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Task 1. Insert the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I usually (watch/watches) TV in the evening, but tonight I (am watching/watch) a movie.

2. Every Sunday, they (go/goes) for a walk in the park, but this week they (are going/are going to)
the cinema.
3. She (writes/is writing) an email to her friend at the moment. She (writes/is writing) emails every
4. Tom (plays/is playing) football with his friends every Saturday, but today he (is playing/plays)
5. The train (leaves/is leaving) at 8:00 AM, so we (leave/are leaving) the house at 7:30 AM.

Task 2: Choose the correct option: will or going to.

1. I forgot to buy milk. Don't worry, I (will/going to) buy some on my way home.
2. Look at those dark clouds! It (will/going to) rain soon.
3. I promise I (will/going to) call you as soon as I arrive.
4. We (will/going to) have a picnic in the park tomorrow if the weather is good.
5. She is very determined. She (will/going to) achieve her goals.

Task 3. Complete the sentences using First Conditional or Second Conditional.

1. If I (have) more time, I (visit) the museum.
2. If it (rain) tomorrow, we (stay) at home and watch movies.
3. She (travel) to Paris if she (save) enough money.
4. If I (know) about the traffic, I (leave) earlier.
5. If they (invite) us to the party, we (attend).

Task 4. Fill in the blanks using the Future Perfect.

1. By the time we arrive, they..............................(prepare) dinner.
2. She ...................................(finish) her book by the end of the month.
3. By this time next year, they................................ (build) a new house.
4. By the end of the week, he ...................................(complete) the project.
5. I .....................................(study) English for ten years by the time I graduate.
Task 5. Choose the correct option: would rather or had better.
1. You (would rather/had better) take an umbrella. It looks like rain.
2. I (had better/would rather) not eat too much before the exam.
3. She (had better/would rather) start working on the project now.
4. We (would rather/had better) leave early to avoid the traffic.
5. You (had better/would rather) be careful with that fragile vase.

Task 6. Insert the correct word: will, going to, or present continuous.
1. I (am meeting/will meet) my friend at the café at 3 PM.
2. Look at those clouds! It (will rain/is raining) soon.
3. She (is going to/goes to) start a new job next month.
4. I promise I (call/will call) you back in a few minutes.
5. We (are going to/will) celebrate my sister's birthday on Saturday.

Task 7. Fill in the blanks in the sentences using any tense: Present Simple, Present
Continuous, will, going to, First Conditional, Second Conditional, Future Perfect,
would rather, had better.
1. If it................ (snow) tomorrow, we............... (build) a snowman.
2. By this time next week, I...................... (complete) the report.
3. He always ...................(complain) about his job, but he never ...............(do) anything to change it.
4. I......................... (prefer) to stay home tonight, but my friends.......................... (want) to go out.
5. If they..................... (not leave) the house earlier, they .........................(miss) the train.
6. I........................ (not start) a new project until I.................... (finish) the current one.
7. You....................... (be) careful! You .......................(break) the vase.
8. She..................... (visit) her grandparents every summer, but this year she ....................(travel) to
a new country.
9. We.....................(have) a barbecue in the backyard if the weather...............(be) nice this weekend.
10. You....................(study) harder if you........................(want) to pass the exam.

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