonplaceness overly sentimental
adj. marked by truth
adj. excessively eager
v. to make productive use of
v. to provide something with new parts that were not available when it was originally built
adj. funny and clever
adj. causing discussion thought argument etc.
adj. having little or no money
adj. showing great care attention and effort
adj. expressed or understood without being directly stated
v. to disobey a command or law
adj. difficult to comprehend
v. to place or set something firmly in something else to make something an integral part of
v. to cause someone or something to be in a specified condition
v. to change something
n. a strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way
v. to make or change something so that it meets a special need or purpose
adj. of the same or similar nature or kind
adj. very great in size or amount
adj. closely related or similar
v. to closely connect something or oneself with or to something such as a program or organizati
adj. average or ordinary
n. a place that provides shelter or protection
adj. of or relating to the skill or activity of giving speeches
v. to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of
v. to cause someone to feel very embarrassed and foolish
adj. not agreeing with established beliefs or standards
adj. of relating to or characteristic of a person inflexibly attached to a practice or theory dictato
adj. occurring occasionally singly or in irregular or random instances
v. to control or command
adj. happy and confident
adj. giving warning
adj. up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments
adj. refusing to change ones behavior or ideas
v. to atone for
n. a great disaster
v. to not include or to leave undone
n. a benefit or advantage
adj. not willing to accept new or different ideas
adj. showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment morose or sulky
adj. marked by circumspection
v. to place two or more things side by side
adj. harmful to living things
adj. odiously or disgustingly objectionable
adj. requiring a lot of time and effort
n. a written or spoken expression of great enthusiasm praise etc.
v. to stop or check in its course
v. to distract
v. to not do something well or successfully
n. something as a state of affairs that alternates between opposites
v. to give all of your attention to something
adj. shocked and upset
adj. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
n. the ability to see what will or might happen in the future
adj. very exciting and attractive
v. to assign to a place of insignificance or of oblivion
n. an ardent supporter
v. to make something more important
adj. deeply religious
adj. convinced of ones own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of
v. to display ostentatiously
adj. not correct
adj. possible to do
n. division or separation
adj. wellknown or famous especially for something bad
adj. happening at a good time because of luck
adj. involving a lot of violence confusion or disorder
n. dash or flamboyance in style and action
adj. awkward and clumsy
adj. extremely dangerous and deadly and usually spreading very quickly
adj. tending to produce death or deterioration
adj. not causing harm or damage
v. to shorten by leaving out some parts
adj. causing shock or disgust
adj. very large in amount or number
adj. failing to take proper or normal care of something or someone
adj. of or relating to a tailor or to clothing
v. to take the place of someone or something that is old no longer useful etc.
v. to cause someone to feel very excited or happy
v. to approve or sanction
v. to give up something
v. to fill or build up again
v. to reduce or limit something
v. to make up for the purpose of deception
v. to restrain from movement progress or action
n. a strap fastened to a bit by which a rider or driver controls an animal
v. to restrain check or control with or as if with a bridle
v. to admit something although it does not agree with or support ones previous opinion
v. to speak or write about something that is different from the main subject being discussed
v. to establish firmly or solidly
n. great ability or skill
adj. of or relating to the physical world and not the spiritual world
adj. very happy or excited
n. a feeling of great happiness and excitement
v. to make illhumored or discontented
adj. very polite in a way that shows respect
adj. not interesting or dull
v. to break up into opposing factions or groupings
n. an overwrought expression of concern or guilt
v. to make someone ready to do something
v. to defeat someone completely in a war battle etc.
n. a great or important victory
v. to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud
adj. very talkative
v. to avoid telling the truth by not directly answering a question
adj. including things taken from many different sources
adj. blatantly and disdainfully proud
v. to take to pieces to tear down
v. to foster growing knowledge of familiarity with or acceptance of as an idea or belief
n. a drawing that makes someone look funny or foolish because some part of the persons appe
v. to damage something by rubbing grinding or scraping
v. to impair the quality or effect of
adj. belonging to the earliest period or state
adj. highly pertinent or appropriate
adj. relating to a subject in an appropriate way
adj. not regular or steady
adj. very calm
adj. requiring immediate attention
adj. appointing as a successor deputy or substitute for oneself
adv. in the past
adj. having been someone or something specified in the past
adj. elaborately decorated
v. to hurt the reputation of someone or something especially by saying things that are false or
v. to persuade someone to do something in a clever or deceptive way
adj. easily frightened
adj. knowing everything
adj. continuing for a very long time
n. state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumsta
n. egoism egocentrism
v. to prove the truth of something
n. a position or situation from which it is difficult to escape
v. to stop something from happening
adj. being under obligation for a favor or gift
adj. owing gratitude or recognition to another
v. to say or suggest that someone or something has or is guilty of something
adj. acting or done in a very open and shocking way without shame or embarrassment
v. to make someone angry
adj. feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval
n. a harsh rebuke
adj. beginning to exist
n. something that signifies or evidences authority validity or identity
adj. leaving a residue that remains effective for some time
adj. able to do something quickly and accurately
adj. having or showing the ability to use language clearly and effectively
adj. very clever or skillful
adj. giving or providing many desired things
adj. given or provided abundantly
adj. having or showing an ability to think clearly
v. to mix or blend together
adj. unwise
adj. very weak
n. a right or privilege
adj. carefully noticing problems or signs of danger
adj. lacking dexterity nimbleness or grace
adj. something that is marginal additional or secondary to some activity process or subject
v. to attack the reputation of
v. to ask or beg for something in a very serious or emotional way
v. to make a humble entreaty
adj. refusing to change your ideas or opinions or to stop doing something
n. a serious request for something
prep. prep. despite
adj. not interesting or exciting
adj. fashionable or stylish
adj. making good health possible or likely
adj. not able to be trusted
adj. causing people to be offended
v. to break out or become active again
adj. able to be touched or felt
adj. not clear
adj. complete absolute or entire
adj. deviating from the usual or natural type
v. to make certain the failure or destruction of
adj. limited or inadequate in amount or scope
v. to collect or gather something
v. to find suitable people and get them to join a company an organization the armed forces etc
n. something that is done in advance to prepare for something else
v. to serve as the inciting cause of
v. to attack or criticize someone or something in a violent or angry way
v. to freely or naturally provide someone or something with something
v. to come or go into a place where you are not wanted or welcome
adj. chosen for a particular job but not officially doing that job yet
v. to begin working on
v. to engage in
v. to officially end or stop something such as a law
v. to give something as a gift or honor
v. to collect and edit into a volume
adj. needed for a particular purpose
n. great and impressive beauty
adj. not required to do something that others are required to do
v. to appeal to or cite in support or justification
v. to give someone the responsibility of doing something or of caring for someone or somethin
n. the state of being joined in some activity or effort
adj. happening regularly over a period of time
adj. having a large amount of space
adj. able to be chosen for something
adj. requiring or showing great energy and effort
adj. close or near
v. to move with a violent twist
v. appropriated by the government
adj. very fierce or violent
n. quickness of motion
v. to give transfer or deliver into the hands or control of another
v. to seize with or as if with a grapple
v. to do something that is different or to be different from what is usual or expected
adj. amazing or wonderful very impressive
v. to lead or move as to a course of action by influence or persuasion
v. to learn something so that it is fully understood and can be used
v. to gradually move or go into an area that is beyond the usual or desired limits
v. to represent something in a clear and obvious way
v. to happen at the same time as something else
v. to give as a property or characteristic to someone or something
v. to get control of a violent or dangerous person or group by using force punishment etc.
adj. causing death
v. to live in a particular place
v. to be made up of something
n. the area around or near a particular place
adj. not fully worked out concluded or agreed on provisional
v. to plunder ruthlessly
n. the highest point of development or achievement
n. a sickness or illness
n. an inexperienced person
adj. thinking about something a lot or too much
v. to breathe out
v. to speak in an angry and critical way to someone
adj. marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful dismissal of important matters
adj. passing from a person who has died to that persons child or younger relative
adj. lacking depth of intellect emotion or knowledge
v. to cause something that is moving to change direction
n. skillful handling of a situation
adj. happening or coming very late or too late
adj. complete and total
n. a lack of seriousness
adj. causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed
v. to come together
adj. seeming or said to be true or real but very possibly not true or real
adj. very sad and serious
adj. having or showing great knowledge or understanding
n. the outline or outer edge of something
n. complete confusion and disorder
adj. very large
v. to speak about someone or something in a very critical or insulting way
adj. having or consisting of a physical body or form
v. to vary between opposing beliefs feelings or theories
n. a form of government in which a country is ruled by a monarch
v. to introduce something into the mind of
v. to exist or continue to exist
n. the right to vote in an election
n. a person who gives money and support to an artist organization etc.
n. a situation in which you are forced to leave your country or home and go to live in a foreign
adj. not generous and friendly to guests or visitors
adj. not straightforward
v. to give or leave by will used especially of personal property
n. the act of keeping someone or something
v. to split up into branches or constituent parts
v. to set down as a rule or guide enjoin
v. to take something away from
v. to make something necessary
v. to breathe in
n. skill and grace in physical movement especially in the use of the hands adroitness
v. to flow out slowly
v. to give money or support to someone or something
v. to force someone to leave
adj. not appearing or presented by a stated expected or required time
adj. talking or behaving in a very direct brief and unfriendly way
adj. prosaic dull or ordinary
n. a usually violent effort by many people to change the government or leader of a country
n. something that is used to make judgments about the quality of other things
n. a person or business that sells or provides something
n. a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comi
v. to destroy a large number of plants animals people etc.
v. to find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand
adj. willing to agree or to accept something that is wanted or asked for
v. to take and use something such as money for your own purpose
v. to add notes or comments to a text book drawing etc.
v. to get something by some action or effort
n. a period of time when something such as an activity or program is stopped
adj. often angry and annoyed
v. to become worse or to make something worse or more severe
v.to hit or attack something or someone constantly or repeatedly
adj. of relating to or using the language of ordinary speech rather than formal writing
v. to be usual common or popular
n. a description of what could possibly happen
adv. until now
adj. causing or likely to cause a feeling of dizziness especially because of great height
n. a pretense of bravery
adj. firm in belief determination or adherence
adj. not conscious or aware of someone or something
adj. resisting control or authority
v. to accept something as inevitable
adj. continuing for a long time
adj. not exciting or interesting
adj. suave urbane
v. to make someone very angry
adj. very sad and disappointed
adj. full of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy
v. to express agreement
v. speak vaingloriously
v. to form an opinion or to make an estimate about something from known facts
v. to be like or similar to
v. to order by virtue of superior authority decree or enact
n. happiness and laughter
adj. full of happiness and joy
v. to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance
adj. seriously harmful
adj. exactly the same
v. to not allow
adv. it can be argued
adj. difficult to control and often noisy
n. the power to make your own choices or decisions
adj. very busy and filled with activity
adj. extremely costly rich luxurious or magnificent
v. to be attracted to or toward something
v. to give specific details or examples of
conj. conj. although
v. to help encourage or support someone in a criminal act
adj. not likely to offend or upset anyone
adj. too ready to believe things
adj. into parts
adj. insolent or rude in speech or behavior
v. to narrow or reduce
v. to feel a strong desire or wish for something or to do something
adj. willing to allow someone to have or enjoy something even though it may not be proper he
v. to be in charge of something such as a trial
adj. attractive in a cheap or false way
v. to grow or develop quickly
v. to be very successful
adj. extremely large
v. to ignore someone in a deliberate and insulting way
v. to make something seem less important than it actually is
v. to destroy something completely so that nothing is left
v. to suffer violent internal excitement
v. to change the form or character of
adj. very willing or too willing to obey someone else
adj. stupid or unintelligent
adj. caustic
v. to cause something to happen or begin
adj. very oldfashioned
v. to stop doing
v. to show to be connected or involved
v. to abuse or censure severely or abusively
v. to upset someone especially to the point of loss of poise and composure
v. to decay slowly
v. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect
v. to arrange or direct the movements progress or details of
adj. beginning to develop or exist
adj. relating to the collection and study of valuable old things such as old books
adj. very noisy and active in a lively way
v. to give up refuse or resign usually by formal declaration
v. to separate something into sections or categories
n. a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius
adj. marked by an often illnatured inclination to stress faults and raise objections
adj. not having or showing good manners good taste or politeness
n. loyalty to a person group etc.
v. to become angry
v. to wait for someone or something
v. to continue for a long time without activity or progress in an unpleasant or unwanted situati
adj. of little or no consequence
adj. generally incompetent
adj. marked by simplicity frugality or avoidance of luxury and comfort
adj. providing something additional to a main part or function
v. to keep a person or group apart from other people
adj. done or made very quickly or too quickly
adj. being in an early stage of development
n. excessive or ostentatious pride especially in ones achievements
adj. complete in every detail
adj. having similar opinions and interests
adj. involving people or things from different kind of worldwide scope or applicability
adj. characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity
v. to end a law contract agreement etc. officially
v. to become larger and rounder because of pressure from inside
n. regard for or consideration of oneself or ones own interests
n. the use of tricks especially to hide avoid or get something
v. to gather into a ball mass or cluster
v. to urge or force someone to do something
n. an amount that is too much or more than you need
adj. lasting only for a short time
adj. using too many words
n. the quality or state of being accurate and correct
v. to criticize someone harshly for doing something wrong
v. to prolong in time or space
v. to present an obstacle to
adj. very important and influential
adj. expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws
v. to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another
adj. not energetic or excited
n. an offensive odor
n. the state of being old or the process of becoming old
n. the state of being old and in bad condition or poor health
adj. called a particular thing by yourself
adj. aware of something
adj. having knowledge or experience
n. unhappiness pain or suffering or an experience that causes someone to suffer
adj. allowing people to talk in a way that is not planned or controlled
v. to change something in order to make people believe something that is not true
n. a comprehensive presentation of a subject
v. to harass beset
n. one that occupies a particular position or place
adj. closed tightly so that no air can go in or out
v. to show or express the main idea or quality of something in a brief way
adj. involving two or more disciplines
v. freedom from punishment harm or loss
n. a retaliatory act
adj. a lack of foresight or discernment
v. to damage or ruin the good quality of
v. to render sublime
v. to present and urge reasons in opposition
v. to express sadness or sympathy for someone who has experienced something unpleasant
v. to disagree with something or argue against it
v. strengthen or toughen
n. the quality or state of being changeable
adv. by a small amount at a time in stages
adj. using more words than are needed
adj. knowing or using several languages
n. a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end
v. to run away from danger
adj. evil or immoral
adj. tending to cause tears
n. a very deep unfriendly feeling
adj. very angry
v. to oppose or challenge someone especially in a direct and forceful way
n. a minute or minor detail
adj. measurable by a common standard
adj. not fair
v. to cause the failure of something deliberately
v. to praise someone or something in a serious and often public way
adj. extremely light delicate or tenuous
adj. allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior in a strong way
n. the quality of being honest and morally correct
v. to cause someone to be loved or admired
v. imprison
adj. very rude
adj. rude or impolite
adj. favoring conducive to or operating toward peace moderation or conciliation
v. to cut the hair from
v. sparkle
adj. very ugly or disgusting
v. to praise something loudly and publicly especially in a way that is annoying
adj. sounding harsh and unpleasant
v. to search out and publicly expose real or apparent misconduct of a prominent individual or b
v. to offer or give something to someone
v. to take intense pleasure or satisfaction
v. to found or base something on
adj. acting to defend against or prevent something especially disease protective
v. to steal things that are not very valuable or to steal a small amount of something
v. to prevent or keep something or someone from developing freely
v. to drink something
v. to drink a large amount of something quickly
v. to break down completely to stop functioning
v. to break apart into many small parts or pieces
v. to stand for tolerate
v. to cause confusion in someone or someones mind
adj. committing no mistakes consistently accurate
n. the origin or source of something
adj. difficult to understand causing people to feel curious or confused
adj. marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness
adj. feeling or showing doubt about doing something not willing or eager to do something
adj. readily adaptable or responsive to new situations
v. to fail to do what is required by a law or rule
adj. moving in an awkward or clumsy way not graceful
adj. amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity incongruity exaggeration or eccentricity
n. promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission
n. a disadvantage that makes achievement unusually difficult
n. something that exists only in the imagination and is not possible in reality
adj. suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future
adj. marked by transparency pellucid
v. to give up or leave someone or something entirely
v. to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime or responsible for a problem bad situation etc
v. to destroy something or someone completely
v. a thought or idea based on scanty evidence conjecture
n. the development of friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have be
v. to use strength ability etc.
v. to have and use power influence etc.
v. to drink something such as beer or liquor quickly or in large amounts
n. a persons relatives
adj. differing from each other or from a standard
n. the last small part that remains of something that existed before
n. a large amount of something
v. to have an inward conviction of as coming ill or misfortune
n. an event that causes great harm and suffering
v. to cause something to happen or exist
adj. very bad deserving strong criticism
v. to deprive or dispossess especially of property authority or title
adj. causing wonder or amazement very beautiful or impressive
adj. stubbornly refusing to obey rules or orders
adj. using few words to state or express an idea
adj. breaking out again renewing
adj. careful about spending money unnecessarily using money or supplies in a very careful way
adj. not proper or appropriate for the situation not seemly
adj. surpassing the normal or usual extraordinary
adj. frugal economical
v. to intrude or interfere
n. an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpos
n. complete and confident composure or selfassurance poise
v. to express deep grief or distressove
v. to interpose between parties in order to reconcile them
n. a news report or broadcast that reveals something illegal or dishonest to the public
adj. inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech reserved
adj. both numerous and diverse
v. to change a written work by removing parts that might offend people
n. government by three persons or by a coalition of three parties
adj. incapable of being fatigued untiring
n. a work that praises or honors its subject
n. a distinguishing characteristic trait or feature
adj. having great control or authority
adj. uneven or unequal
adj. difficult to understand or perceive
adj. not willing to change an opinion or decision very determined
n. a sad mood or feeling
adj. complete unqualified
v. to send or cast forth with vigor or violence or in great quantity
n. a complicated and confusing system of connected passages
n. trespass specifically the performance of a lawful action in an illegal or improper manner
adj. refusing to obey rules or authority or to accept normal standards of behavior dress etc. ha
adj. staying strong and in good condition over a long period of time
v. adorn embellish
adj. of relating to or resembling a labyrinth intricate involved
v. to ruin the beauty or perfection of something to hurt or damage the good condition of some
n. a banal trite or stale remark
adj. not shared available to only one person or group
v. to praise someone or something in a very strong and enthusiastic way
v. merge blend
adj. very large or great
v. to separate and go in different directions
adj. using few words not including extra or unnecessary information
n. an authoritative or wise statement or prediction
v. to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses mitigate
adj. capable of being done or used
n. the interior or central part or point middle
v. to use something wrongly
n. a hackneyed theme characterization or situation
adj. used to describe things that touch each other or are immediately next to each other
v. to cause someone or something to be in a dangerous place or situation
adj. resembling or befitting a boor as in crude insensitivity
adj. having or showing intelligence and a strong moral character
v. to reduce in relative importance
v. to hold something in a balanced and steady position
n. a situation in which you are confused about what to do
n. a clever trick or plan that is used to get someone to do something or to gain an advantage ov
n. a strong urge or desire to have or do something
adj. unreasonably burdensome or severe
n. language that describes something as better or worse than it really is
n. someone who tricks or deceives people especially in order to get something
adj. having a quietly appealing or polite quality
adj. showing or feeling very strong emotions
v. to use logic or reason to form a conclusion or opinion about something to decide something
v. to cause something to turn or turn over quickly
adj. having no limits
adj. lacking confidence not feeling comfortable around people
v. to stop someone or something from being effective or harmful
v. to dispute or oppose by reasoning
v. to stop trying to resist something
n. violent anger
adj. very harsh
v. to secretly plan with someone to do something that is harmful or illegal
n. a small bright light
adj. of or relating to an empire or an emperor
n. objects that are used to do a particular activity objects of a particular kind
adj. very strong or tough
n. the pieces that are left when something breaks falls apart is destroyed etc.
n. a state or situation in which people or groups are competing with each other
v. stop
n. a group of people who develop new and often very surprising ideas in art literature etc.
v. to specify as a condition or requirement as of an agreement or offer
v. to give or provide something
v. to remove nutritive or harmful elements from soil by percolation
adj. distasteful unpalatable
adj. having a bad smell
adj. having a strong smell full of a fragrance or odor
adj. very unpleasant or disgusting
v. to make an official decision about who is right in a dispute
v. to avoid something especially because you do not think it is right proper etc.
v. to make something shorter especially to reduce a word or name to a shorter form
adj. dependent on conditions or occurrences not yet established conditional dependent
adj. showing or suggesting that future success is likely
adj. extremely important and necessary
adj. useless unprofitable
v. to suggest something such as an idea or theory especially in order to start a discussion
v. to cause to adhere or become attached also accumulate
n. something that is joined or added to another thing but is not an essential part of it
v. to be present in large numbers or in great quantity
adj. happening or coming after something else
adv. until this time before now
n. a superiority or excess in number or quantity
adj. not willing to change a decision opinion method etc. not willing to make or accept a compr
adj. having or showing strong opinions about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavio
adj. kind and generous
v. to force someone to accept something or yourself
v. to begin again or go on with again after interruption
n. a drawn contest deadlock
adj. always wanting more and not able to be satisfied
adj. feeling or showing irritation
n. a small mistake or fault that is not regarded as very bad or serious
n. something that is done or given as a way of correcting a mistake that one has made or a bad
adj. impossible to separate closely joined or related
adj. not able to be captured by attack very strong
adj. lacking power or strength
v. to happen go or come before something or someone
v. to take the place of someone or something that is old or no longer used or accepted
v. to have or experience problems difficulties etc.
v. to cause problems or difficulties for someone or something
n. the state of being very tired extreme weariness
adj. somewhat cold and reserved
v. to do something in an effort to get an advantage
adj. having or showing an ability to understand or notice something easily or quickly
n. a quicker or easier way to do something
adj. feeling or expressing great joy very happy
adj. highly appreciative of the pleasures of sensation
adj. relating to or causing much discussion disagreement or argument likely to produce controv
adj. of or relating to unpleasant and usually illegal things such as crime drugs etc.
v. to formally promise to give or do something
v. to keep someone in a position job etc.
adj. having or showing a difference that is not fair reasonable or expected too large or too sma
v. to make something less severe or extreme
v. to do better than someone or something to be more successful than someone or something
v. to destroy the selfpossession or selfconfidence of disconcert
adj. not unusually good interesting etc. not exceptional
adj. undesirably noticeable
n. a situation in which no progress seems possible
adj. presenting only an appearance without substance or significance
v. to lessen the violence severity or extremeness of
v. to find or understand the true or hidden meaning of something
n. an extravagant or erratic notion or action caprice
n. an enthusiastic advocate
n. the origin and history of something especially when it is good or impressive
adj. widely known eminent
v. to make a law rule etc. active or effective to make sure that people do what is required by a
prep. prep. in or into the middle of something
v. to increase the force power or amount of something
v. to shock or surprise someone very much
v. to put something or someone in a dangerous situation
n. devotion to God the quality or state of being pious
n. an unusual and appealing quality or style
n. the annoying or exaggerated talk of someone who is trying to sound very proud or brave
v. to cause something or someone to move or go with great speed and force
v. to enjoy something for a long time
v. to deprive of vital content or force
v. to utter or pronounce with affectation
v. to destroy or kill a group of animals people etc. completely
adj. not broken or damaged having every part
v. to describe someone or something as little or unimportant
v. to slow or block the movement progress or action of something or someone
n. the state of being near
v. to use something for a particular purpose
adj. not genuine sincere or authentic
adj. wellknown but probably not true
v. to express approval of or support for something or someone
v. to cause to divide into two branches or parts
n. harsh or discordant sound
n. a terrible disaster
n. the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
n. ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception
adj. disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess
v. to work with others secretly especially in order to do something illegal or dishonest
n. a state of agreement
v. to give someone a lot of care and attention or too much care and attention
n. any force or influence that balances or offsets another
v. to feel immoderate desire for that which is anothers
adj. performed rapidly with little attention to detail
adj. having ones patience tolerance or pleasure exhausted
n. a symbolic representation
adj. not relating to the main or most important part
adj. of acute mental vision or discernment
adj. plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation
adj. dishonest or immoral
v. to make compensation to for incurred hurt loss or damage
n. something offensive to view
v. to file or collect in or as if in an archive
adj. marked by unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin
adj. too great powerful beautiful etc. to be described or expressed
adj. characterized by or employing a smooth easy style
adj. marked by absolute power and authority
v. to stop fighting an enemy or opponent
v. to feel great hatred for someone or something
v. to bring into agreement or concord
v. to officially demand or require something
v. to fill something completely with something
adj. adverse or inauspicious
v. to examine or read something in a very careful way
v. to hold the attention of someone by being very exciting interesting or beautiful
adj. said or done in a forceful or definite way
v. to perplex
adj. not easily upset excited or angered
n. something that corrects or improves the bad effects of something
adj. not engaging the human personality or emotions
v. to come afterward
n. blood especially clotted blood
adj. left uncultivated or unplanted
adj. not readily ruled disciplined or managed
adj. presenting a general view or summary
n. a strong belief
n. property that is inherited by a person from their father
adj. felt or experienced by watching or reading about somebody else doing something rather th
adj. capable of being readily persuaded or influenced tractable
adj. very sorrowful or sad
adj. oldfashioned and no longer suitable for modern conditions
adj. following ones own capricious wanton or depraved inclinations
adj. moving about aimlessly or irregularly
v. to draw on as a major source to exploit
adj. being at variance disagreeing
v. to introduce as an idea gradually or in a subtle indirect or covert
adj. stealthy furtive and sneaking
v. to bring into harmony
v. to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats
adj. lacking intelligible meaning
adj. appropriate to a villain as in wickedness or depravity
n. tedious menial or unpleasant work
n. a heavy weight a burden
n. an unfounded or false deliberately misleading story
n. an expression of approval praise
n. honor and glory won for great achievement
v. to make someone afraid
n. the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment especially in a way that
n. a group of people or things
v. to prepare for battle
adj. marked by lack of definite plan regularity or purpose
v. to remove something completely
n. a state or feeling of negativity or bitterness arising especially from envy or world
adj. delicately beautiful or charming and usually small
n. abusively detractive language or utterance
adj. not showing enough care and attention
v. to divide or compartmentalize
n. a combination of words that have opposite or very different meanings
n. a happy and lively quality
v. to dispute angrily or noisily
v. to make someone do something by using force or threats
v. enjoying the company of other people
v. to use something in a foolish or wasteful way
adj. matching or in agreement with something
v. to spend time experiencing or enjoying something without making any effort to change ones
adj. abandoned especially by the owner or occupant
v. to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin
v. to reverse the values or positions of multiple entities
v. to examine ones own thoughts motives and beliefs
n. a collection of material that one can perform such as a musicians songs
v. to give comfort in grief or misfortune console
adj. tending to ask questions and seek out information
n. something that is imagined but not real
adj. not occurring continuously happening at irregular intervals
adj. not allowing something such as water or light to enter or pass through
adj. not right or suited for some purpose or situation not appropriate or suitable
adj. impossible to see hear or know clearly
adj. not respected or trusted by most people having a bad reputation
n. a common person
adj. having clairvoyance able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
n. a substance such as a drug that causes people to see or sense things that are not real a subs
n. a person who likes seeing and talking or writing about something that is considered to be pr
n. the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest
n. the highest point of something
n. the highest point of something
n. something that comes before something else and that often leads to or influences its develo
adj. of or relating to the people who live in a country
adj. not liking or wanting to fight or argue
adj. not wavering or weakening firm
adj. beyond what is needed not necessary
n. something that is doubtful or unknown something that is uncertain
adj. careful about avoiding danger or risk
v. to supply what is required or desired
v. to become thick and partly solid
v. to make someone very happy and excited
v. to prevent something bad from happening
n. a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time a craze
v. to imitate or mimic in an inept way
v. to annoy
v. to reduce in intensity
n. a strong desire or propensity
v. to make a choice
v. to check restrain or control
adj. sparing of words
n. an unexpected problem or difficulty
n. an excessive quantity
v. to try to attract
v. to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering
adj. strongly inclined
v. to refuse abruptly
adj. desirous to the point of greed
adj. full of intense interest or excitement
v. to promote or praise energetically
v. to check or hinder the growth development or activity of
adj. straight up and down
adj. away from the correct course
n. a clever witty remark
v. to say something in a very strong and definite way
v. to annul or put an end to
adj. performed with a natural offhand ease
v. to cause to be in a state of agitation or disorder
v. to speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner
v. to cause to sleep or rest
v. to acknowledge or declare openly and unashamedly
n. a group of three
adj. very wise
v. to exist unobserved or unsuspected
v. to deceive or cheat
v. to move quickly from one condition or location to another
n. the highest point or the highest level
v. to incite or stimulate
adj. inadequately supplied
v. to dislike very much
adj. having a tendency or inclination
v. to seize and hold in possession by force without right
adj. forceful and brief
adj. restorative or stimulating to health or wellbeing
n. a special area of demand for a product or service
adj. not evoking interest because of overuse or repetition
adj. seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain impassive
adj. dark or dim
adj. abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech
v. to treat with contemptuous disregard
n. regret sorrow
n. the use of memory usually with little intelligence
adj. very bad causing great fear or worry
n. someone who tends to criticize reject or ignore people who come from a lower social class h
v. to avoid
adj. not working active or being used
adj. so crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility
adj. exactly suitable
v. to perfect or make more intense or effective
v. to reject a proposed law officially
v. to make something unclear or difficult to see or remember
n. an area along the edge of a road path etc.
adj. happening or done quickly or immediately
v. to divide into parts
v. to praise highly
v. to praise or honor
v. to twist sharply
n. great energy and enthusiasm
adj. having a shy or sweetly innocent quality
n. a very small amount
v. to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable
v. to voice opposition object
v. to give a false impression of
v. to increase greatly in a short period of time
v. to reverse the values or positions of multiple entities
v. to examine ones own thoughts motives and beliefs
n. a collection of material that one can perform such as a musicians songs
v. to give comfort in grief or misfortune console
adj. tending to ask questions and seek out information
n. something that is imagined but not real
adj. not occurring continuously happening at irregular intervals
adj. not allowing something such as water or light to enter or pass through
adj. not right or suited for some purpose or situation not appropriate or suitable
adj. impossible to see hear or know clearly
adj. not respected or trusted by most people having a bad reputation
n. a common person
adj. having clairvoyance able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
n. a substance such as a drug that causes people to see or sense things that are not real a subs
n. a person who likes seeing and talking or writing about something that is considered to be pr
n. the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest
n. the highest point of something
n. the highest point of something
n. something that comes before something else and that often leads to or influences its develo
adj. of or relating to the people who live in a country
adj. not liking or wanting to fight or argue
adj. not wavering or weakening firm
adj. beyond what is needed not necessary
n. something that is doubtful or unknown something that is uncertain
adj. careful about avoiding danger or risk
v. to supply what is required or desired
v. to become thick and partly solid
v. to make someone very happy and excited
v. to prevent something bad from happening
n. a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time a craze
v. to imitate or mimic in an inept way
v. to annoy
v. to reduce in intensity
n. a strong desire or propensity
v. to make a choice
v. to check restrain or control
adj. sparing of words
n. an unexpected problem or difficulty
n. an excessive quantity
v. to try to attract
v. to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering
adj. strongly inclined
v. to refuse abruptly
adj. desirous to the point of greed
adj. full of intense interest or excitement
v. to promote or praise energetically
v. to check or hinder the growth development or activity of
adj. straight up and down
adj. away from the correct course
n. a clever witty remark
v. to say something in a very strong and definite way
v. to annul or put an end to
adj. performed with a natural offhand ease
v. to cause to be in a state of agitation or disorder
v. to speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner
v. to cause to sleep or rest
v. to acknowledge or declare openly and unashamedly
n. a group of three
adj. very wise
v. to exist unobserved or unsuspected
v. to deceive or cheat
v. to move quickly from one condition or location to another
n. the highest point or the highest level
v. to incite or stimulate
adj. inadequately supplied
v. to dislike very much
adj. having a tendency or inclination
v. to seize and hold in possession by force without right
adj. forceful and brief
adj. restorative or stimulating to health or wellbeing
n. a special area of demand for a product or service
adj. not evoking interest because of overuse or repetition
adj. seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain impassive
adj. dark or dim
adj. abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech
v. to treat with contemptuous disregard
n. regret sorrow
n. the use of memory usually with little intelligence
adj. very bad causing great fear or worry
n. someone who tends to criticize reject or ignore people who come from a lower social class h
v. to avoid
adj. not working active or being used
adj. so crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility
adj. exactly suitable
v. to perfect or make more intense or effective
v. to reject a proposed law officially
v. to make something unclear or difficult to see or remember
n. an area along the edge of a road path etc.
adj. happening or done quickly or immediately
v. to divide into parts
v. to praise highly
v. to praise or honor
v. to twist sharply
n. great energy and enthusiasm
adj. having a shy or sweetly innocent quality
n. a very small amount
v. to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable
v. to voice opposition object
v. to give a false impression of
v. to control oneself when provoked
adj. inclined apt
v. to tell or urge someone to do something
v. to gather or collect in a gradual way
v. to shine with light reflected off a wet surface
v. to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly
adj. exceeding what is appropriate or normal
n. an uneasy feeling about the propriety or rightness of a course of action
adj. impossible to estimate or compute
n. an unfortunate accident
n. the point at which something is likely to begin
v. to strengthen or support something from below
adj. gloomy and somber
v. to move something or someone to another place nimbly and quickly
adj. wellinformed and perceptive
v. to keep afloat or aloft
n. a temporary or expedient substitute for something else
adj. without delay
n. an indispensable and fundamental basis
n. the very basis
adj. able to act effectively or imaginatively especially in difficult situations
adj. capable of being perceived or measured
v. to cloy with overabundance
v. to refuse to comply or cooperate with
adj. not done or made consciously
adj. immense
n. doubt distrust or apprehension
adj. irritated impatient or exasperated
adj. being without exception or qualification absolute
v. to remember something
adj. being such as to have no match
v. to read in order to find errors and mark corrections
adj. deeply or sincerely felt
adj. excessively proud of oneself
v. to make something no longer valid
adv. in this vicinity
adj. not based on facts
adj. lacking in significant events
adj. recklessly and often ostentatiously daring
adj. better than any other
adj. impressively high or great
adj. quick and careless
adj. extremely valuable or useful
adj. very careless or poorly done or made
adj. causing great sadness or sorrow
adj. quiet and shy modest
v. to attack or criticize
n. a standard for making a critical judgement
adj. low in spirit
adj. indicating or giving evidence of something
adj. given to frequent changes of mood
adj. discerning judicious
adj. selfpossessed composed
adj. burdensome and wearing
adj. requiring much effort or attention
adj. wholly absorbing or engrossing ones attention
adj. known and praised widely
adj. demanding immediate attention
adj. making severe demands
adj. showing or expressing sincerity or seriousness
adj. not sympathetic to others
n. approximate location
v. to destroy or remove completely
adj. suitable and conformable
adj. calm
prep. prep. apart from the occurrence of excepting
adj. so high or burdensome as to discourage purchase or use
adj. extraordinary and outstanding
adj. impressively direct and decisive
adj. in the wrong way
adj. having a bad smell because of wetness old age or lack of fresh air
adj. lacking the necessities of life poor
adj. very clever and able to make intelligent decisions
adj. strange or unusual in a way that is surprising or difficult to understand
adj. having or showing great strength or power
n. the place where something happens
n. the last part of something such as a musical performance play etc.
n. the reason or explanation for something
adj. feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm
n. the feelings of enthusiasm and loyalty that a person or group has about a task or job
adj. commonly spoken of or widely known
n. a method of writing quickly by using symbols or abbreviations for sounds words or phrases
adj. behaving or acting impulsively or rashly wild
adj. most important
adj. having low moral standards
adj. difficult to deal with
adj. protracted excessively
v. to begin to happen or exist
adj. subject to or ascertainable by calculation
v. to deny or disagree with something
adj. volunteering ones services where they are neither asked nor needed
v. to evaluate the worth significance or status of
adj. not relaxed or calm
adj. generous charitable
adj. sincerely simple
n. a danger or problem that is hidden or not obvious at first
adj. capable of withstanding adverse conditions
adv. by surprise
adj. very important and serious
v. to refuse to acknowledge as ones own
adv. almost
v. to find or discover something that was hidden or lost
n. understanding or comprehension
adj. very important in helping or causing something to happen or be done
adj. not openly expressing feelings or opinions
n. a reason that you give to hide your real reason for doing something
n. an underlying meaning theme etc.
n. a checking of progress
n. an antagonistic reaction to an earlier action
n. a state characterized by absence of motion or of progress
adj. having or showing an ability to think clearly and to make good decisions
n. someone or something that is closely connected with a particular quality
adj. providing or offering a comprehensive range of goods or services at one location provided
adj. perpendicular or vertical
adj. of or relating to a disease condition or characteristic that is not congenital but develops aft
adj. having or producing hope for success or happiness in the future
adj. attractively suitable
adj. terse aphoristic or moralistic in expression
n. dishonest or insincere behavior or speech that is meant to deceive someone
n. a disturbed or uneasy state
n. a situation in which an agreement cannot be made
adj. not worth saving
adj. easy to pass or get through
v. to struggle at close quarters with disorder and confusion
v. to cause to lose courage or firmness of purpose
adj. not having knowledge about something
adj. carefully considered or prepared
n. a lack or loss of the basic things that people need to live properly
v. to leave far behind outstrip
n. an inclination to one side a tilt
n. the process of changing
adj. in good condition
n. a talent or natural ability for something
n. an official ceremony or a formal social occasion
n. someone who represents a type of person an idea or a quality
adj. tending to give freely generous
n. freedom to act however you want to
n. freedom to choose how to act or what to do
v. to behave so as to invite or incur
v. to acquire or incur
v. to make known unintentionally
v. to modify limit or restrict as by listing exceptions or reservations
v. to bear without overt reaction or resentment
v. to make a definite and serious decision to do something
v. to bring to a stop
n. a summation or condensation of a body of information
n. a means of connection
v. to ignite
v. to be unable to make a decision
adj. being out of accord with what is considered normal or appropriate
v. to increase or rise quickly
v. to bring in as a price
v. to hold or keep with limits restrain
v. to check or go counter to
v. to hold in restraint
adj. lacking motion or activity
adj. analytical or dolly dispassionate
adj. new and different from what has been known before
n. power to do something
adj. dignified and somber in conduct or character
v. to put on a false show of
v. to lose vigor or strength weaken or diminish
v. to criticize or review harshly
v. to arrive at a settlement by making concessions
v. to fail utterly collapse
adj. respected and dignified
v. to pretend to have
adj. not interesting or unusual
n. an ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another person
v. to devise a new word or phrase
v. to come through something safely
v. to methodically record the details of
v. to try to disprove or invalidate something as by argument or legal action
n. the activity of making secret plans
v. to cause something
v. to bring about make happen
n. a short indefinite period of time
v. to carefully use or manage to use sparingly
n. the habit of working hard and steadily
adj. freely and openly showing emotion or feelings
n. an activity that one engages as a vocation profession or avocation
adj. newly formed or prominent
v. to give information to
adj. suitable or compatible
adj. complete and particular full of detail
v. to throw forward
v. to subjugate subdue
v. to present a dissenting or opposing argument
v. to have an earnest heartfelt desire
adj. loving peace not wanting war or conflict
adj. complicated and intricate
v. to achieve or accomplish
adj. characterized by close personal acquaintance or familiarity
adj. giving a sign or warning that something usually bad o unpleasant is going to happen
v. to express objection or criticisms in bitter harsh or abusive language
adj. having or showing a lack of decency
n. progression through a development or period or a series of acts or events
v. to increase in amount
v. to have importance
v. to prevent the passage of heat electricity or sound into or out of
n. a lot of loud arguing or complaining usually involving many people
v. to become weary or dulled
v. to hinder the activity or free movement of
v. to search or examine systematically
adj. vigilant in guarding a possession
v. to cause to enter to introduce
v. to make someone too afraid to do something
n. a calculatedly noncommittal or evasive statement
adj. not clearly seen or easily distinguished
v. to surrender or submit
v. to evade as by circumlocution
n. a valuable person or thing
adj. thick
v. to wrinkle the brow
adj. desiring no more than what one has
v. to give official authorization or approval to
v. to pronounce with accent
adj. present at all seasons of the year
v. to cause to become confused or perplexed
n. an indication of future success or improvement
v. to express gratitude or obligation for
n. the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound
v. to tell someone officially that they can or must leave
n. something that is said or written to defend something that other people criticize
adj. obvious or clear
v. to cut down a tree
v. to increase the value of
adj. giving the same result on successive trials
n. a feeling or attitude of wild or complete freedom
v. to disturb distress or exhaust by repeated demands or criticism
adj. using a new way of doing or thinking about something
v. to agree with a suggestion or statement
n. manner of treating
n. the later part of someones life or of somethings existence
adj. done with thought and care
v. to fill someone with delight and wonder
v. to alter or influence to some degree as by distortion or exaggeration
n. thrifty and efficient use of material resources
adj. lacking energy or spirit
n. a funny or amusing quality
n. expression of grief pain or dissatisfaction
v. to present acceptance
v. to hold something firmly in place
adj. angry or unhappy because of unfair treatment
n. the activity of raising plants or animals for food
v. to look forward to something
n. the act of greeting or acclaiming
adj. not distinct or noticeable
v. to apply oneself to the care of
v. to cause something to spread out and disappear
v. to treat someone unfairly
adj. existing in a form that you can touch or see
v. to accept something or someone readily or gladly
adj. moving or directed downward
n. the state of being abstracted
adj. large in amount size or number
n. someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another
v. to be very similar to something
n. a systematic purposeful activity
v. to assume the burden or responsibility of
n. a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something
n. a strong desire for money or possessions
v. to bring into conformity or agreement
v. to treat someone with disrespect
v. to point out
v. to cause something to become unclear or confused
v. to supply or fill with people
adj. directly touching or concerning a person or thing
n. work performed or results obtained by guess
adj. working very hard with a lot of energy for a long time
adj. lavish or sumptuous
adj. bitingly sarcastic
adj. advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs
v. to give support or strength to something
n. a straying from the theme
n. a book movie or other work that continues the story of a previous work
n. a person whose job involves doing many different types of work
n. a person who is involved in a dispute and especially in a legal dispute
n. a person who has just started learning or doing something
n. a person who has just started learning or doing something a beginner or novice
n. a person who has just started learning or doing something
n. a person who refuses to follow the customs or rules of group
n. a person who is very strict and demands obedience from others
n. philosopher
n. to argue or complain about small unimportant things
n. a person who annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention
n. a person who says something will not work or is not possible a person who denies refuses or
n. someone who follows and admires a leader
n. a person who you work with or spend time with
n. a small usually yellow or green tropical bird that is often kept in a cage
n. a person who brags a lot
n. a person who rules a country with total authority and often in a cruel or brutal way
n. a ruler who has complete power over a country and who is cruel and unfair
n. a person animal or plant that lives in or often is found in a particular place or region
n. an official in some Christian religions who is ranked higher than a priest and who is usually in
n. people such as priests who are the leaders of a religion and who perform religious services
n. a member of some religions such as Christianity Judaism and Islam who delivers messages th
n. one skilled in or having a taste for the fine arts
n. a person who comes from a particular parent or family the child or descendant of someone
n. someone who advocates or involves a rigidly uncompromising course of action
n. a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge
n. a person thing or group that organizes or leads something such as a movement or attack
n. the group of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society politics art etc.
n. a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic valu
n. someone who knows a lot about many different things
n. a young person who is unusually talented in some way
n. a person who is having a conversation with you
n. a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way
n. broker dealer usually used in combination
n. a person who has committed a crime or done something wrong
n. a person who is in charge of the things in a museum zoo etc.
n. a person who makes speeches and is very good at making them
n. someone or something that is getting started in a new activity
n. a person who has negative opinions about other people and about the things people do esp
n. a quixotic person
n. someone who holds the belief that a country should grow larger
n. the people who can vote in an election
n. someone who works to preserve something such as a building or an area of land
n. a person who has very strong feelings about something such as religion or politics and who w
n. someone who believes in and supports for ideas that are very far from what most people co
n. someone who supports ideas and beliefs that differ from and try to change accepted ideas a
n. a great personage magnate
n. a teacher or guide that you trust
n. a very wealthy and powerful business person
n. someone or something that leads others or shows what will happen in the future
n. a person who believes that something is very important and should be done or followed all t
adj. strongly or fanatically determined or devoted
n. a person who is not famous or important
n. a person who deceives others by pretending to be someone else
n. a person who plans and organizes something
n. a person who criticizes or opposes beliefs and practices that are widely accepted
n. a person who predicts the future by magical intuitive or more rational means
n. a person who knows a great deal about something such as art wine food etc. an expert in a p
n. a rude and rough person
n. a person who writes plays
n. a ruler who has total power and who often uses that power in cruel and unfair ways
n. one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something
n. a person who wastes time money etc.
n. a person who rules with total power
n. a person who is noticeably strange or eccentric
n. one that causes boredom
n. a member of the laity
n. a person who is no longer popular or successful
n. precursor originator
n. someone who helps another person group etc. by giving money
n. a person who loves to eat and drink
n. the unfair practice by a powerful person such as a politician of giving jobs and other favors to
n. the unfair practice by a powerful person of giving jobs and other favors to relatives
n. centralized control by an autocratic authority
n. the belief that a morally good action is one that helps the greatest number of people
n. cynical beliefs beliefs that people are generally selfish and dishonest
n. the belief that your country race etc. is better than any other
n. a belief in human equality especially with respect to social political and economic affairs
n. feelings and behavior that show a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness
n. a belief that government and laws are not necessary
n. considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe
n. a disbelief in the existence of deity
n. a political or economic system in which the government owns businesses land etc.
n. the idea or belief that everything has two opposite parts or principles
n. the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
n. the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life
n. the actions or attitudes of a person who does things without being concerned about what ot
n. the belief that traditional morals ideas beliefs etc. have no worth or value
n. the principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks
n. a deserter from one faith cause or allegiance to another
n. one who hates or mistrusts humankind
n. the act of making equal or uniform
v. to be on both sides of extend over or across
adj. portending evil ominous
v. If someone shelves a plan or project they decide not to continue with it either for a while or
v. to write or draw in a hurried careless way
n. a very dangerous or frightening situation
adj. strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence
n. a wall or embankment raised as a defensive fortification a rampart
v. to display prominently especially to advantage
adj. steadfast in loyalty or principle
adj. not limited or restricted unrestrained
n. a long monotonous harangue or piece of writing
n. great astonishment or consternation
adj. bitterly scathing caustic
adj. of somebodys words sounding important but having little
adj. characteristic of or resembling a wag jocular or witty
v. to take back disavow
v. to impress delineate or imprint clearly
adj. marked by great joy or jubilation triumphant
adj. of relating to or resembling an axiom selfevident
n. the merging of different elements into a union
n. critical explanation or analysis especially of a text
adj. appealing to or requiring the use of the intellect intellectual rather than emotional
n. an advocate of a particular ideology especially an official exponent of that ideology
adj. showing no originality blindly imitative
adj. characterized by nonintervention
adj. not tolerating irrelevancies direct efficient and practical
v. to direct or guide along some desired course
adj. characterized by sedate dignity and often a straitlaced sense of propriety
v. to reject disdainfully or contemptuously scorn
adv. from that time forward thereafter
n. a person who is felt to be deficient in judgment good sense or intelligence a fool
v. to oppose actively and forcefully
adj. frivolous and lighthearted flighty
n. the usually ritualistic eating of human flesh by a human being
adj. of or relating to a galaxy especially the Milky Way
adj. dull and tiresome
n. a standard procedure that is followed mindlessly
adj. with little or no preparation or forethought
n. a deceptive superficial show
adj. stiff and unnatural
v. contain or include
n. enthusiastic approval
v. fasten with small flatheaded nails attach
adv. in disorderly haste confusedly
n. a judgment of not guilty
v. to rid oneself of something not wanted or needed
v. to search thoroughly by handling turning over or disarranging the contents of
n. an expression of strong disapproval pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable
adj. characterized by regression or a tendency to regress
n. time past and especially long past
adj. hanging back or falling behind dilatory
v. to express doubt or uncertainty about question
adj. never slackening persistent
adj. the state of an increase by natural growth or addition
adj. expressing or suggesting sadness plaintive
adj. brilliant lustrous or colorful in effect or appearance
adj. possible to read or decipher
n. harshness of manner ill temper or irritability
adj. only superficially relevant divergent
n. advancing slowly as if by inches
v. disqualify oneself as a judge in a particular case
n. fullscale working model of something built for study or testing or display
adj. presumptuously arrogant overbearing
adj. emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts
n. a subordinate incident of little importance relative to the main event
v. talk socially without exchanging too much information
v. to tell something in confidence
v. to alter or falsify accounts for example for dishonest gain
n. a desire to harm others or to see others suffer extreme ill will or spite
v. to slow down or impede by creating an obstruction
n. the condition of being dismissed
Day Recite Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
1 List 1-2 List 1-2


Encomium; Eulogy


Guileless; Simple; Naïve;

Obdurate; Firm; Resolute; Unyielding

Long established; Habitual; Deep rooted; Entrenched

Mocking; Satirical; Sarcasm
Dishonest; Unscrupulous; Chicanery; Subterfuge

Deny responsibility; Abjure

Cavalier; Erratic; Whimsical

Biased towards a cause; Prejudice; Excessive Patriotism

Sharp; Acerbic;
erson or action

Ideal; Embodiment; Model; Example; Archetype

Eliminate; Remove completely

Rudimentary; Underdeveloped; Incipient; Immature

Panegyric; Eulogy; Praise

Shriek; Wail; Loud cry; Howl;

ciety etc.
Anodyne; Pain relieving; Palliative
Dismember; Dissect

ot be doubted

Perfectionist; Meticulous; Fussy

Spread; Disperse
Condemn; Protest; Rail against; Inveigh
Itinerant; Traveller; Vagabond; Wandering

Patchwork; Hodgepodge; Medley; Pot-pourri

Adding supporting evidence; Appendix

Incriminate; Excoriate

scaping danger
ber of people


Clashing; Conflicting

ot be changed

Acquite; Free of guilt; Non-guilty; Absolve

er to help a cause a political leader a government etc.
Assumed; Believed;

Sing; Croon; Chirp; twitter

Aggressive; Bellicose; Combative; Pugnacious;

Casual; Lack of concern; Carefree

group or organization

e where it does not belong in a story movie etc.

Murky; Opaque; Cloudy; Thick; Feculent

Dishonest; Lying; Prevaricate; Deceitful

cular religion or belief system

ng a comprehensive theory
oying or unwanted
doing things

fish concerns
ortant than one really is
rmed conflict

how or suggest that they are similar

ry about doing something wrong
before and are therefore not very new or interesting

ual dangers or deficiencies

e forgotten
bout something

honest and should not to be trusted

o different groups
r offensive

react to something with shock or fear

way with others
tion to continue
k together
ng someone
xperienced too much of something

bjectives and standards

or important

much pride

make good decisions

elf financially beyond what can be paid

ething correctly
prejudiced and unreasoning allegiance
o many different kinds of people or things
meone or something is like

professional standing or the group so classified

bout anything
t culture art literature etc.

procedure or set of procedures

period of time of or relating to demography

g of poor quality
an animal

ctively especially as a way to persuade or influence people

er or greater than the other
ctical matters

by offering some pleasure or gain

onditions of other people

dered to be very important

r organization as a member or partner

ory dictatorial
beliefs of others
rsons appearance is exaggerated
re false or unfair

r circumstances
d forces etc.

r something
n a foreign country

ed for comic effect or in ridicule

proper healthy appropriate etc.
nted situation

or activity
ividual or business

tuation etc.

ho have been enemies

areful way

t or purpose
ess etc. having or showing a tendency to rebel

on of something


dvantage over someone

something after thinking about the known facts
pt a compromise
ng behavior

de or a bad situation in the past

uce controversy

or too small in relation to something

uired by a law rule etc.
ng rather than by doing it oneself
a way that seems rude or foolish

hange ones situation

real a substance that causes hallucinations
ed to be private

s its development
ocial class have less education etc.
real a substance that causes hallucinations
ed to be private

s its development
ocial class have less education etc.
r phrases

n provided or offered at such a location

evelops after birth

attention to minor details
s refuses or opposes something

s usually in charge of church matters in a specific geographical area

s services
messages that are believed to have come from God


tics art etc.

rtistic values

ple do especially a person who believes that people are selfish and are only interested in helping themsel
and who wants other people to have those feelings a zealous person
people consider correct or reasonable
ted ideas and beliefs especially in a way that is seen as wrong or dishonest

llowed all the time

xpert in a particular subject

er favors to friends
out what other people will think

a while or permanently
in helping themselves
Day Recite Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Day 1 List 1-2 List 1-2
Day 2 List 3-4 List 1-2 List 3-4
Day 3 List 5-6 List 3-4 List 5-6
Day 4 List 7-8 List 1-2 List 5-6 List 7-8
Day 5 List 9-10 List 3-4 List 7-8 List 9-10
Day 6 List 11-12 List 5-6 List 9-10 List 11-12
Day 7 List 13-14 List 7-8 List 11-12 List 13-14
Day 8 List 15-16 List 1-2 List 9-10 List 13-14 List 15-16
Day 9 List 17-18 List 3-4 List 11-12 List 15-16 List 17-18
Day 10 List 19-20 List 5-6 List 13-14 List 17-18 List 19-20
Day 11 List 21-22 List 7-8 List 15-16 List 19-20 List 21-22
Day 12 List 23-24 List 9-10 List 17-18 List 21-22 List 23-24

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