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Full name: guerroumi moussa group: g75

Practice one
Task One: Which of the following aspects do you value the most in
a literary text? Discuss
Plot, enjoyment, the writer’s style, the turning point, characters’
attitudes and reactions
For me, all aspects are important, because any deficiency in them will
lead to a decrease in the value of the literary work, whether it is a
novel, a story, or the idea of the work
But I personally prefer the turning point to be in some artistic literary
work. Because the writer takes the reader to certain situations so that
you feel that you are in a different story, And suddenly he takes you
back to the main story.
Thus, you feel that the writer is manipulating the reader’s feelings in a
more effective and innovative way, which leads to less boredom and
more suspense.

Task Two: Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions.
1- The title of the text: Literature as Rebellion, Art, and Craft
2- The general idea of the text:
The significant role of literature in language learning, particularly for
those who may not have the opportunity to experience the target
language in real-life settings.
3- Match the headings with the paragraphs of the text (mention
the number of each paragraph):
People can enhance their writing skills and write literary works  (3§)

Literature is the mirror of society issues  (1§)

Literature is beneficial for improving language skills  (2§)

4- Find out in the text words/ phrases that are similar in meaning
to the following words
Genuine (1§) = Authentic
Fundamental (2§) =Substantial
5- Generate four separate sentences using these words:
 Immersing in local festivals helped me understand the intricate
expressions of their culture through lexical changes in everyday
 While learning a new language, pay close attention to the
specific lexical choices within different contexts to grasp the true
differents of cultural expression.
 The richness of a culture often shines through the subtle
variations in lexical choices depending on context, enriching the
expression of their traditions and values.
 Understanding the lexical context is crucial when interpreting
cultural expressions, as the same words can convey vastly
different meanings based on the setting.

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